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Cellphone Video Show Officers Shoot and Kill Suspect

artician says...

@ChaosEngine I understand wanting to give them the benefit of the doubt. It does sound unfair, but my outlook is colored by the multiple police officers I know personally who think, talk and act that way.
It's disgusting, but time and again I've seen exactly how the institution works inside, and I know too many guys who became cops because they "get to beat the shit out of people".
The people I'm speaking of are truly sociopathic masochists and assholes. It has always been primarily in urban areas (Sacramento, Oakland, LA), and the problem runs straight through the institution end-to-end.
I have police in my family, some of them are good people. I know that a lot of police are good people, so I'm sorry for being so bluntly blinded by my personal experience-turned-anger. When things like this happen so frequently, it really gets my ire up.

Ultimately you're right, a taser would have been slightly more appropriate. Talking would have gone a lot further in the realm of humanity though.

Cellphone Video Show Officers Shoot and Kill Suspect

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

VoodooV says...

Thug is the new code word for the n word.

They know they'll get in trouble if the actually say what they really want to say.

It used to be "urban" now it's thug

Stormsinger said:

Translation: It's just a black kid, why is everyone so upset?

Enter Pyongyang

RedSky says...

I also found it interesting they highlighted the Ryugyong Hotel (the huge pyramid building). It's been under construction for 25 years, largely halted since the Soviet Union collapsed and the slush fund train ended. While the exterior is done according to wikipedia, the interior is not and it's always be unoccupied.

China's metropolises feed a similar misconception. They are similarly impressive that it's easy to forget that the country as a whole is still very poor. China's GDP per capita is half of Brazil, a quarter of South Korea and a tenth that of the US.

While China is obviously not as repressive as NK, the hukou dual citizenship system has a similar effect of segregation rural and urban dwellers. While rural workers may be able to move to work in the cities, they will enjoy none of the social benefits and protections that local citizens do. This has a lot to do with China's disparity of income and accretion of wealth to the large cities.

dannym3141 said:

Sadly yes, that's where all the favourables live. If you win the genetic lottery in NK, you get to eat and be comfortable. The fact that it's so developed is the reason why the rest of the country is left to rot; it's the only part that gets any attention, the only part anyone would let you see.

Bill Nye: You Can’t Ignore Facts Forever

ChaosEngine says...

Please don't call them skeptics. They're not. Skepicism is the questioning of ideas or beliefs until presented with evidence that supports them, and it's a Good Thing(tm).

With climate change, there is overwhelming evidence to show that it's real, it's happening now and it's man made.

The people that don't accept it aren't skpetics, they're in denial. We don't call creationists "evolution skeptics", don't give AGW deniers a more elevated position.

Oh, and @A-Winston, you won't believe Nye because he's "only a mechanical engineer" (ignoring the 97% of actual climate scientists that agree with him) but you're perfectly happy to believe an author (someone who makes up stories for a living!) and whose book is full of

flawed or misleading presentations of Global Warming science exist in the book, including those on Arctic sea ice thinning, correction of land-based temperature measurements for the urban heat island effect, satellite vs. ground-based measurements of Earth's warming, and controversies over sea level rise estimates

newtboy said:

Yeah, except it's not "OMG Climate Change!", it's "OMG, Idiots and Liars!"
Skeptics simply don't (or can't) read scientific literature, that's why they're still skeptic.
Removing the disingenuous and the politically quasi-educated from the discussion is the only way to gain 'traction'.

Kayakers Have Up-Close Encounter with a Deer

bremnet says...

Exactly. Everybody knows that their dwindling populations.... er, nope, that's not it. Um, yeah, deer are known to avoid all urban areas and contact with humans... er, nope, that's not it either. They are very bitey. Yep, that must be why. Bitey. And then, carnivorous deer. Good God man, stop with the Doritos!!!

(Really - this earns a "moron"? Moron.)

CrushBug said:

Don't feed the wildlife you freaking moron.

Kickass Urban Skiing

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'JP Auclair, Urban, Skiing, British Columbia, BC' to 'JP Auclair, Urban, Skiing, British Columbia, BC, LCD Soundsystem' - edited by Trancecoach

This guy probably sleeps with his skiis on

This guy probably sleeps with his skiis on

TYT - Israel's devastation of Gaza

Confucius says...

Both of you are so angry and whip-ready with media regurgitated points that you fail to see whats in front of you. Israel may be winning the ground war but Palestine has won the Media war (for once....).

It is pretty obvious that nobody blames innocent civilians so lets just ignore that.

Hamas....and Isreal are both equally to blame. Both of you are so busy trying to point fingers because of a lopsided body count that you fail to realize that its not the 'equivalency of an equation' that's wrong.....its the fact that the equation exists at all that is wrong....and it does exist. Saying that it doesn't exists equates past present and future Israeli deaths to nothing.

if there were equal deaths on both sides then it would be okay? Of course not. It's the morons on both sides that keep picking at each other that are to blame. By pointing your finger at one side and declaring "you're worse" you legitimize and by default PROMOTE the other side. Unless you qualify your statement, which you didn't.

All you said was "Pro-Israeli Propgandists...braaahhh." Oh hey you could have mentioned that Hamas probably uses urban casualties as their own method of propaganda.

And Asmo you said "I guarantee you...there would be more Israelis swinging."


Hang the responsible and move on. The moment you say...told you there were more Israelis responsible is the moment the Israelis pick up the fight again or vice versa.

So yeah..I stand by my statement that it is the epitome of ignorance to promote either side in this. They are both (Hamas and Israeli elites) bloodthirsty morons and it doesn't matter whose at just needs to stop.

How to Rescue Ducklings from a Drain Pipe

maatc (Member Profile)

Mountain Biker Robbed

billpayer says...

Hello Racist

btw. Is this the poor white slum future you speak of ?

Ah hahahahah

White slums are the SAME as black.
Guess it's was NEVER a skin color thing... just a dumb poverty thing
But you probably can't understand that

btw. Most of Russia/Europe/USA is decaying urban concrete. wtf does that have to do with anything...
Please write more, your ignorance is very very funny

oh yeah... "vote against immigration ?" So South Africa, USA AND Australia should AND KICK OUT ALL THE WHITES, since THEY are the immigrants ??? You are soo dumb and probably from Germany/Holland/Switzerland or some other Nazi country

chilaxe said:

The reason South Africa has so much more wealth than it's neighbors is because European folks built it.

After they weren't in power anymore, the skyscrapers they built fell into decay, Detroit style.

Expect to see more of that as Whites become minorities in all of their nations (except Russia) in the coming decades.

People of all ancestries should vote against immigration if they like stable societies.

Surfing In Germany - In A River

Solar FREAKIN' Roadways!

aaronfr says...

According to the American Road and Transport Builders Association, the upfront costs of current construction are pretty significant already:

"Construct a new 2-lane undivided road – about $2-$3 million per mile in rural areas, about $3-5 million in urban areas.

Mill and resurface a 4-lane road – about $1.25 million per mile.

Expand an Interstate Highway from 4 lanes to 6 lanes – about $4 million per mile."

So really you'd have to look at the replacement costs of a technology like this rather than just assigning all those initial costs to the category of boondoggle.

But this really points to a larger issue that makes this question very hard to quantify and is actually addressed by the Solar Roadways people:

"For an accurate cost comparison between current systems and the Solar Roadways system, you'd have to combine the costs of current roads (including snow removal, line repainting, pothole repair, etc.), power plants (and the coal or nuclear material to run them), and power and data delivery systems (power poles and relay stations) to be comparable with the Solar Roadway system, which provides all three. So the comparison is more like an apple to a fruit basket."

One further interesting note from their website is that the numbers they used for electricity generation of the solar roadway system came out of their testing. In Northern Idaho. In the dead of winter. In other words, the worst possible conditions for solar panel systems.

Mikus_Aurelius said:

Energy cost nothing. How about the cost in dollars. Sure any solar panel will eventually pay for itself, so why isn't every surface in the world covered in them yet?

Common sense, combined with the fact that he never in 7 minutes makes any mention of the fixed upfront cost, leads me to believe that this would be the boondoggle to end all boondoggles. Hell, even just burying our utility wires underground is too expensive for any but the richest or densest cities.

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