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Levitation Fail

bovan says...

Levitation (from Latin levitas "lightness") is the process by which an object is
- suspended against gravity
- in a stable position
- without physical contact

I kinda like the definition of levitation... even though he fails on all points..

If you are to suspend yourself against gravity (all gravity).. You would no longer fall towards the earth, and as the earth moves you would simply continue on your on trajectory trough (and your corpse will fly out of) our solar system at roughly 100,000 km/h.

I'm sure if you do it inside, you might be able to stay on earth due to the surrounding walls, but you better hope there's noone around who wanna play a prank on "the floating guy who tries to pick up girls using magic tricks"... I mean.. once you establish how to have gravity not affect you, it might take some time to figure out how to reverse it..

I dont think this guy has learned to levitate, but if he ever figure it out, i'm sure The Hoff would do the right thing...

Apophis and You - Neil deGrasse Tyson

cybrbeast says...

Since 2006 we've know that there is almost no risk of this thing hitting us anymore:
"Additional observations of the trajectory of Apophis revealed the keyhole would likely be missed and on August 5, 2006 Apophis was lowered to a Level 0 on the Torino Scale. As of October 19, 2006, the impact probability for April 13, 2036, was calculated as 1 in 45,000. An additional impact date in 2037 was also identified; the impact probability for that encounter was calculated as 1 in 12.3 million."

Zero Coordination: The n00b effect

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^Jerykk:
Some of you are missing the point. He's not insulting games that have stories. He's insulting games that focus on story or cinematic values at the expense of gameplay (which is a growing trend). The fact is that games are getting dumber and less challenging by the second. The platforming in Assassin's Creed consisted of holding down one button. The platforming, puzzles and combat in the new Prince of Persia were all dumbed down and streamlined compared to the games in the Sands of Time trilogy. Genres with steep learning curves have been or are being phased out. Western RPGs and survival horror games are now more like action games. Shooters now have regenerating health, third-person cover systems, aim assist, trajectory indicators, invincible squadmates, etc.
The sad reality is that developers are focusing on accessibility over depth, challenge and longevity. Games are becoming increasingly automated and decreasingly interactive for the sake of "cinematic immersion." Anyone who's been playing games for a while (particularly on the PC) can see the downward spiral that gaming has taken.

To paraphrase: Gears of War

Zero Coordination: The n00b effect

14381 says...

Some of you are missing the point. He's not insulting games that have stories. He's insulting games that focus on story or cinematic values at the expense of gameplay (which is a growing trend). The fact is that games are getting dumber and less challenging by the second. The platforming in Assassin's Creed consisted of holding down one button. The platforming, puzzles and combat in the new Prince of Persia were all dumbed down and streamlined compared to the games in the Sands of Time trilogy. Genres with steep learning curves have been or are being phased out. Western RPGs and survival horror games are now more like action games. Shooters now have regenerating health, third-person cover systems, aim assist, trajectory indicators, invincible squadmates, etc.

The sad reality is that developers are focusing on accessibility over depth, challenge and longevity. Games are becoming increasingly automated and decreasingly interactive for the sake of "cinematic immersion." Anyone who's been playing games for a while (particularly on the PC) can see the downward spiral that gaming has taken.

Russians Take Their Shots From Across the Room

EDD says...

Ofiget' = crickey? LOL.

I'm fairly certain it's fake though. The trajectories seem off for most shots (0:21 - gravity wtf?) and the first office shot at 0:15 leaves a residual streaking line on the screen for half a second, which indicates video editing software, I guess.

And that's not taking air resistance breaking the uniformity of the water projectile into account, which would make most of these impossible (if you ever saw mythbusters shooting water in slow-mo, you'll know what I'm talking about).

Simulated Cockpit View - Hudson River Landing of Flight 1549

westy says...

it would not have to be 100% spot on to archive an acuret enough simulation for a pilot to be able to learn from it.

the majority of it the plan is skimming on the water so currents would not affect the landing, i can almost garentee you could aply curent simulatoin with some half assed water physics and it would very much do the job enoughf to train with. when landing on water the pilot is NOT constantly interacting with the water the same way a driver is road ore a pilot is with the air. it could be handeled very much the same way that a virtual plane handles when its landing gear are in operation and it lands on ground only the response would be more soggy and some new movement characteristics would take place due to the water Eventual clasping the body.

the most important skill in landing on water is the initial trajectory before water contact is actually made i believe by the time the water is actively affecting the controls there is not that much that a pilot can do other than maby afect roll of the plane stoping wings hiting water.

so pilot just needs to practice the appropriate angle and soft decent that would Yalow for the plane to not bery the engines ore wing tips into the water causing the plane to rip apart.

thanks to this crash we now have a model of a way to land one of these planes on flat water in certain wind conditions, so i exspect to see this in flight sims soon as well as destructible buildings.

MKV - Multiple Kill Vehicle - Lockheed Martin

Dash says...

>> ^Zor:
>> ^Dash:
^ Seeing as it operates outside of the atmosphere, noise probably isn't a major concern

The video gives the impression it is space based, but the fact that they are running a 1g hover test as well as its small size suggest otherwise. It looks like an alternative to rapid air support, basically. I'm sure Janes has something on it.

It's an ICBM interceptor. This hover test demonstrates the ability of the carrier vehicle to translate orthogonally to it's flight path in order to achieve an intercept trajectory.

Real-time Satellites in Google Earth

zdonk says...

Looks crowded. I wonder how many crash into each other. Do you have check in with NASA to put one up there? So they can plot you a trajectory that doesn't collided with any of the 13,000 others?

Ahmadinejad on the History of Israel and Threats of Force

thinker247 says...

If he wants to wipe the Jews from the face of the Earth, why hasn't he started with the thousands of Jews that live in Iran?

Israel offered those Jews money to move to either California or Israel, and the Persian Jews refused, calling it an obvious political tactic.

And notice in the video he says, "Death to Israel," not "Death to Jews."


Petty Tyrant, allowed to run free and fuck his people in the ass.
Wants power and control according to his twisted view of empire, which includes wiping all suspected terrorists from the face of the earth, not unlike the square mustachioed fuckstick, of recent history.

Do you really see Bush that way? Because I do.

>> ^choggie:
I can.
Petty Tyrant, allowed to run free and fuck his people in the ass.
Wants power and control according to his twisted view of empire, which includes wiping all Jews from the face of the earth, not unlike the square mustachioed fuckstick, of recent history..
Kill this piece of human garbage quickly-if we don't Israel will.....excise the cancer, from the host, before it becomes aggressive and unstoppable....
Oh but wait....part of the deal Bush and his ilk made with the oil sheiks, was this phase of geopolitical abortion, that this is their time, to run free, in the name of peace, unity, acceptance and tolerance of another's religions, customs, and fucking sick programs.....forest for the trees folks, forest for the trees......Who lets a cocksucker like this run a country into oblivion???.....Find these fuckers and destroy their bloodlines......

the so-called "good points" thinker, are part of any successful propagandist's rhetoric.....appeals to everyone, very effective, especially with an undereducated and subservient populace.....
Strap Hackmenhandjob to a nice missile, and launch his stupid ass onnit, trajectory: Dead Sea.

Ahmadinejad on the History of Israel and Threats of Force

choggie says...

I can.
Petty Tyrant, allowed to run free and fuck his people in the ass.
Wants power and control according to his twisted view of empire, which includes wiping all Jews from the face of the earth, not unlike the square mustachioed fuckstick, of recent history..
Kill this piece of human garbage quickly-if we don't Israel will.....excise the cancer, from the host, before it becomes aggressive and unstoppable....

Oh but wait....part of the deal Bush and his ilk made with the oil sheiks, was this phase of geopolitical abortion, that this is their time, to run free, in the name of peace, unity, acceptance and tolerance of another's religions, customs, and fucking sick programs.....forest for the trees folks, forest for the trees......Who lets a cocksucker like this run a country into oblivion???.....Find these fuckers and destroy their bloodlines......

the so-called "good points" thinker, are part of any successful propagandist's rhetoric.....appeals to everyone, very effective, especially with an undereducated and subservient populace.....

Strap Hackmenhandjob to a nice missile, and launch his stupid ass onnit, trajectory: Dead Sea.

"You just don't lead 'em as much."

MarineGunrock says...


For those that don't know, leading is the technique for shooting a moving target, wherein you aim in front of the target so that the bullet's trajectory and the target's trajectory meet after bullet travel time.

Airmen having fun with Zero Gravity on landing into Baghdad

cybrbeast says...

When airplanes simulate zero G's the crafts themselves do not have to be falling down vertically, they just have to be in a freefall trajectory, like the trajectory of a cannonball. This means the zero gravity environment can actually start while the plane is still flying upwards.
For low gravity they just stay slightly above the freefall trajectory.

Porsche crash - this cameraman has more balls than you

dannym3141 says...

>> ^roguewrx:
>> ^dannym3141:
I think the trajectory of the car was such that he thought he was perfectly safe. Not taking into account that the car could have twisted and slapped him off his perch was what put this guy in the manly man geographic.

I'd disagree. Nothing "perfectly safe" going on at any point in this video. You are at slight risk just watching it.
He stood his ground. He only had a couple of seconds to react, realized he wasn't going to be able to move far anyway, and kept filming. He's a pro.

Hence the word "thought". Indicating thought on the part of the cameraman. As in, he "thought" he was safe. That's where he thinks he's safe. Only past tense. Thought. Get it?

Ok, it's fun to think he's just got king kong's testicles dangling twix those legs, but that's what i really think it was

Porsche crash - this cameraman has more balls than you

rogueWRX says...

>> ^dannym3141:
I think the trajectory of the car was such that he thought he was perfectly safe. Not taking into account that the car could have twisted and slapped him off his perch was what put this guy in the manly man geographic.

I'd disagree. Nothing "perfectly safe" going on at any point in this video. You are at slight risk just watching it.

He stood his ground. He only had a couple of seconds to react, realized he wasn't going to be able to move far anyway, and kept filming. He's a pro.

Porsche crash - this cameraman has more balls than you

dannym3141 says...

I think the trajectory of the car was such that he thought he was perfectly safe. Not taking into account that the car could have twisted and slapped him off his perch was what put this guy in the manly man geographic.

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