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Super effective torpedo splits a destroyer into two pieces

siftbot says...

Tags changed from "torpedo, destroyer, navy" to "torpedo, destroyer, navy, military porn" by gold star member sometimes.

Super effective torpedo splits a destroyer into two pieces

xxovercastxx says...

sirex is correct... Somewhere along the line they discovered that you can do a lot more damage by detonating the torpedo below the ship instead of striking the ship directly. The ship flexes upwards from the shockwave and then downwards as the cavity is filled, usually cracking in two in the process. Here is the Wikipedia article on the torpedo used in this video.

The first time i saw this effect was in the intro video to Sub Command a few years ago. It used to give me chills to watch it.

Super effective torpedo splits a destroyer into two pieces

Raveni says...

Empire is right, that is a frigate that was reclassified as a "destroyer escort". It was destroyed by one standard Mk-48 torpedo. It is designed to explode under the keel of the target ship, but I'm pretty sure it's the explosive shock that breaks it, not the ship "falling" into the void.

Super effective torpedo splits a destroyer into two pieces

Super effective torpedo splits a destroyer into two pieces

Super effective torpedo splits a destroyer into two pieces

djsunkid says...


That's top 15, i bet.

OK, am i the only one thinking this?

TEAM ROCKET wants to fight!




But, it failed!


Critical hit!

TORPEDO was super-effective!

Enemy DESTROYER fainted!


But maybe I just played too much pokemon back in the day.

The Truth Behind the Destruction of the Death Star

ReverendTed says...

I knew it! No hokey farm boy who learned combat maneuvers plinking womp rats on some desolate backwater planet like Tatooine could have pulled off a shot like that.
What I'm surprised they haven't mentioned though is the "second shooter" theory that is rapidly gaining notoriety as people are gaining access to all the evidence. Review of holographic recordings of the event clearly demonstrates a second pair of proton torpedoes launched from a data archival tower near the exhaust port. Clearly, these torpedoes launched from aboard the Death Star itself are the ones that caused its ultimate destruction! Conspiracy!

The Truth Behind the Destruction of the Death Star

The Truth Behind the Destruction of the Death Star

Das Boot (1981)

bigbikeman says...

Also, just thought I'd mention that I've always been nagged by part of this scene:
Would a U boat skipper really have spent a torpedo to hit a ship that was already foundering? Was that just artistic license or might there have been some practical motivation for using a scarce and precious resource to hit an already destroyed ship?

Three Cheers for Sift Staff (Sift Talk Post)

Total Eclipse of the Heart On Kitchen Appliances

Torpedo misfires (Language NSFW)

Torpedo Fails to Launch

Battlestar Galactica vs. Star Wars

joedirt says...

Omg, the Enterprise has some shuttles... would the shields hold up to Galactica's two turreted main guns which can take on a Basestar in salvo mode? Or a squadron of Vipers equipted with two MEC-A6 30mm Thraxon forward-firing 'kinetic energy weapons' or eight HD-70 Lightning Javelin missiles??

The original Galactica had laser turrets and anti-ship missle which could destroy two Baseships and defensive flak which would stop any photon torpedoes. And has survived multiple nukes. Plus the size difference..

The only thing that would get smoked is the shields-up button. (Ok, this is a parody..)

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