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Zawash (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Today the defense was intimidated by a silent, unobtrusive Jesse Jackson and begged the court to remove the scary black man. The judge refused, as he said he would.
Awaiting your kindergarten level of misunderstanding and dismissal because you don’t like facts…like before when you said….

” That being said The prosecutor job is to paint the defendant in negative light.
These are not facts.
Again you push false truth.”

Again, it’s the defense being overtly racist and fearful of calm black men who aren’t disruptive one whit….just like his human hunting clients.

newtboy said:

Bob, it’s on video. Unedited video (unlike the kind your sources produce to create faux outrage), so not the kind you would believe. Facts aren’t for the right anyway, no wonder you can never identify them.

The defense attorney (not the prosecutor) argued in court on video that allowing another calm, silent, black pastor to sit with the family was equivalent to having the courtroom packed with white Colonel Sanders masked men.

Here’s news coverage..Starts around :24

Again, you dismiss fact because it’s not far right propaganda, but you believe Italian space lasers can change paper ballots through multiple layers of buildings and containers, that vaccines have mind control nanobots that are going to make you vote Democrat, but still want to congratulate Trump for getting them produced (even though he had nothing to do with producing them), you believe covid was an attack by China (that Trump failed to respond to even though it’s killed 3/4 of a million Americans), you probably believe eating babies grants eternal youth, I know for certain you don’t contradict those who do, you even believe Trump won an election!

Again, as usual, you just deny the truth any time it’s unpleasant for you. So sad, little man.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Interesting tact….in the Arbery case, where three white men decided to hunt and murder an unarmed black jogger trying to escape their murderous racist human hunt…and I’m positive you stand with the killers…the defense has complained that the family shouldn’t be allowed to have any BLACK pastors sit with them…alleging they already had Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or whoever that black pastor was (holy shit, buddy)…then saying having their black pastor with them was like if the court was filled with men in white robes wearing Colonel Sanders masks.
Not a good argument when your clients are accused of a racist murder.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

Sounds like just over a week earlier he went without his gun, and told people he was upset he didn’t have it to shoot them with. Next trip he brought it and shot 3. That’s not self defense, it’s a planned human hunt.

No one threatened to beat him before he pointed his gun at them.
No one threatened to beat him in his home state that he left, illegally armed and looking for trouble.
He says the unarmed guy he shot in the head threatened to beat him up if he caught him alone, so clearly being scared of that threat and taking it seriously, he left his friends and followed his victim for blocks, alone, I can only guess hoping to get beaten up….or hunting the guy who disrespected him. You choose, either way, shooting was a choice based on a situation he intentionally put himself in. That’s murder 1.

bobknight33 said:

He was put into harms way the the thugs.

You just upset because he defended himself.

Guess you wanted him to be beaten to a pulp.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

No, he put himself in harms way by crossing state lines and playing cop and being violently aggressive and threatening towards the “thug”, following him, threatening him, brandishing rifles and pointing them at him…”thugs” an odd thing to call them since he was definitely being intentionally thuggish himself. He went there to play dirty cop with a rifle.

I’m upset because he travelled with weapons he couldn’t legally have in order to intentionally hunt the unarmed person he then murdered (or some other person, I don’t think it was personal), and is claiming he’s the victim.

No, I think all people with functioning brains want him to have never gone to another state to play thuggish untrained cop looking for targets to exercise his non existent authority over with illegal deadly weapons he’s not trained to properly use, because someone getting shot unnecessarily is an easily foreseeable consequence of doing that.

bobknight33 said:

He was put into harms way the the thugs.

You just upset because he defended himself.

Guess you wanted him to be beaten to a pulp.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

Nice, way to not answer the question, as usual. Instead you pretend Rosenbalm followed and menaced Rittenhouse, even though every shred of evidence including the location of the shooting and statement from Rittenhouse say the opposite. It’s ok, we know you think it’s ok to hunt certain groups of people. You don’t have to say it publicly.

Rittenhouse first chased/followed him for blocks from the parking lot he “guarded”, armed, brandishing his weapon and pointing it at Rosenbaum. When Rosenbaum stopped retreating, Rittenhouse shot him in the head.

In his testimony, McGinniss said that as Rosenbaum lunged, Rittenhouse “kind of dodged around” with his weapon and then leveled the gun and fired.

Binger repeatedly tried to get McGinniss to say Rosenbaum was not “lunging” but “falling” when he was shot, as McGinniss said in a media interview days after the shooting,
McGinniss said: “He was lunging, falling. I would use those as synonymous terms in this situation because basically, you know, he threw his momentum towards the weapon.”
So, his unbiased testimony is the unarmed victim was lunging for the weapon after being shot in the head….not falling….or they’re the same thing.

bobknight33 said:

Lets see,
This guy got shot when he pointed his gut at Rit

1 guy got shot after hitting him with skateboard and tried to pull the guy away
The other guy said to Rit and his fried that he was going to kill them earlier. When he had the opportunity he chased Rit down and Rit defended himself.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

So, Bob. What about the victim’s right to defend themself from an armed aggressor who had followed them for blocks and was confronting him with weapon cocked and at the ready? He should have shot Rittenhouse in the head when he allegedly pointed, but didn’t shoot his gun, right? That would have solved everything, no charges to be brought, no lawsuit for pedonazi’s parents, no harm, no foul, right? Pure self defense, not even a need to report it, right?

Rittenhouse hunted him for blocks. Chasing him down with an assault rifle as the victim retreated. Then murdered him when he stopped running away. Just want it on the record, you think that’s fine, as is shooting anyone who tries to stop you from leaving the scene of a murder you just committed. Go on. Say it. It’s fine to hunt and kill people you don’t like.
Now…is it fine if the shooter is black and the victim is a baby faced white Republican boy? Pretty sure I know the real answer already.

Trumpist crowds are dangerous and criminal. If they need to get shot up by liberals who get scared by their aggressiveness….. self defense! Aim for the head, guys, and claim you tried a non deadly area to shoot. There’s nothing up there to hurt.

bobknight33 said:


Prosecution's Main Witness ( victim) Admits Kyle Rittenhouse Acted in Self-Defense

Having a illegally owned a gun and self defense are 2 different crimes

as else mentioned" Evidence wise though, it looks like self defense, after breaking many laws and putting himself in harms way, is still factually part of the night.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

Absolutely not, IMO.
It’s not self defense if you hunt your victim, he did.
It’s not self defense if the people you shoot were not armed. You can’t use a gun in defense from a fist. He did.

It’s not self defense if you hear a pop (no shot was fired AT Rittenhouse, if the defense is to be believed, someone else shot into the air to get the gun toting aggressor to leave and stop threatening everyone with death). Rittenhouse had no idea if he heard a gun, firecracker, or plastic bag being popped.

It’s not self defense if you murder people trying to escape from the first murder you committed in public, the second and third victims were preforming legal citizens arrests on an armed, aggressive murderer attempting to flee the scene of his crimes.

What he did is 100% not self defense, if that idiotic defense works, it’s open season. All anyone has to do is say they had to shoot up that preschool, those kids were coming right for them….SHOOT EM NED!!

Hypothetical scenario….I had to shoot your family….I broke into your house because I thought you might do drugs in there, and I’m, on my own accord, protecting your town from drug users even though I have no authority, and when you yelled at me in your bedroom doorway and threw a clock it was scary, so I shot your wife and shot you in the dick and chest, then your kids came out screaming at me and one threw a doll, so I shot them too, then left without reporting any of it, and fled the state immediately. Self defense. Almost exactly the same thing.

If a jury accepts self defense in these circumstances, they are not impartial.
If a jury accepts a self defense claim, the next Trump rally is going to be a blood bath, and the attackers will claim self defense.
If a jury accepts a self defense claim, it will send a clear message that hunting humans for pleasure will be legal in the US, because that’s exactly what he did.

bcglorf said:

All true, and all things he hopefully is being tried for and will be found guilty of.

If you look at the nytimes breakdown of the video evidence though, it looks very possible his self defense argument gets him off of murder charges:

In the first shooting, they document some one else(not rittenhouse) firing a handgun before Rittenhouse fires. As that first shot is fired, someone lunges towards Rittenhouse, who then fires at them.

Now, everything you've pointed out already makes Rittenhouse guilty of putting himself in a bad situation, and already having broken multiple laws. Still, under the circumstances, you have entire crowds of folks all breaking curfew, at least one other random person in the area firing a handgun, and someone lunging at an armed Rittenhouse.

There's a lot of terrible, stupid things all going on at once here. Evidence wise though, it looks like self defense, after breaking many laws and putting himself in harms way, is still factually part of the night.

I hope he gets a lot of jail time for all the laws he did break, but am not holding my breath on an impartial jury rejecting the self defense angle base on the nytimes footage,

Bulldog Has Incredible Reaction To Actress In Trouble

newtboy says...

It’s equivalent to giving a monitor lizard a mouse, or a giant snake a rabbit. Have you ever seen large reptiles being fed?

A grown person could feed a large raptor for days, longer if it’s cold. The idea that dinosaurs only ate other large dinosaurs comes from Hollywood, not paleontologists or animal behaviorists. Smaller prey is both less dangerous and much easier to digest. Carrion is even better.

My monitor, nearly 4 ft long, preferred multiple mice to a rat, and hunted small anole lizards too….now that’s like hunting a cracker crumb, and it loved to do it.

P.S. Jurassic Park dinosaurs preferred to eat old male lawyers over blond females.

bareboards2 said:

So these giant lizards that require a great deal of calories to sustain themselves....

Are totally focused on what is not even a big appetizer? Expending all that energy for is basically a cracker?

Humans are so egocentric. Nature is out to get me! Especially if I am blonde and female.

Jurassic Park had the same logic, which annoyed me too.

PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Nonsense. Pre industrial agriculture wasn’t very damaging in most cases…and when it was it was on a minuscule scale compared to industrial agriculture.
Pre industrial building wasn’t excessively environmentally damaging in most cases, certainly not to the point where it endangered the planet or it’s atmosphere.

It's utterly ridiculous hyperbole to say we have to be cavemen to not destroy our environment. We don't even have to revert to pre industrial methods, we just have to be responsible with our actions and lower the population massively. With minor exceptions, pre industrial farming caused little to no permanent damage, and it was almost all easily repairable damage. (With a few exceptions like Rapa Nui that may not have been over farming but cultural damage, we aren't exactly certain what happened there).

I eat berries now, don't you? I grow raspberries, blackberries, black raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and Tay berries myself. People would be healthier if they ate berries, and they're tasty too. What?!

Yes, around 7 billion need to die (without procreating first). Better than all 9 billion.

There’s a huge difference between being occasionally deadly and so insanely toxic we destroy our own planet in under 200 years to the point where our own existence is seriously threatened.
Edit: toxicity levels matter as much as exposure levels. Cavemen impacted their environment at levels well below sustainability (mostly….the idea they killed the mammoths or mastodons off by hunting is, I believe, a myth….natural environmental changes seem much more likely to be the major influence in their extinction.). Per capita, modern humans have a much larger, more detrimental footprint than premodern humans, exponentially larger….and there’s like a hundred thousand times as many of us (or more) too. We need to reverse both those trends drastically if we are to survive long term.

Yes, progress includes risk, but risk can be managed, minimized, and not taken when it’s a risk of total destruction. We totally ignore risk if there’s profit involved.

This is a night time comedy show, not a science class. I think you expect WAY too much. It points out that there is a problem, it doesn’t have the time, or the audience to delve into the intricate chemical processes involved in the manufacture, use, and disposal of them. It touched on them, and more importantly pointed out how they’ve been flushed into the environment Willy nilly by almost everyone who manufacturers with them.

vil said:

By that logic, Newt, its back to caves and eating berries for everyone. And 7 billion people need to die to make planet Earth sustainable.

Everything civilization does is toxic in some way. Even living in caves was deadly, ask the Mammoths.

I like how youre taking everything responsibly but in this case you might be lumping too many things into one problem. If we strive for any progress at all we have to take risks.

Maybe the consensus will be that we cant handle the production problems and need to ban the poly stuff, but this video was not the compelling analysis that would even push me in that direction.

School board doesn't realize a trick was played

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwwwaaaaahahahahaaaaa….as if you know the “truth”!?! I guess you forgot, you said truth and facts are for liberals. Conservatives have no use for either. Remember you said if the truth might hurt you, only a moron would be truthful, even under oath (defending Trump blatantly lying under oath to congress). When you gleefully supported lying even under oath, even from the person holding the highest, most powerful position on earth, you have abandoned truth and honesty completely.

….so. You’re giving up on the dishonest stupidity you’ve been trying to sell for 8+ months, that it was really all left wing ANTIFA and BLM activists posing as Trumptards (which would mean Trump’s rally was a massive failure because he didn’t have ANY supporters in the crowd?). You’ve finally decided to admit reality and try another tact, that it wasn’t criminal, just people voicing displeasure?! Jesus Christ, you will just say any stupid thing to avoid responsibility, won’t you. Trump taught you well (to ignore reality and spout insanity).

They attempted to voice their displeasure by violently overthrowing the government and murdering any representatives they disagreed with or police that tried to stop them you anti American traitor.

Thousands breached the walls with plans to hunt down and murder any representatives not fully on board with ignoring the election for Trump…up to and including Pence, who they erected a functioning gallows for.

Those caught aiding in the violent, deadly coup should be shot dead for treason, every single one who went one foot past the barriers, so anyone on the grounds…that’s over 10000 you traitor. Trespassing, a minor property infraction, is not what they did. They murdered and permanently disabled police as a group, both felonies. They intentionally did millions in damages to public property, felonies. They disrupted the function of the government, a felony. They attempted to murder multiple representatives as part of an attempted overthrow of the duly elected government, not just felonies but violent terroristic treason that calls for the death penalty. They should face a firing squad or worse, every one of them that crossed the barrier line is a traitor to America and a part of the deadly failed coup. Those that actually entered the building should first be stripped of citizenship, then they should be painfully and publicly executed in cruel ways (non citizens, no constitutional protections) and their estates all forfeit to the state in restitution. Their families should just be deported and stripped of citizenship.

Oh…so now you admit multiple Trump groups PLANNED a coup….but you’re going to pretend it was only 40 people?! Insane illogical utter bullshit. There were over 10 Trump supporting groups that coordinated the well planned attack, each with hundreds of members.

You are lying again though, they had specific written plans, pre determined targets to kill, specific items to steal or destroy, maps to their targets, broadcast updates on the location of targets, and a loudly and repeatedly articulated goal of stopping the certification of the election in order to install or retain Trump’s position despite the election results. Your “sources” are apologists that also think a trespassing ticket is appropriate but the same people who think supporting BLM should put people in prison for years, and marching with them should be a death penalty…people like you. Not having a good plan for your deadly violent coup doesn’t mean you didn’t try to overthrow the government, it just means you people are all dumb shits who couldn’t properly plan a birthday party for a 4 year old without adult help.

The prosecutors have been a major let down. This was a mob attack, everyone there should be charged with murdering a police officer, they were all part of that murder and the other 50+ attempted murders of police. To be consistent, they only need to file charges against the 10000 that went along with the 40 (and in reality there is mountains of evidence that there are hundreds that planned the attack, including Trump and his minions in congress that actively helped the terrorists during the attempted coup.) Those charges should clearly be treason and murder of a policeman at a minimum for anyone there. Anyone beyond the barriers was part of that mob, and knew it. Not one should ever see daylight again. Put one in front of me, they won’t.

I call for true patriots to find, publicly identify, and drive all these traitorous terrorists out of the country or 6 ft under. They are going to attack again, these minor tickets for attempting to overthrow the US government are invitations to try again. Only burning the terrorist’s houses and businesses and violent ostracism driving them and their families out of the country (I hear Afghanistan needs more people) might dissuade them from trying again.

To paraphrase you…if they didn’t want to be charged with treason and executed they should have complied with the police orders.

So…were you there Bob? You’re such a tool I know you wanted to be, but I suspect you’re too much a coward to walk the walk, you just talk the talk.

bobknight33 said:

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.
Jan 6 was much to do about nothing except a large group of people wished to voice their displeasure of the government.

Few actually wanted to breach the walls but even so didn't have a plan past that. So yo have a few who breached and many many just followed for a look ... Those who got caught should face their crime of trespassing.

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.

Boston Cop Brags About Driving Through Crowd

moonsammy says...

Here's the thing: if average citizens didn't have guns, I'd be right pissed if the cops carried them.

I can't speak for the whole of whatever the fuck you think "liberals" encompasses, but here's my take on guns & cops: the constitution allows for guns within well-regulated militias. It was just worded really, really poorly. I mean, read 2A - it's practically authentic frontier gibberish. But the words "well-regulated militia" are definitely in there. And it makes sense - they were trying to secure a bold new type of governance. They needed to be able to defend that, and there was no immediate plan for a standing army. So local, reasonably well-supplied militias, which weren't a bunch of bumblefucks shooting at whatever whenever, were a pretty real need. Where we're at *now* with guns is so fucking far from what the founders could've possibly conceived, that to think they'd approve of it is absurd. I mean, maybe a few of them (they were quite the diverse bunch of white male landowners, in all sincerity), but those with solid military experience likely would've been horrified.

Having said that, it's fantasy-land nonsense to think the prospect of completely eliminating recreational guns in the US in the near term is viable. Hunting armaments will (and perhaps should) remain common for a long while, so be it. I see handguns and non-hunting long arms (or those that are excessive for it) as of significant negative value to society, they can all fuck right off into a metal recycling center or the armory of a well-regulated militia. Perhaps keep some at firing ranges for recreational target practice, with competent professional supervision, and with reasonable regulations in place.

Cops should have firearms in their armory, up until such time as we're living in a Star Trek-like utopia of blissful peace. Humans are largely cool, but some of us are dangerous fucksticks. Have cops pull guns for calls that seem like they'll be needed, and rely on less-lethal options as much as possible. Oh, and stop using the less-lethal options as fucking compliance-obtaining shortcuts. Don't fucking tase or use chemical spray when it isn't needed, they're not for the cops' convenience but to avoid more severe harms from occurring. Officer Friendly should be the order of the day, and any substantial deviation from that should be met with termination and arrest, with consequences no less severe than a non-police citizen would see. No more bad apples, no spoiled bunch.

Hey, thanks for the rant opportunity! Us liberals need to practice our high horsing from time to time. And just like God, we all love you. You specifically, you goddamn sexy hater.

TangledThorns said:

Yet liberals believe only the police should have guns.

How robots could end animal captivity in zoos & marine parks

newtboy says...

I'm so on board.
Real life Jurassic Park without the danger the robots might escape and breed.
Also, the opportunity for real ballers to buy a saber tooth tiger to roam around at parties off leash! Woo hoo!
I wanna ride a mastodon.
They could even replace big game hunting, just make them capable of reacting to being shot and boom, time hunts.
*quality possibilities to explore

Digitalfiend said:

@7:06 this is what I wanted to hear...yes please.

Land of Mine Trailer

newtboy says...

Thanks…I like to think what I cook up is entertaining, even when the menu doesn’t appeal.

Not kill kill kill, but definitely a lack of sympathy if it happened to some. I have no sympathy or tolerance for nazis and fascists, and I don’t see a thing wrong with that. Their atrocities at the time were unfathomable, and the youngsters could be more zealous and hateful than the adults.
I also learned about WW2 at an early age, preschool or kindergarten, I had an uncle who fought on a mobile howitzer in almost every major battle in Europe after D day, and helped liberate one of the smaller concentration camps, I can’t recall which one off hand. I heard first hand about man’s inhumanity towards man in details too graphic for children.
It’s just my worthless opinion though, it’s not like I pass judgment at The Hague or hunt down aged nazi youths. Who cares if I don’t sympathize with one group of young soldiers’ plight from almost 80 years ago? War is hell for all involved, there’s just not enough empathy for everyone.
I think the Nazis earned my disdain, if I don’t give it to them they might try to earn it again!

Yep, I’m on the West coast, in the one spot not baking like an oven, Humboldt, Ca. coast. We’re having low 70’s but overcast. I could use some more sun and warmth.

Who was the nazi?
What are my choices? In what context?
With no criteria, there are so many to choose from… I think I’ll take Mengele for the block.

luxintenebris said:

rather thought some of the ribs were delicious.

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