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Krupo (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Actually I detected the sarcasm too, but right now I can't laugh about the violence, even sarcastically. That's all I meant. To me it's like laughing at the bungled government response to Hurricane Katrina victims right after the devastation.

Now I know it's not a cardinal sin, and I know Farhad is a good guy. My statement was merely a reflection of how gravely I view the current events emerging from the Middle East. Some will call me PC for it, but I don't care. I'm just expressing my point of view. No hard feelings intended toward Farhad.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
>> ^kronosposeidon:
>> ^Farhad2000:
It's funny how a small insignificant middle eastern state dictates the actions of one of the most powerful nations on earth.

It would be funny if it weren't for all the dead people because of it. Nothing personal, Farhad. I just don't find it hilarious. Ridiculous? Yes. It is indeed worthy of ridicule, in the sense that scorn should be heaped upon it. But not hilarious. Sorry if I come across as an anal grammarian. But I just can't get past all the pictures of dead bodies.

I think I detected a strong hint of sarcasm in Farhad's comment.

hueco_tanks (Member Profile)

doogle says...

Absolutely hilarious posting.
Thanks for sharing that!

In reply to this comment by hueco_tanks:
Not to take anything away from the joy of hearing Sarah Palin booed, but these people would boo... well... Santa.

•In 1999, fans jeered Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin as he lay on the field for 20 minutes, suffering from a neck injury that ended his career.

•That same year, fans threw D batteries at St. Louis Cardinals outfielder J.D. Drew, who held out for a year after the Phillies drafted him and eventually signed with the Cards instead.

•Matthew Scott, the only person in the United States to have received a hand transplant, was asked by the Phillies to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the team's home opener in 1999. The pitch, from his transplanted hand, dribbled over the plate. The fans booed.

•Eagles fans famously blasted Santa Claus with a shower of snowballs at halftime of a game as St. Nick circled helplessly around the field before stadium officials rescued him.


Sarah Palin Booed at Flyers Opener

hueco_tanks says...

Not to take anything away from the joy of hearing Sarah Palin booed, but these people would boo... well... Santa.

•In 1999, fans jeered Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin as he lay on the field for 20 minutes, suffering from a neck injury that ended his career.

•That same year, fans threw D batteries at St. Louis Cardinals outfielder J.D. Drew, who held out for a year after the Phillies drafted him and eventually signed with the Cards instead.

•Matthew Scott, the only person in the United States to have received a hand transplant, was asked by the Phillies to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the team's home opener in 1999. The pitch, from his transplanted hand, dribbled over the plate. The fans booed.

•Eagles fans famously blasted Santa Claus with a shower of snowballs at halftime of a game as St. Nick circled helplessly around the field before stadium officials rescued him.


Sarah Palin Fictional Quotes Generator v1.0 (Election Talk Post)

choggie says...

JoeBiden generator doesn't work, like Joe.....Obama is having a wax and his balls shaved, and could not be reached for proper grammar-

This just in, Republican whip Timmy Tonsils passes cum back and forth with Dem.Senator Ben Cardin, Marylands own, greased hog from Delaware......
Motherfucking inane shit the TV has folks think, and do, and say, and deem important or newsworthy, eh????........

Olbermann Analysis of Palin/Gibson Interview

quantumushroom says...

Seems ridiculous to pin "earmarks" on any one candidate or party.

Whether you admit it or not, "you" vote for the clown who promises to bring home the most (vote-buying) pork. It's a consequence of a federal leviathan, wasting money collecting monies it has no right to, then urinating it away on nonsense.

Drive-by media have already made it obvious they're all shilling for the Obamessiah, so Cardinal Gibson's wooden, clueless jabs mean nothing. He "lost" his adversarial interview and now the olbyloon countdown to no ratings can dig through the scraps.

In the name of the father, son and the holy microphone!

Celebrating Two Years of Non-linear Thinking (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

bluecliff says...

I second that motion!

The court rules as followed -

Motion to submit, denied.
Motion to suppress said material, accordingly, and with jurisprudence, approved.

All applicants shall be assailed forthwith, cum grano salis, lacrimae rerum...

hip-hip hurray!
Jolly good birthday choggie my son, with a side order of biscuits and gravy!

And now the cardinal shall bespeak the congregation...

(look above)

The website is down

dgandhi says...

The main problem with working IT seems to be that you are so distracted all you can do in game is grief.

It's not like he could have done much more to help. The collision of the cardinal sins of nonrebootable box and taking tech advice from sales coupled with incompetent colo staff, pretty much makes for a sit around and wait for the worst situation.

Downvoting regionally blocked videos (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

they have a lessor chance with me, and I am not in a region blocked-I down vote most, on accounta I can't stand Jon Stewart or Bill Maher's writers...nor do I particularly care for their delivery....but it mostly has to do with the aspect ratio and the horrible colors of their embeds...and the goddamn adverts....did I mention the so-called comedy relies on sophomoric sarcasm as a cardinal element??? It's old like moldy cardboard-

I am Legend: Alternative Ending

videosiftbannedme says...

I too prefer the theatrical over this one. Not saying I "liked" it, just preferred it. Here's why: Throughout the entire movie, the sub-humans, "infected", whatever you want to call them, showed no human traits. Then, all of a sudden at the end, they're going to show thought and compassion? I don't buy it. Having not read the book (and books are obviously ALWAYS infinitely better) I don't know which ending is more close to the written ending. But regardless, the theatrical stays more true to the rest of the movie.

I, too, also couldn't stand the CGI humans. When are 3D animators going to get the clue and realize that CGI needs to be there too enhance what is already shot? You don't build entire scenes around it. Now, had they done some true motion capture, stayed rigid to the rules, etc. with just a slight amount of computer graphic enhancement, the movie would have been a lot better.

Also, on a different but related side note. Will Smith's performance was especially fantastic; I would say almost TOO good. Here's my point: When he loses Sam, his acting was so good, it took me out of the movie, as I thought to myself, "Damn, he's a good actor." Which is the cardinal sin for a movie to do. I can say, however, that this was the first performance that ever did that to me. So again, kudos to Smith, even if it did pull me out.

Crackpot Ideas (Blog Entry by dag)

choggie says...

Inspired post.
Crackpot ideas come from many a bottle. Take Gurdjieff's thick-ass tome, "Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson" The prologue describes the setting in which he penned this epic-he had a nice little spot in the corner of a wine cellar. His bev of choice was Armagnac,(brandy) a French region and the oldest to distill-some cardinal back in the 12th century, had this extolation about this spirit's, many virtues...
"It makes disappear redness and burning of the eyes, and stops them from tearing; it cures hepatitis, sober consumption adhering. It cures gout, cankers and fistula by ingestion, restores the paralysed member by massage and heals wounds of the skin by application. It enlivens the spirit, partaken in moderation, recalls the past to memory, renders men joyous, preserves youth and retards senility. And when retained in the mouth, it loosens the tongue and emboldens the wit, if someone timid from time to time himself permits."-(wiki)

I like this new wino dag. Now yer an Okie, will wonders never cease?
-Brian d'Houston

You have China to thank for those cheap-ass slippery shoelaces, and everyone knows dinosaurs were hollow.

Chavez calls President Bush 'the devil' on UN assembly

Farhad2000 says...

Right let's be factual.

"Venezuela's parliament, dominated by supporters of President Hugo Chavez, has begun its final debate on proposed changes to the constitution. The changes would remove term limits for the presidency, and extend the term of office from six years to seven.

The assembly on Tuesday added 25 amendments to a previous 33 passed by Congress, including proposals to detain citizens without charge in emergencies. If passed, all the measures will be put to a popular referendum in December.

There are no opposition politicians in the Venezuelan National Assembly, since most of the anti-Chavez parties boycotted the last election in 2005. However, several members of parliament have questioned the way these late changes have been introduced, calling it constitutional fraud. "

Mr Chavez said the changes were "imperative to the revolution" and would help make the country more socialist. One of the most controversial amendments would allow the president sweeping powers during a state of emergency.

The international organisation Human Rights Watch has condemned this, saying under international law all countries have to guarantee certain freedoms at all times. "Recent Latin American history shows that it is precisely during states of emergency that countries need strong judicial protections to prevent abuse," said HRW Americas director, Jose Miguel Vivanco.

Also on Tuesday, a long-standing critic of the president, Roman Catholic Cardinal Rosalio Castillo Lara, died, aged 85. He had consistently spoken out against Mr Chavez, saying the president was increasingly authoritarian and "fundamental democratic principles [were] ignored or violated".

For his part, the president called Cardinal Castillo Lara "a hypocrite, bandit and devil with a cassock".

On August 15, 2007, Chavez called for an end to presidential term limits to extend his rule and consolidate a self-styled socialist revolution in Venezuela. He also proposed eliminating central bank autonomy, strengthening state expropriation powers and giving himself control over international reserves as part of an overhaul of Venezuela's constitution.

Appealing to the masses, then coercing that trust into fulfilling selfish aims is the mark of every dictator known to mankind. Am so tired of this endless drivel that Hugo Chavez is just a saintly person, nothing corrupts like power. The sweeping nationalist powers that Chavez would enjoy would allow him to claim any number of emergency states (e.g. foreign threats) to garner absolute power overnight. The Myth of Saint Chavez is already complete, the poor have rallied around him and will do as he wishes regardless what that could mean for V's future state of democracy.

Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

qruel says...

of interest

Over the course of the last year, George W. Bush has offered his personal congratulations to the 2007 Presidential Scholars, the Super Bowl-winning Indianapolis Colts, the 2007 Scripps Spelling Bee champion, the owner of the World Series-winning St. Louis Cardinals, the NBA champion Miami Heat, the Stanley Cup-winning Carolina Hurricanes and the NCAA champions from 21 universities.

So, a reporter asked deputy White House press secretary Tony Fratto today, will the president be calling Al Gore to congratulate him for winning the Nobel Peace Prize? Fratto's response: "I don't know of any plans to make calls to any of the winners at this point."

-- Tim Grieve -

The Trap throws a major fit!

legacy0100 says...


Reminds me of the time when Cardinals lost to Bears during 2006 when Cardinals coach Danny Green had a meltdown.

But I guess this is funnier because it's some old Italian dude trying to speak German.

Richard Dawkins "Stumped" an idiot

MINK says...

OMG, you people call yourselves tolerant and enlightened? But you attack anyone who believes in something outside science as if you are the Cardinals of Science or something! Listen to yourselves...

I actually pretty much agree with the point i THINK this guy was trying to make (even though he made it VERY badly)

First, he is talking about the ORIGIN. He believes there is an origin of all this, and he believes that and origin necessitates and originator. You can argue against that, sure, but believing it doesn't make you an idiot. We don't know either way, and by definition the alternative frameworks are incomparable and incompatible. He might believe in the Big Bang, but still ask the question "what pushed the button?" and your science has no answer. You say "there didn't need to be a button!" or what?

Secondly he seems to hint that his definition of God is "that mysterious thing which science might never explain and the english language cannot articulate"... he is saying "i don't believe that everything can be described by science, language and mathematics".

He doesn't deny evolution, he doesn't claim the world is flat, and he doesn't call Dawkins an idiot.

Dawkins, on the other hand, responds with all the gentlemanly enlightened wisdom of an ID proponent. Rolling his eyes? Yeah, good comeback.

Atheists are always saying "show me the proof of god's existence" which is the same as saying "There is but One Science and way of knowing things, and all shall obey the Holy Logic and think only one way for all eternity, for all other ways of Thinking are Evil and Retarded for ever and ever Amen"

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