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Anatomy of a nut not - Taking a tennis ball at 50MPH

jonny (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock says...

Odd. It wasn't there before... Well, if he makes any more of a trend out of it, I'll call attention to it.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
Look at it again - right after your brother and right before me. That's actually what really caught my attention, because you seem to almost always have your queue full. Then I looked at your queue and noticed you only had the one vid queued.

As for a talk post - I'm generally against airing this kind of stuff in public, particularly for a "first offense". (I know, this basically is public, but it's not quite a billboard.) That's partly why I was so vehemently opposed to quantumushroom's siftquisition. I didn't want to approach theneb just yet, at least until I had made some effort to figure out what was going on. The only thing I could see in common between us is we all downvoted the Achmed sift - maybe he's Jeff Dunham!

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Four? I'm not on there... But that should be looked into. Maybe you ought to post a ST...

In reply to this comment by jonny:
I wonder what the four of us have in common.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

jonny says...

Look at it again - right after your brother and right before me. That's actually what really caught my attention, because you seem to almost always have your queue full. Then I looked at your queue and noticed you only had the one vid queued.

As for a talk post - I'm generally against airing this kind of stuff in public, particularly for a "first offense". (I know, this basically is public, but it's not quite a billboard.) That's partly why I was so vehemently opposed to quantumushroom's siftquisition. I didn't want to approach theneb just yet, at least until I had made some effort to figure out what was going on. The only thing I could see in common between us is we all downvoted the Achmed sift - maybe he's Jeff Dunham!

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Four? I'm not on there... But that should be looked into. Maybe you ought to post a ST...

In reply to this comment by jonny:
I wonder what the four of us have in common.

Sports Science Study: The Low Blow

How About This, Is This In?

spoco2 says...

Indeed a commercial, and there's nothing to suggest the story is real either, although I'm sure Roddick loves that it continues to be believed.

Just think about how hard it would be to get ANYTHING into a clay court, let alone a tennis ball.

From Sports Illustrated 2003:
"Awhile back, a commercial featured Andy Roddick serving on red clay. When he served, the ball stuck on the clay in the service box. Please confirm for me that this was fake, and help me set a simple-minded friend straight.
--James, Champaign, Ill.

It was indeed fake. I once asked Roddick how they filmed it and he wouldn't give the details up. "

And from the Google thread posted by Zifnab, the page from the agency that created the ad:

Awesome homemade LandWalker robot

Playing tennis with baseball bats.

Unlock Your Car Using A Tennis Ball

It's Not Easy Being a Referee

Krupo says...

OOOOH, that tennis ball int eh head had to be brutal - perhaps worse than the boxer. Oooh 0- doubles. Sweet. Oh-ho-ho - ball * post. Even worse! Nice!

LOL, @rembar - amusing story.

Fatboy Slim: "Champion Sound" Video

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