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So close to a Darwin Award

how to make mac n cheese burgers

BoneRemake says...

It is just a stupid stupid stupid fuckin' idea.

Individually that might be great ! but this nonsense of using doughnuts, or this concoction as a burger bun is getting fairly stupid. The only reason I can figure they do this is for the marketing value.

Very Rare Triple Play

VidRoth says...

I can't recall ever seeing a grounder triple play with only one force out. Impressive stuff, especially the last throw (as the slo-mo shows). Why did the batter try for 2nd??? That was stupid stupid stupid.

Spitting Image - Stupid Conservative Voters

Spitting Image - Stupid Conservative Voters

Why Eating the Rich Will Leave Us All Hungry

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Downvoting because a) no one has ever suggested that we appropriate all of Exxon's money and put it towards paying off the debt and b) he is conflating the issues of debt and vast income disparity. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Not to mention highly dishonest.

>> ^Morganth:

Downvoting this because the facts don't line up with the narrative you want to hear?>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
This is stupid. OWS and the debt are two separate issues. Shame on for trying to conflate the two, Bill Whittle (whoever you are).

How much would you pay for the universe?

messenger says...

Upvote for a scientist spouting irrelevancies and illogic like a religious apologist.

He first refers to the 1958 Space Act like its directives are gospel that everyone just accepts.

Then all the rest of it is either:

  • meaningless ("You know, at some point, you gotta look up"; "They're the ones that make tomorrow come"; "Heroes are made"),
  • unverifiable ("We have known that those nations who make those investments lead the world."),
  • xenephobic ("I see the most powerful particle accelerators in some other country, the fastest trains are built by Germany and are running in China right now"), or
  • wrong and illogical ("Teachers come and go, 'cause I go to the next grade."). Seriously? He's knocking teachers because they only teach you for one year? WTF!!!!

    And he finishes the the biggest logical turd, "How much would you pay for the Universe?", as if NASA is going to go to UniverseMart and buy it, or as if the Chinese are going to buy it then we can't have it. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    Maybe NASA is a worthy institution to support, but none of this is an appeal to logic. My guess is he was speaking in a red state and was purposefully appealing to emotion only, trying to tap into their religious fervour.

SAT More accurately measures wealth

messenger says...

I have a feeling that deep down I agree with you on the fundamentals of this issue, but not with those words. The poor are no less likely to be academically inclined, (and by inclined, I mean, have a natural affinity or aptitude for it). They'll have less opportunity and probably less encouragement from their family and friends and so there's less chance they'll succeed or even try, but they'll have no less inclination.

Standardized tests mostly test a student's ability to take standardized tests, which, ironically, after their SATs, they'll probably never have to do again in their lives. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

So wait, I think that is a round about way of saying you still agree with me (as the poor are less likely to be academically inclined in the same way they are less likely to take SAT prep-courses)!
I actually tested higher in the English portion than the maths, and I KNOW I am much stronger in maths than englishesss'ses

Would You Give Up The Internet For 1 Million Dollars?

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^messenger:
Stupid stupid stupid. By this logic, I'm infinitely wealthy because I'd never part with my legs. Never. Not for any amount of money. So that means I'm infinitely wealthy, right? If so, I can buy the whole planet. Because I like my legs.
Things aren't worth what you would accept not to use them again. They're worth what someone else would pay you for them. Nobody is going to pay me $20,000,000 for my internet connection for life, so it's not worth that much.

No one will pay 20 mil for my children, but when those fuckers all come into my room and smother me with their faces this morning for some reason, even the babby, those kisses are priceless and I feel rich.

I think wealthy-ish nations are RICH-rich BECAUSE their goods are affordable--mostly because they fuck over poor countries with trade wars.

And the reason I think this way? I think that the internet and cheaply made goods make us rich versus those people who go through life with their ribs showing through their bare chests. Or those without running water. Or those without cheap-ish medicine.

Yes, the speaker is a douche with a line to sell, and no I am not buying it. However, the thoughts in my own head are my own.

Would You Give Up The Internet For 1 Million Dollars?

messenger says...

Stupid stupid stupid. By this logic, I'm infinitely wealthy because I'd never part with my legs. Never. Not for any amount of money. So that means I'm infinitely wealthy, right? If so, I can buy the whole planet. Because I like my legs.

Things aren't worth what you would accept not to use them again. They're worth what someone else would pay you for them. Nobody is going to pay me $20,000,000 for my internet connection for life, so it's not worth that much.

How Would Jesus Vote? And why CNN is the new FOX

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Jon Stewart Interview with Diane Ravitch on Education

dystopianfuturetoday says...

@RedSky. Poverty and parental involvement are two of the biggest factors in student achievement. By implementing merit pay, teachers in rich neighborhoods would be rewarded; teachers in poor neighborhoods would be punished. This would serve as further disincentive for educators to teach in low income areas, and there are already plenty of disincentives to teaching in low income areas as it is. Merit pay would effectively punish teachers with the hardest jobs. Schools that don't perform well need more money, not less. It's not so much a 'dirty' idea, as much as it is a stupid, stupid, stupid idea.

Imagine if law enforcement had merit pay. Cops in high crime areas would get the least pay, and those who work in small towns and wealthy enclaves would get big bucks for sitting on their asses. Thus, the best cops would have a disincentive to work in areas where they are needed the most. This would be stupid, right? Imagine if firefighters had merit pay. It would serve as disincentive for firefighters to take jobs in dry brushy areas. Stupid.

Can you see how flawed this argument is?

NCLB was an abject failure. Obama's plan isn't any better. Look at the numbers, there is no sea change here. The point of education is not the memorization of arbitrary facts. The point of education is learning how to learn; learning how to think critically; learning how to figure things out for yourself post graduation. It's like the old Chinese saying about giving a person a fish vs. teaching a person how to fish.

The main premise of "Waiting for Superman" is that public schools are bad, and that charter schools are great. The data doesn't bear this out, in spite of the fact that charter schools can be exclusive in their selection process and can shun kids who are poor, kids with bad grades, kids that speak English as a second language and kids that are mentally or physically disabled. 46% percent of charter schools show no improvement over public schools. 37% are worse. 17% are better. This is from the CREDO study by Stanford economist Margaret Raymond.

Also, you need not rely on 'instincts' when facts are readily available. Here's a fish:

One demerit for you.

How are schools exceptional? You didn't explain that in your comment.

Buying a Glock with THREE extended clips

bareboards2 says...

I just do not understand why anyone would defend these extended magazines. They have nothing to do with defense, and everything to do with killing people wholesale.

This black and white thinking is stupid, dangerous and leads to bad laws and bad public policy.

DICK CHENEY thinks these things should be outlawed. My father, who owns 25 guns, rifles and shotguns, who I have NEVER heard say one thing about restricting any firearms, was shocked that these magazines were available and thinks they should be restricted.

Why is there any discussion about this at all?

Stupid stupid stupid. Brain dead. Ignorant. I don't have enough words.

Jesse Ventura Body Slams Elizabeth Hasselbeck

spoco2 says...

My god she is insanely stupid and just laps up anything she's told from conservatives.

How can ANYONE with a straight face say 'Torture is wrong but "enhanced interrogation techniques are different"'? Really, are you THAT fricken stupid as to actually buy any of the renaming that politicians do on things like this....

Really scary that someone can be against 'torture' but ok with 'enhanced interrogation'... to be able to accept EXACTLY the same thing when just renamed is so incredibly dumb.

I won't 'Smack her across the face', I'll use 'enhanced point making techniques'.

Stupid, stupid, stupid woman.

Duke Nukem Forever Leaked Gameplay Demo Reel

spoco2 says...

Indeed, 3DRealms utterly deserved to close. Well, at the very least all of their management should have been fired and never let into managerial positions ever, ever again.

Truly pathetic management. They could have released DNF about 8 years ago, and if it hadn't been the best game in the entire world, it still would have made enough money to let them fund ANOTHER Duke game that could have been incrementally better... and then another etc. etc.

A steady bloody income stream, no need to NEVER release a self created game for 12 friggen years.

Just utterly, utterly pathetic.

For quite some time I thought it was almost fine that they were taking their time as long as they were financially sound and were going to get something out eventually, hell it's their dime, they can do what they want. But to have people spend THAT long on a product and then never have and end result that they can show on their Resume, never have people play the levels they spent so long on.


Having said that, I guarantee some company will pick up what there is of the game, finish it off in... like... 2 weeks, and sell it.

And it'll probably be pretty good.

And make THAT company some nice money.

Stupid, stupid, stupid management.

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