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Vaccines: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Is There an Alternative to Political Correctness?

Diogenes says...

I look at it in a simple way: words having meanings; people have motivations. A conversation has a context, and in your example the passerby isn't aware of that context. If she chooses to eavesdrop and feels offended, well, while I do feel sorry for's really not any of her business what you and your brother are conversing about. You might as well turn to her, give her a once-over and criticize her choice of pantsuit. She doesn't know you; she didn't ask for your opinion; and your retort probably made her upset.

Should people try to be aware of their surroundings and try not to say inappropriate things? Of course, but that's just common not commenting on a funky smell at a funeral visitation. Political correctness is fine if we all agree, but we usually don't. And therefore we get people who virtue signal over others because they refuse to kowtow to the newest linguistic fashion.

Now, I'm a fairly polite guy. I hold open doors, give up my seat, offer to carry heavy packages, smile, wave and nod greetings to many strangers, etc. Yet I still occasionally get someone who disagrees with my legitimate use of a term (as I understand its meaning). Generally, I still apologize...but I don't then re-evaluate my language ability. I'm not willing to let the connotations of words take on new, questionable-yet-popular meanings.

I've had a Native American friend laugh at me for asking what he preferred I say: redskin, indian, aboriginal, first people, etc. I've also asked a "retarded" person if they preferred if I said "intellectually challenged." He preferred retarded because...wait for it...he had a lot of trouble saying the other one. Now that's irony.

I think my heart's in the right place. I was taught to be polite, and I try to be at all times. But it gets under my skin to have a total stranger "chastise" me when they know nothing about me. Frankly, I find it more offensive to interrupt and belittle a stranger than it is to overhear some stranger's questionable utterance.

SDGundamX said:

Now let's assume this happens in a parking lot as we're standing outside my brother's car and a woman passing by overhears my comment and chastises me for equating stupid actions with people who have mental disabilities.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

newtboy says...

Yes, and she does "come here", then he lets her get on the bike without telling her not to. It didn't look like an escape attempt to me, but may have to them. That's not the point, the point is they didn't tell her to stay there when she turned around and went back "here". It's clear to me that her problem is being touched by strangers, and had they simply told her to sit, no one would have had to touch her, and things would not have escalated.

Detained is not under arrest, so you can't be charged with resisting detainment. Ignoring the police is totally fine until they give a lawful that doesn't end with "OK?".

Again, you're assuming she was trying to flee and not just being an OCD (ADD?) teenager trying to avoid being touched. That's how she appears to me, spoiled, trouble, disrespectful, yes, but also scared, troubled, confused, and under assault.

I do think they should stop her from fleeing, (if that's what she was trying to do) I just think they should start with "sit down" or "stay right there" before manhandling a child that's just been in an accident, especially if the contention is they are "detaining" her because she might need medical treatment. "Come here" is a command satisfied when she returns "there", it does not command her to stay anywhere, no matter how logical it is to infer that.

As a citizen, you do have the right to arrest her (which they should have done if they thought she was fleeing the scene, not just "detained" her) but you had better be able to totally justify any force you use to hold should the police. The force used must be reasonable, minimal, only what's required to prevent escape, and on par with the crime she's being detained for. They might have 1 out of 4 covered in part if they stretch it.

My issue is far more about the pepper spraying her for not moving her foot rather than the manhandling, but I do think both were wrong and more about disrespect and power trips than trying to calmly handle the accident. ONce she was handcuffed and in the car, she wasn't escaping anything, nor was she a threat to anyone. The pepper spray was totally out of line. The rest is just questionable to me and absolutely not how you make the community support you, but probably not illegal.

bcglorf said:

Come here is the very first thing the cop with the body can says to her. She responds with don't f'ing touch me, dodging back around him and trying to ride off on her bike. Officer then physically restrains and tells her she IS being detained. Pretty straight so far in support of the officer unless you think ignoring the police and resisting arrest is cool.

She had very good reason to be detained as from the only report so far, she was fleeing the scene of an accident. Whether she caused it or not, tracking down teenage girl on a bike isn't going to be easy without some manner of identification first. Maybe you and I disagree this fundamentally, but in the case of fleeing the scene of an accident, not only do I think police should physically prevent that, I believe private citizens should have the right as well.

Why Do Americans Smile So Much?

StukaFox says...

In France -- Paris especially -- smiling at a stranger is seen as a sign of idiocy or senility. That said, some of the warmest smiles I saw on my trip to Europe were from French people in Lyon responding to my own smile.

Then again, maybe they just felt sorry for the senile, idiotic American.

Why Do Americans Smile So Much?

ulysses1904 says...

When I worked at Pfizer there was an interview with a Russian scientist on the internal website, after she had been working at our site for a few years. And that was one thing she commented on that took her by surprise, how strangers in the hallway would smile at her. She said it took some getting used to.

blackfox42 (Member Profile)

oblio70 (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Can't say I understood all this.

And thanks for sharing.

Give the kid a noogie from a stranger, will you?

oblio70 said:

...there is a small, ignorant, selfish part of me loudly screaming "FINALLY!" over the easy emotions of this. As a father to a CHD child, I am intimately aware of the extreme complications (outside of the medical ones) such a development presents to a family...maybe let that sink in a bit.

So why do I hold such a callous response? Please believe that my heart is breaking for them even now, but the chance of seeing an opportunity to bring this issue bubble up to the front and ...
First, why is this even an issue beyond the Hospital to begin with, and what roles do those outside play in the outcomes? For me, this experience in my own life has been so devastating and yet I am unable to express what it was that happened and how I processed it, while wildly pointing and saying "like that".

I'm sorry...still processing it I guess.

Bill Maher - Elizabeth Warren Interview

newtboy says...

It seems that way, but that's only true for idiots that, as he said, would have voted for him if he blatantly murdered random strangers in the street. Under no circumstances would those people vote for Warren, even though they totally agree with her positions.

Normal, reasonable people, the kind that would vote for Warren, still consider many things as disquaifiers, including many things Trump has done in his first 100 days. We would have voted to impeach over the investigations of Trump and his campaign, and a vote of no confidence, halting any of his plans until the investigations are concluded, because he might be a foreign agent.

I think he won because the DNC chose a candidate that was 100% unacceptable to Republicans, or right learners, or centrists, or real progressives (and she personally blew it with pandering bullshit obfuscation like "I support $15 an hour,..................... but I don't support a $15 an hour minimum wage"), and totally screwed over and dismissed independents in the process, ensuring they wouldn't get the votes she needed.

L0cky said:

That's the great thing about Trump; he's set the trend that skeletons don't matter. I think if Warren runs, she'll bag it easily.

The problem with the Democrat run last time was dismissing Trump's support and why it existed. Warren sounds like she could use that to her advantage next time around.

Personally I think she could be the best potus in a long, long time.

Norsuelefantti (Member Profile)

Hybrid (Member Profile)

Have I been Trumped by Google? (Sift Talk Post)

iaui says...

I'm seeing this problem too. I tried to submit the Colbert riff on "Hey Stranger" and got the XSS issue as well. If it's really a Chrome bug it'll be fixed in the next version, I would assume.

Respect the lee shore and high winds

SFOGuy says...

Been doing some research; story gets stranger; that is apparently a well known racing boat on the Southern California seen. How odd. They should have known better. That might explain somethings though: No motor, that's added weight and no anchor to toss out while they are still in a salvageable if not comfortable situation outside the impact/breaker zone so they could sort stuff out.

Scary video for me; I respect the water.

bamdrew said:

This looks like one overconfident sailor who had planned to bring friends with modest sailing experience out for a day on the water and refused to let high, gusting winds hold him back.

They couldn't control the boat enough to keep the mainsail up in gusty winds, and if they had the boat would likely be leaning and flagging soo far over in choppy seas that the passengers would be right to be scared of the boom taking one of them out. It doesn't look like there is an outboard motor, so I guess they somehow got out of the slip and away from docks on just the jib, then hit the real wind gusts.

And now the video starts with mainsail down and getting in the way, jib not fully up but providing some pull, and that pull being lost to waves and poor steering. The sailor is messing with lines up front while the tiller is manned by someone who is waaay out of their element, and who begins to just jack-knife the thing from 0:20 onwards, halting all forward momentum. I don't want to come down on that person too hard, because none of them should have been out there that day, and the sailor should have been manning the till or at least yelling very specific orders at the top of his lungs well before the situation got this bad. No idea why they don't have an outboard motor, maybe they lost it. If its a rental, that rental agency should not have let them go out there.

(grammar edits)

Hi Stranger

Late Show Wins The 'Hi Stranger' Challenge

Late Show Wins The 'Hi Stranger' Challenge

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