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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wrong on ALL counts, as usual Bobski.

Trump: pleaded guilty to fraud involving his fake school stealing from "students" before the election, found guilty of charity fraud last month and forced to pay millions back to veterans he stole from/defrauded....Also undeniably guilty of multiple finance and tax evasion charges, but being shielded by Barr until he's out of office

Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort: Sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for financial crimes and lying to Mueller

Konstantin Kilimnik: Charged with obstruction of justice during the Manafort investigation

Trump confidant Roger Stone: Convicted of lying to Congress tampering with a witness and obstructing the 2017 congressional investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn: Pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about his contacts with Russia on Trump's behalf

Former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates: Pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about Trump

Former Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen: Pleaded guilty to tax and bank charges, campaign finance violations and lying to Congress for Trump

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos:in January of 2017, Papadopoulos repeatedly lied about his contacts with Russian agents. He pleaded guilty

Alex van der Zwaan: Served 30 days in prison then deported for lying to investigators about Trump

Sam Patten: Pleaded guilty to failing to register as a foreign lobbyist in order to funnel foreign money to Trump's campaign

Bijan Kian and Skim Alptekin: Charged with conspiring to violate lobbying laws while working for Flynn

Those are just some convicted by Mueller for crimes after the election committed for Trump.

Please list all the convictions of research shows Republicans are convicted >91 times for every Democrat found guilty of crimes in office in the last 50 years.

Bobski, you claim to watch OAN, the fake news outlet that hires actual Kremlin agents to spread Russian propaganda that managed to out lie Fox, the inventors of fake news.


bobknight33 said:

Trump is not going anywhere for the next 5 years.

No guilty party is linked to Trump/ White House.. All were past crimes.

Quit Jizzing your shorts. You know the foul play and crimes are on the DNC side.

Adam Schiff's blunder of last 2 weeks was a pure gift to Trump.

Democrats are delusional and so you you. Watch more than the fake news.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

Simone Biles Debuts New Beam Dismount

The 7 Biggest Failures of Trumponomics

BSR says...

LOL, come on now, I've never called you names before. Sticks and stones.

So what is your answer to the problem?

I suspect you see the the problem but are at a loss for the answer. Seems you grow frustrated and angry because no one hears you.

I hear you. Your heart sent out an SOS. I'm on your side. I need your pen.

I think I will take that nap. Thanks. I would never give up on you. You are too valuable.

newtboy said:

You're being particularly dense this morning.

I offer you recent historical proof of murderous violent idiot racist Trumpists, wholeheartedly supported by Trump and his people (non racist idiots don't stand with and support idiot racists), you can't see it.
I give you explanatory lyrics that explain the mindset, you attribute them to me.

Then you offer nonsense....likely more lyrics. Should I dismissively attribute suspicion morphing to fearful hatred to you because you wrote it?

Take a nap and try again.

Prosecution of Julian Assange/Attack on Freedom of Speech

BSR says...

I'll interject.

I accept your challenge.

1) Do you believe love is all you need?

2) Are you aware who the undercover agents are?

3) What do you know about acting?

Can you crack this code?

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home*

GILLIAN: What you're hearing is recorded whale song. It is sung by the male. He'll sing anywhere from six to as long as thirty minutes, and then, start again. In the ocean, the other whales will pick up the song, and pass it on.

(Spock is seen swimming in the underwater tank)

GILLIAN: The songs change every year, but we still don't know what purpose they serve. Are they some kind of navigational signal? Could they be part of the mating ritual? Or is it pure communication beyond our comprehension? Frankly we just don't know.


Hey you, out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old
Can you feel me?
Hey you, standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles
Can you feel me?
Hey you, don't help them to bury the light
Don't give in without a fight
Hey you out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone
Would you touch me?
Hey you with you ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out
Would you touch me?
Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone?
Open your heart, I'm coming home*
But it was only fantasy
The wall was too high
As you can see
No matter how he tried
He could not break free
And the worms ate into his brain
Hey you, out there on the road
Always doing what you're told
Can you help me?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall
Breaking bottles in the hall
Can you help me?

Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall

Songwriters: Roger Waters

noims said:

1) Cheers for the interjection. I always appreciate a well-formed argument that challenges my beliefs.

2) I wasn't aware of the exposure of undercover agents.

3) ...and is designed to have - a chilling effect on the publishing of information that shows the state acting in what many would describe as an evil manner.

Student - D'Souza to convince him life starts at conception

newtboy says...

And you realize I say that as a man who lives in a country where men usually make these decisions for women without even basing their position in science or fact. I can only hope to insert some into the discussion about WHY it should be the incubator's choice of whether or not to be one...not some random group of guys, not the inhuman parasite, not some misinterpretation of stone age fables that say nothing on the subject, but the womb owner who should control the womb.

Yes, I got money out of them, but not for that.

BSR said:

And you realize you say that as a man who has no womb. You can only base your argument with science without having an incubator of your own.

I realize there are times when a woman can make a decision to abort as in rape but I also realize a woman may not abort in the case of rape.

I can't even imagine what it would feel like to be pregnant.

A decision I would not want to make. But I say that as a man.

For the record "Pro choice."

Leave it up to the incubator. After all, she's the one that has to live with her decision. The father is secondary. If she makes a decision you don't like, cowboy up. That's why you're the man. If she makes a decision she regrets, support her. That's why you're the man.

EDIT: newt's profile page.

I once threatened to sue my parents for depriving me of the bliss of non being through a willful and wanton act of conception.

BTW, did you get any money out of them?

Lenny - What Should Be/ What Is

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

When I die, I expect I'm going back to where I was before I was born....nowhere.

Obviously this "evidence" is not undeniable...I, and hundreds of millions....actually many billions deny it.

Religopolitical propaganda has no bearing on real life unless you make it. Christian scripture is political, compiled and edited by men with an agenda to make people more easily controlled. That is simply an undeniable historical fact.

You do realize that there are other "undeniable" scriptures from other religions that contradict your chosen dogma, right? You deny all of them, I just deny one more than you do.

I must be really special, because God has made no such thing evident, in fact he gave me the ability to reason which makes evident the fallacy of supernatural entities and powers and makes any creator totally unnecessary, superfluous, and infinitely unlikely.

It's reason that lets me see what "God" is....a tool for civil control and a soothing but baseless answer to the questions of the unknown.

I've told you many times, God is free to reveal himself at any time. He has not done so in any way shape or form, but his fans have offered mountains of proclaimed evidence that was all self referencing circular logic, stone age tribal nonsense, and fantasy fables, and nothing more. If he exists, it's his will to have me not believe. Plain and simple.
My heart is as opened to Jesus as anyone else....but he has to show up and work his way inside. So far he's a total no show, and I'm not holding a table reserved for anybody and pretending they're present. Mot has made more of a substantial showing than Yahweh...should I be serving him?

shinyblurry said:

Romans 10:9-10

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved

When you do that, believing that Jesus died for your sins, God will save you and make you a new person. You're good if you don't care where you are going after you die, if you leave it as you believe up to chance. Yet the evidence that God exists is undeniable, and the coming of His Son Jesus Christ was predicted by prophecies going back thousands of years. So you're not really leaving it up to chance because the scripture tells you that you have no excuse for ignorance.

Romans 1:18-20

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse

You would say, I am sure, that you haven't seen any evidence for God but the scripture says you have and you have suppressed the truth about it. I believe scripture and in our conversations I am sorry to say you are always poisoning the well of reasoned debate with mockery and ridicule. What is behind that is a heavy bias and angst which keeps you from seeing who God is. Being obstinate against the truth of Gods word is foolish. Why not give God the benefit of the doubt and at least ask Him to show you if what I have been telling you all of these years is true?

Lake Dunlap Dam Spillway Failure

TripTank 420 montage

The difference between water and beer

ChaosEngine says...

That’s just Budweiser. There’s actually some really good craft beer coming out of America these days (Stone, Ballast Point, Dogfish Head ... to name a few).

Payback said:

Nah, American beer and sex in a canoe are similar because they're both fucking close to water.

C'mon jump up

StukaFox says...

Good dog, Cujo! Also, you know that mutt drops a log the size of a baguette at least twice a day and it practically takes a snow shovel to fling it into the neighbor's yard.

I use to have a tragically retarded Cocker Spaniel (and, to note, there is no other variety of that breed) and it was like the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg, only with dogshit. At least three times a day, this golden-furred, floppy ear'd mongrel would scarf down a can of Alpo, a cup of kibble and whatever food was left lying on the table -- the same table the cat always got smacked for climbing on, but the dog ... ohhh, no! It's CUTE when the dog does it! -- then make a beeline to the back lawn where it'd crap Mt. Everest. I'd have to trudge out the the back yard, shovel in hand, while the guy next door shot me the stink-eye because he was tired of fishing dog turds out of his swimming pool every day during the summer. This task is odious enough, but it's a thousand times worse when you're stoned and it's a million degrees out and you'd much rather be floating on your waterbed listening to Dark Side of the Moon in headphones while blissful AC-cooled air wafts over your twice-weekly washed body and not fighting your way through a black fog of Horseflies to reach a 1:1 scale model of Mt. Doom made entirely of a too-quickly digested overpriced slurry of meat scraps and offal that the canners couldn't fob off on Mexico.

It might not have been as bad as all that, but in my hazy recollection, it was pretty darned close.

I'm not sure why I told you all this, to be perfectly honest, but I did. So there.

'Was that disruptive?': congressman "blasts" Trump official

newtboy says...

What he neglected to say, and would be important, is at 25% higher it is loud enough to cause permanent deafness, <50% higher, around 180, that's loud enough to kill a human. I wish he had asked the witness if he would sit for double the original volume, would that be disruptive? Now ask Trump.
16000 times louder....16000 times, when 2 times louder is well beyond the level that is deadly. Let that sink in. 8000 times louder than deadly. That's not only deafening for hundreds or thousands of miles in every direction (sound travels farther with less loss under water), it's undeniably deadly for miles....every time they ping nearly everything. That level of sonic energy can shatter stone, what would one expect it to do to a tissue paper thin swim bladder?

I am astonished they're still trying this tech after the outrage at the hundreds or thousands of dolphins and whales it killed early on, years ago.

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