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    Videos (72)     Sift Talk (2)     Blogs (8)     Comments (132)   

dag (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

rottenseed (Member Profile)

Sarzy (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

Fjnbk (Member Profile)

maatc (Member Profile)

Someone Shot The Snowman! Hes Bleeding Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

Someone Shot The Snowman! Hes Bleeding Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

Someone Shot The Snowman! Hes Bleeding Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

EIA and WTF (Eia Talk Post)

my15minutes says...

snowman. you do realize that you, yourself, have both an eia and a wtf clip, in your queue, right now? skydiving sift was bitchin' btw.

well, i've seen karaidl pruning many an eia tag away, for overuse. so, np there.

and, yeah. wtf is going to be at least a third of what people watch to watch, and pass around, so...

bleedingsnowman (Member Profile)

laura says...

Thanks for helping that vid make it to 200, snowman!
As for the cats and dogs (+others) it says:
"This group is for the dog and cat fancier, but other domesticated animals have found there way in and that is O.K. with us."
good point, though...are these dolphins domesticated? Nah, but whatever.

In reply to this comment by Bleedingsnowman:
I am proud to upvote this to 200. Although I don't know what it has to do with cats n' dogs.

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