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Police Militarization in Anaheim, CA

shagen454 says...

Why do we have so many police sympathizers here? It is obvious that this sort of conduct goes on ALL OF THE TIME and no one is doing anything about and in fact it is illegal. I present KILL PIGS as more of a slogan.

I am not anonymous here... many people here know my voice and my face. Some people know where I live! So, shut the fuck up and Fuck the pigs. If you don't agree then you do not have firsthand experience with the way America actually is, right fucking now.

I was confronted with this sort of totalitarianism many times. One time most colleges let students out to protest unjust wars and we were faced with militarized police, I was taking photographs and I was batoned. Who won in court? I FUCKING DID MOTHER FUCKERS. I can't even tell you the amount of brutality I saw to people who were not doing anything in an illegal situation that the militarized pig fucks put us in. It's a tactic they use to break up just political uprisings and they get away with. Wake the fuck up! This AMERICA not 'MERICA.

>> ^lantern53:

Why do I always have to be the adult here?
In a large city like Anaheim you undoubtedly need a permit to march, which these people probably did not have, so therefore the demonstration is unlawful, and highly irritating to the people who work for a living and have to drive back and forth to work, the store, the childcare, the doctor, etc.
And the cops have to deal with people who are anarchists or just drones, and it's hard to tell them apart, especially when they hide behind anonymous avatars and say things like "KILL PIGS".

Book of Mormon Opening Performance: 2012 Tony Awards

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

They tried that in communist Russia and it didn't work out very well

Fuck me, the idiot is right. Maybe we should unite the nation, nay the world, under the banner of Jesus? We'd need a slogan though. How about "God with us"? Yeah, that works. Then we could round up all those dodgy looking non-christians. Obviously we'd someway of easily identifying the though. Maybe an armband of some sort? Only thing is, once we've rounded them up what do with them? Can't have them hanging around, they'd only cause trouble. What would be needed is some kind of ultimate answer... a "final solution" if you will.

Now that I've invoked godwin, can we drop this crap and move on?

How Did Mitt Romney Get So Obscenely Rich?

Nebosuke says...

You're missing the point of this video. He never mentioned Democrats or Republicans. Reich, while he was Labor Secretary under Clinton, is currently part of Common Cause. As it slogan says, Holding Power Accountable. Similar to Lawrence Lessig and Change Congress / RootStrikers, they want to lessen the corporate influence on politics to bring it back to a government for the people. Reich is pointing out the flaws in legally allowing companies like Bain Capital to do what they do and profit excessively from it.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

All you really need to know is that its a Robert Reich video to know to throw it in the trash where it belongs. It is such a dumbed down, simplistic 'unnuanced' (to use a leftist term) interpretation. Aw - and he even uses cartoons.
I see a lot of pontification, and moralizing, and oh-so-much self-righteous indignation. This kind of business practice is perfectly legal, and it is engaged in by Democrats and liberals all the time, but somehow only Romney is to blame of course. :eyeroll: Typical. As usual, its an election year hit piece used to angry up the blood of the ignorant and the stupid.
You guys act like firing people is some sort of horrible thing that should never never never be done. I know leftists are blindingly ignorant and uninformed of how things are in the "real world" rather than thier fevered imaginations... But companies have to fire people all the time. In fact, if they don't fire people then they become bloated, cumbered, over-saturated dinosaurs that get annihilated by thier competitors. I notice that even the moronic Robert Reich freely admits that the process makes the business work better and more profitable. No one likes to be fired, but as the years go buy companies build up headcount, and as time goes on there are jobs that become obsolete, tasks that are redundant, and processes that are inefficient. Tightening the screws is healthy. It is how companies survive and thrive.
I myself was a casualty of a "downsizing" a few years ago. It happens. It isn't the end of the world. You brush up your resume, get out and hustle, and find a new job. Only in the tortured, idiotic mindset of a liberals does it make any sense that all jobs should be permenant and unending. Grow up people.


Boise_Lib says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

I am probably the only person on the sift whose immediate thought in response to this campaign slogan, "Forward," was " went to Punahou! 'Imua' is Kamehameha's slogan!"

I suspect you are correct. I had to look it up.


toferyu says...

just found out that "Fox News is now reporting that President Barack Obama’s just-released new campaign video that previews his new slogan, “Forward,” has “historical ties to Marxism, Socialism.”"

... but then again

"Forward is a leadership position in football, basketball, and rugby. The Forward is also a Jewish-American newspaper. Forward is also the name of several towns in Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Forward is also the name of a truck sold in the U.S. by Isuzu. And Forward is the name of an album recorded by American Idol semi-finalist Ayla Brown.

Interesting that Fox News and the Washington Times didn’t bother to make those sports, journalism, geographic, automotive, or musical references."

More here :


Trancecoach says...

I am probably the only person on the sift whose immediate thought in response to this campaign slogan, "Forward," was " went to Punahou! 'Imua' is Kamehameha's slogan!"

Porn Stars Against Santorum

The story of the "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster

Quboid says...

>> ^Reefie:

>> ^Jinx:
>> ^Reefie:
Ideal slogan for those who want to pretend their world is ideal.

Its not about pretending that your world is ideal, its about understanding that sometimes you can't control where the bombs land and all you can reasonably do is keep your head and try to keep living your life. "Panic and stop everything" doesn't exactly seem like sage advice. In fact, its the very opposite of what one could consider sage - a person of wisdom, who in the stoic sense does not allow destructive emotions to rule their decision making.

Okay first up we haven't had bombs dropped on us in over 65 years. Your reasoning might stand up if we were still subject to the terror of bombs landing on us every night, knowing that the following morning we could be missing friends and that everyone remaining would have the hollow gaunt look of someone who hasn't had a decent night's sleep in years.
Second, this was a propaganda poster. It was intended to encourage people to just accept what was happening around them and to get on with their lives regardless. Nowadays the media has popularised the same propaganda poster so as to encourage people to just ignore what's going on around them on this planet, to just accept it and carry on, don't let it get to us or otherwise we'll question why things are so bad to begin with.
I did not state the opposite should be encouraged. Why is it when someone posts something you disagree with that you immediately presume that person is encouraging the complete opposite? We're a lot more accommodating of varied viewpoints than you might be expecting!
PS If you're in a country where bombs are still being dropped on you regularly either by British or American troops then I can only apologise. Maybe, just maybe, that propaganda poster is helping people cope in such a country.

It's about continuing to do what you do best in difficult circumstances. There's nothing about pretending or accepting anything.

The story of the "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster

Reefie says...

>> ^Jinx:
>> ^Reefie:
Ideal slogan for those who want to pretend their world is ideal.

Its not about pretending that your world is ideal, its about understanding that sometimes you can't control where the bombs land and all you can reasonably do is keep your head and try to keep living your life. "Panic and stop everything" doesn't exactly seem like sage advice. In fact, its the very opposite of what one could consider sage - a person of wisdom, who in the stoic sense does not allow destructive emotions to rule their decision making.

Okay first up we haven't had bombs dropped on us in over 65 years. Your reasoning might stand up if we were still subject to the terror of bombs landing on us every night, knowing that the following morning we could be missing friends and that everyone remaining would have the hollow gaunt look of someone who hasn't had a decent night's sleep in years.

Second, this was a propaganda poster. It was intended to encourage people to just accept what was happening around them and to get on with their lives regardless. Nowadays the media has popularised the same propaganda poster so as to encourage people to just ignore what's going on around them on this planet, to just accept it and carry on, don't let it get to us or otherwise we'll question why things are so bad to begin with.

I did not state the opposite should be encouraged. Why is it when someone posts something you disagree with that you immediately presume that person is encouraging the complete opposite? We're a lot more accommodating of varied viewpoints than you might be expecting!

PS If you're in a country where bombs are still being dropped on you regularly either by British or American troops then I can only apologise. Maybe, just maybe, that propaganda poster is helping people cope in such a country.

The story of the "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster

Jinx says...

>> ^Reefie:

Ideal slogan for those who want to pretend their world is ideal.


Its not about pretending that your world is ideal, its about understanding that sometimes you can't control where the bombs land and all you can reasonably do is keep your head and try to keep living your life. "Panic and stop everything" doesn't exactly seem like sage advice. In fact, its the very opposite of what one could consider sage - a person of wisdom, who in the stoic sense does not allow destructive emotions to rule their decision making.

The story of the "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster

Anonymous Exposes Ron Paul

NetRunner says...

@GenjiKilpatrick I guess I should put this more bluntly, since you're just responding to me with slogans and talking points anyways. I don't want Ron Paul within a million miles of the Presidency. He is not even a slight match for me. He is a radical neo-Confederate psychopath.

The libertarian theory of governance is bunk. If all the government does is uphold absolute property rights, and enforce contract rights, then we don't all get more power, it means the wealthy people who own everything get more power, and the police just become their security guards.

The way I see it, nothing in this country will ever improve as long as this entire line of argument persists. The conversation we should be having is "what are the best government policies to move us forward" not this BS argument about whether government policies should exist at all.

Ron Paul exemplifies the worst aspects of the American right -- he whitewashes the past, and tries to bring old, failed, tyrannical, cruel policies from a century or more ago back to life, all the while trying to drape it in powdered wigs, the American flag, and cheese-covered freedom fries. But it's just snake oil. Hell, it's not just snake oil, it's fucking Soylent Green.

Have you ever looked at Ron Paul's personal copy of the Constitution? It's a cookbook! A cookbook!

Flying People/People Flying in New York City

rich_magnet says...

At first I thought Chronicle was the name of NY news rag that might have an internal slogan of "on a slow news day, make your own news". Then I realized it's a movie about flying high school kids. Lame. Neat videography in this viral advert, however.

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

kir_mokum says...

if repeating the same nonsensical slogan over and over again is "parrying objections" then i'm an intellectual juggernaut. she didn't "steer" the conversation, she put the parking brake on. it was like watching hitchens trying to convince a five year old to put her boots on. she might as well have resorted to saying things like "nuh-ugh", "i don't wanna", "whyyyyyyyy?", and "do we have to?".
>> ^longde:

On the contrary, she parried their objections, obfuscated, and steered the discussion quite well.

F--- YOU - How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over

ZappaDanMan says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Not the best TED.

That's because it's not really a TED talk. TEDx is an independently run event. She wouldn't get away with this at a real TED conference, because you aren't allowed to sell anything tangible in your talk, like a book.

People like Mel Robbins, Dr. Phil and their ilk mean well. The problem is that people rarely walk away from these self-help seminars, with anything they will able to use. You leave the talk with this fortune cookie wisdom, elevated adrenaline and a endorphin rush. However this wears off. You are then back to square one with the same problems and a wallet that is $200 lighter.

It's naive and simplistic to think that you can rid yourself of problems, with a slogan. Slogans that are ever so popular in western culture, that it's no wonder that these people have a cache of them, ready to disseminate at a seminar.

I have the impulse to down vote this video in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 .. damn I missed the 5 second rule. Sometimes practicing restraint and not acting on impulse, can be good.

Final thought: How she tried to distance herself from the other self-help charlatans (in the opening 3 minutes), was a touch of brilliance.

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