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kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

Comment of the Year (Sift Talk Post)

Abducted (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

Ello! Cheers for upvoting the skank vid I never thought would get through. Since doing that it attracted two more downvotes, woooo. That's four altogether, wonder how many more before they're done...

Spinning shot of scenster chicks making out... and why not!

Women on Pick Up Lines

Cop Tasers Uncooperative Driver

CaptainPlanet420 says...

Bill, I think we inadvertently set off a firestorm.

Fredquip, hello, my name is common sense, I don't think we've met. Here's to helping you so you don't end up getting tasered like this kid.

First, reread everything SC, MG and the chogster said. Then, realize a cop (should) always have the upper hand in any situation. When he laughed about how the kid wanted to be in control, its because the kid had no right to be. Your society flops when police don't have control. Now, let's think about if we bes a cop and junior batman starts the shifty eyes and shifty hands trick. Oh, I'm sure he's going to his pocket to give me a 20! Bwahahaha since you were nice, you just got shotted. Yes, I would prolly have handcuffed the skank as well, she refused police command multiple times, and you never know when she gets a gun from the glovebox--she's a woman and highly unstable. In review, my name is common sense and I'd advise being polite and arguing later, a judge prolly won't taser your whiny little behind. Look how much you made me write, wow never again.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

*FOOTAGE* of Kevin Smith Protesting Dogma

qruel says...

DAMNIT. this is the seconds video I couldn't post because my que was full. I need to just pay the dues and become a member so I can que more than 3 at a time. This one and the kids dress like skanks have gotten major hits and comments.
i saw kevin talk about this at one of his shows and was glad to finally see the footage from the news...although I didn't see any of the sparkles on the sign that he described in his show.

Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old Like a Skank

MINK says...

i remember when the spice girls were suddenly all over the media saying "girl power" and pretending to be anarchists or something. Shame they were managed by a man working for a mostly male record company run by a man. Shame that every 5 year old in england suddenly wanted to dress like a skank.

there's your feminism.

persephone, am I a "masculinist" then?
seems crazy that a movement which is about equality has such a polarised name, but anyways...

choggie (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

Well put...

In reply to this comment by choggie:
What you can do, legacy0100, and all you other Sodomite casualties of healthy imprint anemia, is take your emotionally bereft ideas, about what you imagine to be a solution to a generation of morons, marketing, and immorality, if you want to raise another human being who has a chance in paradise at self-actualization, is get rid of the goddamn television, get off yer exhausted, over-wraught asses, and stop using your children as an affectation, and actually RAISE them! Anyone can put kibbles in a bowl and pick up shit off the floor, most parents, genetic material distribution notwithstanding, don't have a fucking clue....

I didn't want to bring this up, but... (Sift Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

I like the system for it's ability to point me to comments that are hilarious, Like this one from GorgonHeap or this one from KronosPoseidon. If up and down voting is for opinions, great! But the confirmation dialog box ought to not say "inappropriate." We should still have one, so you don't accidentally mark it down, though.
But if we go that route, we would need a means of marking them inappropriate.

Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old Like a Skank

legacy0100 says...

They wouldn't be bought if kids didn't want them. But what can ya do?

That's what they see on TV every day. And it's on TV every day because that's what people demand to see. And you're probably one of those people who likes to watch sexy girls dancing and stuff. Just a few years ago it was looked down upon, but nowadays it's ENCOURAGED with the whole feminist movement. Yea, sure. Go women empowerment, express yourself by dressing up like a skank.

Rolf Eden (77) fights against discrimination and intolerance (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

absolute debauchery, corrupts this tabloid talk? I think so-whacky bastard...she should claim in court, that she was "Concerned your honor, that I may catch some mutated STD, from this hedon...I could have sworn I saw some mucosal rens, flowing in a steady drippety-drip, from a shriveled, half-mast, penis-like thing, between his puckered leather legs, and it frightened and disgusted me. I mean, he HAS had sex with many of the skanks I KNOW have been diagnosed HIV positive!!"

How is there even a court that will lower itself to.....oh wait, nvrmnd.

MC Hammer Teleprompter Blooper

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