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Team Work Shoveling

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^jonny:

>> ^robbersdog49:
I love stuff like this. In the "civilised" world we'd spend thousands on a machine to put those guys out of work.

While putting at least twice as many people to work building those machines.

I don't buy that argument at all. I'm betting the man hours it takes to build a machine are far less than the man hours it would save in use. If this wasn't the case we wouldn't use them.

Team Work Shoveling

Better than Skyrim: Snow shoveling first-person shooter!

conan says...

>> ^Mashiki:

>> ^Trout:
Thanks for that translation... even funnier.
I can't believe all the snow - on the street, pushed against the houses. Wonder where this was filmed?

Well somewhere over in europe this year, lot of places in central and eastern europe got hammered with snowfall though not much in cold canada this year, they can have our snow. Though last year it could have been in Ontario. Last winter we had places with 4-6m of snow on the ground in a 1 week period. And I spent more than a few weeks out with friends shoveling off roofs and trying to dig people out.

That somewhere in Europe in this case is Italy :-)

Better than Skyrim: Snow shoveling first-person shooter!

Mashiki says...

>> ^Trout:

Thanks for that translation... even funnier.
I can't believe all the snow - on the street, pushed against the houses. Wonder where this was filmed?

Well somewhere over in europe this year, lot of places in central and eastern europe got hammered with snowfall though not much in cold canada this year, they can have our snow. Though last year it could have been in Ontario. Last winter we had places with 4-6m of snow on the ground in a 1 week period. And I spent more than a few weeks out with friends shoveling off roofs and trying to dig people out.

Better than Skyrim: Snow shoveling first-person shooter!

oritteropo says...

The last few hurry-up's are funnier if you know what they mean:

Libera il vialetto - free the path!
Libera la macchina! - free the car!
Domani devi lavorare! - You have to work tomorrow!
Spala sul tetto - shovelling on the roof? (I think, not sure)

Just Out For A Walk With Their 42 Saint Bernards

My HERO!!!!

Asmo says...

Meanwhile, Mr. Bystander with the video camera sits and watches...

Big ups to the guy with the shovel but the camera guy/girl is an asshole... Call the fucking cops or something dickwad.

Big Oil’s Puppets Love Keystone XL

ghark says...

Ahh, I upvoted before realizing this was campaign rhetoric designed to attack the Republicans rather than outline the real issue - that both parties wanted the pipeline to go ahead:

47 House Democrats voted to require the administration to quickly act on the Keystone XL project, helping to pass the North American-Made Energy Security Act (H.R. 1938).

Nearly two dozen House Democrats wrote a letter to President Obama asking him to approve the Keystone XL project, saying it will “create 20,000 direct jobs, spur the creation of 118,000 spin-off jobs.” The Democrats note that several environmental reviews show “the Keystone XL Pipeline will have no significant impact on the environment.”

A bipartisan group of 14 Senators wrote a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in support of the Keystone project. The Senators said Keystone XL would “provide thousands of high-quality jobs for Americans and invest billions of private sector dollars in our nation's economy.”

Both of Montana’s Democratic Senators support the Keystone energy project, including Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) who said, “We need to put Montanans back to work and cannot afford further delays to the Keystone XL pipeline.”

“The Keystone pipeline will create Montana jobs,” said Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), “And it should not have to wait 14 months for an up-or-down decision…”

“I support the Keystone XL project,” said Rep. Mike Ross (D-AR). “You want to talk about shovel-ready projects, that’s one that’s shovel-ready,” reported Politico.

“I think the president’s wrong on this,” said Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D-CA) who is “inclined to vote for the GOP’s version of the payroll tax cut measure” because he supports both the payroll tax break extension and the Keystone XL jobs project, according to Politico.

“I probably would vote to accept the deal,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

“Rep. Gene Green (D-Texas) said he’s not swayed by Obama’s veiled veto pledge,” says Politico. “The Keystone is awfully important,” he said. The article highlights several other Democrats who support both the payroll tax break and the energy project.

These are from

Snowstorm Aftermath

Oil Lobby threatens Obama

ToastyBuffoon says...

I'm no expert when it comes to a global warming debate, but I've been on this Earth for well over 40 years and I'll be damned if I can tell you the last winter in the Detroit area I've been through where I have not once had to shovel snow up to this point in the season. I'll give you a hint: N-E-V-E-R. Something's going on, and it ain't no "tide goes in, tide goes out" bullshit.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^lantern53:
What's happened to our educational institutions?

Idiots like you aren't allowed in them.
Seriously lets look at the facts about the smartest mother fuckers on this planet. They know global warming is occurring.
Anyone who's smarter than Stephen Hawking please stand up and we'll listen to you. Otherwise, nah shut the fuck up.

Hamster Powered Submarine

Hamster Powered Submarine

Everything I Learned In Film School In Under 3 Minutes

therealblankman says...

>> ^Quboid:

>> ^ant:
Citizen Kane put me to sleep, Godfather was decent but not my type of flick, Star Wars movie was good, etc.

Citizen Kane was a chore, I only watched it because, well, people like this guy. I didn't notice anything special about it at all. I can only assume that the clever, innovative stuff it did has been repeated in every other movie I've seen so I'm accustomed to it. Maybe if I'd only seen pre-Kane movies before seeing it, it would blow my mind.

You've got it exactly right, after Citizen Kane movies were changed forever. The non-linear way the story was told had never been tried, and the camera and lighting were used in completely innovative ways. Hell, in one scene when Welles couldn't get the camera angle that he wanted he grabbed a pickaxe and shovel and dug a deep hole in the middle of the set in which to place the camera!

Truth is though, my favorite Orson Welles movie is "Touch of Evil" with Janet Leigh, Charlton Heston and Welles himself playing one of the most disgusting villains ever portrayed on film. The opening shot alone is a masterpiece, an uncut tracking and crane shot that goes for more than 3 minutes. Fantastic stuff.

Check out the opening scene here...

No director has ever surpassed this scene... Altman made a great effort in "The Player" and Scorsese came close in "Goodfellas", but still not quite.

Retroboy (Member Profile)

The RC Toy Every Man should have in his Garage

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