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Massive Alligator Crosses Golf course

Massive Alligator Crosses Golf course

Magicpants says...

I'm calling CGI on this one. The shadow from the alligator falls straight down, while the shadow from the man falls toward the camera.

Progressive Dems To Clinton: This Race isn't Over

Sepacore says...

Hillary is the most consistent liar and has most inconsistently held positions (flip-flop) in US candidate history. It doesn't take much time to research this with as few words such as "Clinton lies" or "Clinton fraud" on YouTube.

There's plenty of short video's of compilations &/or speeches pointing out her pathological lies for those who just can't be arsed spending too much time actually looking into the matter.

For those who genuinely give a shit (or say they do), there are well detailed documentaries going into scary detail of just how unreliable and empty her words are, and always have been, for the sole reason that she (proven time and time again) says whatever she thinks is 'opinion-poll' best at the time, regardless of what she's said yesterday or will say tomorrow.

I hope Bernie somehow wins it, as he's the only decent human as a candidate. Although Trump may not be an ideal option for many, some of his shit wouldn't fly and you at least get a reliable direction of his intent.

Hilary is a fraudulent, power hungry pathological liar lacking consistency, who has more experience and skill in shadow politics than any candidate of recent history.

How can so many refer to her as the lesser of 2 evils, when none of you legitimately know what her positions are, as even experts state it can't be known from what she's said or done.

Sounds more like some of you are prepared to vote out of prejudices against Reps. Blind loyalty is pretending you know what you're doing, when you don't really care about the issue.

Doom WASN'T 3D! - Digressing and Sidequesting

Jinx says...

I guess its a really long winded way of saying "these games don't have a z coordinate".

but yah, its all abstraction and illusion. Maybe in the future somebody will make a holovid about how the games of the early 21st didn't have lightning or shadows because they weren't ray-traced or something.

vil said:

Oh come on. Fairly informative and correct for the most part except for the title and main argument. Still, it is about Doom and binary partitions, so thats all OK.

Anything on a flat monitor is "just faking" 3D.

Yes, Doom levels could still be designed in plan view, but the in-game display of the floors, walls and ceilings is a very rudimentary, but definitely 3D, experience. Displayed objects have an obvious X, Y and Z coordinate. The Z coordinate was not used for aim (people had not got used to using a mouse for aim at that point) but it was used for display and movement.

Also forgot to complain about flat sprite monsters.

No Doom was not "computed like any other 2D game", or rather it partly was, but then on top of that it was displayed in 3D, which was a big deal back then. Yes, fake 3D, on a monitor, but definitely 3D.

Quake ran in plain VGA so the argument about 3D accelerators falls rather flat :-)


Everything Wrong With Star Wars:Ep. VII - The Force Awakens

X-Men - Color and Costumes

CrushBug says...

/internet high-five to @MilkmanDan for his comments.

The colors are critical for the comics, but for a movie it would have made no sense. I doubt that Wolverine is all stealthy, hiding in the shadows in his bright yellow outfit. That would have looked stupid in the movies.

Computer Nightmares, China USB hub kills PC by design

chaos4u says...

All you mac people are so snowed or blind or just desperately trying to justify your money being wasted on a inferior product.

any thing can be done faster on a proper pc (proper meaning it uses the latest processor memory ssd and graphics card)

but the trouble comes from people when they get on pc they get cheap and expect to do their video editing in virtual dub (not knocking vdub by the way)

or try and find some other video tool they can use for free . they wont buy a proper video editing software package nor will they buy proper software tools for their jobs . they try and use free alternatives or try and pirate the software.

but when they use mac they by the video editing software and the tools they need .

it is such bs, macs are weaker hardware weaker operating system and a weaker overall tool . but since people have invested so much money into them they unjustly justify there purchases by derailing the pc as a lesser platform.

when it is not true.

pcs, can have dedicated storage that outperforms and also stores more than any mac can dream of .

pcs can be all self contained no need for plethora of external drives hanging form 4 may be 3 or is it 2? soon to become one port hanging off your mac in a needless chain of wires.

pcs can have higher resolution and better monitors better user input, better configuration options, and backwards and forward compatibility with previous and next gen software.

but no, mac users over shadow this with the base argument that their $1500 mac is some how better than the $300 desktop they love comparing to .

but when it becomes price point vs hardware mac users have no ground to stand on as they are using , even in their newest machines 3+ year old hard ware and even on a refresh they are already 1 year behind in technology.

mac is nothing more than a placebo for those who failed at using windows computers .

they constantly compare a custom 1500 dollar computer with a locked in user experience to a 300 dollar walmart special with a completely open user experience and lament the windows based product as inferior.

when in actuality it is the mac that is the inferior product.

did you know that your $2000++ mac has a 5400 rpm hardrive in it configured to work with 128gb ssd in such a way that if either of the two fail your entire data set is trashed?

yeah ... thats a well built product .

Rocky Mountain High by John Denver in 1974

eric3579 says...

He was born in the summer of his 27th year
Coming home to a place he'd never been before
He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again
You might say he found a key for every door
When he first came to the mountains his life was far away
On the road and hanging by a song
But the string's already broken and he doesn't really care
It keeps changing fast and it don't last for long
But the Colorado rocky mountain high
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky
The shadow from the starlight is softer than a lullabye
Rocky mountain high (Colorado)
He climbed cathedral mountains, he saw silver clouds below
He saw everything as far as you can see
And they say that he got crazy once and he tried to touch the sun
And he lost a friend but kept his memory

Where are the cops when you need one?

Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine

Gravitational Waves Hit The Late Show

VoodooV (Member Profile)

VoodooV says...

You haven't addressed ANY of the complaints I registered. You haven't responded to the complaints about the racist videos, you haven't responded to the abuse of the ignore system for newtboy, and you seem intent on framing this as some sort of personal vendetta.

I also find it interesting that twice now when I've asked you to ban someone for racist behavior, the first words out of your mouth are you getting defensive that you don't share their views. I didn't ask you about *your* views. You doth protest too much, sir.

Perception is reality. If you do nothing about racist sifts, you can protest all you like, You can tell me that you MAY have talked to the offender, you can deflect and dodge all you want, but talk is cheap, and the implication will be that if you do nothing, then you must share those views.

Actually, no, racism is pretty black and white. You either view all humans as equals...or you don't. It's quite simple actually. The jury is actually in on this. Racism is not merely an opinion, It's bad mmkay? It's been in a few papers, you might have heard about it.

I already took a break from this site because you refused to do anything about Lantern and nothing has changed with the current racist du jour. It's clear that you've given up on this site and don't care about the community (except when an anniversary rolls around) as it is a mere shadow of its former self.

This is no longer a tenable situation for myself (and clearly for others who have already left the site because of your pattern of failures dealing with blankfist, chingalera, et al). Unlike you, I chose to act.

Please delete my account, effective immediately.

dag (Member Profile)

VoodooV says...

You haven't addressed ANY of the complaints I registered. You haven't responded to the complaints about the racist videos, you haven't responded to the abuse of the ignore system for newtboy, and you seem intent on framing this as some sort of personal vendetta.

I also find it interesting that twice now when I've asked you to ban someone for racist behavior, the first words out of your mouth are you getting defensive that you don't share their views. I didn't ask you about *your* views. You doth protest too much, sir.

Perception is reality. If you do nothing about racist sifts, you can protest all you like, You can tell me that you MAY have talked to the offender, you can deflect and dodge all you want, but talk is cheap, and the implication will be that if you do nothing, then you must share those views.

Actually, no, racism is pretty black and white. You either view all humans as equals...or you don't. It's quite simple actually. The jury is actually in on this. Racism is not merely an opinion, It's bad mmkay? It's been in a few papers, you might have heard about it.

I already took a break from this site because you refused to do anything about Lantern and nothing has changed with the current racist du jour. It's clear that you've given up on this site and don't care about the community (except when an anniversary rolls around) as it is a mere shadow of its former self.

This is no longer a tenable situation for myself (and clearly for others who have already left the site because of your pattern of failures dealing with blankfist, chingalera, et al). Unlike you, I chose to act.

Please delete my account, effective immediately.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I know you want this person banned, but it's not going to happen for now. Maybe I've even had private words with this person on the matter, but that's my job, and ... as angry as you might feel - my only counsel is to say that things are rarely black and white - and human behaviour is complex.

If this is one of those things that you just can't accept, perhaps it's time to take a break. I can understand that.

I'll keep tilting and windmills and enjoying the occasional sycophantic up vote.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump

cosmovitelli says...

GOP goes down = fine.
Trump compromises the US and forces the shadow government (NSA CIA Pentagon etc) to quietly change the rules to maintain order = end of the US as we know it.

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