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Bullying PSA

calvados says...

I was bullied for a long time, the root of the problem being that my parents told me it was not OK to fight back (Mom was that religious; Dad was a pacifist and also didn't like disagreeing with Mom). They told me to ignore the bullying (I'm getting hit and spit on, btw, which the folks knew), avoid the bullies (bullies, it turns out, will run all the way across a schoolyard to hit you some more), and tell the teacher (who did little, but then what could they do? I realize now that many of them were telling me, in code, to retaliate).

Anyway, the only thing that worked and I believe the only thing that does work against bullying (the physical kind, at least) is fighting back. I finally did -- I wish to God I hadn't taken so long to do it, but I really wanted to obey my parents -- and when that happened I stopped getting roughed up immediately. I didn't even hurt any of them that I know of, so it's not as if I made them scared or anything. Most of the other harassment, verbal etc., stopped too.

So anyway, novote, since much of the stuff this video prescribes at the end did sweet fuck-all for this guy. If I didn't think this vid would safely make it out of the queue without me, I'd probably up it in the name of raising awareness, but it'll do fine, so I stay my hand.

EDIT: Changed my mind; upvoting because of the discussion.

Kent Hovind is a fucktard

choggie says...

catchy hook......again, atheist fucktards, how much work for good can be done, by being the obnoxious schoolyard bully??? Yer all fucktards, preachy is the disease you all share.....atheist's most outspoken and memorable examples, I wouldn't be caught dead inna life raft 3 clicks form shore with.....oh and, Madeline Murray O'Hare???...she's in heaven

Young Preacher #2 - This kid has MOXIE !

Jumping kicks in MMA are generally a bad idea.

choggie says...

lol, huh looris.....fuck that!!-these bullshit no-holds barred, white-trash bumpkin fighting exhibitions are for high school kids who never left the schoolyard-voyeurism, spectacle, and crap-The larger fellow, blank-look dim-bulb fuck probly screwed the other redneck for life-Mob rules

The truth about Barack Obama - FoxNews too dumb to research

choggie says...

Finally, the voice of reason, on a threaded circle-jerk.....yes Johndoe.....yes we are!

How a bout a simple deconstruction:

1. Vid is posted, like a hatchet thrown at a practice-stump well-worn, of some bullshit concerning some media outlet, and some candidate for some office.

2. Up pop, the usual suspects, the supporters of dead-horse kicking, the party-line, this-ism, VS. that-ism, as meaningless a regurgitent as a Mc. Donald's jingle is to a musk ox.

3.The respondent who can't help but wag his finger in insult, or shake his head in "faux" pity, at the contributors most-likely to resemble the schoolyard bully's flavor-of-the-weak. (For the sake of being accused of ad-hom, let's call him Smugly Putforth.)

4.and finally, as the votes come flying in, from an anonymous peanut gallery of teens, queens, and lurking dweebs, because, to shout foul to a brick-wall, is much more stylish an activity than producing any real meaning or solutions rather than to play this game they have created for the monkey house, a lone voice pops in to remind most of the contributors, how fucking sophomoric and ineffectual they all are, or are becoming.

and more run-on sentences.....

Sandra Bernhard does Letterman

choggie says...

wish I could ban some of you guys from posting poo....

poo like anything from tha daily show or comedy network...poo like all the sites we link to, that have shitty display screens with blinking previews.....

Is it so hard realize that folks who don't read fine print, are easy victims??...I believe the worst part of the self-linkers, are that they don't come back to hash it out, take their likkins', and come back....some have, and they are great members......

Shit like this, ( Blatant self link...soo easy to *blog and *ban) and this (People, people, people. Read the rules, it's right there IN BIG RED CAPITAL LETTERS! it says DO NOT POST SELF-LINKS! Clear as day geez. ) sophomoric, tiresome, and not really needed , save for the egos and lack of inward reflection on the part of the posters..

choggie's couch is free....not really a couch either, more like a loverly maiden, whose innards are made of spikes pointing inward.

So, to sum up, making a spectacle of the foibles and shortcomings of others, is a schoolyard game....Save the ban parties, for the blatant spam promote, "look at me and/or my products" fuckers.......

Speed dating humiliation

MINK says...

"it's a good ad" mean because it ignores anything more complicated than getting laid and delivering entertainment?
yes, i agree with you there. it is a "good ad".
but it's still retarded. it only works if you don't turn your brain on.

"kinda rare on politics" you say... so you DO know what i am talking about.

politics was once about values, principles, policies, those kinds of things. Now it's about "who's the coolest party with funny ads"???

that's what i am talking about, sorry if you wanted me to be quiet instead, with my "opinions" and all.
i guess i should just stfu and vote for the kinds of things other people on the internet think are cool.

republicans and democrats both suck, i think they have proved that on many many occasions. now all they can do is make schoolyard jokes i guess.

Wow that's fubared

rembar says...

I feel shame, watching this video, that both the kids and the officers acted in this way.

The kids shouldn't have run. The officers shouldn't have reacted so violently, and should have taken control of the situation more assertively and positively from the start.

P.S. That wasn't a real chokehold you saw, that was a schoolyard-variety headlock with minimal pressure on the carotid arteries and windpipe, in other words no real choking/strangling action going on. Hell, the officer should have been better trained than that and used a real restraining hold.

Weird American Express Ad featuring M. Night Shyamalan

F*CK - Trailer

dotdude says...


A definitive look at the infamous expletive, FUCK explores how this oft-used word, still widely seen as obscene, somehow permeates every aspect of our culture - from Hollywood, to the schoolyard, to the Senate floor in Washington D.C., where it is at the very center of the ongoing debate on Free Speech.

Middle-Eastern reactions to 9/11

peretz says...

This is some of the more intelligent conversation that I've seen on VS since I started visiting the site. I have refrained from participating in most of the discussions because of the usual schoolyard nature of the banter. I can't help but to read most of the political discussion posts using the voices of Beavis and Butthead in my head.

You can disagree with people, even passionately, but still maintain a level of courteous discourse. I'm a little further right-wing than Moses, but I have several close friends that are almost as far left as Chomsky. Somehow we manage to have raging debates and keep smiles on our faces the whole time when we meet for coffee in Tel Aviv from time to time. Would be nice to see some of that develop here.

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