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BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

blankfist says...

A nebbish, soft-bodied British reporter peers behind the mysterious Scientology curtain to expose his own anger management issues. He returns a second time to save face. Will he succeed? More tonight on BBC.

How to annoy the police and get the biggest possible ticket

dannym3141 says...

Whilst i respect your right to an opinion, i think you're trying to save face.

He clearly tried to snatch the phone - like it or not, that's not legal. It sets a really bad example as well, because if police try to snatch something off you and they're not allowed to, how do you know next time if they're allowed to or not? If you resist, you can get into more trouble or potentially badly hurt - and this guy is promoting resistance by attempting to do things that he's not allowed to do.

Same goes for the order to turn the camera off.

You've spent a lot of time trying to show how you can mitigate what he did, but i refute you on all points, however i won't get into a wall of text. Being unsuccessful at your attempt to snatch a phone illegally or trick someone into doing something they don't have to may mitigate your actions in the view of the law (attempted murder, '..with intent', etc.) but it flat out does not change whether or not this officer is doing his job/harassing people/abusing his power, nor does it mitigate the ripple effect that his actions could have on anyone's future encounters with police.

Duke Nukem Forever - April 2010 Gameplay Video

videosiftbannedme says...

The only thing that kept me rooting for Duke was hopes that the multiplayer would rival the original game. Some of my fondest memories of deathmatch still come from Duke3D. I miss the wacky arsenal and multitudes of ways you had to kill your opponent. I want a really good deathmatch game again, not just the same ol' shootem up, with the same tired array of cliched weapons.

Regardless the outcome of the lawsuit, the only way Duke could save face now is if he came back as a zombie...because this franchise is deader than a doornail.

Maddow: They're Not Embarassed, Part 2

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

1. The health care plan as of today is a failure. Pull the bills that are currently in the House and Senate and toss them in the trash. They are hopelessly compromised with corruption. Until ALL versions of the Health Care bill are currently erased from the equation there is no reason for the GOP to lift a finger.

2. The GOP has already published (several times) their ideas. They have routinely and consistently been rejected by Obama. Obama keeps making vague, slippery dodges of this issue. "No economist I have talked to agrees with this approach..." Oh really? What economists? What were their names? When did you talk to them? What did they say, specifically? Who witnessed these alleged conversations? Sadly, Obama is a man who you have to apply this level of rigor to his statements. He 'claims' a ton of crap, and there is never any evidence to support it. The fact remains that the GOP has already supplied Obama with a very detailed plan. It's on their website right now. The GOP doesn't need to show up at another stupid Obama summit to go over it again.

3. Political stupidity to even offer the appearance of consultation with an administration as disingenous and full of lies & deception as Obama & the current congress. If the GOP goes the Democrats will claim (no matter what actually happens) that the Republicans agreed with everything they wanted. The Democrats want a few RINOs to show up so they can now claim the bill is 'bipartisan'. They may toss in one or two concessions, but the fundamental bill will be unaltered. Why should the GOP tie itself to such an epic fail? The public doesn't want it.

4. You also can't ignore Obama's attitude at the GOP retreat. He was invited to a GOP event and he did absolutely nothing except shake his finger at them and whine for 2 hours. Why should the GOP talke to him when it is plainly just another chance for Obama & the Dems to gripe at them for not 'letting' them do whatever they want (despite the fact that Dems have both houses).

The political reality is that the Democrats own both the House & Senate with overwhelming majorities. The fact that Obamacare didn't pass is a Democrat problem. They don't need the GOP except as a scapegoat. The polls are clear. Over 70% of US citizens have rejected Democrat health care reform. The Democrats needs to flush the entire thing and start all over with a genuine bipartisan bill based on the GOP's proposals as a starting point.

To finish - I'll quote a certain "Senator" who was talking about a certain "President" who is talking about a certain "initiative"...

"The fact of the matter is, is the president has been on his tour, and everywhere he goes the numbers just get worse. The American people have voted on this proposal and really what you have is a situation now where I think that the president and the Congress are going to need to figure out a way to save face and -- and step back a little bit. And if -- if they let go of their egos -- listen ... I've gotten in an argument and then at some point in the argument it dawns on me, you know what, I'm wrong on this one and it's -- it's -- it's irritating, it's frustrating. You don't want to admit it, and so to the extent that we can provide the president with a graceful mechanism to -- to say we're sorry, then I think that would be -- that would be helpful."
Wise words, eh? Senator Obama spoke these words. Maybe he should listen to himself...

So, what should Democrats do now? (User Poll by NetRunner)

rougy says...

It's just a song and dance.

The Dems just aren't anything to scream about, and it's easy to predict that in order to "save face" or "gain votes" that they'll move even further away from the left, and by doing so become an even less believable or effective opposition party.

It's nothing new. It's the same old shit and they've been doing it for almost twenty years.

Now the cons can go back to fucking up the country and the dems can go back to blaming true progressives like myself for their shit-headed ineptitude.

Haiti Complete Nightmare After 7.0 Earthquake

choggie says...

America should pull troops outta the drug/oil regions to save face and lend a hand....not like it's New York though, innit??...Sell yer hybrid and donate it to the cause, all ya bleeding hearts-Otherwise, knock onna congressman's website with keystrokes.....

Who really cares about Haiti anyhow,? really??...on the Videosift??

Most would rather call out that poser fuck Robertson and cry foul than do what they can for thousands of used and tormented islanders-Wait till Yellowstone pops and then whine about no internet-

Ricky Gervais makes a fantastic Sesame Street guest

Reagan v. Obama

evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

You are quite welcome to interject yourself in the situation with rachel, since besides me and her, you are the most involved in that. I don't think you should do it with the other situation, since you both have no business doing it, and because you cannot have all the facts - even if I and all the rest of the people who were there retell it to the best of our knowledge, you won't have all the facts of that.

I blame it mostly on that incident and bea's lies (which they are) since it clearly culminated whatever had been brewing. What was brewing in the mean time between me and rae, which I was completely oblivious of, is both my own and rae's fault. I was just doing what I had always done for the last fucking year with her, which she seemed to have fun with until after texas (or some time before that, when she got all silent). We are both to blame for that part, me with my incessant messages (don't friends message each other much!?) and her with condoning it until she changed her mind and hated it.

"With all the things you admitted to doing"
1 thing - groping ivy. That's all I've admitted to about what happened in Texas and that is the extent of inappropriateness there were. I've apologized to ivy for it and, for me anyway, that part is over. I expect it to be a done deal for her as well. Nothing else happened while I was there. As I've explained, quite a few times now, the situation we were in did make it less of a big deal - it wasn't completely out of the blue, it wasn't malicious. It was just stupid. To say that "Truth is, you were lucky to escape Texas without any facial reconstruction being needed afterwards." is just bullshit. It's not like I fucking raped her. And again, you were not there, so you're not getting the full picture.

I don't want to drag you into this either, and I'm sorry that you've been dragged into it. But Rasch is not a good friend, he's a complete ass who can't keep his mouth shut and his nose out of other people's business. I feel sorry for you guys if you do consider him a friend.

I'm not just trying to "save face", I'm trying to get rasch to admit that he was in the wrong - maybe knock just a little bit of sense into the fucker. He was ENTIRELY in the wrong in that thread and I'm calling on his bullshit. If it had been rae herself that had posted that, or you perhaps, then I would have been even more baffled, but understanding - if she had posted that in a PM to me, then the entire thing would have gone quite a lot better for all involved.

From Rachel, I had expected at least some form of explanation for why she didn't want to talk. It came out of the blue for me, and since I did consider her a friend, it shocked me when she wrote the "want to get out of the bullshit" PM. I considered her a friend and I thought she did the same with me, so I think she at least owed me that - but as I've said to you privately, what I think I deserve and what others think I deserve are not necessarily the same, so if she didn't feel she owed me an explanation that was that. This was the sole purpose of my messages after she wrote that, because I'm not antagonistic and hate having people not like me, so I tried my damnedest to get her to talk to me, so I could at least walk away knowing what had happened.

I think rachel and I had a good talk on messenger after that whole thing blew up, but I still feel bad the way it turned out. Both for you, for rachel, for cari and for myself. I do not feel sorry for peggedbea and I certainly do not feel sorry for rasch.

In fact, rasch should go the way of the do-do and die out. He deserves all the scorn he gets. He is not "a man of his convictions" he's a witch-hunter, he didn't back you all up, he put himself in the fucking driver's seat and tried to run me over. He should be ashamed of himself far more than I should be ashamed of what I've ever done. When he leaves this site, and hopefully this earth, I will dance a merry jig.

Take care, Jake.

In reply to this comment by evil_disco_man:
Would it be my place to put myself between "other people" when I DO know what was going on? I think so. Doesn't a "shorthanded dismissal" count as "telling you properly"? What more did you need? A five-page essay on why she wanted to stop talking to you? It's hilarious that you blame it all on one incident (accusing peggedbea of being a liar), when it was a culimination of things over time.

You know, with all the things you admitted to doing, which includes groping a married woman, I'd think you would be more humble about it. Truth is, you were lucky to escape Texas without any facial reconstruction being needed afterwards.

Watch what you say. I don't like being brought into this bullshit, but I hate to see a good friend like rasch being placed on the stakes - and when you drag up AC's name, I will inevitably follow. I've told you privately why I had problems with how you handled your "relationship" with Rachel, and I'd rather you not carry it on for the sole purpose of saving face.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
If you are referring to the way me and alien_concept talked to each other, that is none of your business. You don't understand the "relationship" we had - I only ever reciprocated all that talk, if she didn't want it anymore, she could have told me properly, instead of the shorthanded dismissal thing she sent me. It is not your place to put yourself between other people when you don't know what's going on; it's the same that happened with obsidianfire. Maybe you should burn out too, because your presence isn't welcome or appreciated anymore.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

evil_disco_man says...

Would it be my place to put myself between "other people" when I DO know what was going on? I think so. Doesn't a "shorthanded dismissal" count as "telling you properly"? What more did you need? A five-page essay on why she wanted to stop talking to you? It's hilarious that you blame it all on one incident (accusing peggedbea of being a liar), when it was a culimination of things over time.

You know, with all the things you admitted to doing, which includes groping a married woman, I'd think you would be more humble about it. Truth is, you were lucky to escape Texas without any facial reconstruction being needed afterwards.

Watch what you say. I don't like being brought into this bullshit, but I hate to see a good friend like rasch being placed on the stakes - and when you drag up AC's name, I will inevitably follow. I've told you privately why I had problems with how you handled your "relationship" with Rachel, and I'd rather you not carry it on for the sole purpose of saving face.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
If you are referring to the way me and alien_concept talked to each other, that is none of your business. You don't understand the "relationship" we had - I only ever reciprocated all that talk, if she didn't want it anymore, she could have told me properly, instead of the shorthanded dismissal thing she sent me. It is not your place to put yourself between other people when you don't know what's going on; it's the same that happened with obsidianfire. Maybe you should burn out too, because your presence isn't welcome or appreciated anymore.

Richard Gage lays out the case for a 9/11 Conspiracy

honkeytonk73 says...

Keep it up Mr. Gage.. keep it up. All he asks is for an open independent, thorough, and science based investigation *absent of political influence*. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is for the US government. The evidence is substantial that something went on. Sure it is exceedingly embarrassing for the US government. It effectively kicks the US, as a nation, in the balls for having such a massive weakness/failure.

If the government, or other powerful US based organization was involved. That is dire for the country indeed. If it wasn't a conspiracy, yet the US government willingly hid the truth for the sake of 'saving face', then that is also dire and goes entirely against all morals. Especially considering that they used the WTC attacks, which they potentially knew as being false, as a premise to initiate wars in not one, but two nations. Iraq and Afghanistan.

Whichever way this goes. Should the truth be revealed, it isn't going to end up positive for the US as a nation. But, with the truth cleared, we can ensure TRUE justice, and the nation will be STRONGER for it.

Simply looking at it in that perspective IS PATRIOTIC. Living blindly and uninformed is NOT FREEDOM.

blankfist (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

haha thanks dude I needed a good laugh

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
She must be a public school teacher. Not dissing on your mom, but I learned a lot of bad grammatical habits from the public school system. For my junior and senior year of high school, my English teacher (same one both years) taught us only Literature because she despised teaching Grammar.

She was also as big as a house and would order a family meal for herself (never married), and so to save face she would order two drinks so the kids in the drive through wouldn't think she was ordering all of that food for herself.

Whative F*ck (Blog Entry by rottenseed)

blankfist says...

She must be a public school teacher. Not dissing on your mom, but I learned a lot of bad grammatical habits from the public school system. For my junior and senior year of high school, my English teacher (same one both years) taught us only Literature because she despised teaching Grammar.

She was also as big as a house and would order a family meal for herself (never married), and so to save face she would order two drinks so the kids in the drive through wouldn't think she was ordering all of that food for herself.

Horse + clapping + spanking = FAIL

Shepppard says...

I like how he tries to save face at the end by just walking away and pretending it didn't happen.

Unfortunately he forgot his hat, and will either lose his hat, or once again have to face the people watching while looking like an idiot.

Chasers War Ambush John Edward

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