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Flea Market Montgomery - It's Just Like a Mini-Mall

The Sound of Sex: Inside the Life of a Porno Foley Artist

Robot Chicken: Titanic Meets Instant Messenger

F*CK - Trailer

UCLA student tasered by campus police

wallace says...

We don't know what what happening before the tape starts, do we? The cops certainly did not resort to violence first, Sammy. How many times did they ask him to leave? 50? 100? Cops simply cannot just shrug their shoulders and leave when an obviously unhinged man is running around.

What should they have done that they didn't do?

Why do Atheists Care? One man's thoughts

Stick Magnetic Ribbons on Your SUV

daphne says...

Yeah, Sammy seemed a little overwhelmed and subdued...but he was an ace clarinet player. Besides, everyone else has enough enegy to make up for him. ;-)

And I think they're's all a ruse to keep your town to yourself. ;-)

Winkler, definitely catch a show. They are so fantastic. I'm going to Waterloo this Friday to see them again.

Stick Magnetic Ribbons on Your SUV

oohahh says...

daphne wrote: "Apparently, oohahh, they love Portland. I don't know if they had the clarinet player, Sammy, at the show you saw...but The band stole him from your town. He's an Austinite now. hee hee hee"

That's great - Sammy looked like a really nice guy. Oh, and he's a clever musician, too. He didn't look like he'd fit in so well; he's a little straighter-laced than the rest, but I have a suspicion they try to hire musicians first and foremost. Neat.

daphne added: "They started talking about Portland and said, 'Every time we go there all we hear is how rainy and drizzly it is in Portland. But every time we're there it's sunny and beautiful. We think it's a lie all the people in Portland tell outsiders to keep them from moving there.'"

It's no lie. It's raining right now. There's hail and sleet, too. It's cold and clammy. Oregonian kids here learn to swim before they can walk. When we say "don't forget your rubbers", we actually mean "keep your feet dry". The state flower is Gore-Tex. My car has a keel. My hat has a rudder. Three species of native-Oregonian tree are actually close cousins of sea kelp. I'm not sayin' don't move here, I'm just sayin' I hope you like it wet. And gray.

Fletch wrote: "Never mind, Daphne. I read it wrong. You are in Austin. Oohah is in Portland? Or somebody else? Huh?....."

That's right. Not only am I a Portlander, I know for a fact that there are at least four other Portlanders in the VideoSift rolecall. I know cause I made them join. :-D

Stick Magnetic Ribbons on Your SUV

daphne says...

Phenomenal Wow wow wow wow. I can't even begin to describe it. Think of a stringed instrument...any stringed instrument - it was in the show.

Apparently, oohahh, they love Portland. I don't know if they had the clarinet player, Sammy, at the show you saw...but The band stole him from your town. He's an Austinite now. hee hee hee

They started talking about Portland and said, "Every time we go there all we hear is how rainy and drizzly it is in Portland. But every time we're there it's sunny and beautiful. We think it's a lie all the people in Portland tell outsiders to keep them from moving there."

Unfortunately, I forgot about how musicians tell time. In Theatre, 8:00 means 8:00. In the music world, 9:00 means sometime around 11PM. So, we had to leave son's hot chocolate buzz had worn off by the time the show started. But we all loved what we saw. They play a lot in Austin, so I will be seeing them again.

Their music ranges from "the Austin sound" (which is a mix of Country and folk...the only kind of Country-esque I can stand) to Blues to 1940's jazz. Unbelievably talented.

My son's favorite was the mohawk-sporting violinist.

FOXNews rallies behind Wallace, attacks Clinton- spin!spin!

daphne says...

Well said, Sammy.

"News organisations like CNN and MSNBC might lean one way or the other, but they don't feed viewers propaganda which Fox does."

That's the point some people don't want to see.

I find it infuriating that the right-wing believers cannot make a decision on their own. And if anyone makes a decision contrary to the right-wing's belief - based on the facts presented - then the right-wing calls them "liberal leftists."

Wumpus, this site is created by it's community...the videos here are a reflection of what said community enjoys. These are our views. The majority has spoken. THAT is what a Democracy is about.

And I DO hate most journalism. It is up to me - as it is up to EVERYONE - to search for the facts behind the spin. What I have found in my search frightens me. I base my opinions on the facts and the results of those facts. I don't watch or listen to the News...unless it's NPR.

But I'm sure you'll say that NPR is biased because it doesn't agree with your views.

Remember this above all else - just because you don't WANT to believe something, it doesn't mean it isn't true.

Guiness Beer Comercial

Challenge scene from Tap - old school battle style

oohahh says...

Tap (1989)

Description: Gregory Hines, Sammy Davis, Jr. and some legendary hoofers star in a rousing dance showcase about a second-generation tapper and paroled jewel thief who's torn between the stage an returning to his lavish life of crime.

The sequence of tappers in the "Challenge" scene is: Arthur Duncan, Bunny Briggs, Jimmy Slyde, Steve Condos, Harold Nicholas, Sandman Sims and finally Sammy Davis, Jr. and Gregory Hines. (Savion Glover is the teenage boy at the end.)

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