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How to Land a 737 (Nervous Passenger)

StukaFox says...

I've always wondered if the passengers on United 93 had managed to retake the cockpit if they could have then flown the airplane and then landed it. From this video, it sounds like that could have.

Judge Dead, 2016 (RIP(?) Antonin Scalia dead at 79)

newtboy says...

As expected, they are already claiming a 'lame duck' president has no right to select a justice , constitution be damned.
Many have also been calling on their cohorts to not only block any nominee, but to block any vote on the matter at all until after the election.

I think you are right that blocking any confirmation could hand the Dems the white house. It seems they have a decent chance to retake congress as well, and more purely politically motivated Republican governmental stalling is just what it might take to hand them the entire election.

The coming election could be the most important in living memory if all 3 parts of our system are up for grabs at once. That's CRAZY, and more than a bit scary.

VoodooV said:

Taking bets on how long Republicans attempt to drag this out. Longest selection process has been just over 3 months.

This is lose lose for the Republicans. The longer they try to stall, the more they guarantee a Democratic White House. Democrats have a problem voting in midterms, but they don't have that problem with general elections.

Bill Maher has a Berning desire

VoodooV says...

On social policies, left and right couldn't be more different. Sure, there are plenty of sane conservatives that have come around towards not treating minorities, women, and LGBT like shit. A lot of times it's that same meme we've seen over and over. Conservatives don't give a fuck until they're personally affected by it. They only stop being pro-war if one of their loved ones dies. They only stop being anti-lgbt if they discover that one of their loved ones are lgbt. Just recently, Kasich got a bit of the spotlight because of his 2nd place in the NH primaries and he gets hailed as the more moderate conservative, but he's still pretty anti-choice, so I'm told.

Now yeah, you're exactly right when it comes to other aspects of the parties. the entire primary process is complete bull. The RNC and DNC are both private organizations. There is no rule whatsoever that they are beholden to votes There is nothing in the constitution about parties. They literally can nominate whoever the fuck they want. Sanders and Trump could win every single primary race and they could still pick anyone they want and ignore the votes. What's worse is that taxpayers fund the primary elections so we're wasting taxpayer dollars on a primary race that literally DOES NOT MATTER. I am an election worker and I recently got contacted that ill be working our state's primary election in May. sure the extra cash is nice (it's only about 100 bucks) but that's 100 bucks we could spend on more useful things and I'd gladly give it up to create a better selection process and eliminate primaries completely. Elections in America are so fucking messed up and resemble a reality show way too much, which definitely explains why Trump is doing as well as he is. If we had actual debates and took shit seriously? He'd never have a snowballs chance in hell. But hey, this is America and we care more about spectacle than substance.

Now yeah, if our only two choices were Cruz or Trump, I'd vote for Trump in a heartbeat. He's the lesser of two evils. (And I also love feeding the RWNJ paranoia that he's a democrat plant). That is the reality of our elections. I knew damned well that Obama was never going to be able to do most of the things he said he would do, even if he did have a friendly Congress. But again, he's the lesser of two evils.

America puts way too much stock in the Office of the President. Congress is where the real power is at, but America's culture mistakenly hinges EVERYTHING on the Presidency, and it's just not true, it's a distraction from the real wheels of power. It's the same in Britain. The monarchy has no real power, they're figureheads. The real power is in Parliament. The monarchy is a distraction.

You're exactly right about lobbyists and money in politics. I've been on board with that on day one. I'm definitely pro Bernie. But even if Bernie wins the general, he's going to have a hostile congress and that's going to limit much of what he can do unless we can take back congress. Again, that's where the real power is. The most he will probably be able to do is appoint more SCOTUS judges.

So democrats, if you want shit to change? stop staying home during the midterm elections. Unless something crazy happens, Republicans aren't going to be retaking the white house any time soon, but you need to start voting in the midterms so that Congress changes. It's this sad little cycle. During general elections, dems come out to vote in droves, but then they stay home for the midterms and Republicans trounce them and they wonder why Congress is right-wing.

So yeah, if for social policies alone, I'll definitely vote for Hillary if Bernie doesn't get the nod. Do I think she'll accomplish much? No, but few presidents do. CONGRESS IS WHAT MATTERS!

MilkmanDan said:

@VoodooV --

I dunno. That argument holds true, but only if you believe that the parties actually represent different ideologies / interests. Those (like myself) who look at the whole mess and see "pack of billionaires / corporations / lobbyists A" vs "pack of billionaires / corporations / lobbyists B" might be interested in Bernie mainly because the Democrat establishment clearly doesn't *want* us to be.

For me personally, I think Bernie represents the best shot at real, positive change. Then again, I'm wary of that because I thought the same thing about Obama and his rate of delivery on promises has been very very low (to be fair a lot of that is systemic rather than HIS fault). But if/when Bernie doesn't get the Democrat nod, I'd be highly tempted to vote for Trump just because sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better, and Trump is clearly the fastest path towards "worse"...

Does Your School Matter?

Sylvester_Ink says...

But really, the importance of attending college is not for prestige, but for learning. Sure, going to a prestigious school and graduating will give you a jump on your career, but as a couple years pass, this becomes less important when compared to the experience you earn.

I went to a community college out of high school for my first 2 years because it was the cheaper way to get my GEDs. I then transferred to UCSD for the next couple of years for my major. The quality of education was slightly better (there were a couple of GEDs that I had to retake as they didn't fully transfer, so I'm comparing those classes to their community college counterparts), but not excessively so. After that, I transferred to CSUSM, a less prestigious university, to finish up. (For a mix of reasons, primarily financial.) The quality of education I got from both the universities was identical, with some exceptions. (UCSD had more resources due to its size, CSUSM had a better individual focus, since it was smaller.)

After graduating, I was able to get great jobs, although I never put UCSD on my resume (because my degree was technically from CSUSM.) And each successive job can be attributed to the experience I earned from the previous jobs.

The point is, it isn't necessary to go to the most prestigious schools to get a good, career-building education. I have the first-hand experience to confirm that.

GTA V - Semi Truck Stunt

jmd says...

#1 not fake.. both were going in the same direction at the same speed, it is just the truck made a great recovery and the game isn't to picky about the location of both vehicles to latch the trailer back on.

#2 does not need a lot of retakes.. the guy was simply pulling stunt jumps with a tractor trailer and this happened. You only need to do it once and capturing the stunts in game is super easy (it was designed to always be recording game data on a loop, so anything happens you just hit a key to close and save the loop).

GTA V - Semi Truck Stunt

lv_hunter says...

Im sure there are A LOT of retakes for this stunt. There are some physics breaking/enter the matrix stunt videos for gta5 around

Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

VoodooV says...

They talk and talk and talk, but can't provide any specific charges. Even Boehner's "lawsuit" was just....rambling with no actual specific charges.

Every time you hear nutcases talking about impeachment it's the same thing, lots of rhetoric, nothing specific, nothing that would ever hold up in a court of law. They're just being a good trained parrot.

you want to whine about the whole "lie" about keeping your doctor nonsense. Prove it...prove to me that Obama is some mustache-twirling villain that deliberately intended to deceive us and he would have gotten away were it not for those meddling Republicans. Stop treating life like it's some sort of 1980s cartoon.

Even if you could prove it..using the example of Bill Clinton deliberately lying about getting a blowjob. We then go back to the "is this really worth impeaching him over?" I believe there was a poll done at some point that supports the idea that the public wants their president to be a good liar. So make up your mind, do you want a liar or don't you?

And it's just never going to succeed and it would make the Republicans look worse than they are already. The public as a whole blame republicans for the gov't shutdown. An impeachment would be a absolute waste of time and money and for the Republicans who claim to be about fiscal conservatism, please explain to me the return on investment for this endeavor? Numerous people have argued that an impeachment would actually raise Obama's approval numbers. It's just lose lose for the republicans.

And again, we go back to the "why do we care what Quitter Palin think again?" argument.

The death of the republican party continues. I continue to wait patiently for moderate Republicans to retake their party.

Jon Stewart epic Sean Hannity take-down. Truth recovered.

VoodooV says...

This is just the standard "Must oppose anything federal as long as Obama is in office even though he may have nothing to do with it"

I almost want the Republicans to retake the White House in 2016 so we can have a field day pointing out all hypocrisies when they suddenly become pro-federal gov't and talk about how we have to trust our president, when they're in office and spend more than the left *ever* has which has been shown before.


Sydney Sift Up Pics (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

We bagged her doing the photobomb when we previewed the pictures - she offered to do a retake but we insisted that it be left in. There are definitely worse things to have in your background ...

eric3579 said:

You all look lovely! Cold beers on what looks like a nice day. Livin' the life. Also i appreciate the hottie photo-bombing all casually.

Can you absorb mercury with a sponge?

dannym3141 says...

I suggest that it's most importantly to do with the surface tension of mercury. When the mercury covers any of the sponge's holes it forms a new little surface where the strong surface tension matters. You can tell this by looking at any transparent container of mercury such as old barometers and such. The meniscus bends down at the edge rather than the equivalent container of water where it bends up a little. If you pour out a bunch of mercury on a flat surface it will spread out so it's about half a centimeter deep iirc, i used to play a bit with some as a kid. (sometimes in a vac chamber, but not always!)

Here's a thought though. Unfortunately he had parts of the sponge poking out (possibly because of the limits of his container/supply of mercury) and so air could refill the holes in the sponge and allow it to retake its preferred shape. But if it was entirely submerged in the mercury and squeezed, which would be stronger? The springiness of the sponge to want to return to its shape sucking mercury in, or the surface tension of the mercury and the sponge just stays squashed. And i know that packing material is more springy than a bath sponge (or a natural sponge).

Sagemind said:

OK, so Why?

Why won't it enter the sponge? why won't the liquid enter the negative spaces in the sponge?

I do know there are some materials that don't absorb water - I have some dish towels (bought at the dollar store) that won't absorb water, absolutely useless. But I think that's different as I doubt they would absorb anything.

So why not Mercury? it's definitely more dense than water. Are the molecules larger than the H2O Molecule? I don't think it is, and even if it was, surly they are not larger than the holes in the sponge.

I'd like to see this tried with different types of sponges.

The first 9/11: Salvador Allende's last speech

radx says...

My friends,

Surely this will be the last opportunity for me to address you. The Air Force has bombed the towers of Radio Portales and Radio Corporación.

My words do not have bitterness but disappointment. May they be a moral punishment for those who have betrayed their oath: soldiers of Chile, titular commanders in chief, Admiral Merino, who has designated himself Commander of the Navy, and Mr. Mendoza, the despicable general who only yesterday pledged his fidelity and loyalty to the Government, and who also has appointed himself Chief of the Carabineros [national police].

Given these facts, the only thing left for me is to say to workers: I am not going to resign!

Placed in a historic transition, I will pay for loyalty to the people with my life. And I say to them that I am certain that the seed which we have planted in the good conscience of thousands and thousands of Chileans will not be shriveled forever.

They have strength and will be able to dominate us, but social processes can be arrested neither by crime nor force. History is ours, and people make history.

Workers of my country: I want to thank you for the loyalty that you always had, the confidence that you deposited in a man who was only an interpreter of great yearnings for justice, who gave his word that he would respect the Constitution and the law and did just that. At this definitive moment, the last moment when I can address you, I wish you to take advantage of the lesson: foreign capital, imperialism, together with the reaction, created the climate in which the Armed Forces broke their tradition, the tradition taught by General Schneider and reaffirmed by Commander Araya, victims of the same social sector which will today be in their homes hoping, with foreign assistance, to retake power to continue defending their profits and their privileges.

I address, above all, the modest woman of our land, the campesina who believed in us, the worker who labored more, the mother who knew our concern for children. I address professionals of Chile, patriotic professionals, those who days ago continued working against the sedition sponsored by professional associations, class-based associations that also defended the advantages which a capitalist society grants to a few.

I address the youth, those who sang and gave us their joy and their spirit of struggle. I address the man of Chile, the worker, the farmer, the intellectual, those who will be persecuted, because in our country fascism has been already present for many hours -- in terrorist attacks, blowing up the bridges, cutting the railroad tracks, destroying the oil and gas pipelines, in the face of the silence of those who had the obligation to protect them. They were committed. History will judge them.

Surely Radio Magallanes will be silenced, and the calm metal instrument of my voice will no longer reach you. It does not matter. You will continue hearing it. I will always be next to you. At least my memory will be that of a man of dignity who was loyal to [inaudible] the workers.

The people must defend themselves, but they must not sacrifice themselves. The people must not let themselves be destroyed or riddled with bullets, but they cannot be humiliated either.

Workers of my country, I have faith in Chile and its destiny. Other men will overcome this dark and bitter moment when treason seeks to prevail. Go forward knowing that, sooner rather than later, the great avenues will open again where free men will walk to build a better society.

Long live Chile! Long live the people! Long live the workers!

These are my last words, and I am certain that my sacrifice will not be in vain, I am certain that, at the very least, it will be a moral lesson that will punish felony, cowardice, and treason.

Signature Strikes Investigation - The Massacre at Datta Khel

bcglorf says...

Drone strikes in northern Pakistan are not indiscriminate. Count how many of the Taliban and Al Qaida's top leadership has been killed off by them. That's some pretty impossibly lucky indiscriminate fire to so frequently end up taking out major jihadist leaders.

Do you have an alternative proposal for dealing with militant jihadists in Pakistan? They are killing civilians, and in particular women, children and students daily. During Pakistan's elections, the Taliban killed multiple candidates, including candidates lobbying extremely hard for an end to drone strikes, an end to military action in the tribal regions, and for talks with the Taliban. Even those candidates were declared enemies by the Taliban for taking part in elections and were killed by them. This isn't about protecting white christians from muslims, it's about jihadists killing off muslims and trying to stop them.

America can't take more precise policed action to arrest or capture militant leaders in Pakistan either. Killing Bin Laden led to even greater outrage than the drone strikes, but boots on the ground are the only method left with less risk of collateral damage. Even if Pakistan's military is finally persuaded to do so instead, it is guaranteed that it will again increase civilian deaths over the short term as any campaign to retake control of the tribal areas is put into action.

It's a mess and simply saying leave them alone is naive and stupid. The Taliban are actively working to topple a nuclear powered state that is particularly vulnerable to them. More over, we are not even sure just how removed from each other key leaders in Pakistan's ISI and military leaders are from jihadist leaders. This instability doesn't play out with a nuke thrown our way in the opening, it comes as jihadists getting enough influence to instigate sending one into India.

If all you pay attention is the idiotically simplistic, war is bad lets not fight pseudo commentators you miss the entire picture.

radx said:

Indiscriminate attacks on the civilian population worked wonders when our army was engaging non-military forces on the Balkan back in the days. No better way to create a self-perpetuating low-intensity conflict than killing village elders, with a couple of women and children sprinkled in here and there.

If you treat a population like your enemy, they will become your enemy -- that's the lesson they drew from it. But hey, that was seventy years ago. Nowadays, a decade is more than sufficient to forget any hard-earned lesson.

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

VoodooV says...


while I'll give @lantern53 some credit for attempting to justify his position instead of usual troll and run away we get from the others.

You're just wasting your time. They're not going to let a little thing like facts or perspective or reality get in the way. They're DESPERATE to find anything to stick...anything. They were even criticized him because a marine held an umbrella for him during a speech.

They're predictably tossing around the idea of impeachment as much as they can trying to drum up the pitchforks so they can lynch the black guy, err I mean remove him from office.

Brace yourself for more. I mean shit, they impeached Clinton over a blowjob..and he was white. What do you think they're going to try to do to a black democrat president.

Don't like it? Good, make sure you vote them out in 2014 and 2016. Republicans are done (maybe they already are) if they can't retake the presidency in the future. But if you think they're going to go down quietly, you're stupid.

Be prepared for more obstructionism and scorched earth mentality.

How to Spin a Camera Around the CN Tower

Professor Robert Thurman's Meme

bareboards2 says...

“95% of the congressmen and Republican senators have sworn a written oath to someone called Grover Norquist and an organization called American For Tax Reform; that they will under no circumstances, and for no reason, raise taxes of any kind on anyone. And therefore they have taken an oath to an outside organization which is not supported by the U.S. Constitution – which gives Congress the right to levy taxes, to do the work of the people through the government –but this is a non governmental organization, not elected by anybody and supported by big money people who are making money by not having to pay taxes"

“And these people have signed a sworn oath that contradicts their oath of office. And therefore, in fact, they do have mental reservations, and they do have purpose of evasion and they are not sincerely taking their oath of office. And if they persist in that, and if they are held to that by this outside person who is not a member of the government, then they are, in fact, breaking their oath of office and they are not serving what they swore to serve the American people.”

“…they must, as a single body, reject their oath to Grover Norquist, renounce that oath in order to retake their oath of office; sincerely, without mental reservation, and without purpose of evasion; which is what they must do to be reinstated in our good graces, the people of the United States, of whom they are the employee.”

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