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Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

moonsammy says...

Perhaps even more concerning than nuclear secrets being exposed* is the possibility that intelligence sources were compromised. In fact, this seems extraordinarily likely, given that the CIA in October 2021 sent out a memo stating they'd been losing sources (via arrest, being compromised, or being killed) at a concerning rate. That's a rather major issue for national defense. Clearly something was the cause of that increased loss of assets, and TS/SCI documents are very likely to have included sources. Why would papers only meant to be stored or accessed within a specialized, secure facility be redacted?

The topics of the documents in question may not matter, in terms of how fucked FPOTUS might be. if Trump, for reasons of greed, malice, and/or gross negligence, caused the loss of sources useful to US security, that's legally a biiiig fucking deal.

And even being the cause of the murder of multiple intelligence assets may not really matter at all. Because, legally, being in possession of TS/SCI documents outside of a SCIF is a biiiig fucking deal all on its own. The jail term PER DOCUMENT runs multiple years.

Relevant legal mumbo-jumbo:
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
(b) Whoever, for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing, or note of anything connected with the national defense; ...
(f) ...Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
(g) If two or more persons conspire to violate any of the foregoing provisions of this section, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy shall be subject to the punishment provided for the offense which is the object of such conspiracy.

*Nuclear secrets being exposed also does seem plausible, but with so many countries having nukes and so many existing to be fucked with in some manner, I feel the much more exclusive knowledge of US intelligence asset identities is a larger problem, legally and probably morally. He probably directly caused multiple murders, and a general degradation of the US's intelligence capabilities. Not something one wants in a commander in chief.

Woman Slips Out Of Handcuffs And Shoots Police

cloudballoon says...

That's too severe! Think of the psychological damage such punishment will impose on her!

1 hour community service, she'll get a medal after completion, too.

BSR said:

I think the judge will make her take gun safety classes as punishment.

Woman Slips Out Of Handcuffs And Shoots Police

Lock Him Up Yesterday! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

newtboy says...

Right….investigating a deadly failed coup costing over 1/2 a billion dollars, dozens of election frauds (real ones, not the fantasy kind you love to investigate over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over with nothing ever coming of the fantasy besides wasted millions and dissolution of the Union), stealing and even possibly handing over/selling nuclear secrets (not keeping a few mislabeled files on a server later discovered to be low level classified), etc is just for show, America has no legitimate interest in punishing actual traitors….but what about her emails? That’s the important question we still need answered, right? 🤦‍♂️

If he’s done nothing wrong, the real question is why is Trump so petrified of court? So afraid he reversed his long time stance that only guilty people plead the fifth and pleaded the fifth hundreds of times….or did he change his stance?….hmmmmm….maybe not. 😂

For someone with nothing to fear, certain nothing will come of the charges, Trump and his cult are certainly acting like he’s already in prison awaiting execution! LMFAHS!

LET Trump run, please oh please let him run and split the right wing votes.….he just needs to be kept from holding office. Treasonous traitors that tried a violent coup once and election fraud 60+ times shouldn’t hold public office to try again. I know you disagree, and somehow you think that makes you patriotic.

Uh-oh….indications are Biden won’t run again. Now who you going to meme? President Newsom? Wouldn’t that stick in your craw!

bobknight33 said:

All just for show.
Just to keep the Trump war drum beating.
Just to keep Trump from running 2024.

The real question is why is the deep state so afraid of this man?

Nothing will come of this because Trump has done nothing wrong.

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

Conservatives VS KKK : Spot The Difference

newtboy says...


Bongino….what did he say about the ongoing successful raid on Maralago, where Trump previously admitted taking boxes and boxes of top secret classified documents he stole from the whitehouse and kept them unsecured in unlocked, unguarded rooms but refused to turn them over to investigators?
He parroted Trump, saying “Third world bullshit.”. Sorry, but in the third world, they don’t get warrants and wait over a year for disgraced politicians to turn over top secret documents they stole and were directed by the courts to produce. They just murder him and his family and take them.

Courts demanded in 21 that every document be produced for examination and any secret or top secret documents must be returned immediately without copies being made. Trump and his team produced a few pages and claimed they were still looking for the other 15 boxes of classified documents they had misplaced (handed to Russia?).

It should be noted, the FBI has already said they found at least some of those classified documents in this raid and recovered them….meaning not only was the raid by the book, but the stolen property was in fact recovered from Trump’s residence. D’oh!!

Unauthorized removal or retention of classified documents is a federal crime punishable by up to five years in prison per offense. Ask Snowden, or Manning. Trump had over 15 boxes of these stolen secrets….lemme guess…nothing burger, right? But Clinton retaining some sensitive (not secret or classified) documents should be a life sentence.

The only third world bullshit is the disgraced ex president that tried to turn America into a third world dictatorship and the anti American cultists that are still helping him do it.

bobknight33 said:

Nice to see you watch fox.

Here some more.
Democrats are the party of racism.

Smoke Shop Robbery, Las Vegas - Robber Stabbed

cloudballoon says...

The cross as acccesory is pretty meaningless nowadays. If anything, I hold people that wear the cross to a higher standard and near maximum punishable sentences for offenses, NOT automatic trust that these people will do good. Quite the opposite, should be more suspicious. Could be hiding something, use the cross as a facade.

As you may know/remember, I hold myself to be a Christian, the progessive kind that Jesus asked us to be. Not the American Evangelical regressive BS proud-to-be-a-hypocrite kind. I hope not.

newtboy said:

I do love the prominent cross on the one robber’s neck. This is what people mean when they say “I’m a Christian, I would never do something like that.”

The New MAGA Commercial For Greg Abbot- Whose Choice

luxintenebris says...

in the U.S. 15 - 20% of all pregnancies will end in a miscarriage or stillbirth.

if that's nature, GOD lets it happen. so let's be thorough. punish all those who would 'kill' babies. burn down the churches! that'll show HIM!

it's a cruel law meant only for political gain or pseudo-moral pride. no one can say infants matter when they do little to nothing to help them AFTER they are born. that's a reality too.

want to refute that?

remember this?

likely those 'lifers' can rest peacefully ignoring the horror of some smug unjust hypocritical law - but the kid can't.

* * * *

or someone that says it better...

also some of the things that the Holy Warriors overlooked...
religious freedom:
federal land:

California is Running Out of Water

cloudballoon says...

Countries like Israel, due to its geolocation/geopolitical climate, it's a desalination powerhouse. California can do the same. But a balanced approach (environmental harm vs. human necessity vs. commercial viability) is hard to achieve:

Hope that California can gets its act together quick enough w/ more water recycling plants:

Some real & fair regulation & enforcement, with violators getting punished helps (HA!).

Cashing a Fake Check for $29,000 | Matthew Cox

newtboy says...

Just pointing out to @bobknight33, this guy found it incredibly easy to get fake ID, even a social security number…so how exactly would voter ID laws stop fraudulent voting?

Seems like the silly argument you guys love for firearm laws actually applies here…these laws won’t stop a single criminal (voter) from committing their (voting) crimes, they only punish law abiding citizens by putting hurdles in the way of their constitutional (voting) rights.

Side note: what a piece of shit, professional thief who plead guilty when facing over 125 years and in the end did less than 15 years and is again profiting from his crimes, now through books and podcasts. He should never be allowed to have over $100 net worth, with every penny he earns going to restitution.

Durham's defeat

newtboy says...

Bull Durham. Lol. Trump counted on him but doesn’t even know his name.

More proof that everything Trump was charged with was true, and every charge he levied against others a lie.

One more huge “L” for the trumptards. The hits just keep coming. 3 years and millions of tax dollars spent investigating Sussmann, acquitted in 6 hours.

Another big “L” for the anti America crowd…the Florida anti free speech law attacking companies that support lgbtq organizations was just tossed out as a clear violation of the first amendment. This after his punishment for Disney supporting the lgbtq community (removing their autonomous status) fell apart because Florida law already specifically prohibited doing that, and because doing so would add billions to the state and county’s already insane $33billion debt. The “L”s just keep rolling in.

Time for the Republican Party to take a ten year time out and get their shit together, expel all the crazed morons Trump brought into the party, or just quit.

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

Republicans are perpetrators of near 100% of election fraud….and claim to be the only ones who care about it….what improvements to election systems or increased punishments for those committing vote fraud have they made to curb this anti democracy anti America issue with their party?


A: none, they’ve blocked any legislation proposed to secure elections and made them less secure by installing crazed partisan criminals as clerks who tamper with and steal voting machines making them invalid for use, costing millions and compromising what little election security existed.

Edit: The Republicans ACTUALLY control all three branches in multiple states, but haven’t done a thing to secure the election system (vote ID doesn’t address any of the fraud actually found, eliminating vote by mail might, but for the few (all Republican) fraudulent vote attempts it might stop it disenfranchises exponentially more legal voters…literally millions of legal voters.). No Republican state legislature has put a paper trail in place for electronic voting, nor have they increased the punishment for vote fraud. Why is that Bob?


Democrats have taken steps to curb mass shootings…limiting clip size, ammo purchasing, private gun sales, testing requirements to concealed carry, barring violent felons and violent mentally ill people and (temporarily) people with active restraining orders against them from gun ownership, etc on state levels, the only place Republicans can’t just block any attempted legislation without even reading it first.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats control all 3 branches. What improvement have they made to curb this issue?

Living person placed in a body bag for cremation

cloudballoon says...

What this video didn't mention, was that 3 officials are already punished (fired). I wonder would anyone responsible would be fired so quickly in my country Canada or the USA? Highly doubtful, more likely they'll be "relief of work with pay."

newtboy said:

Terrible, scary, but to be fair this happens in America too. Overworked, undertrained staff make mistakes….sometimes deadly mistakes. At least the people involved are admitting it, that’s better than many cases I’ve heard of.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Actually no you haven’t, and yes you clearly do care what party they’re in. You may have said you think that, but your actions and arguments speak louder than your lies. Remember claiming you weren’t sexist at all minutes before (keyboard) screaming MGTOW!!!
Remember saying it was not just ok, but smart that Trump lied in depositions under oath? That only a stupid person would tell the truth if it might get them in trouble? Then you clearly stated wrong is right….and those are not the only instances.

You ignored the vote stealing, actually claimed the Republican vote harvester that admitted (his campaign workers) voting for himself thousands of times was punished when you KNOW he wasn’t because it was your district, and he remained in office until he withdrew on his own for personal reasons. Zero punishment whatsoever but you lie about it because he’s Republican.

You still call democrats the party of debauchery with zero evidence to cite, but can’t fathom that the reason I never find “my team” (I’m a Democrat only by default btw) doing that kind of wrong is because I only pay attention to reputable sources like court records and not often anonymous lying blowhards trying to score political points against their enemies, and reputable sources and police never find democrat representatives molesting children, trafficking them for sex, having cocaine fueled lemon parties, exposing themselves to pre teen girls in bowling alleys, picking up 12 year old girls in malls, having parties with Epstein and young girls and no one else, covering for child molesting coaches for decades, being long term pen palls with convicted kiddie porn producers while in office, admitting to driving for hours intending to have sex with an 11 year old girl, rewriting marriage laws so it’s legal to marry and have sex with 9 year old children, etc. …do I need to put names to all those charges? Because I can. You ignore every one of those credible accusations against Republicans and make up random accusations out of thin air about Democrats constantly.

Stealing, your hero Trump was convicted of stealing from charities for veterans, and students, and every contractor that ever worked for him, you don’t care one whit. He tried to steal an election (or two) and you cheer it on.

Cheating, why are you a Republican then, they get caught cheating for real daily, not MTG style baseless accusations based on someone’s Twitter claim. Your own district was the most egregious cheating scandal in decades, by republicans, and you would have gladly voted for him again, maybe twice. Have you forgotten how many of Trump’s administration ended up being unreported foreign assets? Hiding their foreign payments and cheating the system to allow foreign influence in our whitehouse?

It is odd, you would think statistically there must be some Democrat representative child molesters, I assume there are, but if there are they are smart enough that they aren’t getting caught. Republicans constantly are getting caught, and you are constantly ignoring it.

I do call out Pelosi for insider trading, and say she isn’t the only Democrat guilty of that crime against America, but I also say Republicans do it as a matter of course daily. Republicans went to court to make it legal for corporations to bribe them with pacs and super pacs and block any attempt to make bribery illegal again.

So you are just incorrect, again. Doesn’t that get tiring?

bobknight33 said:


have always said wrong is wrong, Vote stealing, Pedophile, Stealing, cheating.
I don't care what party they are on Wrong is wrong.

Somehow you you never find "your team" doing wrong. Odd or you just being a hypocrite?

Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standard

newtboy says...

Desantis and Florida Republicans are so stupid they didn’t bother to read Florida law which makes it impossible for the legislature to pull Disney’s special status until every penny of bond debt in the district is paid off….and there’s over $1 BILLION in bond debt there…so to pay it off from the district alone they have to RAISE taxes permanently by over $200% (and then wait over 6 years to try again)….or raise taxes on all Florida to pay for this “punishment” for not backing anti gay legislation.

Doing a fair job? He tried to waste $1 billion and incur over $160 million yearly….forever….over his feelings being hurt….fortunately for Florida past politicians saw this possibility and made stupidity like his impossible to follow through on.


bobknight33 said:

My kids cam up though common core and it is a mess.

DeSantis is doing a fair job. Don't need CRT or other BS slanted course work.

Get back to basics

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