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Tesla Reveals Robot at AI Day 2022 (HIGHLIGHTS)

newtboy says...

If you really believe their claim here that the first untethered walking test was done at a press conference in public, I have some hurricane proof property in Ft Meyers to sell you.

Under $20k…I hope that’s not as overly optimistic as the semi truck specs were.

It’s pretty far behind Boston Dynamics in ability, they can do flips, hop, even dance. I hope the production version is all they claim, but I’m not holding my breath.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Ask trump if he broke the law by possessing the documents, what does he say?

"I DECLASSIFIED THOSE" - but classification status isn't in question - and the documents are not declassified. ANDDDD it doesn't matter if they're classified or not, it's POSESSION of the documents that breaks the law.


After trump went to office HE is the one who made punishments for possessing documents that usually travel around in a handcuffed suitcase - HE is the one who made that particular law harsher and more enforceable as part of his campaign against Hillary Clinton.

Here's a full transcript of trump's first press conference where he lays out in some detail how people who handle or mishandle classified info or top secret documents are traitors and he explains what to do about them

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

A Republican candidate running for a seat in Oklahoma's state House once said it is "totally just" to kill gay people in comments that have resurfaced amid his campaign. Bad Republican, right? Bohbert and Greene agree….most Trumpists do. Also bad Republicans, right? This was based on their extremist religion, but they don’t want to stone people who eat shellfish, wear blended fabrics, or work (or have work done) on the sabbath (whichever sabbath they decide is the right one) which it also prescribes.

Comey Barrett belongs to a cult whose #1 teaching is “women must be subservient to men and defer to them at all times”. A fact she actively hid. Hardly qualifications for a top judge, essentially making her a thoughtless second vote for the male “conservatives” with no ability to judge on her own? That’s bad, right?

Courts determined Barr obstructed justice to shield Trump from 10 legitimate obstruction charges….so both are bad Republicans, right? Shouldn’t hold office, right? No? Then I guess you were lying again when you said “ When you post a bad Republican , I agree”.

I would also point out, every time you try to point to “my side” being wrong, you get your information from propaganda outlets that constantly lie to you or less trustworthy internet trolls, making you a fool when you repeat their lies….but instead of being mad at them you get bent at those telling you facts.
FYI, I ignore most opinion and stick to fact…verifiable fact. You only listen to opinion…the right wing media (it’s not news) feeds you nothing else….and it’s invariably feigned opinion based on misrepresentation of the facts. I can never accept claims you present that “my side is so wrong” because every time I investigate your accusations I find them based in lies and biased opinion and absolutely nothing more….like the election fraud fraud, pure fantasy…like BLM being responsible for Jan 6, pure fantasy. Like the Republicans being the “law and order” party, pure fantasy. (Turned on law enforcement 100% when they started being arrested for the failed coup, now wanting to completely defund all Federal law enforcement and erase espionage laws just to protect Donny from the crimes you know he committed.)

It’s possible this is about to become a non issue, thanks to Dominion. Most right wing propaganda networks slandered and libeled Dominion, and can’t afford $1.6 billion. Even Fox is going to change its tune, becoming much more careful about their baseless claims, while OAN and Newsmax, already relegated to the internet for the most part, will disappear. 😂

Pretty ridiculous for YOU to complain, especially to ME, about what facts are. You wouldn’t know a fact if it indicted you. I work hard to ignore opinion and find the underlying facts. You could set up a poll on who’s more trustworthy if you don’t want to take my word for it….but no voting with your sock puppets.

PS- I’m STILL WAITING to hear exactly what the charges against Clinton coming this week (4 years ago) are going to be. Whenever you make outrageously idiotic claims and are pressed, you ghost. I asked you that question for weeks, over and over and over, you had no response, only attempts to change the subject and ignore your own claim. That’s typical of you, far from an isolated incident it’s your MO.

bobknight33 said:

When you post a bad Republican , I agree
You however can never accept that you side can be so wrong at times. Facts do not matter to you, only MSM opinions do. Those are not facts.

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

newtboy says...

Lol. You are so delusional.
Trump appointed judge, Trump appointed FBI head that he praised lavishly, red state FBI agents. Do you mean the Trump deep state, because it was done by the people he installed. Derp.
I bet you guys wish Garland was a Supreme Court judge and not the AG about now, don’t you! 😂

Yes, traitors who both attacked America with a violent mob and stole top level classified secrets and kept them unsecured in an unlocked basement, lied about having them repeatedly under oath, then was turned in by a Desantis plant (maybe) because he was still holding these super top secret, to be viewed only in special secured locations by a handful of people (which citizen Trump is not one of)…top secret nuclear information Trump could not declassify BTW….those people SHOULD be made ineligible for office. I say the same thing if it was Biden, AOC, or Sanders….but they don’t expose state secrets publicly on a regular basis like Trump has.

Lol….poked a small nest of nut jobs. Yes, armed thugs are menacing fbi buildings in some places, usually in groups of under 30. Yes, there was a group of Trump supporters rallying at Maralago….about 7 of them.
There are more people turning from Trump and the Republican Party now than there are nuts defending it. The Republicans are now suggesting we just get rid of espionage as a crime, quick before Trump is charged. Think of the heads exploding if Clinton had suggested that right after her email server was discovered!

Backfire?! You do live in a fantasy land. It sent some of you into a tissy fit, throwing tantrums, attacking the fbi (because you’re the law and order party!) making death threats against anyone you think is involved and attempting to follow through (because the right is so rational and non violent). That’s not a backfire. Hundreds of thousands of Republicans have become never Trumpers seeing how loose he is with Americas security at the highest levels. Those supporting him in congress are seeing their poll numbers tank. It’s looking now )knock on wood) like the midterms might be the best Democrats have ever seen, they will certainly be voting, while Republicans are not one bit excited about politics and their representatives now.

Yes,the bs of trying to keep nuclear secrets, maybe to sell, backfired. So did every ploy since the legitimate, legal, by the book, pre announced, kid gloved raid happened, all excuses and deflections fell apart as more info came out…like the warrant and receipt…Republicans wanted that so badly until they got it, now you wish it was still secret because the facts are disasterous for the right. D’oh! Talk about backfiring! ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂

What’s the next attempted excuse? Aren’t you going to try the “everything he took was automatically declassified because Trump says so” ploy? Or has that already failed you as the ridiculous fantasy it is? Don’t you want to claim it’s all planted by the FBI? Or has that lie been destroyed because both lawyers for Trump and the secret service were present for everything, despite desperate talking heads with no information claiming they weren’t, and everything being on camera. Don’t you want to complain they didn’t give Trump a copy of the warrant or receipt and burst in unannounced at dawn with a small army smashing down doors, or has that lie fallen apart completely since they did provide the warrant and the receipt signed by Trump’s lawyers who witnessed their collection, the deferral until 10am to avoid attention, the warning of the secret service well ahead of time, the plain clothed agents to avoid detection by the press (and embarrassment by the ex president) and the 100% lack of smashed doors?
Are you ready to claim highest level classified nuclear documents being kept illegally and unsecured and being exposed to Russians, Chinese, Saudis, Israelis, etc are a nothing burger? I know it’s coming, get there and prove your anti Americanism idiocy again.

bobknight33 said:

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

newtboy says...

Yes, shot 5 bystanders as I recall, then they had a press conference where they minimized by saying “some bystanders were injured during the arrest”, never mentioning it was only police who shot….and they shot directly into a crowd of bystanders.
This is why I despise police. They’re often much worse than the “criminals”, do more damage, and walk away without so much as a “sorry” for shooting 5 people, much less accountability….in fact I recall the same chief, after hiding the details failed, blaming the victims for being on the public sidewalk after dark (in a nightclub/bar area) when police opened fire without warning.

I’ve still NEVER seen this mythological “good apple”.
It’s maddening.

luxintenebris said:'s the situation where a person doesn't burn down the house to get to the cockroaches...unless the house is condemned...and there are fire folks at the ready...and the vegetation isn't too dry...damn it...just want some sense when lives are in the balance.

where it'd be like shooting into a crowd to get a perp. akin to the recent event - where cops shot into a crowd to get a perp!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahahahaha!! Trump is threatening to sue CNN for saying he’s a big liar spreading his big lie. His claim….it’s his “belief”, so when he says it he’s not lying…not that it’s true, not that he can prove it, just that he believes the lie and that magically makes it not a lie.
He will never sue because 1) he has no case at all 2) he’s terrified of discovery and they would gain access to all the Jan 6 documentation he’s hidden from the committee, and 3) it’s a slapp lawsuit, which he would lose badly and be forced to pay millions in restitution and punitive damages for a frivolous lawsuit designed to silence critics….to anyone he sues.

Derp! What a sad, powerless little bully, enraged that no one takes his threats seriously anymore.

Also, his Saudi Arabia PR golf tournament is losing him so much Republican support. The FBI has said definitively that the Saudi government was directly involved in 9/11…not just the 15/19 terrorists being Saudis, but Saudi intelligence agents supplied them with funding, lodging, and “travel assistance”.
Trump was well aware of this, but chose to keep it secret to protect the crown prince and billions in arms sales. Biden declassified this information and stopped protecting those that attacked America.
Birds of a feather….no wonder Trump likes the terroristic draconian Saudis. I wonder how 9/11 Rudy feels about it.

Side note, the sedition caucus voted against helping victims of human trafficking. Their press conference celebrating protecting perpetrators of human trafficking was disrupted when Gaetz was asked if he’s a pedophile and instead of answering “no” he and the rest literally ran away in fear.

Second side note- Republican senator Mike Braun has said the quiet part out loud and proclaimed the right’s next move is to make interracial marriage a state right, not federally guaranteed, so states whose legislature is controlled by Republicans who are against it can ban it, just like abortion. I’m sure you won’t admit you see that as racist, but everyone else does.
Next comes voting rights for non whites and women, they need to be barefoot in the field, or barefoot, pregnant, and always silent and submissive anyway, right?

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

newtboy says...

You really are a silly little toddler, aren’t you? Reading comprehension is clearly not a strong suit.
I read 6 articles YESTERDAY, not ever. I know, that sounds impossible at your reading level. You read what, press releases from Elon (but only the positive ones), internet videos from other Tesla fan boys whose channels are dedicated to supporting Tesla, and that’s it?

If you followed it, why do you get literally EVERYTHING wrong when you give statistics or even stated plans for the business? Why do you think a 32% drop is only 20%? Why do you think a 10% cut in employees and hiring freeze is a massive expansion? Why do you think an under 2% market share makes Tesla a competitor with trillion dollar well established companies? Why do you think right before a 1/3 drop in value is “the best time ever to buy, go all in”. Why do you think a stock above 100PE is a good buy? Why do you think the 1/3 drop is 100% due to Biden’s politics over the last 18 months (despite the massive gains it saw under Biden from the 800s to 1200s)? Why do you still say it’s a great time to buy despite Biden having 2 1/2 years left in his FIRST term, so what you claim is bringing Tesla down isn’t going to change? If you really follow Tesla, or if you really believe what you write, it only makes you look more delusional for the conclusions you reach based on the same information I’m reading.

No heart, no heartbeat. Yep. Just like that, where you claim a heart that doesn’t exist beats. You are a service tech at best, a barely literate pinball repairman with an ignorant opinion, not a doctor.

You just can’t stop with the delusions, can you. Bob, did you hit your head? You keep misremembering things over and over and over and over, but you are just certain you remember everything correctly.

It’s true…I did read some (probably near 50 by now) scientific articles (not religious propaganda), talked to dozens of doctors I knew personally (not random unlicensed techs with zero medical training, none required), took advanced biology and anatomy and organic chemistry classes where I got A’s in science consistently (you did not).
What did you read to decide there’s a heartbeat 6-10 weeks before a heart forms? Oh…nothing, you listened to some anti choice liar who said it and maybe a few device techs (without medical training) and you like the idea because it helps strip rights from women, who like everyone that’s not a white male Trumpist, you hate.

Really?! You try to ridicule me for talking to doctors, going to school, and reading, and think you know all about prenatal biology because you talked to some ultrasound device techs without any medical training or licensing who misinterpret a twitch as a “heartbeat” despite there being no heart….not that a heart makes an embryo a functioning human anyway, which IMO should be the deciding factor….if it can survive outside the womb, it’s a viable human, if not, it isn’t…no matter what, it has no right to force another human to be an incubator any more than an ANTIFA diabetic has the right to force you to hand over your kidney.

A heart that doesn’t exist can’t beat.

bobknight33 said:

You read 6 articles and know it all.

I've follow this daily since Jan 2020. But your right. You are "always " right.

Like the fetus heartbeat starts around week 7 or 8. I say this because I've been servicing medical ultrasound since 2021. I've seen more and listen to more techs than you ever could.

But you say, since your mom work at at the hospitable rand you read some articles you conclude just a electrical twitch.

Maybe you are the C) answer from above.

Irish Politician Mick Wallace on the United States

noims says...

There are a couple of Irish EU Parliamentarians that act the wise fool - the court jester that is allowed to speak truth to power in the guise of eccentricity.

It's similar to the way the best real American commentaries on politics come from comedians, because the information comes packaged in entertainment, rather than much of the press who are forced to pick one or the other.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

2 more Trump officials have corroborated the limo story (not that it’s about anything besides character) and verified that Ornato is a well known liar that has repeatedly made public statements for Trump’s benefit that were complete fabrications made to hide the truth about Trump’s actions or orders. That’s 3 officials and all but 2 of the secret service.

No, throwing a tantrum and grabbing for the wheel isn’t something he’ll be charged with, but like any court, it goes to credibility, and destroys Trump’s, and his lackeys, meaning they won’t be able to give any legal defenses because anything they say is suspect and should be discarded by the courts. They should have just kept quiet until the actual trial.

I would bet that’s why you won’t see them try to force them to testify despite their “offer”. They wouldn’t have any testimony to give beyond lies and pleading the fifth, like nearly every other Trumpist.

Ruh roe, Sarah Mathews, deputy press secretary that quit on Jan 6 in disgust, scheduled to testify publicly July 12. Don’t miss it, or you won’t know why you’re trying to discredit her on the 13th. I’m sure, suddenly, she’ll become someone Trump barely knew, a never trumper, a closet liberal, who is only making up more lies to stop “hands so teeny Mousolini” from running in 24, like the dozens of other administration officials that testified.

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

newtboy says...

It’s insane you think this video provides justification for 90 shots, 30 of which missed from point blank range, without ever seeing any weapon at all.
(Edit: I must say, the flash from the window looks like a flashlight, not a gun. Guns don’t shine a beam of light onto the street. Let’s see the video, not a single frame that’s inconclusive.)
Also interesting how when it’s police vs unarmed black man you believe police without question, when it’s police vs armed white supremacist Trumpists the police are deep state liars making up crimes every time.
Remember, police went to the Supreme Court to have the right to lie to you, even in press conferences, and they do. Ask Uvalde.

bobknight33 said:

Start at 3:14

California is Running Out of Water

newtboy says...

What do they mean “running out”? We’ve been out of water for decades.

As bad as this sounds, I think he’s under selling the problem big time.

Federal officials announced in February that California farmers will get no federal water this year, zero (that’s the Central Valley Project), while the state has allocated agriculture only 15% of normal from its distribution systems.
Meanwhile the state has also demanded agricultural water districts and cities stop diverting water from rivers and streams along the San Joaquin River. This includes 200 cities in and around the Bay Area, like San Francisco which gets up to 85% of its water from those rivers and streams.
Some rivers and streams in California have stopped flowing, all have reduced flow. The Mad River, just blocks from me, is usually 6-8’ deep bank to bank (75-100’) for at least 6 months out of each year, the last 3 years it never reached its banks and remained a shallow stream all winter, becoming a creek in summer. It is abnormal, most rivers are worse off.
Aquifers have already been depleted so much that the entire Central Valley is sinking rapidly. Reservoirs are WELL below 50%, despite what this clip said (Shasta is reporting at 40% today, but driving over it it looks like maybe 10-20% full with no inflow).
So far this year along, over 1000 residential wells have gone dry. This includes many entire communities losing their drinking water supplies completely. The number of agriculture wells that can no longer function is uncountable. It’s estimated we will lose 2700 drinking water wells this year state wide.

The California water problem isn’t a pressing future issue, it’s an ongoing unmitigated disaster we’ve ignored for far too long. At this point, it’s likely insurmountable, and a collapse of California agriculture will make today’s inflation seem like the good old days when average workers could afford to eat. Start a garden, it’s going to get weird.

Florida Man Brings Knife To Gunfight

newtboy says...

Nothing indicated the riders changed their route to follow the guy who cut them off (incredibly dangerous if you’re the bikers in that situation)…when you get cut off, you end up following the person who cut you off unless you just pull over to cry.

“When both men (and the woman) eventually stopped” (at a stop sign? The truck was in front…it was smart to not go around him, it’s not smart to put yourself in front of a raging out of control driver, especially as a rider).
“Rivera stepped out of his truck holding a knife.” Who escalated?

I’m hard pressed to understand how you think the motorcycle escalated the situation considering the circumstances. He was cut off, the truck in front stopped, the crazed man got out brandishing a knife and trying to use it. The rider didn’t pull a weapon until he was actually attacked. He could have legally shot Rivera dead in Florida. I thought he showed great restraint. The police clearly thought the rider had done nothing wrong.

C-note said:

So a man armed with a gun says he was cut off and that's why he followed the guy an escalated the situation. I guess this ended as good as it could considering it was florida.

Let's talk about Republican reaction to the SCOTUS leak....

dogboy49 says...

Yes, they are talking about the leak. If you don't see how such a rare event (an entire draft SCOTUS opinion leaked to the press prior to actual release has NEVER happened before) is newsworthy, I don't know what to say.

I do imagine that it MAY also end up being a "potential massive victory", but it isn't right now. I see little point in speculating about what may happen, when there will be plenty of time to discuss the actual decision, once it has actually been released and becomes part of Federal jurisprudence.

surfingyt said:

sounds like you did not get his point. its not about it being overturned or not. its about what they ARE talking about now (which is the leak) and is in the face of a potential massive victory for them.

Stand By For An Important Announcement

newtboy says...


Why? There was no damage done, and they exposed potential weaknesses in a school system’s security. (Imagine a school shooter using it to tell everyone to assemble in the gym or something, they needed to know their security sucked).

Sr pranks I saw in person included covering the hallways in liquid dish soap. That caused the school to close, and cost thousands to clean up, yet no charges were pressed (I think the entire sr class got an hour of detention or something weak). I’ve seen others where teacher’s/principal’s car was put on the roof, or disassembled then reassembled in the teacher’s lounge with no way to drive it out.
As Sr pranks go, this seemed innocuous, almost pleasant.
I suppose a hard nosed principal and DA could bring charges, but both would lose all public support from their community and possibly their jobs.

spawnflagger said:

certainly they could get expelled for this prank. arrested too, but might not get on their permanent record if they are under 18.

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