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CES 2010: Reporter breaks unbreakable phone!

Drax says...

You can drop it from at least 10 stories* You can throw it under water at 20 feet for half an hour** You can hammer a nail with it*** It is basically unbreakable**** And if you find a way to break it, we're gonna give you the free phone*****

We stand by our product.

*onto a bed of pillows
**if properly secured within an airtight ziplock inclosure
***if strapped carefully to the handle of a hammer
****so long as the above or comparable precautions are taken in regards to the unit's safety
*****with a surcharge for breaking the original at a minimum rate of the original value of the phone

Flight 1549 Computer Reconstruction.

Lodurr says...

Looks like he lined up over the Hudson as a precaution while they did troubleshooting. I've read a lot of airplane crash accounts and there were cases where they should've considered the worst possible outcome right away rather than try to fix their problem and resume normal flight.

Girl Gang-Raped At Homecoming Bystanders Watch No One Helps

TerryF says...

"Half? Not taking precautions to protect yourself isn't wise...but it isn't taking part in the crime itself. Take another example. Leaving your doors unlocked is unwise, but it isn't robbery. To say that she is criminally liable to her own rape is madness."

Can you read? I NEVER said she was criminally liable, but she IS responsible. All I was pointing out was that no one was mentioning the girls responsibility in the matter. That is one of the biggest problems now days, no one wants to take responsibility for their own actions or decisions, no matter how destructive they may be. Of course I blame a lot of that on scuzzy lawyers...

Girl Gang-Raped At Homecoming Bystanders Watch No One Helps

GeeSussFreeK says...

Half? Not taking precautions to protect yourself isn't wise...but it isn't taking part in the crime itself. Take another example. Leaving your doors unlocked is unwise, but it isn't robbery. To say that she is criminally liable to her own rape is madness.

Man survives a Bungee Jump fail

Religious Kid in Stupid Sunglasses Challenges 4chan to a War

Swine Flu Update - What's really going on? (Blog Entry by EndAll)

direpickle says...

And furthermore the crazy part of the original story is not "omg someone screwed up and the vaccine is contaminated!" It's: "The WHO secretly controls the world is and is going to dissolve all of the world governments by purposefully infecting everyone with murderous (not contaminated) vaccines. (And also all of the governments consented to this four years ago by putting through seeeeecret directives)."

Edit: Though even a contamination aspect should be suspect specifically because of the extra precautions taken due to the Polio problem. And people have a history of freaking out over vaccines (MMR-autism people, yearly-flu conspiracy people (even Bill Maher is one of these, which surprised me), and all-disease-comes-from-diet people), so I think skepticism of ridiculous claims is warranted.

Four Environmental Heresies

cybrbeast says...

>> ^notarobot:
I appreciate Brand's appeal for rational global-problem solving as well as his research and his organization of information, but I share almost none of his enthusiasm for the topics he discussed.
Genetic engineering presumes that humans, in our 50-70 year life span know better than nature. Nature has been at the game of shaping genes, of us and every living thing on the Earth, for a long time. Once a gene has been modified it can stay way for eternity. There is no undo. It is arrogant for any human to believe that even the knowledge of how to meddle with genes should be the same as carrying the wisdom to wield that knowledge without error.

If you think something shouldn't be done, because nature knows best, you could carry that same argument to all aspects of our technology, and I doubt you want us to live in pre-stoneage time again. I don't see how nature knows anything, or cares about anything. Nature just functions through mutation and selection. At any time an invasive or disruptive species could evolve. The only safeguard on nature is that evolution moves quite slow.
We have been genetically modifying animals since the first wolf was domesticated. Just look at what kind of freaky dogs we have created since. Or highly productive farm animals that couldn't function in the wild, a dairy cow for example. Now we have the ability to speed up and improve this process. And granted, there is a difference, because now we can move genes into an organism that never were there before, like jellyfish genes in a mammal.
Most if not all species that we engineer have no competitive advantage in nature and will only thrive in our carefully managed farmlands. For potentially more dangerous applications, we need to take adequate precautions and thoroughly test species or build in kill genes that we could trigger. Or just make them infertile.

Though it is true that warheads can be dismantled (with significant effort) for use in nuclear power stations, the fact that the bi-product of fission reactors is weapons-grade material remains lost on most people.

This fact is not lost on many engineers. Many modern reactor designs cannot make weapons grade materials. The reason that many old nuclear plants can do this is because they were specifically designed to make the bomb material and produce energy in the process.
Weapons grade material can also be made without reactors by extracting the fissile component of natural uranium.

Geo engineering is the product of similar arrogance of as genetic engineering. It is fueled by a desire for a static environment. The fact is that the Earth has never stood still, and will never do so (except for that one time in film..).

Of course the Earth doesn't care what we do, it and life will go on no matter what we do, even after a full out nuclear war. The point could be made that we have been geoengineering for a long time now. Just look at our cities, farmland and pollution. The only problem is that some of our geoengineering is potentially harmful to us and nature. Therefore deliberate geoengineering is proposed to mitigate these problems. From a humanitarian view one would want to mitigate these problems to relieve human suffering, just like we try to eradicate horrible diseases.

Witches burned alive in kenya

flechette says...

Man, witches sure get a bum rap. Why is it people always think KILL IT WITH FIRE when it comes to witches? I know about the drownings and whatnot as well, but it seems to always come back to fire. You'd think a good witch would have some precautions against it, like, oh, not living in Salem or Kenya.

"What's in Your Mouth" British TV expose on mercury fillings

MarieFlowers says...

It is a 30 minute British television program. If people can't listen long enough to learn how to avoid being poisoned by their dentists, then they may end up being poisoned.

Contact DAMS, Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions, for a list of dentists who have the equipment and know how to safely remove mercury fillings without poisoning the patient. Removing amalgam fillings is very dangerous, so one should to their research and proceed with caution. Do not let a mercury free dentist remove your fillings if he has not been trained and is not following the protocols of holistic dental organizations like the IAOMT. Not all mercury free dentists are mercury safe dentists!

DAMS will send you an information packet and teach you what precautions you should insist on if you are thinking of removing amalgam fillings.

Check out my website for stories of people poisoned from mercury fillings, how to find a safe dentist and the cover up by the American Dental Association. You can also see testimonies of people poisoned, scientists, doctors, dentists and dental assistants who testified at FDA hearings in 2006. We testified as to how mercury fillings and mercury exposure caused us to have neurological diseases.

You can see Karen Palmer's testimony before the FDA at

Karen was a dental assistant who was poisoned by her own fillings and being exposed to vapor in the dental office.

Marie Flowers
DAMS Coordinator in Virginia, USA

1cm Thick UK Plug Concept

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^conan:
How COMPLETELY useless. Just go for EN 5007 type of plugs, just as the rest of WHOLE EUROPE. If your electrics where europe standard, you wouldn't need the fuse inside the plug either. Sometimes the uk's protectionism is strange.

The Wikipedia article you linked to explains why the Europlug cannot be used in the UK. Oh, and there are fuses in UK wiring, the fuse in the plug is just an extra precaution. As to why the UK doesn't switch to the Europlug... can you imagine the cost and the hassle of rewiring everything to meet the new specification? Not to mention millions upon millions of household devices that would need plugs replacing? And safety: with 61 million people rewiring all their plugs, someone's bound to make a mistake and set fire to something.

Hand vs. Liquid Nitrogen and the Leidenfrost Effect

mentality says...

>> ^Simple_Man:
I don't agree with the eia, if anything, we need a new channel like sia, or science in action, instead of just plain old science.

Yeah. the eia is definitely unjustified considering the necessary precautions were taken, and the stunt was performed in a controlled environment. If this is eia, you might as well call any video of daily work in a science lab handling toxic materials eia. It even has a warning against trying this at home.

Stephen Fry visits a Nevada Whore House

imstellar28 says...

How would that argument not apply to regular, consensual sex. Or any other basic human behavior such as coughing, washing hands, going outside while sick, etc?

It sounds as though you wish to make "risk" illegal?

I about a slippery slope.

>> ^jwray However, the government can and should require safety precautions because one person's negligence can increase risks to others despite the others' vigilance.

Stephen Fry visits a Nevada Whore House

jwray says...

>> ^imstellar28:
would have a hard time finding victims here. girls who like sex being paid to have sex with guys who want to have sex.
still..start the argument in the right place. people should be free to have sex with whomever they want under whatever conditions they want. taxes regulations, etc. are all unnecessary and unjust. you don't need a federal law to mandate condom usage or dick checks...businesses and individuals can and should choose to engage in those same safe practices without government regulation.
you probably use condoms and at least make a quick check for any giant oozing sores when you have one night stands, no reason you shouldn't do it if you were buying a hooker...

I agree that the government should not be in the business of outlawing victimless "crimes".

However, the government can and should require safety precautions because one person's negligence can increase risks to others despite the others' vigilance.

Sifting Quotes (Philosophy Talk Post)

siftbot says...

"Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?" -HAL

"This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it." -HAL

"Dave, although you took thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move." -HAL

"Number 5 is alive." -Johnny 5

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