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Living With Michael Jackson (Full Documentary)

ponceleon says...

While it is quite a watch, there was a followup which showed quite a few outtakes in which Bashir was clearly being disingenuous to MJ. Again, I'm not a MJ apologist, but Bashir definitely pandered to him off-camera, calling him a "great father" and such, only adding the damning voice-overs after the fact. If you read the wikipedia article, it wasn't until the very end, in the interview specifically about Gavin that he "confronted" Michael to his face.

Not saying all was kosher over at Neverland, but the behavior of this "journalist" is pretty typical media two-faced douchyness.

THE USUAL SUSPECTS-(behind the scene) infamous line up scene

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'the usual suspects, pollock, baldwin, byrne, spacey, singer, farts' to 'the usual suspects, pollock, baldwin, byrne, spacey, singer, farts, blooper, outtakes' - edited by burdturgler

Funny Stargate SG1 Prank (Macgyver)

Best fight scene of all time

Pass The Pepto

Bob Dylan - Blind Willie McTell

Dom Deluise - Cannon Ball Run Montage (r.i.p)

syncron (Member Profile)

Kerotan (Member Profile)

burdturgler says...

Just fix your embed with this:
then discard your pokemon vid to make room for the other two parts ..
2 -
3 -
and make a link in the summary of the first vid to the other two ..

In reply to this comment by Kerotan:

the part one embed from there.

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
whats the link you're getting the embed from?

In reply to this comment by Kerotan:
>> ^burdturgler:
I'm not sure what you mean .. what's the problem?

well when I try to replace the embed (of this dead video) from comedy central, videosift has a hissy fit.

TDS Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer - The Interview

TDS Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer - The Interview

charliem says...

>> ^Lodurr:
>> ^blankfist:
All three parts here (BLOCKED):
Part 1.
Part 2.
part 3.

I definitely recommend these, the uncut interview is much longer, and without the awkward cuts. Also you get to hear Jon say "fuck" which is pretty awesome in this context.

Jon just annihilates cramer and the rest of the economic pundits with the uncut interview. Its a shame that it takes a comedy show to hold peoples feet to the fire like this.

Shows how far journalism in the US has fallen.
I have a huge mancrush on JS.

TDS Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer - The Interview

TDS Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer - The Interview

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