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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh SHIT! VonShitzenpants violated the gag order last night AFTER the second contempt hearing where he was informed the next violation will mean incarceration, reposting others making (false) statements about Merchan’s daughter and court staff and the gag order.
Still waiting for the other courts, he violated every release order in every court including Cannon’s when he was found guilty of 9 counts of CRIMINAL CONTEMPT, a crime and violation of his release conditions. You claim he’s treated unfairly, why isn’t he in jail then, like any other citizen would be by now? We all agreed that people who commit more crimes while on pre trial release should be remanded…but you cultishly don’t agree when it’s Dummy VonShitzenpants. 😂

Uh-oh! SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE …Trump media’s replacement financial auditor (replaced the real auditors who declared serious concern about the information they were being provided and the viability of the company then quit) has been charged with massive frauds, 100% deficient audits (21/21 audited had major omissions or misstatements or “errors” that drastically effected the audit results), and a total lack of complying with basic standards. The SEC called them a “sham audit mill”. Who could have predicted that? EVERYONE! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Holy sheep shit! The CIA has released information about a plot by Trump/Kushner in Oct 2020 to set up a secret communication channel with Russia using Russian diplomatic facilities in order to avoid any American monitoring of the pre-inauguration discussions (but clearly Russia would know all). Just one more instance of maga selling America to our long term enemies, in your eyes another “nothingburger” like every crime Trump commits, but if Biden did anything close it would be treason that requires a civil war.

Meanwhile maga representatives are saying on camera that everything they do in the House of Representatives should be about electing Trump…not protecting America, not improving the economy, not addressing immigration, not working to solve America’s issues, not anything positive, just help Donny….but nooooo…it’s not a cult. 😂

The judge actually corrected VonShitsinpants’s lies from the bench, namely the idiotic lie that the gag order means he cannot testify, a pure total lie he’s telling his moronic followers to excuse his not testifying…because there’s no way in hell he’s testifying without convicting himself of multiple crimes, he’s absolutely incapable, everybody knows it. It seems he was trying to set up an ineffectual council defense pretending his lawyer told him the gag order stops him from testifying or is even in effect inside court…the judge destroyed that weak attempt by correcting the lie on the record, Trump CAN testify, he chooses not to, just like every other case he’s been convicted of, he never testifies, it’s the smartest move he’s ever made.
His second chair lawyer ruined her legal reputation today arguing with Merchan over getting pre approval to violate the gag order again by retweeting posts that violate the orders, which is not a thing. The judge obviously turned them down, saying the order is crystal clear on its face, judges don’t give advisory opinions to defendants, and if they’re unsure if they’re about to violate the order AGAIN maybe just don’t post it, duh.

Came out today from people in the room that when sanctions were being set he tried to remove China from the countries being sanctioned because Xi was nice to him on the phone and so he promised he would.
Also in court today, Trump and Cohen on tape discussing setting up payments to his mistresses, how to hide the payments and not pay in cash, etc. 😂


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump found guilty of criminal contempt for violating the gag order 9 times. Given the maximum fine of $9k (nothing), but also ordered him to remove ALL posts by 2:15 NY time today (he has now) and instructed him that one more violation and he goes to jail immediately….so later today.

Understand, this is also a violation of his release conditions for his other 3 felony trials, so he’s got 3 more contempt hearings about it before he can feel safe. (Note, if those judges are really Trump hating judges he will be in jail tonight under 3 separate orders for violating his release conditions and held until trial(s)…but watch, instead he’s going to get special treatment and another dozen opportunities to violate the court orders without anything more than a cheap ticket, because there are two justice systems in America, one for normal people, one for the rich and famous with no penalties for breaking the law over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over…the disgraced ex president is in the latter.)

He also finally ruled on Donald going to Barron’s graduation and said he may (contradicting the lies he’s been telling that he was barred from going, never happened, another lie he sold you)…hide and watch, he’s never once been to one of his children’s graduations before, he isn’t going to Barron’s, he’ll have some bs excuse but he’s not going.

There’s another contempt hearing on Thursday. It may be a done deal already.

Afroman - Hunter Got High

newtboy says...

Poor Afroman, he must have really needed the money to sell out for this stupidity. It’s obvious he didn’t write it, it’s far too uninspired and 5 years late.

Hunter Biden lives rent free in that empty space between your ears, @bobknight33, and he’s never held office or made policy. 😂
He’s a private citizen who’s been exonerated of all but the most minor gun and tax crimes, crimes Trump has committed himself but much worse by buying the “Trump gun” while out on pretrial release and evading hundreds of millions in taxes through fraud.

1) Hunter never raped a woman.
2) Hunter never had to pay to hide his affairs, covering up his lack of loyalty even to family.
3) Hunter didn’t try to foment a coup.
4) Hunter is a private citizen, the left should start investigating the Trump kids including Barron who it’s guaranteed is a huge bully with multiple secret payoffs to quite angry parents, Don jr has a blatant cocaine problem, test his hair, Melania is a soft core porn star and mail order bride never forget, Ivanka sold state secrets with her husband, Eric is just a moron…special prosecutor time.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. The texts have been released. 400 pages of texts.
They outline the clearly illegal and dishonest attempt to steal an election despite admitting knowing full well they lost by millions of votes starting November 9 or before.
They utterly destroy the lie that the fake electors were just in case a court reversed an states results, they are absolutely clear that they should just count those fake electors and deny the real electors a count.
They also claim only the Trump Supreme Court could reverse that election theft, and they’re on board with not taking the case.

lol. One text is Chesebro on the steps of the capitol on Jan 4 with the text “I’ve decided not to storm the capitol…at least not today.” Kinda hurts the lie that storming the capitol wasn’t planned….not that even maggots believe that stupid nonsensical lie.

Fun…note that WHEN Trump is found in contempt of court today or tomorrow, even if he gets no jail, he may get jailed. ALL of his other cases required him to submit to conditions of release, one of which is he must commit absolutely no crimes while released, not federal, state, or local felonies, misdemeanors, or infractions. Basic contempt is a misdemeanor crime, a crime that violates his conditions for release in 3 other cases. Buh-bye Dumb Donald!
Edit: now Thursday…that’s when the SECOND contempt hearing is scheduled, penalties are on hold because Trump continues to violate the orders even while awaiting sentence so they will have to be increased dramatically….oh sorry, I forgot I’m not following the trials, so I guess I don’t know about all that.

Bonus- Constant dog hater Donald hasn’t dropped his puppy murdering vp pick yet, on top of everything you can legitimately call maga the dog hating party.

His ridiculous paid black actors aren’t hiding their payments well, going on righty press junkets, getting paid speaking engagements at billionaires events, and sailing in the Bahamas…that’s what the everyday woman who hugged him at Chik-fil-a (who has been a long time Republican paid operative and was set up by the campaign to pretend rump likes average black people and not just multi millionaire blacks, oops!). Paying for public support is a hallmark of a despot, just like Gadaffi.

Hunter Biden is about to sue Fox for continuing to air false stories long after they’re proven false….just like Dominion….and is demanding public retractions from all righty media….just like Dominion and warning them that they violated felony revenge porn laws nationwide and continue to do so. He’s going to win a 9 figure settlement, just like Dominion, from multiple righty propaganda outlets, finally making him that hundred millionaire maga insists he is. 😂

Bwaaahahahahaaaa! A bit stale but new to me…try claiming it’s not a cult again….

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Wow. The head of the RNC Laura Trump claims to have lawsuits in 81 states. Impressive! Republicans are so anti American now that their leadership has no idea how many states exist! 81!?! 😂
They are so incompetent don’t have offices open in most states, including swing states! Down ballot candidates are 100% on their own…just that shit covered cinder block that is Trump hanging around their neck as they run for office against fit candidates without baggage. 😂

She also claimed on air that they have inserted RNC operatives into election offices and they will physically be handling and examining and objecting to votes as they come in…which is 100% illegal. Not smart to telegraph that election fraud scheme so early that they can be discovered and prosecuted before the election, but it’s maga, you’re never smart.

Then she goes on to say they will have lawyers stationed at polls, to prosecute any democrats they catch cheating. (Apparently she’s unaware that every vote fraud in the last 8 years was a Republican cheating to help Trump.). Not only is that not how the law works, lawyers don’t do the investigation, it’s also 100% illegal election interference and voter intimidation, and it’s unlikely any actual lawyers would volunteer for something so obviously guaranteed to lose them their license if they’re caught.

Meanwhile in Florida Trump’s lawyers have admitted the FBI never searched a secret hidden room in Trumps bedroom hidden behind a dresser with a secret door, essentially begging the FBI to come raid Mar a Lago again because they missed the most important secret hidden areas (after being told in sworn statements that all documents were accounted for and turned over).

Meanwhile in AZ 18 co conspirators in the election fraud scheme were indicted by a grand jury including the election integrity officer for the RNC who was just indicted on charges of violating election integrity. Far right media won’t cover this story, because they know how awful it is that more MAGA election fraud is FINALLY being prosecuted. Trump is named as (so far) unindicted coconspirator #1 in that indictment.

Meanwhile in DC Trump’s lawyers argue that unless the law used to prosecute the president includes a special provision allowing the law to be applied to the president it cannot be applied and the president is above that law, unprosecutable even after impeachment, and argued that any crimes committed to close to the end of their term to be impeached before leaving office are gimmes…completely unprosecutable under any circumstances, this includes fomenting a coup, murder, rapes, theft, disclosing state secrets….literally anything. They argue that a president is an emperor above all laws and untouchable. If true, Biden will have Trump assassinated November 3rd, then step down on the 8th before impeachment but after winning the election to give Harris the reigns. 😂

Meanwhile in New York Trump was served with more violations of the gag order while he was awaiting the ruling on the first 10 violations of the gag order…so it’s likely he’ll be fined for those and told any more he goes to jail, and he’s already violated it multiple times since his hearing.

Also meanwhile in New York his latest attempt to get a new trial or set aside the Carrol judgement for no legitimate reason was denied. The “L”s just keep coming!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wow. So little support showed up today after Don called for massive protests that he claimed the police had closed the streets around the courthouse, but they had not, the street was open, there was ONE pro trump protester there. That’s it, all that showed up to support the disgraced ex president…no fans, no supporters, no family. Even Jeffry Dahmer’s parents showed up for him in court! No one is there for poor little DJ that he isn’t paying to be there.
Bonus- After their disastrous performance at the contempt hearing where their arguments were laughable (like claiming that if Trump adds “maga” to any post it becomes a political statement and that magically invalidates the gag order, or that retweeting statements doesn’t violate the gag order even when he edits them, the judge has said he, Trump’s only real attorney, has lost all credibility in this court…Trump already had none, now his lawyers won’t be believed and the judge will instruct the jury to that effect. The keystone cops of lawyers! You get what you deserve sometimes. 😂

Today’s testimony….


“[Pecker] Outlines Trump election conspiracy and reveals Trump’s constant cheating on wife Melania in damning testimony” Hilariously describing the then long time married Trump as “well known as the most eligible bachelor”.
Walt Nada has said under oath that he was promised a pardon when Trump wins if he lied to the FBI. 😂
Interviews from person 16 with corroborating evidence show Trump and his family were warned repeatedly that stealing documents from the whitehouse was a crime and they needed to return every page. They also reported under oath that there was never a standing “declassification order”, and could not be because it would be highly illegal. (Handling whitehouse records and preserving them was part of their job). Just more evidence that the treason wasn’t an accident, he stole those highly sensitive classified documents intentionally knowing full well it was criminal when he did it, and criminal to retain them. We still have no idea who he may have shown them to, but we know at the least that both Chinese and Russian agents have been free to roam Mar a Lago while they were there unguarded. You can’t say the same about the personal notes Biden accidentally retained and returned when they were discovered.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahahaaaaaa! Aaaaaaa-aaaaaaa-aaaaaaaa-hahahahahaaaaa!
You are such a silly little boy.

“New product issues”. That’s what you call the utter failure of the cybertruck ending in a mandatory recall of all of them, and the abysmal build quality of Teslas. By “addressed” you mean ignored and denied like in the past?

Another fan boy gonna try to excuse the horrific build quality, the poor design, the failure of multiple advertised features, the inability to get a pickup truck wet or it voids the warranty (including car washes which are required daily to avoid rust), the lower than advertised range, the unsafe features that can cut all your fingers off if you aren’t extremely careful, the faked tests and demonstrations, the loss of market share to better non cyber trucks for half the cost or less, and the hyper political man baby who runs the company and takes the profits?

Sorry Charlie, the cyber truck is recalled for multiple safety and quality reasons. Orders are being cancelled, and couldn’t be filled anyway, production is crawling and slowing down. You just used Tesla laying off over 10% of its workforce to imply the economy was failing (stupidity, your name is bob, should have read your cut and paste), now you try to pretend it’s doing great and only getting better. That’s how I know you still have that Tesla stock, otherwise you would be complaining with the rest of his customers/investors. 😂
Being first to market was all Tesla had going for it, now thanks to mismanagement it squandered that advantage and has a bad reputation, unlike its better designed competitors.

Tesla is offering deep discounts because sales have slumped.

bobknight33 said:

NEw product issues will be addressed.

If you want to truly know about the cyber truck.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another impeachment “L” for you idiots. Congratulations! Dumb failures and idiotic infighting is all the MAGA house has gotten done. Enjoy Democrat rule!

Now 7 violations of the gag order have been filed. By Monday, the hearing, it’s going to be 15-20. The judge will likely be forced to put him in jail at least overnight, next time for a month. It’s what he’s hoping for, he thinks jail helps him in the polls….it won’t, it will only prove he’s incapable of controlling himself.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

3 criminal contempt charges filed. He’s guilty on all 3.
Prison is unlikely, this time, but he could serve 90 days on this alone if Merchan desires (and Trump has made him desire it) . It’s a near guarantee he will spend time in jail before this trial ends, he’s incapable of following the law even with all eyes on him and under specific court orders, he has no self control at all, so expect the next violation to get jail time, and all those thereafter.
Any other defendant would be in jail already, this is the two tiered justice system Trump constantly whines about in action….notice he’s always in the “I’m special and above the law” tier.

Outside court yesterday Trump admitted the crime he’s on trial for…paying a citizen for an NDA to hide an ilicit affair (as part of his campaign for president) and illegally hiding the payment as a “legal expense” not a “campaign expense”. HE ACTUALLY SAID TO REPORTERS OUTSIDE THE COURTHOUSE THAT THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE DID! The judge sees these interviews, so does the DA, and they will almost certainly be entered into evidence to dispute whatever nonsense lies Trump spews on the stand, or to explain his refusal to testify if he pleads the 5th. 😂
I love it when a plan comes together.
Remember this is just trial #1 out of 4…with more to come, he hasn’t stopped criming yet!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s bond is totally junk.
The bond company submitted more (improper) paperwork, including the signature page from the E G Carroll bond from a completely different company. They do not have the liquidity to post a bond 1/10 the size they have posted. Be ready for Donny to go to prison.

He also violated the gag order repeatedly and a motion for criminal contempt has been filed, and will likely be granted.

And again, Sleepy Don couldn’t stay awake at his own criminal trial to protect himself, do you really think he can stay awake to protect America, who in his mind is second seat to him at best?

Meanwhile, the MAGA Kansas AG is outraged that Biden is funding the program and paying for them to remove lead pipes because blanket poisoning citizens and giving children brain damage is a state rights issue to Trumpists.

Meanwhile Huckabee Sanders has been referred for prosecution for stealing $20k for a Paris vacation and lying about where the money went and creating fake government records to hide the theft.
Her response to being referred for prosecution on multiple felonies:a video stating “come and take it” using stolen copy-written music already under a cease and decist order. The criminality is no longer hidden or disputed, it’s celebrated.

How’s your Trump Media stock doing? Might hit 20 today! Did you go “all in”!? 😂

Still waiting.

Bonus- OAN has admitted they lied about the 2020 election and Smartmatic and settled the lawsuit over the big lie. Another big “L” for team Traitor.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Fake…just like every “blacks for Trump” ploy to pretend their paid activists are just normal everyday black folk who just realized Trump is their guy, the fake staged chick-fil-a hug, the fake AI photos (the closest trump wants to get to real black people), the racist idea that black people now identify with him because he’s been indicted for 91 felonies just like them, the gold tennis shoes…every attempt to pretend he cares about other races has been so incredibly tone deaf and racist that they all backfired incredibly badly. Trump won’t even get 8% after his response to BLM.

No actual democrat now supports Trump. Lie #1. Even Berniebros hated him, they just hated Clinton more.

Lie #2, she says she supports Trump and that aligns with her Christian values…Christian values of adultery, rape, fraud, theft, dishonesty, supporting a man who embodies false piety, sloth, wrath, gluttony, pride, greed, envy, and lust, supporting a man who puts himself before god, actually made a golden idol of himself (holy fuck could he be more clear!?), works and plays on the sabbath, dishonors his father’s legacy, has ordered many deaths, and adultery, theft, false witness, and covetousness galore.
Don’t forget he’s also selling fake, edited bibles…claimed to be real leather but it’s definitely not, made in China for $2 and sold for $70, with the constitution and bill of rights added but amendment 11-27 are missing. Hilarious he wants to omit those rights while wrapping himself in a flag…not one bit out of character to pretend the 13th and 14th and 15th don’t exist, and the 22nd is right out.

Get fucking real you idiot child.
Still waiting.

bobknight33 said:

Call this fake too.

USS Discovery is full of flamethrowers

Food Delivery Apps: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

I worked for a company called “waiters on wheels” in the Bay Area…essentially door dash before cell phones and the internet. We used handheld radios.
We got minimum wage + tips, and our salaries didn’t pay for gas and car upkeep so we survived or perished based on tipping. It’s hard, thankless work only to be at the whim of your customers mood for your livelihood.
Worse, you pay taxes as if you are tipped 15% on all orders, but the average tip was closer to 8% when you count non-tippers.
Back then, stoners were the worst. Usually paying at least partially in change, rarely a tip at all, maybe an offer of a bong hit for a tip at best.

If you hire a service to deliver, remember there’s an actual person between you and them, and you only hurt the person by not tipping, not the company. If the order is screwed up, it’s unlikely to be their fault, they can only take what the restaurant gives them. Keep that in mind, service people deserve to be paid for their work, and the tip is part of their pay.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It’s only gotten worse….the bond application wasn’t even completely filled out…missing was a Trump financial statement, a basic requirement already specified as necessary by the court, a company financial statement, no power of attorney so no legal right to submit them and, no attorney of record listed and no signature.
The bond company also has only 8% of the cash required to make a bond of this size.
Trump can’t pay even the drastically lowered amount despite claiming he has $500 million in cash…he can’t even get a bond for it.
The “bond” has already been rejected. Good luck finding a real one!

Edit: the new attempt made today is also completely deficient, still no financials attached, still no proof where the money is coming from, still not enough assets to cover the bond. It’s getting rejected right now.

Trump’s lawyers can’t even law, bro. 😂

Bonus - the attempt to call the planning of the coup and asking governors to falsify vote tallies “free speech” has failed…planning crimes isn’t covered. The treason case continues…maybe Sept 1!

The business fraud/porn star hush money trial starts real soon. Enjoy the disgusting details about trumps sex life, the constant philandering, the YOUNG girls, pressuring his “friend’s” wives for sex, rapes, Epstein, payoffs for his secret children out of wedlock, unbelievable misogyny, incest, etc. …what a trial that’s going to be. You’re going to have a truckload of facts and evidence about serial rapist Don to ignore.

Meanwhile MAGGOT representatives in Maine are confused and angrily publicly asking “What did the Nazis do that was illegal?” on their senate floor. I guess genocide, murder, kidnapping, rape, displacement, interment, invasion, dehumanization, etc aren’t crimes to MAGA anymore…so why do they keep harping about crime in big cities (which has fallen to levels well below the best year under Trump, 2019, and reversed the explosion in crime from 2020)?
Yes, MAGA is defending NAZIS in congress. Their “good people”. Try to hide from being the fascist now.

The hits keep coming, 2 early investors/creators of Trump media have plead guilty to insider trading with the company and stealing $22 million from investors, and the 2021-22 secret emergency loan from a Russian under criminal investigation/sanctions in America that kept Trump media alive was also revealed.

And- a petition is circulating demanding an investigation into stock fraud with 13000 Trump Media investors’ signatures already, claiming the financial statements were withheld until after the IPO in order to inflate the stock price before investors found out what a disaster it is financially.

Oops - Trump was caught telling rich donors when he thought the cameras were off that his main plan is more tax cuts for the ultra rich and big cuts for social security and Medicare. Not what he tells his idiot cultists.

newtboy said:

It’s only gotten worse…the company doesn’t even meet the minimum requirements to do business in New York much less have a license to do so, and claims around $138 million in liquid assets but wrote a bond for $175 million, but New York statute only allows them to write a bond for up to 10% of their liquidity, not 130%!
The insufficient bond has been challenged and will be refused…do you really believe he can find another REAL bond?
It’s sure sounding like New York is going to start seizing properties next week. The hits just keep coming!

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