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Police Hold Woman In Fire Ant Bed On Purpose

newtboy says...

Never a good apple to be found, not ever. They’re a myth, there are no good cops left.
I have allergies. I would absolutely have died in burning agony.

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

Shows your delusion perfectly.
It’s not worse, it’s better by every single measure used to measure any economy.

Inflation has turned around and is down to 3.24% with wage gains outpacing it by almost double, and wage gains were the highest ever at 15.28 % in April of 2021 under Biden and a record low of -5.89% in April of 2020…who was president then? Low inflation doesn’t mean shit when unemployment is at record highs wages are actually going DOWN, shelves are bare, and GDP is NEGATIVE!!
Negative wage growth is the same as inflation…it lowers earning/spending power…so does losing 15-20 million jobs!
So, combine wage growth and inflation then average in the unemployed at $0 income to get average earning/spending power, you will see earning/spending power was much LOWER in 2020 under Trump even for those that kept their jobs…when you could actually find anything to buy that is. 🤦‍♂️
I know you don’t remember a hour ago, but many of us remember 2020, the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year in so many ways ending in a coup attempt.

Good management turned what Trump left, a triple decker shit sandwich in a festering sewer and guaranteed recession at best according to every economist, into a boom so great inflation spiked higher than just thanks to Trump wasteful overspending and pure handouts to business owners with completely unregulated no background check no repayment PPP loans, but Biden’s fed handled it and inflation is barely above average and well below all other G7 nations by far.

You think the economy is worse now than record high unemployment record low wage growth record low gdp record discretionary federal spending and record business closures!?!…by what measure buddy? What measure? Inflation is down, earning power is up….WAY UP. Your feelings don’t mean shit….in fact, fuck your feelings snowflake.

bobknight33 said:


nuff said
Your old play book of blaming the previous administration is pure BS.
If Biden was handed a shit sandwich He has had 3 years to push policies to turn the ship around . But he hasn't It is worse.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Way to drop your latest racist defense attempt for murderous cops like a molten steel potato after I poked it so full of holes there was nothing left. 😂

What are you talking about?
That’s the deal she offered under the first time offender program…cooperate, fulfill your lengthy probation and community service sentence and fines, and the charge is expunged. Until then it’s deferred. Fail to fulfill all the requirements or fail to fully cooperate with the prosecutors, you’re a felon and your probation gets revoked and trial starts, likely with you remanded. That’s how it works.
What do you think this means, bob?
Clearly you think it’s some loss somehow. Please explain yourself….by yourself, not with some internet troll video.
It’s a guilty plea that (legally, not in the court of public opinion or memory) goes away if conditions are met…like the others got. Did you not know or something? 😂
I would agree, they all should serve prison time so in that sense I feel it’s a small loss for justice, but also a bigger win.

They had been offered immunity deals with no fines, no probation, no community service, no guilty plea to felonies that stick if they don’t fulfill every requirement and no referral to the bar and instead went this route with all those repercussions and still are cooperating now. Sure sounds to me like they all lost big for no good reason.

The point is she now admits under oath that there was never any of the evidence she claimed, never a stolen election, and they knew it. She’s going to cooperate prosecuting the big fish, and will likely be disbarred for her lies.
How is that a loss, Bob? What?!? 🤦‍♂️

Not so hollow after all…in fact it’s atomic.

Edit: oh sweet zombie Jeebus…Trumps lawyers just filed in federal court in his Jan 6 trial claiming that he had not been charged with any crime in the case!

He’s charged with 4. 1 count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, 1 count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, 1 count of obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and 1 count of conspiracy against rights.

This is his best defense…pretend he’s on trial for nothing because they have no defense to the charges. It’s not going to work.

How do you put on a defense against no charges? You don’t. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Fani LOSES Again! Jenna Ellis Charges DEFERRED with NO Judgment of GUILT
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A hollow wedgie at best

If you loved the show "The Bear" *spoilers

cloudballoon says...

Oh I get the point. I would've push through, but my wife couldn't bear it. The assaults on the ear drums, and other annoyances are too much for the pay off to come later in the season for us. Couldn't root for the characters anymore like we did in Season 1. But if this show happened 10-20 years ago? Probably much more worth the time investment. Now, I got no patience for these too-flawed-for-no-good-reasons (at least initially) characters anymore.

kir_mokum said:

that's the point. that episode was amazing and def. hard to watch. the show is hard to watch but it's rewarding. my favourite trait of the show is that the show allows the characters to be flawed but to also learn, grow, and be better people, which i don't think i've really seen before in TV.

Orlando Police Believe They’re Above The Law

newtboy says...

Yes, a sad truth.
That’s why I believe there are few to no “good cops”. The few that exist are usually run out of law enforcement the first time they report criminal cops. The examples of this are endless. Everything from nonstop harassment at work with the chiefs approval or even involvement to straight out murder by fellow officers.

I can’t blame rookie cops, but anyone in the system over a year has become part of it.

I believe every officer should go through psychological testing by reputable testers, not cop psychologists, and civil rights retraining every 5 years max. Edit: I also cannot for the life of me understand why body cameras can be turned off, they should be always on and disabling one should be a crime. Mostly I think qualified immunity needs to be abolished. It’s insane for taxpayers to pay for police misconduct while the perps get extra paid vacation time at most. I think being a cop should be a sentencing enhancement, doubling any sentence and enforcing a minimum prison time for any crime that carries possible prison time. Abusing authority is no small thing.

BSR said:


Now the good cop needs to worry about other bad cops.

BadLipReading: McCarthy vs. Gaetz: Explained!

luxintenebris jokingly says...

enjoyed this up to the point when reality sat in that no pedo, dimbo, or whack-a-doodle dudes were ever gonna stop K. Owen from the speakership.

no good is ever good w/these type of people in leadership.

Owen be owing too much to the performance artist at his Party.

Flagler County Sheriff welcomes would-be criminals

newtboy says...

When police act like police and not a sadistic criminal gang that murders and steals and rapes more than any other.

When police act like “to protect and serve” describes their obligations, not the obligations of the citizens they abuse.

When it becomes normal and safe for “good” cops to turn in bad cops, with the full support of the force instead of today’s MO where they get fired, ostracized, slandered, and often outright murdered by fellow police with out fear of prosecution.

(like the cop in LA killed “training” by the same group of police he was investigating for a group rape, set up by his superiors to be “trained” by them, in private, and not stopped when they put him in the hospital with broken ribs and multiple staples in his head 2 days before they killed him by breaking his neck (with his entire body covered in bruises, cuts, and severe lacerations)….being protected by the entire force today. This was in October. No charges pending, called a “training accident”, no investigation. This is not out of the ordinary one bit.)

When every neo Nazi, proud boy, boogaloo boy, and other actual terrorists are purged from the force, along with anyone ever fired from any police force for cause.

In short, when they return to being police, I will give them the respect they will have earned, that’s when …but they have turned from that and only earned scorn and hatred in the last 35+ years. There are no good cops today, just unending barrels of bad apples rotten to the core. Every good cop has been removed or turned into an accomplice. Every force a gang. Every chief a gang leader.

This is not news to you. If you could read, you would have read this response to the same question quite a few times. That you ask again only proves you simply don’t read answers, you just post dumb questions you think are insulting or dismissive. No wonder you know nothing.

bobknight33 said:

When will you take that chip off your shoulder?

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

cloudballoon says...

For my understanding, the general meaning of the word "Zionism" is vastly changed throughout the eras. And there isn't a homogeneous kind of Zionism anyway. What kind of "Zionist agenda" the people/government living in the land of "Israel/Palestine" in the 30-50s to today had in mind and pushing for is totally different. Let's be concerned with today's general definition of Zionism, as mostly defined by the Likud and the other far-right/Nationalist parties in today's Israel shall we?

Also, I can't imagine there are a whole lot of countries that would deny Israel's right-to-exist (like, physically, wholeheartedly want to wipe them of the face of the earth kind, NOT the expedient, political rhetorics for their own domestic consumption kind). And those that could really be crazy enough, like Iran, I constantly (naively?) felt the Ayatollahs would rather opt for silent, staus-quo relations than go to war with Israel (they must see the Ukraine invaison and see Russia/Putin isolation as a lesson, they can't afford to put themselves in the same position as Putin's in a Israel/Iran war. The Ayatollahs don't have even Iranian people standing behind them).

The good is that for Israel vs. the Arab countries, trust building is possible, but incredibly slow -- it only takes one wrong step to negate a mile of trust building -- but still, the past few years have seen some Arab countries opening up bilateral embassies with Israel along wiht increased trades & direct flights, etc.

The no good, very bad news of the statehood issues, daily IvP conflict, land grabs and from low-level militray incursions to the occasional missiles trading military operations, are happening far too often. Thus making hard-core Zionism, support of Hamas, the isolation of the Palestinian people & economy, etc. all the more severe. None of these are paths towards peace and/or creating the conditions for mutually agreeable settlement. All the flashpoints needs to be addressed in an even-handed way. But we just don't see balance in the media and/or the world political arena.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Such a dumb ass. That’s exactly what you said when it was at $1200. With Elon as the only leader, there’s no good time to buy, because tomorrow he might decide it’s a great time to put every dime in bitcoin (because it also lost half its value).
Biden had nothing to do with the stock tanking. Musk being an idiot has everything to do with it.

Um…what? A bit late to look at the company now, don’t you think? He might have done that before making a $45 billion offer that he’s locked into. Now he’s wasted between $1 billion and $20 billion, which comes out of Tesla.

Tesla is no longer a monopoly, Elon no longer looks like a business genius. That means the likelihood of Tesla stock going back to a PE ratio near 200 is pretty low, but further decline is highly likely. It’s still over 90 PE…anything over 25 is a horrible deal.

bobknight33 said:

It’s a fantastic time to buy Tesla stock. Truly this is a “thank Joe Biden”

WRT to twitter musk trying to get a true sense of fake accounts and bots

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops, did I say hundreds of millions…my mistake, so sorry…. Recent reports of Saudi Arabia agreeing to invest a billion dollars in Trump Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin's firm despite being a horrible, very bad, no good investment according to all of the prince’s financial advisors, and new reporting from the New York Times that Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner secured a two billion dollar investment from the Saudis despite lacking the qualifications to handle such an investment and his firm being worse than Mnuchin’s by every measure and a horrific investment in terrible real estate at insanely overvalued prices….now we know why Trump took their side over Quatar, and why he (and he bragged about this) saved the royal prince from any repercussions for ordering the dismembering while alive of an American citizen and member of the press in an outrageous act of brutality and murder.

Just one more case of Trump before (read “instead of”) country.

What was that about Hunter?! Some silly baseless rumors made up in
Giuliani’s pickled brain you want investigated? Sure, right after we get the criminals we have actual verified proof on, not just baseless partisan accusations.

newtboy said:

Already proven that Trump tampered with the official call log in the whitehouse because phone calls on record to senators from the whitehouse, on their official call logs from the WH number, we’re not on the call log Trump’s team turned over (with 7 hours of calls erased).
Proven within days to be a fraud, obstruction of justice, and creating a false government record for the purposes of court.

This is you guy. This is you pick?

Yeah yeah, I know….”BUT HUNTER” you say. Sorry buddy, Hunter isn’t in the government, doesn’t work for the president, and is a private citizen, so keep going after uninvolved children of politicians, it doesn’t tarnish Joe one bit, and so far hasn’t produced anything against him, only baseless accusations that he might have used daddy’s position for personal gain, not something the Trumps want criminalized to be sure, since we have the recordings of them doing exactly that.

Unlike the Trump crime family that absolutely took in hundreds of millions in gifts and sweetheart deals from (hostile) foreign nations while working for the administration and during trade negotiations they were involved directly in….that’s normally called bribery, and it’s not a guess or fantasy, it’s public record….and they did work for the government in as nepotistic a way as possible.

Old guy's laugh totally upstages comedian (@1:15)

newtboy says...

My laugh sounds like a cartoon super villain….or maybe Vincent Price up to no good.
*quality silliness

169 votes!!! It’s hard to get that many views these days.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


The right has abandoned these as important because they failed miserably compared to the left? LMFAHS!!!

Trump only put Trump first…ever. Anyone not cheering for him constantly was the enemy. If you’re so disengenuous to only count Trumptards as Americans (despite their being rabid anti American terrorists) he put them first…only if you don’t count Trumps, Putin, Xi, Lil Kim, Saudis…. That’s likely what you think….it’s your speed.

Biden’s growth average is crushing Trumps. Derp. Trump averaged 1% growth per year…last year under Biden growth was 5.7%! A growth increase of over 9% from Trump’s horrible very bad no good last year!!! Near double Trump’s best year.

Trump had a loss…a fucking loss for his last year. Negative growth for 1/4 of his presidency, with no one else to blame because it was his last year, not his first year when he rode Obama’s recovery wave. If the economy had tanked in June 2021, you could be right that Biden can’t keep it up, but it didn’t. Sorry, even numbers must be liberal now, because they certainly disagree with you. Derp.

This planet…where everyone but Trumptards live. You might visit sometime. On Planet Trump, maybe not….but it’s in a different universe where white supremacists aren’t racists but civil rights leaders are, where the pandemic and 2020 and Jan 6 never happened, and where Hunter Biden is a multi billionaire.
Here on Earth, Biden’s leadership has led to economic recovery, gdp growth, lower unemployment, higher wages, a strong unified European front opposing Putin, and soon an end to pandemic measures.

Putin invaded under weak president Trump too, you fucktard, with zero repercussions, he was also identified conclusively as having shot down commercial aircraft over Ukraine, with not a peep from Trump, and Trump totally gave up on Crimea too, even before taking office, removing all sanctions and green lighting Putin’s expansion for years….holy shit you can’t possibly be ignorant of that, so I know you’re just trolling because you have nothing. So sad, little man.

Trump bent over backwards far enough to lick Putis scrotum as he fucked Trump’s leaky sausage hole repeatedly. He never once stood up to him with any action….never. He did take many actions to embolden and reward Russian expansion. Trump withheld military aid from Ukraine as Putin was invading them…not only did nothing against Russia but actually hobbled the Ukranians fighting for democracy against Putin. Trump put Putin first….correction….second, right after Trump.

Trump is a coward who hides from leadership and service (actually despises the thought and ridicules those who do serve as suckers and fools regularly) and instead rage tweets like a child. Biden confronts Russia by destroying their economy in a week and plunging them into the dark ages. I know you can’t face it, but that doesn’t make it less true.

Trump is a leader like Jim Jones….totally delusional, insanely narcissistic, ridiculously untruthful, and ready to destroy any and everyone in an instant instead of admitting a mistake. You drank the whole pitcher of flavor aid and went looking for more.

bobknight33 said:

Obama was only a champion of gay rights. He moved that ball forward. Everything else was so so.

Trump was far better. He put all Americans first. Created growth not seen in years and it is still growing for now. Biden will fuck this up too, like everything else he has done.

Biden kicking ass / taking names? on what planet?

Putin invaded under weak presidents Obama and Biden. Not Trump. Face it Biden and Obama are weak and Trump was / is a leader.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no!
Good….Trump (likely) only has $93 million in liquid assets….1% of the 10 billion he’s claimed. None of his properties have shown a profit in at least two years, and they all are essentially owned by the banks that loaned him the money to buy them.
Better….he has $750 million in loan debts due in the next few years.
Best…. he also has between $100-$300 million in back taxes to pay or go to prison.

Sounds like Daddy Trump is going to be sleeping on your couch soon, he already spent all your political donations on defending his own criminal cases, and they’re all still moving forward. His lawyers are making arguments first year law students would laugh at, not actual defenses….and have bled both his and the RNCs coffers dry.
D’oh! Bad year to be a Trumpster.

Biden’s first year as President: A Beatles remix

newtboy says...

You’re right, it was a GREAT year for Joe, America’s economy, and pocketbooks. The best gdp growth in decades (CDGDP up 10%), amazing jobs numbers (6.4 million!), and the fastest stock market rise that put money in even your wallet.
2020 was the no good very bad year where jobs, gdp, and the stock market plummeted like never before.
Such a dumb tool, Bob. “Democrats are awful, Trump is great….reality be damned.”

Forget 22 and 24….Biden is going to use Trump’s plans, so no vote totals ever, sieze voting machines before tabulation, claim all Republican votes are fraudulent and discard them, and use the military to crush any dissent. If that doesn’t work, Kamala will just certify the alternate electors and they’ll vote for Biden. Perfectly legal, moral, ethical, and democratic right? Enjoy, you already say that’s totally reasonable and legal. Turnabout is always fair play. D’oh

bobknight33 said:

Not a good year for Joe.

Not a good year for the American pocketbook.

Chicago Cop Abandons Woman Being Threatened With A Gun

Mordhaus says...

I'm sure they get a small amount of training for situations like this, probably as much as the city will spend.

The point is, even with that training, there are no good options. If he shoots the black guy, he is simply the latest racist pig murdering 'innocent' people of color.

If he stands there and tries to talk the guy down, a vest doesn't cover your entire body. You can bleed to death from arm or leg shots, plus at that range the head is not a hard to hit target.

Maybe he isn't fit to be a cop. But the point is that because we haven't figured out a way to stop cops from kneeling on someone until they suffocate or shooting people in the back, all cops now have to make a split second decision on whether they can act as they were trained to do or act as protesters, the government, and the media want them to do.

We also judge them on what we think we would do, even though I doubt we will ever be in a similar situation.

vil said:

I would attempt to get some form of training for similar situations before being given a gun and a bulletproof vest.

The guy should not be thinking about what to do, just doing it.

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