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The Denial Machine - Global Warming debate (40:42)

Farhad2000 says...

Bamdrew don't even bother, Quantumushroom is really a political polemist from the Republican right wing, ever since he joined his prerogative has been to muddle the arguments taking place across contentious issues such as the war in Iraq, torture, global warming and others.

He doesn't represent anything but the right wing need to mess up the argument so much that easy, clear, decisions suddenly become clouded via the addition of question extraneous to this debate. Like you know that - Everyone kept saying Iraq is on the brink of a civil war, and Right Wing polemists would instantly say "Well what is a civil war?", suddenly the whole goddamn country spends 3 weeks deciding if the escalating violence is really a civil war or not.

Let's look at his arguments:

1 . "Is the earth warming? Sure. Climate is a dynamic system with constantly changing temperatures. We're supposedly long overdue for another ice age."

This is has been proven wrong by ice cores records from the poles, which contain a temperature record going back some 650,000 years. Climate is dynamic system but the temperatures remain within definable scientific bars, various data across the world show that the rising temperature is causing problems. It just proves that his arguments come from right wing talking points.

2. "Did human activity cause the current warming trend? Unlikely. Global temps were higher during the Middle Ages."

Again. This is has been proven wrong by ice cores records from the poles, which contain a temperature record going back some 650,000 years.

3. "The people crying about this are the same who want government to micromanage everyone's lives. Freedom frightenes them. They lie(d) about gun control, tobacco, and the "epidemic" of obesity. If you want to take it to the next level, they're the same liars that banned DDT, causing the needless deaths of hundreds of millions to malaria."

Remember what I said? He brings in arguments that have nothing to do with the discussion.

Seriously I won't even bother answering your paranoid idea that somehow global warming policy institutes an infringement on personal autonomy when the only people affected via global warming policy change are actually large corporations willing to overcharge their consumers for profit, but unwilling to increase their costs to save the enviroment (see oil companies).

They lied about tobacco and epidemic obesity? Really? Then why did Cigarette companies settle with the American people to the tune of 246 billion over 25 years in November 1998? Why is heart disease the number one cause of death in america? Obesity my friend.

Quantum clearly you don't know facts about studies done on DDT, while proven to be beneficial against malaria, the dosage required for it to fight effectively would cause preterm birth and early weaning, abrogating the benefit of reducing infant mortality from malaria. Toxicological evidence shows endocrine-disrupting properties; human data also indicate possible disruption in semen quality, menstruation, gestational length, and duration of lactation. The research focus on human reproduction and development seems to be appropriate. DDT could be an effective public-health intervention that is cheap, long lasting, and effective. So you are telling me when presented with all this evidence from Lancet you are still willing to spray your populace with DDT?

If it's so beneficial maybe we should start using radioactive medicines for our ailments like they did in the 30s and 40s?

Now of course next you're going to say that change in environmental policy will be deterimental to Economic prosperity and growth. That's just bullshit from people who know nothing about current market forces and policies. American big businesses unwillingness to institute environmental policies is only costing them market share in the world.

Currently Detroit's car manufacturing industry is suffering behind Toyota and Honda, because both these companies still aim to produce high range SUVs with MPG rates that are so dismal that American cars can't be sold in China because they don't meet environmental standards. Hell it's most parts of the world that American can't export it's cars to anymore, because it does not meet MPG requirements. Remember when GM was the number one? It's not anymore it's Toyota. Which is ironic because GM almost cornered the market on electrical cars with the EV1. Notice how I talk about MPG, MILES PER GALLON not even CO2 emissions or such. MPG.

This is human hubris, what kind of world do you want to leave to your kids? grandkids?


"A very successful PR campaign perpetuated by extraordinarily powerful companies has injected the idea that there is still debate on these issues among scientists, when there very much is NONE."

The same has been applied to the ideas of evolution. Creationists and ID supporters keep saying there is a debate among scientists about where or not evolution occurred, when again there is no such debate and there is consensus.

Michael Richards (Kramer) goes nuts on hecklers

Farhad2000 says...

BicycleRepairMan is right.

QM's main prerogative is to muddle the argument, bringing factors that have nothing to do with the discussion to throw it off to the deep end and create another polarizing affair. With people like that you don't get fair and rational discussion or debate, you get partisan politics. I say that because for all the times he says we are the Chomskysift and the leftist PC pinko liberal whatever he still keeps coming back because he just likes to stir up shit by saying ridiculous things. Like Ann Coulter.

As for Iran, it's anti-American because of American involvement in installation of the Shah of Iran by the CIA of which the CIA itself said it would receive 'blow back', the covert word for "It will come and bit us in the ass one day". Blowback.

Michael J Fox Responds To Rush Limbaughs Lies

Farhad2000 says...

Well Rush Limbaugh's entire paycheck depends on creating the echo chamber effect. The republican party doesn't care if it loses arguments, it just wants to muddle the argument enough that objectivity is lost. It's easy to notice how they do it once you know that fact.

Democrat Tim Ryan rips on the goverment.

Odds of Dying

How the Bush administration has misled us

Farhad2000 says...

I wouldn't really say that VideoSift is a stronghold for the Far Left. If we were that the website would be filled with Loose Change, 9/11 The Real Truth, and tons of Micheal Moore.

And tagging current events in the spectrum of left and right politics sa a facade to just muddle up the debate.

Middle-Eastern reactions to 9/11

Farhad2000 says...

You know this left and right thing is fucking stupid. This world isn't black and white, you might be right wing on fiscal spending but left wing on education reform. This greater divide between the two parties is degrading american politics to the level of high school he said she said rubbish. You shouldn't simplify stances to being one direction or the other because your stances on a variety of topics will all be different. Labelling someone being one side or the other is generalization. Drawing lines between people only creates more problems. This was all created by the political process that has muddled and degraded the arguements to being attacks of being one side or the other. Of all people I thought the americans would not give in to it... what are we going to have a total collapse to the point someone like Joseph McCarthy comes along and ousts people for being unpatriotic? For asking questions about the actions of your leaders? For not, to quote O'Reilly "shutting up publically"?

The Sh*t Heard Round The World: G.W. Bush Curses It Up with Tony Blair

ivix says...

I think you're getting a bit muddled - liberals are .. liberal? I thought it was conservatives in the US who were scared of saying "shit", and insist on all swearing in the news being censored..

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