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Zombie Decomposition (Blog Entry by lucky760)

gorgonheap says...

I would think that zombie would go thorough some kind of life cycle as they go through the 5 stages of decomposition (Fresh, Bloat, Active Decay, Advanced Decay, and Dry Remains) I don't think a zombie outbreak would last too long, it would just be a matter of waiting it out. Unless they are the zombie like things in I Am Legend where people are just sick with a mutated measles virus. That would be a tougher situation to deal with. Of course the repeated singular goal thing might just be a residual of when they were alive, Kinda like how Sean Hannity can't say anything more then two or three exaggerated right wing ideological sentences all day.

Kirsten Schaal on The Daily Show - Big Mouth Billie Vagina

bremnet says...

Nice job. Marbles reminds me of my Aunt Edna. Paranoid and conspiracy spinner. She gets her facts from out of print copies of Reader's Digest, cobbles them together and scares the shit out of her grand nieces and nephews with stories of government cover-ups leading to death. We don't visit much anymore. The last straw was the "mercury in tooth fillings" debacle. Told us to get all of our teeth pulled or we would die hideous deaths. We reminded her that she had such fillings, and she's 97. She threw pie at us.
>> ^spoco2:

>> ^marbles:
>> ^spoco2:
@marbles... shit then, better keep kids away from Parmesan cheese, or Mussels or Spinach you don't want them to die from Aluminium poisoning do you?
Also, don't let them ever eat Ice Cream, fuck no! They'll die from the polysorbate 80.
And come on... sodium borate, it's used as a food preservative in many countries, and is ONLY dangerous when ingested in high quantities for long periods of time... like, 5-10 years long.
Sorry, but your bullshit scaremongering, ill thought out crap doesn't cut it, it makes no sense, it does not gel with reality. You can find dangerous substances in pretty much anything you eat or drink. It's all about quantities and timeframes. Also, things that CAN be dangerous in situation A can be beneficial in situation B.
But hey... continue siding with idiots like Jenny McCarthy who have contributed to the deaths of kids... you keep on with that.

I'm sorry. Am I scaring you with facts? Aren't you the one that keeps claiming people that question the safety of vaccines are going to cause health pandemics and contribute "to the deaths of kids"???
First you say there's zero evidence, but now you say it's all about "quantities and timeframes". I say GOOD POINT! When you administer a substance intravenously, the entire quantity is delivered into the bloodstream instantaneous. So why are comparing it to ingesting where the process is slow and little is even absorbed.

You have no facts, you have bits and bobs pulled from all over the place and yet NO scientific basis for any of your claims.
Sorry, but again... People like Jenny McCarthy HAVE already contributed to the death of children. Thanks to Wakefield's bogus findings, and the bleating of McCarthy: "... the inoculation rate for MMR in the UK was 92%; after publication, the rate dropped to below 80%. In 1998, there were 56 measles cases in the UK; by 2008, there were 1348 cases, with 2 confirmed deaths.[43]" That's 2 100% preventable deaths right there.
And guess what?
"In Japan, the MMR vaccination has been discontinued, with single vaccines being used for each disease. Rates of autism diagnosis have continued to increase, showing no correlation with the change."
Sorry, am I fucking up your bullshit with facts?

Kirsten Schaal on The Daily Show - Big Mouth Billie Vagina

spoco2 says...

>> ^marbles:

>> ^spoco2:
@marbles... shit then, better keep kids away from Parmesan cheese, or Mussels or Spinach you don't want them to die from Aluminium poisoning do you?
Also, don't let them ever eat Ice Cream, fuck no! They'll die from the polysorbate 80.
And come on... sodium borate, it's used as a food preservative in many countries, and is ONLY dangerous when ingested in high quantities for long periods of time... like, 5-10 years long.
Sorry, but your bullshit scaremongering, ill thought out crap doesn't cut it, it makes no sense, it does not gel with reality. You can find dangerous substances in pretty much anything you eat or drink. It's all about quantities and timeframes. Also, things that CAN be dangerous in situation A can be beneficial in situation B.
But hey... continue siding with idiots like Jenny McCarthy who have contributed to the deaths of kids... you keep on with that.

I'm sorry. Am I scaring you with facts? Aren't you the one that keeps claiming people that question the safety of vaccines are going to cause health pandemics and contribute "to the deaths of kids"???
First you say there's zero evidence, but now you say it's all about "quantities and timeframes". I say GOOD POINT! When you administer a substance intravenously, the entire quantity is delivered into the bloodstream instantaneous. So why are comparing it to ingesting where the process is slow and little is even absorbed.

You have no facts, you have bits and bobs pulled from all over the place and yet NO scientific basis for any of your claims.

Sorry, but again... People like Jenny McCarthy HAVE already contributed to the death of children. Thanks to Wakefield's bogus findings, and the bleating of McCarthy: "... the inoculation rate for MMR in the UK was 92%; after publication, the rate dropped to below 80%. In 1998, there were 56 measles cases in the UK; by 2008, there were 1348 cases, with 2 confirmed deaths.[43]" That's 2 100% preventable deaths right there.

And guess what?

"In Japan, the MMR vaccination has been discontinued, with single vaccines being used for each disease. Rates of autism diagnosis have continued to increase, showing no correlation with the change."

Sorry, am I fucking up your bullshit with facts?

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

Trancecoach says...

Sounds good.

Good work.

However, as you indicated, it's likely an inconsequential finding since, for the majority of the 135 vaccine-adverse event pairs that were studied, "the evidence was inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship." That is, "few health problems are caused by or clearly associated with vaccines."

But you still might want to attempt to claim your prize.

>> ^oritteropo:

Nope, got it. Institute of Medicine reports, 25 August 2011, Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality.
Report finds that anaphylaxis, meningitis, or encephalitis are in fact possible side effects of several vaccines. Measles and varicella were associated with meningitis or encephalitis, and anaphylaxis was a risk for Varicella, Influenza, Hep B, Tetanus, Meningococcal, HPV.
This does, I feel, somewhat support my conclusion that it would be possible to suffer brain damage as a result of a vaccine.
My other assertion, that this does in fact happen to very small numbers of people... well... that's a bit harder to support. The percentage chances of any of these side effects is "vanishingly small"... too small to show up in any of the 1000 vaccine studies they investigated, and it is only as a result of case studies that they felt they could make these associations. Oh, and they're far more likely in immune compromised subjects (as you'd expect).
I stand by my assertion that the diseases that these vaccines protect against are far more dangerous and far more likely to cause brain damage than the vaccines themselves.

Ron Paul: Drug war killed more people than drugs

blankfist says...

>> ^Ornthoron:

no matter how much some California hippies bleat about "natural".
health and nutrition wackos to garner votes
west coast hippies
Of course, I'm not here to judge those who choose to drink raw milk for some reason.

Of course not.

>> ^Ornthoron:

On a larger scale though, I find it alarming that Ron Paul has to pay lip service to the health and nutrition wackos to garner votes. What will be next? The same type of west coast hippies also campaign actively against childhood vaccination. Will he, if he is elected president, abandon childhood vaccination programs in the name of freedom, when we know for a fact that the disappearance of group immunity in some areas of California has resulted in deadly outbreaks of measles and whooping cough?

He gives lip service to liberty and freedom of choice. I'm not one of those "west coast hippies" that avoids vaccines or drinks raw milk, but I'd never want to stop them from doing so. Unlike you and others, I don't sit on a high throne and sneer down at those who choose to do so. Even if there's zero health benefit over pasteurized or even if raw milk can be (but not always is) dangerous to ingest.

Why does this topic irk you so? And would you be against letting free adults choose to put things in their body even if they know the risks?

Ron Paul: Drug war killed more people than drugs

Ornthoron says...

I hope you're not as uncritical when looking for libertarian literature as you are when looking for health information. That page is written by a HuffPo grade misinformer. Unpasteurized milk has no nutritional benefits over pasteurized milk, no matter how much some California hippies bleat about "natural".

Of course, I'm not here to judge those who choose to drink raw milk for some reason. I come after all from a country where half-rotten fish is considered haute cuisine (Although properly made rakfisk has no infectuous risks. And is delicious! And is a great excuse to drink lots of aquavit! Errm, I digress.). If you absolutely want some dysentery with your milk, that's your problem. I just want to warn people that we pasteurize milk for a very good reason.

On a larger scale though, I find it alarming that Ron Paul has to pay lip service to the health and nutrition wackos to garner votes. What will be next? The same type of west coast hippies also campaign actively against childhood vaccination. Will he, if he is elected president, abandon childhood vaccination programs in the name of freedom, when we know for a fact that the disappearance of group immunity in some areas of California has resulted in deadly outbreaks of measles and whooping cough?

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^Ornthoron:
Having a food and drugs administration that makes sure foodstuffs on sale do not cause serious infectuous diseases is hardly impinging on anyone's freedom.

It does if it keeps those things from being offered or used. I'm curious what you think freedom means, because I hear a lot of people make arguments similar to the one you just made. How is restricting people's ability to ingest raw milk - which some claim is healthier than pasteurized milk - a testament to freedom?

60 Minutes on the impact of antivaccination lobbying

marbles says...

Here's some more articles from covering the potential dangers of vaccines. The articles are sourced. I used Naturalnews because it's a website I personally trust and one that I read on a regular basis.

Re: infants
The hepatitis B vaccine is linked to infant death, multiple sclerosis and autoimmune disorders
New study: Nations requiring the most vaccines tend to have the worst infant mortality rates
More than 2,000 vaccinated babies died: The cost of doing business
Abortion stillbirth events from Gardasil far exceed all other vaccines
Are MMR vaccines dangerous for children? Dr Suzanne Humphries urges parents to get informed
Flu vaccine causing infant seizures; FDA to investigate
Babies given pneumococcal vaccination risk infection with serious drug resistant respiratory disease

Re: fraud
CDC vaccine scientist who downplayed links to autism indicted by DOJ in alleged fraud scheme
Dr. Jonas Salk, inventor of polio vaccine, exposed as criminal-minded scientist who conducted illicit medical experiments on mental patients
Medical 'experts' pushing HPV vaccines told what not to say about them, including their death toll
The FDA is a clearing house for Food and Drug Corruption
Hidden government papers expose lies about measles vaccines for infants
WHO list reveals flu advisors with financial ties to pharma, vaccine manufacturers
Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO -- all exposed by Richard Gale and Gary Null
WHO scandal exposed: Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers
Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Safety Studies Investigated for Fraud
Vaccination Quackery Appears in Plain Sight

Re: autism
Sixth study in recent months links mercury in flu shots to brain damage, autism
Multiple studies link autism to mercury, which is still present in most flu vaccines
Government vaccine compensation payouts prove autism link
Latest research links autism to vaccines
Thimerosal-free childhood vaccines still suspect in autism

Re: other
Vaccines lower immunity
Swine flu vaccine linked to 900 percent increased risk of developing narcolepsy
Government Admits Link between H1N1 Vaccine and Deadly Nerve Disease
Japan halts vaccines from Pfizer, Sanofi after deaths of four children
Influenza vaccine sends children into convulsions
Australia bans flu vaccines in children after vomiting, fevers, seizures
Finland suspends H1N1 vaccines after children suffer narcolepsy from vaccinations
Flu vaccine push already underway; first batch causes seizures in children
Pig virus contaminates rotavirus vaccines, but FDA says no problem
India halts HPV vaccine trial after six girls die, US does nothing in response to 67 deaths and counting
Seasonal flu vaccines increase risk of pandemic H1N1 flu, stunned scientists discover

Anti-vaccination: Rebecca Watson follows the money

spoco2 says...

And if you think "So what, what difference does it make?"

"Immunization rates in Britain dropped from 92 percent to 73 percent, and were as low as 50 percent in some parts of London. The effect was not nearly as dramatic in the United States, but researchers have estimated that as many as 125,000 U.S. children born in the late 1990s did not get the MMR vaccine because of the Wakefield splash."


"Since Dr. Andrew Wakefield's study was released in 1998, many parents have been convinced the measels, mumps and rubella vaccine could lead to autism. But that study may have done more harm than good. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States, more cases of measles were reported in 2008 than any year since 1997. More than 90 percent of those infected had not been vaccinated, or their vaccination status was not known."[91]

From the Wiki article on Wakefield, the f*ck.

And then there was this... (Blog Entry by blankfist)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Did you ever check that page out? You dodged (almost)every single question, like you are dodging questions now. As I remember, your answers were basically, this question is irrelevant, that question is biased, that other question has the measles..... Like always, you found excuses to escape my troublesome queries.

What have I failed to answer for you? You name it, and I'll answer it right here and now, on the spot muthafucka!

Jim Carrey Emanates Pure Love

Bill Maher Overtime with David Cross

EDD says...

>> ^EndAll:
perhaps with good reason. there's a lot of debate/controversy surrounding the vaccines.

Excuse me? There is just as much debate/controversy surrounding vaccines as there is surrounding Santa Claus - which is none, if we disregard arguments from children, ignorant or mentally handicapped people (sorry for adding you to this sorry bunch, mentally handicapped folks).

Here are a few points that solidify my argument, with a special (and simple) rebuttal to all the anti-vaccine conspiracy-theorists out there. EndAll, I can't believe you'd be one of them

* Pro-disease anti-vaxers want vaccines that are 100% safe. This is never going to happen, as all medicines carry some risk. However, the relative risk of injury from vaccines is significantly lower than the risk of injury from getting the disease naturally. For more information, see

* Reduced vaccination rates lead to higher incidents of infection. This has been illustrated in the U.K. following Wakefield’s bogus study, in Germany in 2006 (including two deaths in unvaccinated children – see, in California (see, in MN (where an unvaccinated child died from hemophilus influenza type b – see

* Pro-disease anti-vaxers claim that “Big Pharma” makes lots of money from vaccines. If vaccination rates dropped, however, there would be an increase in preventable illnesses, many of which have high rates of complications resulting in hospitalization and expensive treatment. See the link about Germany above for information on costs associated with the measles outbreak there. The money to be made from the diseases far outweighs any money to be made from vaccines.

* Pro-disease anti-vaxers claim that better hygiene has led to a decrease in disease, rather than vaccines. However, many of the diseases prevented by vaccines are airborne, and are not greatly impacted by improved sanitation or hygiene.

* Pro-disease anti-vaxers claim that too many antigens (the parts that make the vaccines work) are given at once, ignoring that infants and children are exposed to thousands of antigens every day by touching things and putting their hands or the object in their mouth, through absorption or by inhaling.

* They claim that combination shots should be avoided, and that parents should break up the vaccinations into individual vaccines and spread them out. However, this increases the total number of shots received, as well as exposure to those various “toxins” they hate so much.

* There have been no well-controlled studies establishing a causal link between vaccines and autism.

* There have been numerous well-controlled studies sponsored and run by various people and organizations around the world that have shown no link between vaccines and autism.


Scientists Hide Vaccine/Autism this is unbelievable

The Pogues and The Dubliners "Irish Rover"

calvados says...

On the fourth of July, eighteen hundred and six,
We set sail from the sweet cove of Cork
We were sailing away with a cargo of bricks
For the grand City Hall in New York
'Twas a wonderful craft, she was rigged 'fore and aft
And how the wild winds drove her
She 'stood several blasts, she had twenty-three masts
And they called her the Irish Rover

We had one million bags of the best Sligo rags
We had two million barrels of stones
We had three million bales of old nanny goats' tails
We had four million barrels of bones
We had five million hogs and six million dogs
And seven million barrels of porter
We had eight million sides of old blind horses' hides
In the hold of the Irish Rover

There was awl Mickey Coote
Who played hard on his flute
When the ladies lined up for a set
He was tootin' with skill
For each sparkling quadrille
Though the dancers were fluther'd and bet
With his smart witty talk
He was cock of the walk
And he rolled the dames under and over
They all knew at a glance
When he took up his stance
That he sailed in The Irish Rover


There was Barney McGee from the banks of the Lee
There was Hogan from County Tyrone
There was Johnny McGurk who was scared stiff of work
And a man from Westmeath called Malone
There was Slugger O'Toole who was drunk as a rule
And fighting Bill Tracy from Dover
And your man Mick McCann, from the banks of the Bann
Was the skipper on the Irish Rover

For a sailor it's always a bother in life
It's so lonesome by night and day
That he longs for the shore
And a pretty young whore
Who will melt all his troubles away
Oh, the noise and the rout
Swillin' poitin and stout
For him soon the torment's over
Of the love of a maid
He is never afraid
An old salt from the Irish Rover

We had sailed seven years when the measles broke out
And our ship lost her way in the fog
And the whole of the crew was reduced down to two
'Twas meself and the captain's old dog
Then the ship struck a rock; oh Lord what a shock
The bulkhead was turned right over
We turned nine times around - then the poor old dog was drowned
I'm the last of the Irish Rover

Vaccine-autism link acknowledged by government

nibiyabi says...

Mercury was removed from all vaccinations in the United States (except the influenza vaccine) in 1999 (give or take a year, but I'm pretty sure that's right), not because of a causal link, but because of public outcry. I don't know the chemical specifics (I'm a Psych/Polisci major), but they found alternatives that also work. She received vaccines with mercury, so technically she could have possibly been affected (there is no evidence that mercury causes Autism, keep in mind), but this is no longer the case. Seeing as how I don't want parents getting any "bright" ideas, I have to do my utmost to keep this from the front page (though Oprah has done enough damage already). OK, they just started talking about the removal of mercury from the vaccines and now this woman is saying that barely traceable levels of mercury are more unsafe than subjecting her child to the mumps, typhoid fever, measles, etc. etc. etc. Psycho. I feel bad for her kids -- hope they don't get TB.

Even Bill Gates thinks Vista sucks !

snoozedoctor says...

We can just agree to disagree on whether Bill sucks. The foundation has given 1.5 billion dollars to the GAVI alliance and its immunization programs in developing countries, (not just Africa), so I accidentally misrepresented all that immunization aid going to Africa. Undoubtedly, measles vaccinations are, in large part responsible for the reported 91% decline in measles cases in Africa;

I'm no expert on software, far from it, but I do a lot of music recording on PC and Mac. When I said I've experienced blue screens, I've experienced blue screens. Driver incompatibilities, sound card conflicts, audio plugins that crash my projects, you name it. Not on the Mac. Whether it's MS's fault, or the audio software companies product, I don't know. All I know is it's a pain in the rear.
My PC laptop recently got infected and crashed altogether. After a complete reinstall, despite saying it's connected to my wireless network on all the settings I can find, it won't connect to my wireless. So, I guess I am biased on the software, at least for the applications I'm using.

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