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TPM: Wes Clark Hyperventorama!

SpeveO says...

Before McCain had presidential aspirations he was the first person to question his military record.

I am a war criminal. I bombed innocent women and children.”
John Mcain, 60 Minutes, 1997.

Also, violating the United States Military Code of Conduct isn't usually rewarded with the title of 'War Hero.'

"O.K., I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital." U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973, former POW John McCain

"Eventually, I gave them my ship's name and squadron number, and confirmed that my target had been the power plant." Page 193-194, Faith of My Fathers, John McCain.

Congrats to Wesley Clark for being blunt, and I'd love to see what John McCain's biggest critic, John McCain, has to say about Clark's allegations now.

McCain to Wife: See You Next Tuesday.

FOX Reporter's Attempt to Ambush Bill Moyers Backfires

10874 says...

Bill Oreilly's idea of logic is akin to saying John Mcain wants to raise taxes (something Mcain wants to do may result in an increase of some tax).

John McCain asks "why not 100?"

10148 says...

My problem with your opinion regarding what Mcain will do is based on what he says on what your fed through American News Media. Besides that I don't know that you said anything about my comment, so why quote it?

John McCain asks "why not 100?"

bcglorf says...

>> ^BenjaminFranklin2u:
Maintaining a presence is these countries is why Americans have such a bad rep worldwide. People in your country wear Canadian flags when they travel for good reason. Now Mcain wants to perpetuate your imperialism, that's where the problem lies. In my hometown alone you secured a whole block, and took two lanes of our downtown roads for the protection of your stupid embassy after 9/11. So you've already started to invade Canada... under Mcain I can only imagine what's next.

For starters, I actually am Canadian as well.

McCain should be world's better than Bush, which is something that too many people are being fooled over. Bush is more than just war mongering, the worst things he's done have been stuff like torture and elimination of checks and balances. Bush spent Vietnam on American soil, McCain spent time being tortured as a POW. All this spin against McCain to make him out as a more aggressive Neo-Con than Bush is absolute garbage. Everything he has said shows him to be a giant leap back towards a more moderate Whitehouse. That said, from where Bush and Cheney have put things, that leap may not be enough.

John McCain asks "why not 100?"

10148 says...

Maintaining a presence is these countries is why Americans have such a bad rep worldwide. People in your country wear Canadian flags when they travel for good reason. Now Mcain wants to perpetuate your imperialism, that's where the problem lies. In my hometown alone you secured a whole block, and took two lanes of our downtown roads for the protection of your stupid embassy after 9/11. So you've already started to invade Canada... under Mcain I can only imagine what's next.

Republican debate 30 January (complete) Shame on CNN.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Republican, deabte, Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, John Mcain, MItt Romney' to 'Republican, debate, Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, John Mcain, Mitt Romney' - edited by jwray

Republican debate 30 January (complete) Shame on CNN.

Arsenault185 says...

Ok, Obviously knowledge is not granted with shiny stars. After watching the debate, I decided to sift it, so that people who did not get a chance could watch it and see how even CNN is buckling. Ron Paul or Mike Huckabee did not get much talk time, while Mcain and Romney sat there and got to *discuss anything they saw fit.

The host site, (where i got the embed) has them all linked to play automatically. Problem is they arn't doing it here. Can anyone help me?

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