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A Box and Maru 8

A Box and Maru 8

A Box and Maru 8

A Box and Maru 8

Hybrid (Member Profile)

A Box and Maru 8

Maru's New Fashion: A Paper Bag.

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Surely this needs to be edited to say "you will NEVER be forgotten".
Maru. Maru. MARU.
>> ^skinnydaddy1:
Maru is the true final boss of the internet. To defeat him, you must master the Box slide, the box sit, the flip can a solitude and roll and bag of fashion. Good luck young warrior! You will be forgotten.

Do you remember the names of any of the others that have tried to defeat Maru?

Maru's New Fashion: A Paper Bag.

bareboards2 says...

Surely this needs to be edited to say "you will NEVER be forgotten".

Maru. Maru. MARU.

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

Maru is the true final boss of the internet. To defeat him, you must master the Box slide, the box sit, the flip can a solitude and roll and bag of fashion. Good luck young warrior! You will be forgotten.

Maru's New Fashion: A Paper Bag.

skinnydaddy1 says...

Maru is the true final boss of the internet. To defeat him, you must master the Box slide, the box sit, the flip can a solitude and roll and bag of fashion. Good luck young warrior! You will be forgotten.

Maru - I Nos, I dropped it!

The same story over and over (News Talk Post)

Shepppard says...


The whole point of videosift is to "sifit" out the worst videos of the internet. Granted, I understand the "Just don't vote for it" mindset, but I see this as a sort of loophole.

Puppies and kitties may be everywhere, but generally they're not doing the exact same thing, you can see distinct differences between Kitty video A, and Kitty Video B. A good example is the Maru box collection, it's a cat jumping in/on boxes every video, but the substance is different for each one. If it was a video where the only difference was Maru coloured brown then I'd tend to agree with your point.

News videos are tricky however. It's content is the same, the only difference is a backdrop. What's to stop me from posting a video of a local news agency, a national news agency, and an independant news agency all covering the same thing? Nothing. All three videos will be telling me the same thing, but because it's from a different one/two people talking about it, so it's not a dupe. Do all three convey the same message? Yes. Do all three need to be on here saying that same message? no.

What that means is that when there's a "Breaking news story" much like the Osama is dead story, we'll see umpteen billion videos all titled the same telling us the same thing. This does two things, 1) It clutters up the front page, which is honestly not that big a deal, but it means other more deserving videos won't get the views and votes they deserve. And 2) It'll make actually searching for the one you want to see somewhere down the road a nightmare.

I see potential for "Sifting" here, the original video is treated like the original for Dupes, if someone finds a video they think is better in a dupe, the original embed gets replaced with the better one. That way there's no clutter, and the video that videosift has of the story is "the best"

The dupe thing that is currently being discussed is about rewarding the person who creates the dupe, which I personally don't think is right, that only leads to people posting dupes on purpose.

This again, is just me seeing this as a loophole being exploited, and I'm bringing it to peoples attentions. I'll gladly discuss it in a civil manner, preferably without name calling or insult slinging, and I welcome your input on the matter.

Hobbes and his box...

Hobbes and his box...

Payback says...

>> ^Frynge:
look out, Maru. you have competition! (who am I kidding? Maru's the king. )

Maru would have jumped into the box, slid it into another box, run packing tape, make out the FedEx weighbill, have himself shipped to a box factory, get into a bigger box, add foam peanuts, tape that box, have him self FedEx'd back home, and burst out again because someone left an empty soda can case on the floor, slide into that, and then go to sleep.

This cat is a rank amatuer.

Hobbes and his box...

Get to know Maru the Cat

Frynge says...

I was actually worried about Maru's family after I watched the video for a moment. thanks, Duckman.

that said... I love Maru. so much. this cat is really the best. I wish I could thank the owner for all the wonderful videos.

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