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This little boy shocked his parents

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

newtboy says...

Bob- “Derp….that news outlet isn’t in the Trump cult, so I can’t listen. FAKE NEWS!”

Now what?

You don’t burglarize a campaign headquarters for cash or food, all they have there of value is campaign materials, you only do it for political motivations. Even a sub 75 iq individual like yourself knows that.

Joe wiped the floor with tiny dick energy Insecure Don from that basement without breaking a sweat.
Lake told her crowd to go ask their little kids if Trump has big dick energy (they all said no)….party of debauchery, grooming your own children to be Trump’s next…he doesn’t have Epstien or Maxwell around to get more little girls for him, now he needs Lake.

Now, how about Ashley Babbitt….she sure did ask for it, didn’t she?

bobknight33 said:

"It’s possible, but highly unlikely, that Carrie Lake or her campaign is not involved…it’s not possible that it’s not politically motivated."

Such biased speculation. Oh wait this is a fake news outlet

Hobbs is a failed canidate ,, Like Joe she hides in the basement

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

visionep says...

Poorly trained, undisciplined.

Their exit from the van was horribly insecure. If there were shooters on the roof for an ambush every officer would have been dead.

It's amazing to see how these bullies turn into a bunch of scared little kids at the sign of danger then when they see they still have power they have zero empathy for fellow human beings.

Many Police Unions Pushing Back On Covid Vaccine Requirement

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

harlequinn says...

The document is in duplicate. Literally in the link. Yes, fingerprint card also. The cost is low. The cost of the firearm is a separate issue.

Yes, the background check. The "process" I'm referring to has context, i.e. the background check process. Obvious really.

"No one asked you that."

You asked me.

"So [do] you think machine guns aren't firearms...or do you think they aren't really illegal? Edit: What about bazookas, grenades, mortars, etc.?"

"Which you begrudgingly".

What language made it begrudging? I stated it was the case without any issue. Stop making stuff up.

I didn't say they can't be regulated. I said that they can't be "effectively regulated". I also stated that there are many regulations that are probably illegal (waiting for supreme court challenges). And I said that there are some regulations that do exist because the supreme court debated it and came to the conclusion that it was within the scope of the 2A.

"especially when you can verify by just scrolling up"

Yeah, exactly, so what are you on about. My comments are literally above you. Why distort them? Do you have comprehension issues? No shame if you do.

"This is a paranoid delusion."
You're entitled to your opinion. History supports their argument though.

"Your argument was there are better issues to throw money at, bucketloads you said, now you admit it takes no money and declare yourself correct"

Yes, there are better issues to throw money at, but the issue is they don't want to throw money at anything when there is a low cost red herring issue they can use to gain public standing instead.

"Then don't be dumb and fuck little kids.
Don't be dumb and rape random women.
Don't be dumb by getting caught in the Jr high locker room filming.
Don't be a snarky tool who hides from what he said by doing mental gymnastics to pretend their warnings aren't implications.
See how giving these warnings imply you needed warning? That's how warnings work."

Yes, they are all warnings. And valid ones at that. The issue is context. You don't put a "warning strong current" warning in the middle of a desert because there is nothing to warn about.

Likewise making those warnings here makes no sense. Ergo, no, these warnings don't imply anyone needs warning. They are just random warnings.

Otherwise we could continue on and I could say:

Don't be dumb and fuck your mother's dead body.
Don't be dumb and fuck animals.
Etc., etc., warnings that are truly good advice but make no sense in the given situation.

On the other hand:
"Danger, high voltage wires" on a cabinet that holds a large transformer makes sense.
"Do not dig, high pressure gas lines buried here" above buried high pressure pipes makes sense.

Do you see the difference?

"Everyone is welcome, welcome to post as much or little as they choose"

Well, everyone is welcome until they're not. And they're not welcome pretty quick here.

"but if I see lies, misstatements, abuse, or insults when none are called for, I'm going to say something, just like I do in person"

Funny about that, that's what I'm doing.

newtboy said:

Not in my experience. I've known many people who tried in Texas and Nevada, all failed. They said it was about 3 pages in triplicate (4 with cover page, totalling 12), fingerprints, photos, a pristine criminal record, chests of cash (the guns cost thousands or tens of thousands), a Class 3 FFL dealer willing to sell to you, 9 months to a year waiting for approval, and no local ordinance against it (local police will be notified).

I said the background check is similarly difficult to pass, not the entire process.

No one asked you that. We balked at your claim-
"The 2A specifically says "arms". There is plenty of debate and case law regarding what arms they meant. Suffice to say there isn't a shadow of a doubt that it means firearms (long and short) of all varieties commonly available."
...and I then gave you the federal definition of "firearms" which you begrudgingly admitted trumps yours, but still cling to the concept that firearms can't be regulated (even though they clearly are). I'm surprised you recall it so differently, especially when you can verify by just scrolling up.

This is a paranoid delusion. Because that's a possibility in a future where the 2a is repealed, they think that's enough reason to ignore any positive uses, like knowing if the person just diagnosed with schizophrenia has an arsenal, or the person who's stalking your 15 year old daughter, or the man who beats his wife. Also, taken to conclusion, that argument is basically "It might make it harder for me to break the law. That's unacceptable." Hardly a reasonable argument imo.

? Your argument was there are better issues to throw money at, bucketloads you said, now you admit it takes no money and declare yourself correct?!

Then don't be dumb and fuck little kids.
Don't be dumb and rape random women.
Don't be dumb by getting caught in the Jr high locker room filming.
Don't be a snarky tool who hides from what he said by doing mental gymnastics to pretend their warnings aren't implications.
See how giving these warnings imply you needed warning? That's how warnings work.

Because I post here doesn't make me the big dog...I'm not even top 20. Everyone is welcome, welcome to post as much or little as they choose, but if I see lies, misstatements, abuse, or insults when none are called for, I'm going to say something, just like I do in person. That's called being an upright citizen. I guess you prefer those who shrink away from that hit ignore. That's what I'm doing.

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

newtboy says...

Not in my experience. I've known many people who tried in Texas and Nevada, all failed. They said it was about 3 pages in triplicate (4 with cover page, totalling 12), fingerprints, photos, a pristine criminal record, chests of cash (the guns cost thousands or tens of thousands), a Class 3 FFL dealer willing to sell to you, 9 months to a year waiting for approval, and no local ordinance against it (local police will be notified).

I said the background check is similarly difficult to pass, not the entire process.

No one asked you that. We balked at your claim-
"The 2A specifically says "arms". There is plenty of debate and case law regarding what arms they meant. Suffice to say there isn't a shadow of a doubt that it means firearms (long and short) of all varieties commonly available."
...and I then gave you the federal definition of "firearms" which you begrudgingly admitted trumps yours, but still cling to the concept that firearms can't be regulated (even though they clearly are). I'm surprised you recall it so differently, especially when you can verify by just scrolling up.

This is a paranoid delusion. Because that's a possibility in a future where the 2a is repealed, they think that's enough reason to ignore any positive uses, like knowing if the person just diagnosed with schizophrenia has an arsenal, or the person who's stalking your 15 year old daughter, or the man who beats his wife. Also, taken to conclusion, that argument is basically "It might make it harder for me to break the law. That's unacceptable." Hardly a reasonable argument imo.

? Your argument was there are better issues to throw money at, bucketloads you said, now you admit it takes no money and declare yourself correct?!

Then don't be dumb and fuck little kids.
Don't be dumb and rape random women.
Don't be dumb by getting caught in the Jr high locker room filming.
Don't be a snarky tool who hides from what he said by doing mental gymnastics to pretend their warnings aren't implications.
See how giving these warnings imply you needed warning? That's how warnings work.

Because I post here doesn't make me the big dog...I'm not even top 20. Everyone is welcome, welcome to post as much or little as they choose, but if I see lies, misstatements, abuse, or insults when none are called for, I'm going to say something, just like I do in person. That's called being an upright citizen. I guess you prefer those who shrink away from that hit ignore. That's what I'm doing.

harlequinn said:

It is relatively easy to get a quite common pre 1986 machine gun.

The whole process is cheap. $200. Fill out a ATF form 4 and attach a passport sized photo. There are only a few questions to answer (that take up about 2.5 pages). This took about 30 seconds on google to find out. It is not more difficult to pass this background audit than that of a federal agent. I've looked into applying to be a federal agent and their process is an order of magnitude more stringent.

"What you, me, or others consider firearms means nothing."

You asked me what I considered a firearm. I answered both my personal opinion, and then specifically said that what the government considers a firearm to be is what it is. I'm surprised you seem to have missed this.

Registries are a step towards being able to confiscate guns en-masse. If you know who has what it is much easier to take it away from them. This sentiment is well documented on pro-gun forums.

"It doesn't take any money to ban certain firearms, certainly not a boatload"

Very true. I was tempted to point this out but I didn't. I believe that this is one of the core reasons they want to do it. It makes you think they are doing something when they aren't, and it costs sweet fuck all compared to say, spending money on anything else that will genuinely improve the average man's lot.

'your off hand assumption that, without your derisive "warning", he would be "dumb" enough to make an assumption'

Now that's the thing about warnings, you aren't assuming the behaviour of anyone. You only know it is a possibility that you don't want to happen. You don't know if it will happen or not. So you put up a warning. That's how warnings work.

But hey, this is your house right? Make no mistake, you've stamped yourself all over videosift like a dog marking its territory. Outsiders who don't comply with your way of thinking basically aren't welcome.

These kids play outside no matter how cold it gets

Monsoon V

shagen454 says...

Yeah people are moronic about flooding during monsoons, that's why we in Arizona have a "stupid motorist" law that charges them for their own rescue.

Not only a month ago I was driving back to AZ from San Diego and it was pouring the whole way back. Got back to Tucson and it was cold and clouds everywhere. Next day decided to go to this awesome canyon because I knew there would be water and after a rain like that the Sonoran desert becomes gloriously green. Basically the whole canyon park is split by a wash that turns into a raging river and on this occasion the water was flooding over all of the bridges essentially making half the canyon park inaccessible.

Then, out of the blue comes this young guy walking super fast holding his two daughters' hands, began to cross the flooded bridge, the water was about two feet deep but it was moving fast. Luckily, a park ranger stopped him, but those two little kids probably would have been swept away and drowned. Later, on we saw a rescue heli go up and saw on the news that someone had been swept away because they tried to cross.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

My wife and I carry a recessive Gene that causes the disease NPC type C
It's got the horrible nick name of "Alzheimer's for little kids"
We found out we carry said Gene when we had our daughter and have this to look forward to

A few years ago, Indiana passed a law making it illegal to have an abortion because of genetic abnormalities. You can only have an abortion of a healthy pregnancy. The law was stopped by a federal judge, but other laws have lined up to take it's place, enough that working with insurance has become a nightmare. There are 4 other laws that are hindering us moving forward.

So, again, if we could more easily have an abortion, rather than watch a child slowly and needlessly die, we would, and then wait until we had a healthy fetus.

"Just move to another state" oh, yeah that's so fucking easy

If we had easier access to legal abortion, my family would already be bigger. Not that any of this is any of your business, but people have unique situations that you may not have considered.

bobknight33 said:

What you are you saying. Does not make sense. Maybe you replied in anger and not clear thought.

I'll disregard you comment and let you re reply if you choose to do so.

I agree Some people need to be able to have abortions.. But not just because I want is not a reason.

On an pregnancy note How many ultrasounds do you look at? I've been looking at images for 19 years. We can argue when "Life " becomes " Life" But medically speaking Ultrasounds are moving the goal line closer and closer to mid first Term at the least. You can see the heart beat as early as 30 days but it too weak of a pulse to hear/measure. At 12 weeks you can measure the fetal heart rate.

Elk Calf Plays In The Puddle!

When dad childproofs the BBQ


ForgedReality says...

That little kid is definitely like 10 years old. I don't know what you guys are even talking about with the "looking and sounding older". She probably didn't even realize what she was laughing at.

Pushy CNN Reporter Can't Take A Hint

bremnet says...

I think it was right on the rails. I live in Houston, was fortunate to have come through Harvey with little damage, and spent hours helping folks get out of the small boats that were rescuing people from their water filled homes. The reporting from the various news agencies was on TV pretty much 24/7. But they don't get it... sure, people outside of the situation want to know what's going on, but some of the most inane, redundant, pointless and heartless questions in the world come out of the mouths of these reporters who feel they need to just keep on talking. On more than one occasion, we had to tell reporters to get the fuck out of the way so we could do our work instead of pausing to allow them to conduct an interview. In a situation like this, where people have lost EVERYTHING they own except for the clothes they have on, and have spent hours scared, cold and not knowing if anyone is coming to rescue them, how the fuck can anyone with an IQ bigger than their shoe size think it's a story that wants to be retold in front of a camera? We helped little kids out of boats, with their parents coming along a few boats behind, and reporters walking up to these shivering, scared kids to ask them about any pets they might have left behind or been unable to rescue - to get them to cry. That's inhuman. If it were me, I would've shoved that microphone down that stupid woman's throat. This isn't reporting, it sensationalizing. But I guess we wouldn't expect less from CNN. These people aren't reporters our journalists, they are pond scum.

When you potentially get to sue Coca-Cola for infringement

bitterbug says...

Yup. When I was a little kid in the 70s my drunk neighbors would take their Firebirds and Dusters "out for a rip".
Those were also the days when nobody cared they were driving drink on the local roads like they were the Duke boys

Digitalfiend said:

Odd, as a Canadian (from Ontario even), I've never heard of this guy or his video and "out for a rip" has generally been a well established phrase used by motorheads for who knows how long - but certainly well before 2015. Still, best of luck, definitely shouldn't let massive corporations get away with trademark infringement; they certainly don't look the other way when the little guys accidentally slip up.

Classy Tourists Calmly React to a Stuck Elevator

moonsammy says...

Pulling them out from that elevator was the stupidest part of this whole festival of idiocy. If it had started moving (as, you know, elevators are meant to do), one or more of the people involved could easily have lost a limb or been cut in half. It wouldn't be the first time that's happened.

All this for 10 minutes of moderate inconvenience? It isn't as though they were running out of air or being swarmed by bees or something. That little kid was likely only crying at the end due to how much the so-called adults were freaking out.

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