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And then there was this... (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

...and you are the king of disingenuousness.

You wrote out a laundry list of questions the other day. I answered ALL of them. Then you wrote a trove more and expected I answer every one of them immediately. But then when the tables are turned, you cop out and claim my questions are grounds we've combed tirelessly many times and therefore not worthy of your rebuttal.

WikiLeaks founder arrested in London

gwiz665 says...

Yogi isn't a government acting on behalf of other people. The Government has no personal information. Spreading this information is a good thing, the people who lead us should keep their laundry clean, or face the consequences that people might see.

Now they are facing the consequences and hopefully a lot of civilians are having their eyes opened.
>> ^quantumushroom:

I'm totally intimidated by a guy who lifts lines from Billy Madison. I'm glad you're comfortable that you don't have what it takes to debate anything. Seems pretty common around here. BTW why don't you post all YOUR personal information to teh internets? This will somehow lead to greater transparency and freedom for all. I'm sure most people won't use it to enrich themselves at your expense.
(Double birds)

>> ^Yogi:
QM, nothing you've said is remotely factual or relevant. Your incoherent babbling of bullshit is just the stuff that comes prancing out of your closeted mind like word salad. You are not smart, you are not informed, I award you no points and please shut the fuck up.

My Cat Is Afraid of the Vacuum Cleaner...

eric3579 says...

My cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner
The way it goes, "Vroom, vroom, vroom"
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom

My cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner
The way it goes "Vroom, vroom, vroom".
And the way it makes calls in the middle of the night
To shadowy men with underworld connections
It's conversations sound innocent enough,
But then, why is it whispering
And saying things that are obviously codes
Like, "Go to the laundry and pick up my shorts"?
It's a vacuum cleaner, it doesn't wear shorts.
But it does have a secret hidden room
Full of instruments of torture from ancient times
That were stolen from a little-known Idaho museum.
And on the wall in the secret room
Is a picture of actor Anthony Hopkins
Taken from the movie "Silence of the Lambs",
The one where he wears the scary mask.
And next to the picture of Anthony Hopkins
Is a picture of the vacuum cleaner
In the same scary mask, but a smaller version.
It's cute in a way, but in other ways no.
And also on the walls are some scribbled words.
Incoherent paranoid rants
Written in a language called Vacuumese
Derived from French and the operating manual
Of a 1972 Electrolux.
And what is written on those walls
In the language known as Vacuumese
Sends icy chills up my little cat's spine
And makes it toss and turn at night.
But the thing about the vacuum cleaner
That scares my cat the very most,
That makes it wake in a cold, cold sweat
And haunts its days and haunts its nights
And makes it jump at the slightest noise...

Is the way it goes, "Vroom, vroom, vroom".
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom

Senator Jim Demint: "Libertarians Don't Exist!"

blankfist says...

By the way, DFT, can we stick to a single topic debate instead of a laundry list of items you want me to address? It's really impossible to effectively address five or ten different tangential questions in a single post.

Also, because you don't agree with my position doesn't mean I didn't "answer" your question.

Harry Potter and the Homo Erotic Subtext

Kerotan says...

See, I tried to come at it with an air of a snooty bitch, but now I just feel like a bit of a dick.
And no, I will not do you laundry.

>> ^gwiz665:

It's what the internet is for! Now do my laundry.

>> ^Kerotan:
>> ^gwiz665:
>> ^Kerotan:
At least credit credit cassette boy.

The creator; he is hardly an internet sensation, but this isn't the first one he has created either.
These combined only have a few million views on youtube.
No need to thank me for doing your research.

Harry Potter and the Homo Erotic Subtext

gwiz665 says...

It's what the internet is for! Now do my laundry.

>> ^Kerotan:

>> ^gwiz665:
>> ^Kerotan:
At least credit credit cassette boy.

The creator; he is hardly an internet sensation, but this isn't the first one he has created either.
These combined only have a few million views on youtube.
No need to thank me for doing your research.

i dont like mondays-boomtown rats-starring house MD

Duckman33 says...

Uh-oh. Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays...

>> ^ulysses1904:

Arrrggghh, thanks for reminding me how much I hate this song. Bob Geldof always struck me as a smug little tard, back when this song came out. It’s the kind of song that I would have thought was edgy and clever when I was a schoolboy. During interviews when questioned about the poor taste of treating a tragedy with such smug flippancy Geldof replied that it was more like America didn’t like it when someone aired its “dirty laundry”. BTW I always read it was a schoolgirl that did the shooting, not someone who lived across the street.
Why didn’t Geldof write a song to air Scotland’s dirty laundry when some lunatic killed 18 children at a nursery school? And that line about “the silicon chip inside her head gets switched to overload”, does that even mean anything? Things don’t get “switched to overload”, they get overloaded. But I’m sure the schoolboys thought it sounded cool. So Geldof always struck me as a loser who was desperate for some claim to fame. And then Live Aid comes along and this tard gets treated like a saint. Jeez.
Thanks for the memories.

How to make authentic horror movie blood

Ryjkyj says...

That guy is so creepy.

I feel I need to share a warning about fake blood:

My friend Morgan was "the ghost" in a production of "Hamlet" and every night he would need to be covered in fake blood. Well, one night when I was giving him a ride home (because all actors are poor) he was telling me that he couldn't wait until the show's run ended because the blood was irritating his skin. I asked him if they bought their fake blood or just used the old syrup recipe and I was SHOCKED at what he told me. They made the blood themselves using a recipe the stage manager gave them. And every night for three weeks Morgan had been covering himself with it. His skin was so irritated because they were using a mix of pure liquid laundry detergent with some red food coloring. I guess the idea was that it tended to stick longer.

I don't know where the fuck they got that recipe but if you're ever considering making fake blood then take my advice: go with the syrup.

Conan trashes his Head Writer's BMW convertible.

Ultimate gooey slime- Make at home 1:04

My Boobs Are Okay

Eklek says...

hallo!!! (hello)
he?? wat mot je. (hey, what do you want from me?)

me tiete! me tiete! me tiete zijn oke!!! (my boobs are okay)
me tiete! me tiete! me tiete zijn oke.

ik hou niet van studeren. (I don't like studying)
nee das niks voor mij. (no, that not for me)
maar is er wat te feesten dan ben ik erbij. (but if there's a party I'll be present)
ze kost alleen maar geld en verder ken ze niks. (she only costs money, she can't do anything)
wat ben ik toch een loser!! (damn, I'm a loser)

na school toe of werken heb ik nog nooit gedaan. (never went to school or work)
daar ben ik toch te stom voor. (I'm too dumb for that)
het IQ van een banaan. (the IQ of a banana)

strijken of de was doen. (ironing or doing the laundry)
nee! dat kan ik niet (no, I can;t)
maar kijk eens naar die tieten. (but take a look at those boobies)
je weet niet wat je ziet!!!!! (you don;t know what you're looking at)

me tiete! me tiete! me tiete zijn oke!!
maar wat je van me zegt me tiete die zijn echt. (whatever you say about me, but my boobs are real)
ja! net zo echt als me rolex. (yeah, just as real as my Rolex)
me tiete zijn oke!

kheb niemand iets te melden maar heb wel een gsm. (I have nothing to tell yet I have a mobile)
tot tien ken ze nie tellen met ter geile stem. (she can't even count to ten with her horny voice)
voor een pakje sigaretten ga ik lekker met je mee. (for a package of cigarettes I'll go with you)
ja daag!! weet je wat dat kost tegenwoordig een pakje sigaretten. (no way! you know how much a package costs these days?!)
ik rij vaak op mijn scooter wat zinloos in het rond. (I often drive around in circles on my scooter)
en ik zit wat te bouten in mijn bloote kond!! (and I'm farting with my ass exposed)
van mekup en de kapper daar weet ik alles van. (I know all about make up and hair dressers)
maar vraag ter nou maar niet of ze kan schrijven. (but don't ask her to write)

me tiete me tiete me tiete zijn oke!
me tiete me tiete me tieten zijn oke!
maar wat je van me zegt me tiete zijn echt!!
alleen der hersenen die zijn van syliconen. (only her brain are made of silicones)

heb een dubbele d. (I have a double D)
en daarom mag ik mee. (that's why I'm joining you)
alle jongens vinden mij oke. (all boy find me ok)
waarom rot je niet op met je plAstic kop. (why don't you fuck off with you plastic head)
je lijkt wel op een opblaas pop. (you look like a blow up doll)

tieten tieten tieten

oh! henk wat is tie groot! (oh henk, what a big one)
niet aan trekken nou!!!! (now don't pull it)
blijf van mijn snor af lellebel! (keep your hands of my moustache)

me tiete!! me tiete!! me tiete zijn oke!
der tiete! der tiete!! der tiete zijn oke!
maar wat je van me zegt me tiete die zijn echt!!
ja hoor!!

me tiete me tiete me tiete zijn oke!!
me tiete tiete tiete tiete tiete!!zijn oke!
me tiete tiete tiete zijn oke

maar wat je van me zegt
me tiete die zijn echt!!


How Canadians Drink Beer



Peter Schiff’s 3 Reasons Why Financial Reform Will Fail

NetRunner says...

@blankfist, since you seem to want my thoughts on this (but for some reason, wanted to edit the comment to look like you were just clearing your throat), I'll give you my rebuttal.

I'll take his three points in reverse order.

#3 about regulatory uncertainty is one of these universal conservative economic fantasies. There's no evidence that this really has any kind of macroeconomic effect. Certainly the usual conservative and business advocacy groups always get a laundry list of businessmen to all line up and say how they won't be able to function if they have to pay compensation to workers injured on the job, have to check to see if the products they produce are poisonous or otherwise unsafe, can't dump toxic chemicals into lakes and rivers, can't use slave labor, etc, etc. They always fight against efforts to stop them from being able to leverage negative market externalities for extra profit.

#2 The Yahoo Finance link itself debunks this, because what Schiff says is a flat-out lie. Here's what that link says:

In contrast to Schiff's warning, the law does the following, according to Reuters:

“The bill would set up an "orderly liquidation" process that the government could use in emergencies, instead of bankruptcy or bailouts, to dismantle firms on the verge of collapse.

“The goal is to end the idea that some firms are 'too big to fail' and avoid a repeat of 2008, when the Bush administration bailed out AIG and other firms but not Lehman Brothers. Lehman's subsequent bankruptcy froze capital markets.

“Under the new rule, firms would have to have 'funeral plans' that describe how they could be shut down quickly.”

Liberal critics also question whether the bill addresses "Too Big to Fail", but they're talking about limits on the overall size of banks.

#1 I've covered this fantasy of Schiff's about the nature of the crisis before. Here are two quick points I always make, which you never respond to: low interest rates don't create moral hazard, and Fannie and Freddie weren't even remotely the biggest players in the subprime mortgage-backed security space, much less the chief source of moral hazard.

All the moral hazard was created by the financial industry thinking it had found a way to insulate itself from the risks involved in bad mortgages using CDO's and CDS's -- without relying on government backing of any kind.

I'm happy to go into much more depth on #1 if you like, but you've never really demonstrated that you have any interest in listening to what I have to say on the topic with anything like an open mind.

Oh, and liberals agree that this bill doesn't really do enough in addressing the underlying problems that led to the crisis (the real ones). Basically, they say there's not enough rating agency reform, no leverage caps on investment banks, no Glass-Steagall separation of traditional and investment banks, no commitment to break up banks that grow beyond a certain size, etc.

In fact, from what I've read, the strongest part of this bill is exactly the part Schiff lied about -- it should prevent future Congresses from being forced to do taxpayer-funded bailouts. Instead, it'll be like the standard FDIC process for failed banks, only scaled up to deal with corporations of this size and complexity. Under that process, the bank shareholders, owners, and management get wiped out and fired, but the bank's creditors and depositors are made whole. The bank fails, but it doesn't take a huge chunk of the economy with it when it goes.

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