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The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

grinter says...

Did he just say, "those of us who have been washed in the blood of the lamb understand that phallus worship is satanic and evil?"
..dude! can you even hear yourself when you talk?

Cyriak - Experiments in ovine geometry.

The fun of eating a live Octopus!

Stu says...

The mirror test huh? Besides humans the only ones who pass the mirror test are the great apes, which thankfully are the same order as humans so we know you aren't a cannibal. That leaves the other 18 orders of animals in the class of mammalia free to eat including veal, lamb, dogs, cats and every other pet you can conceive of. Well, except monkeys and I knew a guy with a pet monkey but it's rare so we won't put them in the pet category. So the mirror test is a pretty shitty test of what someone will or won't eat.

You just sound like another PETA member trying to convince billions of people that we aren't the top of the food chain and we should care about what we eat. Alive or dead a vast majority of animals don't have the same pain receptors we contain for the simple fact of being eaten alive. They have touch receptors in the extremities for movement and awareness of surroundings. You can look that up in any science textbook about animal nervous systems. You can believe and preach what you want about cruelness to animals. Either way it is still going to be eaten.

Even still, crushing an animal to death and having it die in seconds in your mouth as compared to being boiled alive over minutes is still less cruel. You should think of the alternatives of how the animal might die before you say eating it alive is cruel.
>> ^Gallowflak:

>> ^kronosposeidon:
It's a mixed bag for me. I'm completely inconsistent. This makes me squeamish and therefore seems cruel to me, but then I remember that I eat lobster from time to time, and lobster is prepared by boiling it alive. Cockles and mussels are also cooked while they're alive. A lot of the world includes insect protein in their diet, and insects are rarely dispatched humanely before preparation. Some are roasted alive before consumption. (I'm not even sure if there is a way to humanely kill an insect anyway. Decapitation?) And how about the way we treat animals before they're killed? How about veal? And has anyone seen film of modern chicken houses? Meat consumption is littered with ethical issues. I think about it often while stuffing Big Macs in my face.>> ^Fusionaut:
I don't know if biting into something that is still alive is all that wrong under the right circumstances. It happens in the wild all of the time. Dunking it in a hot, pepper sauce before the first bite seems cruel to me though. However, I did eat a live mayfly once. Grabbed it out of the air and then CHOMP! The wings got stuck in my teeth. Now you know a weird fact about me.

Right, but I'm not sure that typical meat consumption is comparable to consuming an animal alive for no purpose other than... whatever the purpose is. It's grotesque, it's excessive and it shows casual disregard - and perhaps even contempt - for the suffering of species that don't have our gawking faces. The fact that animals are eaten alive in the wild just isn't relevant, either. We're able to make the choice. Maybe I'm just a bitch. One of my overarching directives is to minimize the amount of suffering that I'm responsible for. This is just fucking awful.
It's not relevant but I don't eat veal or lamb, nor lobster or crab and certainly not octopus. I won't consume the flesh of any animal order that contains creatures which pass the mirror test.

The fun of eating a live Octopus!

Gallowflak says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

It's a mixed bag for me. I'm completely inconsistent. This makes me squeamish and therefore seems cruel to me, but then I remember that I eat lobster from time to time, and lobster is prepared by boiling it alive. Cockles and mussels are also cooked while they're alive. A lot of the world includes insect protein in their diet, and insects are rarely dispatched humanely before preparation. Some are roasted alive before consumption. (I'm not even sure if there is a way to humanely kill an insect anyway. Decapitation?) And how about the way we treat animals before they're killed? How about veal? And has anyone seen film of modern chicken houses? Meat consumption is littered with ethical issues. I think about it often while stuffing Big Macs in my face.>> ^Fusionaut:
I don't know if biting into something that is still alive is all that wrong under the right circumstances. It happens in the wild all of the time. Dunking it in a hot, pepper sauce before the first bite seems cruel to me though. However, I did eat a live mayfly once. Grabbed it out of the air and then CHOMP! The wings got stuck in my teeth. Now you know a weird fact about me.

Right, but I'm not sure that typical meat consumption is comparable to consuming an animal alive for no purpose other than... whatever the purpose is. It's grotesque, it's excessive and it shows casual disregard - and perhaps even contempt - for the suffering of species that don't have our gawking faces. The fact that animals are eaten alive in the wild just isn't relevant, either. We're able to make the choice. Maybe I'm just a bitch. One of my overarching directives is to minimize the amount of suffering that I'm responsible for. This is just fucking awful.

It's not relevant but I don't eat veal or lamb, nor lobster or crab and certainly not octopus. I won't consume the flesh of any animal order that contains creatures which pass the mirror test.

Jon Stewart & the Pundits of Lunacy.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'tds, daily show, jon stewart, sarah palin, glen beck, pundit, screaming lambs' to 'tds, daily show, jon stewart, sarah palin, glenn beck, pundit, screaming lambs' - edited by calvados

Christopher Hitchens: "All Of Life Is A Wager"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'christopher hitchens, hitch, life, death, lost gall bladder, chemo brain' to 'christopher hitchens, hitch, life, death, lost gall bladder, chemo brain, brian lamb' - edited by RhesusMonk

My Cat Is Afraid of the Vacuum Cleaner...

eric3579 says...

My cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner
The way it goes, "Vroom, vroom, vroom"
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom

My cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner
The way it goes "Vroom, vroom, vroom".
And the way it makes calls in the middle of the night
To shadowy men with underworld connections
It's conversations sound innocent enough,
But then, why is it whispering
And saying things that are obviously codes
Like, "Go to the laundry and pick up my shorts"?
It's a vacuum cleaner, it doesn't wear shorts.
But it does have a secret hidden room
Full of instruments of torture from ancient times
That were stolen from a little-known Idaho museum.
And on the wall in the secret room
Is a picture of actor Anthony Hopkins
Taken from the movie "Silence of the Lambs",
The one where he wears the scary mask.
And next to the picture of Anthony Hopkins
Is a picture of the vacuum cleaner
In the same scary mask, but a smaller version.
It's cute in a way, but in other ways no.
And also on the walls are some scribbled words.
Incoherent paranoid rants
Written in a language called Vacuumese
Derived from French and the operating manual
Of a 1972 Electrolux.
And what is written on those walls
In the language known as Vacuumese
Sends icy chills up my little cat's spine
And makes it toss and turn at night.
But the thing about the vacuum cleaner
That scares my cat the very most,
That makes it wake in a cold, cold sweat
And haunts its days and haunts its nights
And makes it jump at the slightest noise...

Is the way it goes, "Vroom, vroom, vroom".
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom

Best albums of 2009! (Rocknroll Talk Post)

zombieater says...

A bit late, but here are some for 2009 (with the best 1st):

1) Mastodon - Crack the Skye
2) Malefice - Dawn of Reprisal
3) Between the Buried and Me - The Great Misdirect
4) Architects - Hollow Crown
5) Disarmonia Mundi - The Isolation Game
6) It Prevails - Capture & Embrace
7) August Burns Red - Constellations
Lamb of God - Wrath
9) War from a Harlot's Mouth - In Shoals
10) Born of Osiris - A Higher Place

"Jozin z Bazin" Quality television...somewhere

David Mitchell on Who Do You Think You Are?

Lann says...

The ranch I grew up on had sheep when I was little then changed to cattle. We still raised sheep for 4-H, so one of the first thing I noticed was how those little Scottish lambs have such funny looking floppy tails.

laura (Member Profile)

geo321 (Member Profile)

laura says...

You know, until I saw a larger version of your avatar, I honestly had NO CLUE that it was anything but the usual "Jesus holding a lamb" pic... but a Dinosaur, who knew? Brilliant, really.

Tonetta sings 'Small C*ck, big heart'

Kids just LOVE to jump on beds!

Tea Party Racism

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Here is a fascinating side-line to the story...

Quite clearly this woman was a racist. Props to the NAACP for agreeing with the dismissal, and their claims that they will investigate the "disturbing" attitude of the audience which applauded the racism. But you know what? You're late to the party. For decades your organization has tacitly approved of this kind of attitude. Gone are the days when good men like King led a just movement based on the principle of true equality. The modern race industry is more about payola than principle.

The cancer of racism within your organization is persistent and prevailant - and it is going to take more than 2 seconds of navel-gazing. The words of your leaders (Wright, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakahn, Shabazz, and many others) constantly drip with race-oriented attitude, and demands for unequal treatment under the law based on skin color. Until you start consistently hammering all racism across the board then your repentance is rhetoric and Sherrod nothing but a sacrificial lamb.

Within the african american community there is a disturbing trend of too many events, activites, speeches, attitudes, projects, and causes that are designed around an attitude of race. Within these events there are too many demagogues who are just as racist as the woman in this video. And within the crowds there are too many amens, cheers, claps, and nods of agreement.

If racism is really a bad thing, then it can't be given a pass when it shows up among groups with which you may be sympathetic. What happens when racism is ignored when it shows up among groups you like, and only gets a frown in groups you don't like? It becomes a 'card' to play and not a sin to correct.

I don't defend racism in the Tea Party. When it shows up, I hope they stomp on it. But their mission statements are clear, simple, and have NOTHING to do with race. The NAACP in its very title is a racist organization (Advancement of COLORED People). A group that is built around racism like they are gets a much more critical eye from me.

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