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Illinois Man Faces 75 yrs in Prison for Recording Police

Lawdeedaw says...

Checking your wife's email is also illegal... Punishable by five years in some places... Can we say, "We love our punishment in every area of our lives?" Also, *lies for the way this is reported. Everything is soooo sensationalized... Right off the start the reporter says, "Usually only handed down to rapists and murderers."

Not quiet what I would say truthful, huh? You bilk someone for serious cash and kiss your life goodbye...
You sell the wrong drugs, same thing...or you sell too much of the minor drugs...

Guy Learns To Never Hit Women... The HARD Way.

SDGundamX says...

qbert, it's way more than a moral question: it's a legal one. Every one of those guys that punched the male would be found guilty of battery in a court of law. "Teaching someone a lesson" is not a valid legal reason for throwing a punch. You are only allowed to use as much force as necessary to stop the assailant and it's clear in the video that the guy is being clocked AFTER being separated from the girl.

For all the knight-in-shining-armor wannabes who seem to be posting here, let me give you a reality check. My roommate in college was best buds with one of his male cousins--they used to hang out all the time. Anyway, this cousin overhears his sister telling their parents that her boyfriend had raped her. Said cousin gets two other guys together and they go out to "teach the guy a lesson." They find him, drag him out to a deserted spot, and proceed to beat the living crap out of him. Justice served right?

Problem is, one of the guys my roommate's cousin brought along was a little overzealous. He was packing heat and when they were through beating the guy he pulled the gun and shot the alleged rapist in the head. But hey, the guy deserved it right?

Well not exactly. Turns out the sister was lying about the rape. See, my roommate was Filipino and everyone in his family is strict Catholic. The girl had gotten pregnant and couldn't admit to her parents that she'd had premarital sex. So she made up the rape story to cover.

My roommate's cousin and his two friends all got life in prison. Even though two of them didn't know the third was even carrying a gun, they were considered accessories to the murder by virtue of the fact that they had set out with the intent to cause the victim harm. So all through freshman year of college my roommate got to spend his weekends visiting his best bud in a maximum security prison. The cousin was 18 at the time of his arrest (same age as me and my roommate at the time). He basically threw away his whole life in order to "teach a guy a lesson."

Think it can't happen to you? People can die from a single punch. Maybe you didn't mean to kill the guy. Won't matter in court. You can kiss your life as you knew it goodbye with at a minimum a felony manslaughter charge. In this video, in all the confusion, someone (like some of the bystanders you can see scrambling to get out of the way) easily could have gotten knocked unconscious accidentally by a missed punch and slipped underwater before anyone realized what was happening. Is that justice?

Vigilante violence doesn't teach anybody anything. Supposing the guy in this vid truly is a chronic woman abuser, all these guys did by kicking his ass is to make him take his embarrassment and emasculation out on the next girlfriend by beating her twice as hard. Good work.

Make no mistake about it: if you're willing to jump in there to throw punches at this guy, you're not interested in justice or protecting the woman. You're interested in stroking your own ego by actualizing the over-glorified bullsh*t cultural stereotype that equates "justice" with ass-kicking. And even though you see yourself as the good guy--like my roommate's cousin did--you will be in for a rude awakening about how the world really works in the event the police do show up and start sorting things out.

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