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McCain defending Obama 2008

Mordhaus says...

Not going to ban you for your opinion. But saying a veteran should have been kia is pretty goddamn low. You are, as all the dumbass motherfuckers on the interweb who have been calling him a traitor are, referring to the fact that he broke during his POW incarceration.

Here is a brief excerpt of the new techniques that came out right around the time he was captured. Techniques that were so insidious that the military had to REWRITE the code regarding breaking under torture.

"Some were physically tortured, some of them succumbed to the pain and broke, some did not, but there was also a new technique employed, and it took time.

Put into a dark box, not large enough to even stretch out, it is called sensory deprivation, and along with other enhancements, it turns a person insane, malleable, and open to the most ridiculous suggestions. like confessing to the war crime of being ordered to bomb hospitals and orphanages, and doing so.

Some of those who broke under this new kind of interrogation feared to be repatriated, thinking they would be tried for collaboration upon their return. American psychologists and psychiatrists, after interviewing some of these ex-POW’s, determined that, given enough time, anyone, if not everyone, could be broken.

John McCain made them start all over on him a number of times, until his Vietnamese interrogators finally gave up, and threw him into a miserable cell, and not back into his horribly, miserable dark box. His conduct, during his interrogation period, and thereafter, was nothing short of heroic."

Now, if you ever go through enhanced interrogation techniques, please feel free to report back to us how you managed not to break or suffer mental damage from them. Until that time, I find your opinion to be ill informed and lacking weight.

EDIT: Before you go saying I am a fanboy, I didn't care for him as a senator or presidential candidate. He was gullible enough to get sucked into the Keating Five mess and I didn't feel he would be a good president, so I voted democrat in 2008, even though I generally vote republican. I can still recognize him as a war hero and for his service though. The man was not a traitor.

bobknight33 said:

Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.

Terrorized seal makes tough choice

nanrod says...

The "lesser of two evils"? I don't think so. Harbour seals are reasonably comfortable around humans and fairly frequently jump up on boats and kayaks even when there are no predators around. I've had seals jump up on docks near me in Pender Harbour and Keats Island.

Januari (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Ah, OK then. That makes sense. In fact, as I heard it, some of the strangest rules are at the local level (prohibiting outdoor clothes lines??? Really!?!?!?! Mandating instead of prohibiting watering lawns in a drought?!?). Obviously the way in to your Federal senate is by taking over a state... which is a bit of an ask.

The reason the greens are so strong in the Senate here is that the way the votes are counted means that in some cases you can get a Senate seat with almost 0% of the vote (and some sneaky preference alliances). One of our former prime ministers (Paul Keating) described them as "unrepresentative swill" as a result of this.

Januari said:

Thanks for the information and the link to the article.

Sadly no they hold no national level positions in the legislature and i'd be very surprised if there were than a couple even at the state level. It is a relatively young party here in the US and i believe their focus is very much on the local level, such as town councils and mayors office.

The two party system you've heard about is largely the reality, though there are hundreds of parties. None hold any meaningful power on the national level, and even locally politics are dominated by the two.

Apollo Moon Landing Site Photographed HD

Perversion for Profit, 1965 Anti-Pornography Short

Charles Bukowski kicking his soon to be fiancé

enoch says...

what makes a great poet?
insanity? like emily dickenson?
or technical brilliance? like shakespeare?
or is it something less quantifiable?
like courage..
and honesty..
the ability to lay open your wounds and lay naked and raw.
while vultures of pretension nibble on the gristle of your endeavors.
or is a great poet something that is spoon fed to you by your english lit teacher?
and if that is the case you need to sit down,shut up and realize you dont understand poetry.
you may understand the historical relevance of whitman all the way to keats but you dont understand poetry.
you may be able to write a perfect sonnet.
rhyme amd meter..cadence..flawless..
and you still wont understand poetry.

bukowski reacted how any one of us would after being told our future partner is going to FUCK anybody she/he wishes to.
we would most likely have restrained from violence,especially being on TV.
he only did what we would have WANTED to do.
and yet you sit there and judge him for his lack of restraint.
he is the dick for acting and you are not for only WANTING.
i say we are all dicks.
at least bukowski had the balls to show his rage and hurt.
we would remain quiet like little pussies,hiding behind the facade of civility.
so really...who is the dick?

"knowledge without mileage=BULLSHIT"-henry rollins

peggedbea (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
who says anarchist ministers arent welcome?
oh.. well probably as welcome as the anarchist feminists...

and i sir am extremely interesting.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
this place is beginning to bore me.yet i find myself reticent to leave my fave fuzzy friend who wears the funny hats.anarchist ministers are not welcome here,that has become painfully obvious.

ya lil snoop!
and you were not on that list at all....anybody as frighteningly dynamic as you are would never be boring to me.there are many here i find quite interesting,and yes,you are among them.
over the past few months i have watched some interesting people get jacked because they didnt conform to the group mind-speak.just for having a dissenting voice?
when a kitten falling off a desk gets 158 votes,yet my american poem (brilliant btw) gets 2?
or my keats? or hell...check eklek's pque of unbelievable music gems.or endalls alternate theory vids.paul4dirts incredibly obscure music vids.EDM,you,vaginagal.farhad has some of the best documentaries on the sift.
my real thing was commenting,but damn hard to discuss with people who are already convinced.
"if you are not with us,you are against us".
how come people can throw ad hominems at winston pennypacker,but not at others?
im not crying injustice here.its a website,and a damn fun one.
im just saying its fucking BORING to watch that giant circle jerk happen all the fucking time.
it is not amusing,it lacks any sense of imagination.its like a teenage boy who diddles himself all the time.might be fun for him,but i dont want to watch it.
now YOU my dear..are FUN..crime is for THATS FUN.
i aint going nowhere..i do like this joint.just gonna take some time and do something that amuses dont know..diddle myself.
wanna watch?
i been catching up on my writing anyways.sir schmawy is gonna rip my hackish ass to pieces,but i welcome the challenge.wish other people would see different feelings and view as not contrary,just a challenge.
ah well..rock on sistah!you rule...solid.
till next time..namaste.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

kymbos says...

1. My parents met at a Communist Party meeting in the 1950s.
2. I have never before felt compelled to write one of these things to strangers, but my love of the Sift has been growing by the week.
3. I am passionate about uncomfortable comedy.
4. My mum once accidentally ran over my leg in the family car when I was little. When I rushed to show and tell at school, no one believed me.
5. One of my major life goals is to become practical with my hands. I think my generation missed out on life skills, and I’m determined to learn them.
6. I miss my daughter every single day.
7. Most of my sifts never make it.
8. I have lived in Oz (my home country), France and Vietnam. While I can speak fluent French, I never took to Vietnamese.
9. I have ridden a motorbike every day since I lived in Vietnam, but I’m planning on trading down to a pushbike for exercise, sustainability and safety reasons. I’ve never had a serious accident, but I think it’s only a matter of time.
10. I’ve had a blessed life, filled with opportunity.
11. I would quite fancy a career in politics at some point, but I’ve had too much fun with too many people to survive the moral hypocrisy blowtorch of modern political life.
12. Alice Cooper ate at a restaurant I worked in once. He had sausages with maple syrup.
13. I consider myself a pragmatist.
14. I cannot cope with liars. They confuse me.
15. I’m not into guns, but I would like to shoot a feral pig one day to see what it feels like.
16. My personal hero is Paul Keating.
17. I once held open the door to Parliament House for Gough Whitlam – he didn’t thank me.
18. I’m not scared of heights, but I am in my dreams.
19. My favourite place in the world is Stradbroke Island
20. I was passing through the Philippines during an attempted military coup in the 1980s. There were pre-teen kids my age carrying automatic guns.
21. I’m not into computer games, but I’m very competitive and get short term addictions to internet games. I’m currently into Blast Billiards
22. I regularly play lawn bowls
23. I would love to build a sustainable house one day, like those ‘Earth Ships’ designed by the Garbage Warrior.
24. I’m neither religious nor superstitious
25. This list took me my entire lunch time to write, and it's so long since this blog was posted few will ever read it.

Keating attacks Costello 1995 - Australian politics at work

Atlas Shrugged (Blog Entry by Doc_M)

Crake says...

Point of order: Roark and Keating were characters in The Fountainhead, not Atlas Shrugged.

Also, I want to add that Atlas shrugged, despite its faults, was a delight to read. It's like a holiday from stupid.

Atlas Shrugged (Blog Entry by Doc_M)

rougy says...

This is my favorite summation of Atlas Shrugged:

deleted dialogue

Roarke: You put balconies on my design?

Keating: I had to, besides, the tennants wanted them.

Roarke: The tenants?? Fuck the tenants, this is about me.


It's been years since I read it, and I liked it at the time (the only book of hers I've ever read), but I remember looking it over again and seeing how alarmist and ultimately selfish it really was.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Kafka was Czech, not Polish.

And he certainly wasn't a philosopher, just a brilliant writer.

thanks for the clarification on kafka's place of birth,thought it was poland.
but i disagree with you in saying that kafka was not a philosopher.
aristotle,socrates,nicodemus,sun tzu?
but are not all writers,and especially poets, constantly perfecting their craft in condensing the real,and unreal,into a concentrated vision of truth?
they gaze unblinking at the void and expose their souls for all to admire...or admonish.
that, my friend, takes courage few have.
is that not..
in essence..
the very core of philosophy?
before you can must LOOK..
before you can must experience..
we all are tiny gods in our own way.
petty philosophers tinkering with the creation that is our life.
but the greats...
neitzsche,hegel,jung,tielhard etc etc,
ah..they had BALLS.
they stared into the abyss unflinching.
i wax melodramitic here..
but i cant help it.
kafka's poetry is infuriatingly obtuse at times,but his genius in rare moments cannot be denied.
but to be honest...
it's J Keats who always makes my feeble attempts appear small,fragile and
a stunning tribute to pure hackery.
that man WAS poetry.
interesting that both kafka and keats died of consumption.
in any case..
thank you my friend for setting me straight,
and allowing an old man to babble about his heroes.
till next time..

Rachel Maddow Interviews Ron Paul

robdot says...

Everything on your list defines Obama and the democrats.
Yes,republicans SAY those things,but never DO those things.
Fiscal responibility......????? what?
They have thrown out the constitution and when they dont agree with it they wish to amend it.(gay marriage,gitmo,et.)
Corporate malfeasance? omg i dont have time.start with enron and work your way to now.( remember the republicans SCREAMING when Obama fired the ceo of gm rick wagoner???)
Against the global spreading of "democracy" by way of invasions?
states rights>federal powers?
Uh..iraq. and take away states right to aprove same sex marriage by amending the constitution.
Republicans call THEMSELVES deregulators.John mccain said he was The Deregulater.
Deregulation, removal of overseers and safeguards by republicans are one of the reasons banks and insurance companies crashed.Removal of these safeguards allowed banks and insurance companies to overleverage.
This all happened before under another famous deregulator..reagan... Does anyone remember the savings and loans crash?? john mccain,keating 5 etc. same people. See The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, phill gramm.another texas republican.mccains advisor. his wife was on enrons board of directors.
But americans have generational amnesia.
If dr paul actually wants to accomplish any of these things you say he stands for then he needs to change parties and start actually trying to DO those things. until then its just more republican mumbo jumbo bullshit.

Dystopia Today: US Citizens Scramble For Food Aid

notarobot says...

>> ^StukaFox:
Al Jazeera's Lucy Keating discovers in the US town of Knoxville in Tennessee.
Lucy apparently has giant goddamn balls to tell people in Tennessee she's with Al Jazeera.

Why should someone have to have "giant goddamn balls" to tell someone in Tennessee that she works for one of the world's most reputable international news organizations?

Dystopia Today: US Citizens Scramble For Food Aid

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