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Karens Gone Wild: COVID-19 Edition!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

America is in for a serious wake up call when schools don't reopen, because spoiler alert. They're not reopening. And guess what, there's no alternative child care that will be available. Really. None. This is fine for the upper middle class and the wealthy, they can afford it, but the middle and lower class are going to be absolutely destroyed. Having a child unable to return to school means they can't work.

Don't believe me? here's what's going to happen. Currently in my state there's already a shortage of substitutes. They've cancelled classes numerous times because they simply can't find a sub when a teacher is sick. Now imagine what happens when a school has an outbreak and 30 or 40 students and staff gets sick. It's going to completely destroy the school, and the morale of teachers who are still there will be in the toilet. The classes they do continue are going to be absolutely worthless. The teachers will be miserable, and so will the kids. Now imagine the fact that school districts in Republican counties will refuse to shut down.You think these teachers are going to continue going to work and risking their lives? Nope. Not for what they get paid. So eventually the teachers union is going to stand up for the working conditions, and if they don't go online, they're going to strike. This will effectively shut down public schools across the entire US and costs billions and billions of dollars. But here's the worst part, all these schools that follow Betsy Devos' advice, and are taking the Republican approach of "stay in school no matter what!" are going to have zero alternate plans. You think it was bad back in march when schools were closing and didn't know what the fuck to do, take that times ten. Now, we've got another complication on top of everything else, and that's that parents are already fucking crazy about their kids education. They're not only going to be losing their shit because their kids will have to stay home, and they can't work, but their kids also won't be getting educated. Think of the gathering of the juggalos, and imagine it's Karens at a school board meeting. That's where we're headed. It's going to be an absolute shit show, and all because Americans are too fucking dumb and arrogant to simply wear a mask, and social distance for a few weeks. really, we could have this behind us like the rest of the world, but we've got to sit in time out and watch 100s of thousands die because we're acting like toddlers.

I would encourage everyonw to watch the latest interview with Betsy Devos. When asked what should be done when there's an outbreak at schools she said "we need to reopen schools", when asked again, she just repeated herself. They literally have no alternate plan. None. When the outbreaks happen, these schools are going to close, and the schools will have no contingency plans. Because the leadership in the US has been so abysmal, and the rich people making decisions have nothing to worry about. Fuck the poor, make them bring their kids to work, that's where we're at.

Caught on video, people that's NOT black spray painting

newtboy says...

Ok, but the right wing doesn't understand that nuance, they see/hear "black lives matter" and they imagine big scary black gang members, and they're sending in the troops. Her point, I think, is that no one should be giving them that ammunition, but especially not people it won't be used against, like masked white Karens.
Edit: they may not have done it to intentionally deceive, but that would be the outcome.

mxxcon said:

But BLM movement is not as homogeneous as white supremacists in a sense that black kids doing it would be doing it intentionally to mislead and divert anger(if that was their motive). Meanwhile BLM movement isn't exclusively black people. It is ABOUT black people, but it's not exclusively BY black people. Seeing defaced buildings like that I wouldn't associate it black people. I would associate it with BLM movement, regardless of the race.

Did you want a fight

Joe Biden Accused Of Sexual Assault By Former Staffer

newtboy says...

Sure...she claims an assault/harassment happened in 93, but never reported it anywhere until 2019, and again in 2020, and then only to non profit organizations with direct political ties to Biden and only after his candidacy was announced....but this isn't just a political smear, she really wants it investigated. *facepalm

I guess only Trump can brag about grabbing any woman by the pussy, anyone else is a monster if they're accused of the same by one accuser nearly 3 decades later.

Certainly doesn't sound one whit like Biden, nor does the timeline seem even close to honest. Odd she didn't come forward in 93, or even when he was nominated as VP, doncha think?

Trump, on the other hand, has >26 credible accusations of sexual assault,
most much worse than this one including forcible rapes, many in court now (so accusations made under oath, even though Trump and Bar tried to stop the cases or pay them off to keep silent), all corroborated by his own "locker room" admissions that he assaulted innumerable women, including friend's wives, employees, contestants, and random strangers, grabbing any he wants by the genitals and forcibly kissing them, intentionally barging in on them while they're undressed (including but not limited to underage girls at his pageants), even outright raping them, all of which he says is all fine because he's rich and famous.

Jesus, @bobknight33, you're really being dumb thinking this is an issue to attack Biden on but that Trump has no exposure with. Mind numbingly dumb.

Disruptive Passenger Kicked Off Plane

Marvel Studio's Avengers: Infinity War Trailer

CelebrateApathy says...

Wha... What is the budget for this?
From Wikipedia:

Robert Downey Jr.
Josh Brolin
Mark Ruffalo
Tom Hiddleston
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Jeremy Renner
Chris Pratt
Elizabeth Olsen
Sebastian Stan
Benedict Cumberbatch
Paul Bettany
Cobie Smulders
Benedict Wong
Zoe Saldana
Karen Gillan
Vin Diesel
Dave Bautista
Bradley Cooper
Pom Klementieff
Scarlett Johansson
Benicio del Toro
Tom Holland
Anthony Mackie
Chadwick Boseman
Danai Gurira
Paul Rudd
Don Cheadle
Letitia Wright

Wife Pleads To Please Re-Elect Gerald

Mordhaus says...

He has a very slim chance now that they have a new Democratic fair haired boy running. His challenger knows jack all about the things they talk about in this video, but he is career polictician and a Dem, which is darn near a shoe-in in Austin.

They did this before as well, electing some idiot because they were a Democrat and not because they knew what they were doing. At least his opponent this time isn't an eco-warrior who is willing to fight to kill most infrastructure plans. She (Karen Huber) is part of the reason we are woefully lacking in a good system to manage the skyrocketing traffic in this city.

I'll get off my high horse now. (Hey, I just thought of a name for you...high horse...Whiinnnney)

ahimsa (Member Profile)

ahimsa says...

not really-life = sentient life is the only assertion which i clarified and this assumption was stated from the beginning so was implied. the suggestion that this changes everything is a classic straw man fallacy.

the imperatives which i am espousing on are merely non-violence and a rejection of oppression, exploitation and using others as property and economic commodities which almost every human believes when it concerns humans and perhaps a few other species. it is only the others whom should be considered under the umbrella of moral concern which is the key point of the issue for most people.

as far as the population, the main reason WHY the human population IS such an issue is due to the consumption of animal products. along with the obvious moral and ethical issues of murdering other sentient beings, the production of animal based foods requires many times the resources to produce an equivalent calorie compared to plant based food which drives things like climate change, resource depletion, water scarcity, biodiversity, species extinction and other aspects of environmental devastation.

when a video such as this one comes up which highlights people being kind to an animal, it is disturbing that people are so disconnected that they do not make the connection between the animals in the video whom they feel good about being rescued and the countless others which are being tortured and murdered for their dinner plate. this is exactly what the short article i posed above articulates so well.

“Ask ten people on the street if they think it’s wrong to injure or kill animals for one’s amusement or pleasure, and nine or ten will say yes, of course. Chances are all ten of those people freely consume animal products, simply because they like to and they’re used to doing it." - Karen Manfrede

newtboy said:

You made no such equivocations in your original assertions. You've completely changed your argument by adding them. EDIT: You quoted "The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world.”, nothing about sentience, reasons, intent, etc.

Your imperatives may not be others'. Your insistence that they must be is what makes you enemies rather than allies.
No serious organization would make any such spurious claim. Poor treatment of animals is an issue, but it is incredibly far from the most critical issue humans and the planet are facing. Over population is, as it drives EVERY human caused issue one can name, but you don't see me interjecting that into every comment thread I enter, because that would not convince anyone of anything besides convincing them that I'm a single issue zealot that should be ignored at best.

Deus Ex - Mankind Divided 101

Babymech says...

Oh god... this is what it will sound like when cars start doing ads to sell themselves.

"Downtown Chicago at rush hour was always bad, but nowadays it's worse than ever... however, with my enhanced 3.5-liter DOHC 24-valve V6, rated at 300 horsepower, I am extraordinarily equipped to handle whatever is thrown at me. Of course, if things go sideways, I'm more than ready to get right in there - I can activate my predictive forward collision warning and forward emergency braking for a stealth approach, or trust in my shadowy master to take action with my driver attention alert... or maybe I should make a statement, and test the limits of my extruded aluminum roof crossmember and additional frame crossmember. If some jumped up elitist pedestrians want to get in the way, I'm more than willing to go all in, as I roll through like a... well, like a car. The only certainty, is that my driver will get to Baby Parkour to pick up Karen at exactly 4.30."

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

enoch says...

so spurr makes a mysoginistic assholery game,(which we agree) and to defend the response he point out that there was/is immense hatred for sarkesian which could translate to real world violence.

am i correct so far?

so we have sarkesian who has a large population that hate her guts.have posted the most vile threats towards her in the form of death threats and i can only imagine other very imaginative physical threats.basically a band of the most repugnant,online thugs and bullies.(i agree with you this is repulsive and disgusting).

am i still on the right page?

ok ok.lets assume your position is correct and lets also assume that sarkesian feels a real threat from this online harassment.

how does this group of vile and despicable people who hate sarkesian connect with a face-punching game? how does this game (distasteful as it is) translate to real physical harm? are you suggesting that this face-punching game somehow would CAUSE physical harm?

if so,please explain how that could be.

furthermore,you gloss over the jack thompson game (also created by spurr) as somehow being irrelevant.yet thompson does not have a security force to attend to his needs,and thompson was making the very same spurious and unsubstantiated claims that sarkesian was making.thompson was actually taking it a step further by trying to bring legislation proving the video games promoted violence.

same argument.
same reasoning and the same impetus for creating a face-punching game.

so why was it a moral imperative to expose spurr as a mysoginist in regards to sarkesian but not a misandrist in regards to thompson?

to take a stand on one and not the other is morally inconsistent.

but ok...not a big deal in the long run right?spurr didnt pay too much of a price for his poor taste,he was working poor to begin with and of little consequence.

and as i have been lectured over and over the past few days:choices/words have consequences.a position i totally agree with,just wish there was a tad more consistency in its execution.

so ok.spurr got what he deserved for putting this distatsteful,or in your words "mysoginistic assholery" of a game out there in the first place.suck it up got what you deserved.

ok fine.

but again,you either willingly or unwittingly ignore that the only person who is facing charges is greg elliot NOT spurr.

you would think that the man who created the actual game would be the focus of the indictment,but no..that goes to greg elliot.

who,by YOUR own standards,was a victim to a massive online group of hateful bullies who targeted him for disagreeing with the political position of guthrie,a well known toronto feminist.guthrie filed charges against guthrie for harassment.while at the very same time her followers had uncovered elliots private contacts and began a smear campaign against him,accosting and berating his family and friends. costing him job,80k in legal defense and is STILL awaiting a verdict after 3 years.

the mans life is in ruins.

and here is a little caveat that you may find canada you do not have to prove actual just have to "feel" harassed.

so this guthrie woman,along with her minions are abusing a court system to make a political point and using elliot to set a precedent that should disturb us all.

if you cannot see how easily this can be (and IS being) abused to control opinion and silent dissent.i dont know what to tell ya mate.

how many examples do we need where the accuser did so out of pure malice and/or revenge only to pay zero consequences for that abuse?

i implore you to read the link i provided.karen breaks it down quite succinctly.

lurgee (Member Profile)

5 of the World's Most Dangerous Chemicals

"Scottish Colloquialisms" featuring Karen Gillan

"Scottish Colloquialisms" featuring Karen Gillan

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