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Horrible Parenting 101

Unbelievable.....That Kids BACK ON THE ESCALATOR!!!!

zeoverlord says...

Something similar happed to me when i was a kid, but in contrast to this kid i used the raw power of my legs and stood up so i could climb over.
O, did i say raw power of my legs, i meant movement of the jelly like noodle substance my legs where then.

This kid reminds me of those people that can fall face first from a two story building into a pile of discarded metal scrap, survive, spend four months in hospital and not learn the lesson that taking a stage dive from the second floor into a pile of pointy hard things is bad.

Slayer Goes To Church

Rand Paul: Sarah Palin's Choice for KY-Sen

Physical Grace (Blog Entry by jwray)

What smoking has become - the IT Crowd

Samaelsmith says...

You want to know what positive purpose there could be to smoking? I find it to be very effective at calming nerves and a good focus for reflecting and contemplating. It gives one a very good reason to just do nothing and chill out and think. It's also a good excuse to go outside and get some fresh air (don't laugh: I said fresh air not clean air, there's a difference) which also helps with the whole chilling and thinking bit. I also find it can be a very social activity, there's often camaraderie amongst a group of people smoking together. There are also some suggestions that smoking may or may not reduce the risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Plus it goes really well with alcohol. It's like wine and cheese or peanut butter and jelly, one of those classic combinations.
Now, I'm not suggesting that any of these things outweigh the negative aspects (except maybe the Alzheimer's thing, I've seen what that does to you), but that's certainly what I miss the most about smoking.

B747-200 Takeoff And Landing From The Nose Wheel Perspective

rich_magnet says...

I don't know why they opted for a lens made of jelly on that nosegear camera. A solid one would have looked better.

Seriously, though, what's going on with the video? Is the camera subject to high-frequency vibration and the camera uses a rolling-shutter CMOS sensor? Makes for a disconcerting effect to be sure.

Viacom snatches The Daily Show and Colbert Nation off Hulu (Terrible Talk Post)

Viacom snatches The Daily Show and Colbert Nation off Hulu (Terrible Talk Post)

lesserfool says...

I don't know where micro-payments are a good fit, it is hard to beat "free" psychologically. It seems like micro-payments right now are most successful offering over-priced "premium" niche content. Content providers can increase the cost on a larger population of users more easily over time if the content is thought to be free.

Hulu ads often get on my nerves but in another year or so I'll probably be willing to put up with full KY jelly vaginal stimulant themes and jingles while I'm eating lunch in front of coworkers at the office.

Viacom snatches The Daily Show and Colbert Nation off Hulu (Terrible Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Although I use Hulu quite a bit- I've always watched The Daily Show on I'm not sure why- maybe it goes up sooner there.

I tell you what though, if I have to watch another K-Y jelly vaginal stimulant commercial on Hulu I'm going to lose it.

Mindblowing EXTREME zoom into the Mandelbrot Set

Jelly marbles disappear COMPLETELY under water

DR WHO-the lost home of the time-lords GALLIFREY

Bloodybelly Comb Jelly

Payback says...

>> ^dag:
What if evolution doesn't respect symmetry as it does on earth? Most of our creatures are either bilaterally or radially symmetrical- I'm thinking of something with one big frickin' arm on one side and little tiny one on the other - something like Trogdor - or just realized - the Moties from The Mote in God's Eye.

The Moties were inbred mutants, not non-symetric evolution. Pfft. Having a watchmaker rebuild the engine in my Mustang might be fun though.

Bloodybelly Comb Jelly

cybrbeast says...

>> ^visionep:
I wish they had put something else in frame to get some sense of scale. These little guy's are tiny. They have some similar jellies at the Long Beach Aquarium and I'm guessing from the size of the specs around these ones you could probably fit 5 or 6 in a teaspoon if not more.
"It grows to a length of six inches."

This reminded me of Close Encounters, now if only somebody added some sound effects.

And of course, I, for one, welcome our new jellyfish overlords.

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