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Bioware Debut Trailer - Mass Effect 3

VoodooV says...

I don't think anyone here denies that ME1 combat was a little underwhelming compared to other 3rd person shooters. But ME1 wasn't advertised as a shooter, it was advertised as an RPG with shooter elements. Nothing highlighted how under-developed the combat was than Pinnacle Station.

ME2 throws that out the window, now it's a shooter with some RPG elements, VERY light RPG elements.

Maybe you like that, maybe you prefer shooters over RPGs..thats fine. But if the game is going to be a trilogy, they shouldn't mess with the formula that was obviously a hit too much. Yes things needed to be fixed and tweaked, but completely redone from scratch? no way.

The biggest thing that annoyed me was what someone else already talked forced the combat was. Every time I looked ahead and saw a section of the landscape that inexplicably had a bunch of randomly placed pieces of cover, you knew there was going to be some combat. The levels, while they looked beautiful, were still very poorly designed.

Would You Kill Your Own Child if God Said So? Caller: Yes

hpqp says...

@maximillian Participating in a debate (one of the many reasons I enjoy videosift) is all about challenging other people's beliefs/stances, i.e. not just minding one's own business. Saying "I dis/agree, period" is a debate-killer. I do apologise, however, if you felt that my comments were a personal attack against you, which they were not; it's all about questioning ideas/beliefs, not demeaning people out of pure malice.

@Psychologic While religion surely resulted from human ignorance and fear (of inexplicable natural phenomena and human mortality), it is know one of the sole ideological "perpetuators" (i.e. causes) of ignorance, intolerance, immorality, hate and stupidity.

Pilot Films Jet Spraying Chemtrails

chilaxe says...

Hahahaha... Prince is a genius. He should be a scientist:

Wiki: On April 27, 2009, musical recording artist Prince referenced chemtrails in an interview with PBS talk show host Tavis Smiley. In the interview, Prince discusses a comment by comedian and activist Dick Gregory that "really hit home" about what Prince calls "this phenomenon of chemtrails." Prince goes on to mention an increase in aircraft trails that coincided with an inexplicable increase in "fighting and arguing" in his neighborhood.[28][29]

Vancouver Cop Inexplicably Assaults Handicapped Woman

Lawdeedaw says...

Well, there is an explantion to the "inexplicable" part. Either A-This guy is an asshole or B- He snapped. Now that the title has no reason to exist perhaps we can modify it?

Next, if this is a documented behavior cycle for the cop, fire him. If it is one random episode, get him some help (Not just an anger management class but serious help. Maybe meds if needed.)

See, the problem is that cops break most of the time--whether in a big way or small ways.

Average age a cop lives after retirement. 5 years. Why? Because they are assholes! Wait, that makes no sense. Beacause they cannot take the stress.

Average suicide rate of cops per normal population. Insane. Why? Because they are assholes! Wait, that makes no sense either... Oh, because they break.

Face it, some men break, with or without a badge. Get over it. Inexplicable my ass. I am not defending this man's actions--just pointing out a reality that no one else faces up to.

Get the man help unless he cannot be helped or it is just his nature. And before someone says, "Fire him anyways! He needs removed," think on this. If we fire every cop who says, "I have a problem. I wanted to smash this handicapped woman's face," no cop will ever admit to a problem until they hurt someone or take their own life.

Carl Sagan: A Universe Not Made For Us

SDGundamX says...

>> ^PHJF:

Unacceptable, Gundam. Religion is almost ENTIRELY used to explain the inexplicable. Religion's sole purpose is to convince people that a) there is an afterlife and b) the afterlife is infinitely superior to the current life. That's the only reason idiot-morons buy what these preachers are selling.
And as for religion and science not being diametrically opposed? The scientific method tells us that when confronted with something we cannot explain, we are to observe and test until we can explain it. Religion tells us to simply accept things as they are. "Because god says so" is not an acceptable answer for "why does XYZ happen?"

I understand your hostility to religion, but I'm curious which religion you are referring to in your post--because there are many religions in the world and not all of them are concerned with an afterlife. Even those that are concerned with an afterlife such as Christianity and Islam are much MORE concerned with how we live right now than with explaining the cosmos. In fact the Catholic church has gone so far as to state that the Book of Genesis, which ostensibly explains the origins of everything, is to be read metaphorically, not literally (I can't find the link now, sorry, but it's official doctrine--a little more Googling than I have time for right now should turn it up).

I'll quote Stephen Barr, a physicist at the University of Delaware: there is no war between science and religion. There is, however, most certainly a war between atheists and religion--with both sides attempting to use science as both a sword and shield.

Carl Sagan: A Universe Not Made For Us

PHJF says...

Unacceptable, Gundam. Religion is almost ENTIRELY used to explain the inexplicable. Religion's sole purpose is to convince people that a) there is an afterlife and b) the afterlife is infinitely superior to the current life. That's the only reason idiot-morons buy what these preachers are selling.

And as for religion and science not being diametrically opposed? The scientific method tells us that when confronted with something we cannot explain, we are to observe and test until we can explain it. Religion tells us to simply accept things as they are. "Because god says so" is not an acceptable answer for "why does XYZ happen?"

Im bored. Wanna drop a 70lb bag onto my nuts from the roof?

Arkaium says...

Despite having a sudden, inexplicable hatred for this guys, I sincerely hope this one is somehow fake. Let's snip him surgically and painlessly, not like this. I would disown these kids if they were mine.

"I'm Ashamed" -- Insane Congressman Apologizes to BP

entr0py says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

It's 'green tyranny' that forces oil exploration in deep, dangerous waters instead of on land or shallow waters. Huge disconnect there.
"You" and the media elected the kenyan marxist, one of the biggest recipients of BP welfare checks. Thank goodness his incompetence matches his inexplicable hatred of capitalism.
November can't get here fast enough.

You're absolutely right. This disaster is the best proof yet that environmentalists were insane to not want oil rigs close to the shoreline.

"I'm Ashamed" -- Insane Congressman Apologizes to BP

quantumushroom says...

It's 'green tyranny' that forces oil exploration in deep, dangerous waters instead of on land or shallow waters. Huge disconnect there.

"You" and the media elected the kenyan marxist, one of the biggest recipients of BP welfare checks. Thank goodness his incompetence matches his inexplicable hatred of capitalism.

November can't get here fast enough.

Gabe Newell - Rise to Power

StarCraft II - Ultralisk vs 798 Zerglings

Wikileaks - U.S. Apache killing civilians in Baghdad

KnivesOut says...

The RPG they think they saw was the photog pointing his camera around the corner, but there was an RPG being carried around by another person. I guess just the presence of weapons is all the military needs to justify an attack. I'm sure this shit is going on right now, as we speak, day-in and day-out.

That said, the 2nd attack on the black van is inexplicable. There were no weapons visible. The greater crime (above and beyond the blood-thirsty attack on human beings) is the activity later to cover up the attack.

Three legged bear walks upright; looks like a bear suit.

Robert Gibbs mocks Palins hand-cheat

Zero Punctuation: Dark Void

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