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8715 (Member Profile)

smibbo (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

qruel says...

thank you so much for taking the time to research that and contribute such a quality post


In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
nib, lucky for me they've got a fair amount of that PIG book available for free on Google books so I just took a quick look at it before I head to bed.

One of the things that stood out was a group of pie charts which shows carbon dioxide among a few other greenhouse gases. It's not a greenhouse gas if it has zero effect on global temperature.

The book was apparently written by a lawyer, Christopher Horner, who is a recognized expert on "global warming legislation and regulation". That's something, but he's no climatologist. Chapter 1 is dedicated to calling environmentalists "anti-American communists". The first paragraph was really all I needed to read to understand that this book has no value to me.

It's endorsed by Richard Lindzen, who is a climatologist and has worked in related fields as well. His position seems to be similar to what I said in my initial post; that the temperature is rising but we're not entirely sure why yet. He's been criticized for taking payment of $2500/day from oil/coal companies for consulting services. He's been funded and/or supported by Western Fuels and OPEC.

The book is also endorsed by a few senators, and nobody believes anything they say so I think we can just ignore that.

The following organizations have taken the stance that global warming is at least partially due to human activity:

The aforementioned IPCC
The National Science Academies of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the UK and the US
The US National Research Council
The American Meteorological Society
The American Geophysical Union
The American Institute of Physics
The American Astronomical Society
The Federal Climate Change Science Program
The American Association for the Advancement of Science
The Geological Society of London
The Geological Society of America
The American Chemical Society
The Institution of Engineers Australia
The American Association of State Climatologists
The American Association of Petroleum Geologists

The American Association of State Climatologists, by the way, is made up of state climatologists, assistant climatologists under the state climatologist and retired climatologists. They state a membership count of "approximately 150". That's 70 more than you claim exist in the country.

Amazing NASA satellite video of Artic Ice Melt

8266 says...

For heavens sake. It starts in the winter and ends in the summer. AND IT SHOWS ICE MELTING. THIS IS PROOF OF GLOBAL WARMING. Anyone that disputes this video is proof of global warming is an idiot.

Amazing NASA satellite video of Artic Ice Melt

Amazing NASA satellite video of Artic Ice Melt

Chill A Coke In 2 Minutes!

tnaran says...

Salt water freezes at a colder temperature than ice. When you add salt to ice at or just below 0 C (32F), the ice melts. The ice cubes need to be below the freezing point of salt water (which most freezers are set to do anyway), so they provide the extra cold. The liquid water can now drop from 0C to < 0C (-3C at least) and liquid water sucks heat from cans better than solid ice. In short, you made the ice more efficient. :-)
A side note, some old hand-crank ice cream makers used to recommend using a "chilling brine" to freeze your ice cream. Now adays, they use those super-cool materials that can stay cold longer.

Blue Man Group - Global Warming Warning

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