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How Much Solar Energy is Needed to Power Earth?

vil says...

Can we please have a practical outlook for the next 20 years instead of all this theoretical ideology.

It takes 20 years to build a nuclear power plant, in 20 years we hope/expect/pretend to believe only electric cars will have been sold for 5-10 years so maybe half of all cars in Europe will be electric.

I plan to open a beer and sit back and watch how society handles that. And no I am not worried about Norway and Switzerland or rich people in general.

The Decade of the EV

vil says...

Still catering to the early adopters.

For me an electric car is twice what I can afford with half the performance of what I have. I drive more than 300 km far at least twice a week, sometimes in winter, in an already heavy van loaded with equipment. Keep trying, Tesla.

I do expect progress, but I will believe it when I see it IRL not in a fancy video.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy says...

She got out of a marriage she obviously didn't want to be in with you. I think she came out on top, no matter what it cost her financially (likely not very much).

If she had a lawyer and you didn't, but you kept more than half the marital assets, she obviously was willing to just leave with nothing just to get out, because she could have fought for more, but that would extend the marriage. That story doesn't make you the winner you think it does.

Really, it sounds like you got a house worth under $6000 and a dog, she got cash, her ride, and her freedom.

TangledThorns said:

I divorced my cheating wife without paying for a lawyer. She paid for one and I got to keep house and the dog, she got to keep her car and got $6, 000. I think she didn't want to push it as I had recording of her cheating, lol. Yeah, I think I came out on top.

The FBI failed America

newtboy says...

Lots of half truths, misdirection, exaggeration, and outright lies in there...too many to address....All designed to be titillating and tantalizing enough to get you to ignore the report from last week on the sham investigation the fbi conducted into accusations of sexual abuse by Kavenaugh that lasted under 4 days, completely ignored thousands of tips and numerous eye witnesses that came forward, not interviewing or questioning any of them, and never talked to Kavenaugh nor any of his 3 accusers, then declared they found nothing.
Fox won't cover that story.

So this float showed up at the Popcorn festival/ parade

JiggaJonson says...

I understand. I see what you mean about the gallows, but in that case I can see clearly they are intending to celebrate or memorialize the attackers; they say as much themselves. I just don't personally believe they had negative or similar intentions in Valparaiso, IN when conceiving the float.

I'll agree that something isn't going well when half of everyone who sees it is like 'wtf' and the message isn't clear. I just don't think they ever meant it that way. :-p

newtboy said:

@JiggaJonson I agree yesterday was definitely celebrating an attack against America, but I think the same could reasonably said of a float depicting the capitol smashed and ransacked, covered with with stop the steal graffiti, and with a gallows out front, which I think is more analogous. If they excused that by saying it's intended to memorialize the dead officers, I think that excuse would seem ridiculous and hollow....but that's just, like, my opinion, man.

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

The attempted US coup

newtboy says...

Exactly which part is fake, lie, or a half truth? The recordings of Trump's inner circle trying to change or decertify the certified votes in multiple states, asking election officials too "find" thousands of non existent votes, to just decertify the vote (not a thing) and leave fixing the election to Trump, or the recordings of Trump himself personally doing the same?

Keep being the fool and trusting a repeatedly convicted con man and charity fraud over literally everyone else besides a crack head nutjob.

What forensic audit? You mean the unofficial review Cyber Ninjas can't produce? The one that had you claim 75000 unregistered votes were cast because they were too incompetent to understand the numbers and counted in person votes as unregistered mail in votes?! The review that spent months scanning for bamboo fibers on ballots?! The review by a hyper biased company that spread the big lie before being chosen for this farce? They've smeared themselves.
It would have been more trustworthy if Hunter Biden did this review by himself with no oversight whatsoever.

There isn't a forensic audit, dummy. Cyber Ninjas did an unofficial ballot review, they're incapable of an audit, they have zero experience or training in doing one, and hired only stop the steal people to work for fact they've proven to be incapable of even a basic review, getting it horrendously wrong every time they tried to leak their "findings". If Democrats put on a farce like this, the party would die, because democratic voters aren't willing to ignore reality and support blatant lies like Republicans have made their only platform. Lie, lie often, lie big, lie until people believe your lie, then lie more.

What are Cyber Ninjas hiding? employees went out of their way to ensure that the observers saw as little as possible, at times intentionally blocking them from seeing computer screens and engaging them in “loud, pointless conversations” to prevent them from hearing other conversations.
What the observers could see did not inspire confidence....

They're weeks beyond their extended deadline that came months and months after the three weeks they said it would take to do their meaningless unprofessional unofficial review....and they've got NOTHING or it would have been released to the press the next day (like their "find" of 75000 "unregistered mail in votes" was).

If they have such election reversing proof, why are they hiding it....just like everyone who's ever claimed to have "proof"....including all Trump's lawyers, republican senators, talk radio con men, and moronic blowhards who believe them with no evidence whatsoever, they're certainly not releasing any of the "proof" they keep claiming to have....I'll point you to Mike Lindell and his idiotic cyber symposium that offered not a single bit of evidence about the election, much less proof of any fraud. What are they hiding it for?

At this point, if it was true there was massive election fraud, aren't Republicans the ones hiding the proof the election was defrauded? They haven't presented a scintilla of real evidence to back up their claims, just accusations layered upon accusations glazed with supposition and sprinkled with insane conspiracy.

Democrats have been demanding their final report for months, moron. Why is Cyber Ninjas hiding? Why are they so afraid to turn over their results? If they have proof, why are they hiding it?

There is none so blind as he who will not see. You will not see, no matter how clear and in your face the proof is that the election was not "rigged" or "stolen", no matter how clear the evidence is that Trump and his lackeys tried to steal the election by hook and by crook, tried to simply discard the election because they legitimately lost, and when that failed tried to steal the country by force through a deadly coup....yet somehow you "see" evidence and proof of voter fraud that's never been presented except against Republicans...and you don't see those frauds.

So just slink away in shame again, hiding from your dishonest positions once they're proven to be wrong and ignorant....Again. It's a pattern.

bobknight33 said:

True FAKE news. Smear lies and 1/2 truths.

Keep sucking on their meat..

CNN trying to smear the forensic audit in Maricopa county.

Why are Democrat so afraid to a forensic audit?
IF you are innocent why are they hiding?

Sesame Street - I Am Somebody

Kamala And The Mushroom Tip

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Don't know whether to compliment or be repulsed by that statement.

If anyone can put their "special purpose" INTO a urinal then either they are unGODly endowed or have a kink rarely (un)covered in adult films.

Perhaps, OVER a urinal would be a better description, but perhaps being accurate isn't a requirement for the poster...or the joke.

EX : two men are taking a leak off a river bridge...

"Water sure is cold today," says one.
"Deep too." replied the other.

Most folks would say they urinated OFF the bridge. IF the term was INTO the river, the urine stream is the part being place INTO the river. (i.e. sort like a stream feeding into a larger stream - - the confluence where Big Bob's Brook meets the Yellow River)

As opposed to "I drop my 'special purpose' into the water for a leak." His 'special purpose' was being INserted into the river.

SO Bob's statement should have read...

"She had more penises in her than the number of times I've put mine into a birdbath." *

* Context for the term 'special purpose'...although the 2nd half of the clip's letter scene is largely out of context. Hmm...a link to the movie THE JERK in a response to a bk33 comment? How 'bout that?

bobknight33 said:

She had more dick in her than the urinals at Yankee Stadium.

Dying in the name of freedom

newtboy says...

Holy shit....Biden is a fucking SUPER WIZARD!!!
He went back to 2019 to make a virus as a distraction from future failures 2 years later?! This sandwiching what you say is the most widespread, difficult, convoluted, multinational, (zombie including....Chavez), and consequential conspiracy involving at least half the country but leaving not one scrap of evidence nor one credible whistleblower.

Gawd Damn, the Democrats are just fucking amazing!

They're such unbelievably perfect criminals it's undeniable we should all be on their team, because there's no way to beat perfection....or maybe your head is just so far up your ass it's coming back out your own mouth.

Now, as to who's an actual clown, bizarre orange wig and clown makeup and outrageous stupid spoiled 2 year old "lets all stare straight into the sun and inject ourselves with bleach" behavior included..... (let me remind you, Trump actually did that)

TangledThorns said:

COVID is a distraction from buffoon Biden's fuck ups in Afghanistan. He is a complete clown.

A very patient but frustrated Rear Admiral explaining subs

Sleddge jokingly says...

Bloody hell.... I always banked on our government having half a brain but this is just insane. These senators have aids who should be fact checking... smh
there I was thinking the land of Oz wasn't ask backward as the US

Mad Max - Last of the V8's Scene

newtboy says...

DOHC! You get that in a civic now. Lol.
600 hp! I remember when that sounded insane, now it's only half a hoonitruck.

It always seemed odd to me that, in the post apocalyptic gas station free wasteland, he would want a car that doesn't sip but instead shotguns guzzeline. Sure it goes fast, but not that far.

w1ndex (Member Profile)

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w1ndex (Member Profile)

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