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Penguin finds safety from killer whale attack on small boat

xxovercastxx says...

This is a gentoo penguin, and I'm guessing a younger one since the adults grow to 2' to 3' tall. Note that gentoo penguins can swim in excess of 22mph. I'd say he'd have a pretty good chance of making it to one of those glaciers after that jerk, ambassdor, punted him into the water.

Iceberg collapse in Argentina

Iceberg collapse in Argentina

Bill Maher -- Terrorism Versus Liberty -- Sept. 19, 2008

rougy says...

I think she said we have more hurricaines due to "warming ocean temperatures" not "global warming."

And there seems to be some support for that claim:

...2005 was the most active hurricane season on record, and Atlantic water temperatures were the warmest, about 1.4 degrees above normal. That hurricane season set a new high with 28 storms and 13 hurricanes. Seven of the hurricanes were major storms.

In 1971, when the water temperatures were the coolest, there were 13 storms and six hurricanes, including one major one.

The index of overall hurricane activity was more than twice as high in 2005 as it was in 1971.

The scientists who have linked global warming to stronger storms said the study makes sense, and is, if anything, just repeating and refining what they have already said.

Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones have always bedeviled coasts, but global warming may be making matters worse. Sea level is rising and will continue to rise as oceans warm and glaciers melt. Rising sea level means higher storm surges, even from relatively minor storms, which increases coastal flooding and subsequent storm damage along coasts. In addition, the associated heavy rains can extend hundreds of miles inland, further increasing the risk of flooding.

The Union of Concerned Scientists

I'm Home YAY! (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

Issykitty says...

Yay! Welcome back, SwampyG! We'll have to post some travel blogs about our trips.
DFT and I were in Montana for the month of July, and it was beautiful and the weather was very nice too (highs in the 70s-80sF). The only things that sucked were the GINORMOUS mosquitoes, and the discovery of my extreme sensitivity to the high elevation. I felt nausea and sick for 2 whole days when I got there, but it suddenly went away... and then hit again when we visited Glacier Nat'l Park, which is even higher than where we were staying!

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

It is really wonderful here. People really ARE more friendly and welcoming in this part of the country! I think it helps that this is one of the most beautiful and inspiring places - in terms of spectacular scenery/ nature- that we have ever experienced. Going To The Sun Road - in Glacier Nat'l Park - was soooo amazing. I will definitely post a blog to display many of the pictures from our trip when I get back.

And how is King Kronos doing? I see SHENANIGANS going on in the emptying of my pqueue, and don't think I haven't figured out who's responsible for it. Shenanigans, I say!
Can't wait to get back to the kitties and share the places of our travels. I feel kind of guilty leaving them for this long, but I know they're in good hands. My friend who's watching them calls me about every other day to keep me posted. I am ever so grateful!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Boo! I see you. How's Montana treating you and pa?

The Decade long Conversation to nowhere (Nature Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

To each their own I guess, its very easy to ignore if you wish, but the only scientists who are denying climate change are those who are being paid by those who profit from reaping the planet of the resources.

The pollution we put in the water is killing reefs, life and changing the currents of the ocean.

The pollution we put in the air is changing the environment and melting glaciers that have been around for longer then us.

Extreme weather has always been around, its just now we have proof that what we are doing is helping create more extreme weather. Katrina for example would not have been as powerful if the ocean hadn't warmed up in the past few decades. Warmner equals more evaporation etc... I'm not a science teacher or anything but the facts are very easy for any educated human to read.

Sure.. It could be a big scam or ploy brewed up by the world leaders and conspired on by global scientists...But at the rate we are going at we'll have no clean lakes, no tropical rainforest's and no coral reefs during my lifetime oh, and a garbage dump in the pacific ocean the size of texas.

I've always said, who cares about the Global Warming/climate change debate its more about doing whats best to keep this planet (and its citizens) healthy.

If a simple change to Clean energy will clean the air. Why not?
If a simple change to making corporations responsible for their pollution will clean the oceans and save the reefs. Why Not?
If a simple change to our diet will save the tropical rainforest. Why not?

or are we a point of no return, where we best spend the rest of our days fighting for power of the remaining natural resources and consuming them as fast as possible...because at the rate we are going at today, we're pretty fucked.

Global Warming can be argued, easily argued especially by people who know nothing about science (like myself) but I grew up in Ontario, and in the last 10 years we have been introduced to "Smog" its an unpleasant haze that hangs above the city making it near impossible to breath on a hot summer day. If we can fix that by simply changing our auto motors to emit no pollution? Why Not?

Thylan (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

Thanks, Thylan.

In reply to this comment by Thylan:
Found it. I was sure I remmebred emailing the link of the original to a surfer friend of mine, so had confidence i'd ifnd it once home from work.

In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
I did soooo many searches and I couldn't find it. It must have terrible or nonexistent tags if a dupe is out there.

In reply to this comment by Thylan:
Dupe, but i'll need to hunt for it later.

Glacier Surfing Alaska

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Arctic Surfing!

"September 12th" by David Wilcox

snoozedoctor says...

Where is that paradise recorded? Because it predates written language, and because none remain alive from that period (that I know of), we have no idea whether peace or warfare prevailed. Available evidence suggests it was probably very violent. Tribal culture is notoriously violent, as one competes with the other for resources and territory. Remember the "ice man" they found a few years ago in a European glacier. As I recall, he lived more than 5,000 years ago. Interestingly, he was armed with bow and arrows and likely died of that arrowhead found lodged in his chest. This notion of some prior utopia is not supported by evidence, sorry to say. The noble savage was exactly that "savage."

Rule of law, shared governance, and common enterprise would result in the best chance for world peace. That's a tall order, but one I hope we may, someday, find.

>> ^Irishman:
War is indeed one of the constants of history, but "history" in this context is the last 4000 years - ie, recorded history.
There existed until 12,000 - 14,000 years ago a kind of paradise on this planet which is embedded even deeper into our human makeup. The male dominator culture and the slow death of tribal culture destroyed it.

Glacier Race!

Glacier Race: The Video Game

gorgonheap says...

I always wondered with all the disaster movies they've made (Twister, Volcano, Dante's Peak, Day after Tomorrow, etc.) Why they didn't have a glacier movie staring Keanu Reeves. "We need to get everyone out! If that Glacier starts moving any faster then .0036 miles per hour! this town will be destroyed in 15 years!"

Glacier Race: The Video Game

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