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Missouri tries to legislate reality away

bcglorf says...


On average you can agree…

I never said anything against any given pro/competitive female athlete probably beating out plenty of biologically male folks.

I was only pointing to advantages between equally gifted/talented and trained people.

To that point, can you agree that most standing olympic records as currently separated into mens and womens records, indicate that the historical separation based on XX and XY certainly appears to show an advantage. Would you be able to agree following from that, the existence of distinct mens and womens records is because without it, women would be “unfairly” left almost entirely unrepresented in every sprint distance, every lifting record and most other records.

For instance, the Olympic qualifying standard for the mens 100m was 10.05s, while the standing Olympic womens record time for 100m is 10.49s. AKA in absence of a separate competition for biologically female athletes, even the standing Olympic record holding female wouldn’t pass the bar to qualify to compete in the Olympics.

That is the advantage I am stating exists, and matters and I am asking if you acknowledge that distinction existing as a result of biology or not?

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Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

I wonder why people conveniently forgot that Jada publicly cheated on Will with her teenaged son’s teenaged best friend for some time…had a relationship with him, not a one time tryst. Anyone else think that, more than anything, triggered Will to overreact thinking her eye roll was at him laughing at the joke, not the joke itself? Once a cuckold forever a simp.

Toxic relationships create toxic people. Don’t stay with someone who disrespects you in such a devastating and demasculating way. That kind of wound never heals, and leads to things like this.

Side note, how is “can’t be in the audience for 10 years but can still be honored and attend pre and post events” a punishment in any way? Sounds like a gift to me….but I hate public speaking.
Also, are they going to let him record acceptance speeches they broadcast? I would bet the answer is yes….so they have now rewarded his violent outburst twice.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Already proven that Trump tampered with the official call log in the whitehouse because phone calls on record to senators from the whitehouse, on their official call logs from the WH number, we’re not on the call log Trump’s team turned over (with 7 hours of calls erased).
Proven within days to be a fraud, obstruction of justice, and creating a false government record for the purposes of court.

This is you guy. This is you pick?

Yeah yeah, I know….”BUT HUNTER” you say. Sorry buddy, Hunter isn’t in the government, doesn’t work for the president, and is a private citizen, so keep going after uninvolved children of politicians, it doesn’t tarnish Joe one bit, and so far hasn’t produced anything against him, only baseless accusations that he might have used daddy’s position for personal gain, not something the Trumps want criminalized to be sure, since we have the recordings of them doing exactly that.

Unlike the Trump crime family that absolutely took in hundreds of millions in gifts and sweetheart deals from (hostile) foreign nations while working for the administration and during trade negotiations they were involved directly in….that’s normally called bribery, and it’s not a guess or fantasy, it’s public record….and they did work for the government in as nepotistic a way as possible.

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

cloudballoon says...

I'm not particularly concerned what immediately happened to the slap at the Oscars. The confusion around whether it was scripted or not is understandable. And there were, are, and will have plenty of over-entitled actors/actresses acting irresponsible to the 90% of us (or maybe 50% of us, while the other 40% is just "signaling") at the Oscars, always.

Could Jada have stopped Will just by saying "it's not worth it?" Would this whole scandal happened if she didn't do the side-eyes that Will saw AFTER he laughed at the joke?
Is she partly to blame (of course not)? Who knows what headspace Will was at? It's Hollywood - where 99% of the people live 2, 3, 4 different lives behind & in front of the cameras. Not wise to judge anyone at that moment.

But what happened AFTER is more interesting. The lack of apology directly to Rock and the non-sense justification of his acceptance speech. Will & co partying the night away. Those speaks volumes to what one can make of his speech and tears.

One thing's for sure, as newtboy wrote, Smith just handed white supremacists the biggest gift one person possibly could.

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

So far Chris has refused to even make a police report, much less a complaint.

Nonetheless, the DA should at least threaten to press charges anyway IMO. A public assault like that shouldn’t be ignored or it sends a clear public message that it’s ok, and it is not.

Edit: The Oscars themselves also bear a huge portion of blame. After this, they didn’t remove Will as they ABSOLUTELY should have, they didn’t strip him of his Oscar as they absolutely should have, instead they continued to honor him, not only awarding him the Oscar but giving him unlimited time to speak (where he didn’t apologize to Quest Love, who Chris was awarding an Oscar, nor the dead who’s memorial was overshadowed and murmured through, nor to Chris who he had just assaulted like the out of control thug racists want to paint him as.)
He just handed white supremacists the biggest gift one person possibly could.
BTW, I notice Will thought the joke was hilarious (:25 he’s laughing at the joke) before deciding it wasn’t. Shouldn’t he slap the shit out of himself too?

BSR said:

I doubt Chris will press charges. I think Will will apologize and realize he was a showoff bully asshole and carry the guilt with him and regret his actions.

If not, he is a good actor and can fake it. Or maybe he watched Bill Maher's latest show and thought he was being the man's man and defending his woman.

What I do know is that he made the Oscars all about him. He stole the show.

Now... if you don't mind, I'm going to Google Bald Jokes.

newtboy (Member Profile)

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Jury finds 3 men guilty for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery

newtboy says...

Apparently their deal with federal prosecutors to plead guilty and admit they murdered Ahmaud Arbery as a hate crime, only killing him because of his skin color is being temporarily rejected by the judge.

Somehow federal prosecutors thought it was acceptable to offer them their choice of their preferred prisons, including the most cushy “club fed” prisons, for the first 30 years of their life sentences as reverse punishment for the hate crime enhancement…lying to the judge and claiming the family agreed to this gift to the murderers. When the family found out and strongly objected, the plea deal was rejected by the judge at the last second.

WTF is this outrageousness!? A federal prosecutor offered not only no extra time, but a massive gift of unheard of preferential treatment for 30 years specifically because these racists murdered a man over his skin color….and almost got away with it even on a highly public case like this one….and the right still denies systemic racism.

I’m not hopeful for any repercussions whatsoever for the prosecutor that tried to help these racist murderers out….but there should be. WTEverlovingF?

noims (Member Profile)

Payback (Member Profile)

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