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Obama and Biden Go to White Castle, er, Ray's Hell Burger

Krupo says...

Also amusing, this little dig from a food review of the diner:

"My coworker Joe and I chose this restaurant for a special celebratory lunch in honor of all the success we've had in this tough economy. "Hey Joe," I said, "We've been living pretty large since January thanks to all our new friends in the banks and the defense business. I'm worried that the normal folks, you know, all those poor families losing their homes and jobs and such will start realizing that we've sold out on them. So let's do something typical, something normal Americans can relate to in order to distract them from the success we've had at a time when they all are suffering." So we called up our motorcade, just like typical Americans do when they go out to lunch, and headed out to Ray's Hell Burgers, a restaurant featuring the type of burgers typical Americans eat - you know, burgers with foie gras, truffle oil, normal burger toppings. We may have sold out, but our burger run in our limos for some foie gras proves that we're still in touch with the regular guy on the street, doesn't it?"

The Suprising Parable of Foie Gras - Dan Barber @ TED

The Suprising Parable of Foie Gras - Dan Barber @ TED

Sift Up Vancouver 08 - Success! (Food Talk Post)

djsunkid says...

Thanks so much. I should hire you to do my advertising copy

^ dag
I'm sure that lucky760 has pictures of people. As I'm sure you can imagine, I was very fixated on the food. (for two whole 12 hour work days, actually)

I actually really hate liver... EXCEPT foie gras. It is such a dramatically different experience that just calling it goose liver does it a disservice. Harold McGee (famed author of the food science bible "On Food And Cooking") calls foie gras the "ultimate meat, the epitome of animal flesh and its essential appeal".

It was a coup that I was able to serve such a large slice of foie gras to those members of videosift that were able to attend. It is one of the 3 delicacies of the world and priced accordingly.

^ firefly
I don't know about shipping, but if you're ever in Vancouver, make sure to let me know...

Thanks for the compliments. Our gay sex plans got ruined by the presence of girls, but you can still believe it if you want.

Sift Up in Vancouver - Who's Coming, eh? (Sift Talk Post)

djsunkid says...

Totally psyched. I've got some great ideas working. I can't 100% commit that this will be exactly as you guys see it tomorrow night, but this is the plan so far:
VideoSift Tasting Menu 2008

Thai Coconut Soup
With Sunflower Sprout Tempura

Smoked Duck Salad Roll
Spicy Mango-Soy Dip

Pan Roasted Halibut
Stir fry of Wild Chanterelles

Seared Quebec Foie Gras
Tomato “Brioche”, Salad of Green Olive, Almond, Mandarin Orange, Cherry Tomato and Frozen Grape

Salad of Heirloom Tomatoes
Balsamic Reduction, Fresh Mozzarella “Crouton”, Thai Basil, Black Volcanic Salt

“Scallop Wrapped Bacon
Grilled BC Matsutake mushroom, oven cured Butternut Squash Chip

Grilled Baby Romaine
Spicy Eggplant and shaved Parmigiano Reggiano

Grapefruit and Sambuca

Seared Lamb
Maple-Tamarind Jus, Fiddlehead Tart

Grilled Beef Tenderloin
Potato basket, roasted Baby Beets

Chocolate Sour Cherry Bread Pudding
Macerated Okanogan Strawberries

Lavender Chocolate Truffles

I got a bunch of prep ready for it today, so it'll be awesome whatever happens. Bring yer appetites, folks!

Ducks Best Friend

Everyone Talk Like Choggie Thread! (Parody Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

How about things you will NEVER hear choggie say? Like:

- Do you think this occasion calls for the good linens?
- I wish I was in France right now.
- Scones with my tea sounds scrumptious!
- Higher gas prices will encourage me to buy an economy car.
- I would never eat squirrel meat.
- I'd KILL to see "Rent" on Broadway just one more time!
- I enjoy paying taxes.
- Foie gras.
- Marijuana? Never touch the stuff.
- What sounds better to you right now, Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon?
- I embrace forward thinking.
- I found his polemic provocative and entertaining, but also a tad jejune.
- Socrates.

McCain's Anti-Torture Position (Humanitarian Talk Post)

choggie says...

Was he against it while being tortured?

This election......Now you get an idea of how Geese feel while they are being force-fed by frogs to mine their livers for foie gras.....Gavage for the masses...

How has an entire country become so numbed, that the majority discuss what they like or don't like about a candidate, based simply on how they appear on television? In reality, very few have enough information to make an informed decision about any of these candidates-most of their senate voting records reflect agenda...and people who agree with the direction they want to take the country have been systematically programed to think they way they do-

Like a goddamned high-school pep rally....

So you are hungry, and have $2000 sitting around

Sarzy says...

Go to around 1:20... I'm pretty sure that big slab on top of the steak is Foie Gras. If that's the case, that alone is probably something like 2000 calories.

And I love good food, but I think this is a bit excessive. Even if I had that kind of money I doubt I'd try this.

Kucinich owns canidates who supported war, patriot act etc..

choggie says...

jwray, with that impeccable line of reasoning, will you have the shit sandwich, or the shit foie gras, in aspic??

This pep-rally bullshit, is no way to make a decision for the next exec. The way to do it, is to sit back, relax, and let the next in-bed, appointee, lull you into a sense of trust and satisfaction, in the U.S. political system.

The next player, will be in office, because they have been groomed for it....and placed there

the blame game, only works, when you know the actual state of affairs, not simply what you are told to think.

I am not a neo-con, i am not affiliated with any party, and don't vote, so all the pity or anger or assumption is unnecessary. Politicians are tools.All of them. They march to the beat of their own, mini-empire, as they have thrained their constituents to do, albeit in microcosmic form....sound communist??? well they are cocksuckers as well....

The pun unintelligible, guessandcheck, is " Polly-ticks". as in the fucking bird swallowed a watch, as in politics are about as easily manipulated as explanation needed for DK being a tool, and Hillary winning the election-this shit is a given-watch and see, bookmark this, then come back and talk after the farcelections. (who knows, perhaps she will fuck herself up, on camera, and they'll have to go to plan B)

Bush knew he'd be a scapegoat, when he signed up for the party....the private family party. Fuck Bushes, and Fuck the Clintons, these are creatures nothing like you and I, and above the law.

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