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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Trump Threatens to Deploy Military in Response to Protests

newtboy says...

You [redacted] lying waste of skin. That's an outright verifiable lie. The only thing you said that's true is Trump is snot....but that's insulting to snot.

The vandals and rioters have been filmed working with police who not only protected them as they vandalized businesses but directed them on exactly how and what to paint/break so it looks like protesters did it. In one video of many, the white masked vandal started smashing the sidewalk just feet in front of a large police line as they watched until protesters stopped him and shoved him forcefully into the police who only then finally arrested him....or at least pretended to. No word on who he is or with what group, but it's obvious that protesters are doing more to stop rioters than police/Trump's government. In another, a fat white woman is seen painting BLM and other slogans on a building while police watch, they then suggest she add "George Floyd", which she obediently does.

Watch what he personally directed the secret service and military police in DC to do to PEACEFUL PROTESTERS, not a vandal among them, full mounted attack using grenades (flashbangs can kill) rubber bullets, clubs, hooves, boots, and tear gas. Barr, at Trump's order, personally directed them to clear the way for terrified Trump to crawl out of his basement hidey hole just so he could go have a photo op at a closed church (and they are pissed at being a prop for his divisive political ploy), pretending he isn't hiding behind hundreds of armed guards even after removing all protesters from the area, and pretending he regularly goes inside, but we ALL know he doesn't unless the congregation is replaced with cameras and he's the only speaker, giving a sermon on how great he is, better than Jesus.

Trump personally, and his administration, have been clear, clamp down on protesters, dominate them, shoot and arrest them, treat them like the vandals , because it's in his interest to demonize the protesters. He's even toyed with having any that can be identified by any means deemed domestic terrorists and putting them in prison for 10 years. Absolutely zero distinction between the protesters and vandals (who so far those caught on video vandalizing have all been masked whites, likely Trumpsters trying to make the protests turn to riots and blame non whites and democrats for his divisive lack of leadership that has if not caused this situation, at the least exacerbated it exponentially).

Yet more brain numbing, verifiability wrong dumbassery by a Trumptard. Remember last month when your ilk invaded government buildings armed to the teeth? Trump stood with those rioters, even as they burn governors in effigy on the front porch of the governor's mansion, Trump calls THEM patriotic good people, and peaceful protesters in the streets, those are THUGS he wants shot. *facepalm the dumb is getting dumber daily.

bobknight33 said:

Clamping down on rioters is what a government does.

Trump is snot clamping down on protesters.

Yet more fake spin by a Liberal

Caught on video, people that's NOT black spray painting

newtboy says...

I've now seen videos of 6 people vandalizing using BLM #Floyd tags..all of them white, one doing it not just under the supervision of 3 police officers but at their direction, the other 5 stopped by protesters themselves.
It's sure starting to look like the mAga crowd is instigating the destruction and violence as a pretext towards villanizing and attacking non mAga citizens, especially black Latino and antifa citizens, with the help of police departments.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

newtboy says...

The family's autopsy results are in..."asphyxiation from sustained pressure, homicide". No underlying medical conditions caused or contributed to Floyd’s death, medical examiner Michael Baden said at a news conference.
These findings directly contradict the preliminary findings from the county medical examiner.

That means the two officers with their knees in his back crushing his lungs, not the one on his neck, were the direct cause of his death....not that it should matter, all 4 actively participated in his murder.

Again, it's looking like they're intentionally misrepresenting the crime to throw the case against what they'll eventually say is the wrong defendant, and I fully expect they will never charge the "right" defendants.

surfingyt said:

the autopsy showed no evidence of strangulation. almost like they were setting up to brush this under the rug, but had to stop once people started rioting.

Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

surfingyt says...

i agree its tempting to stop this from happening... but you say this after the fact that floyd is dead.

in your scenario, the person being arrested ends up living. so he goes to jail, alive. you get arrested for assaulting an officer and obstructing justice and now have to prove the person would have died if you had not intervened. that's a steep uphill battle but i would be on your side.

newtboy said:

I thought the same thing. No jury would convict you, and you would save a life.
Better might be to citizens arrest them both for attempted murder, meaning you have the right to kill them in the process if they fight. (Force used in a citizens arrest must be in line with the crime and only the amount needed to subdue and hold them)

Thanks for the P and Q

Mother - Roger Waters in Lockdown

Curb your Flat Earth

BSR says...

Please tell me he got the Pink Floyd shirt ONLY because it was the LAST shirt of any kind at the flea market that day.

You bought a guitar to punish your ma
And you didn't like school.
And you know you're nobody's fool. -Pink Floyd

Kid hides from police in Bend

BSR says...

There are liars and then there are un-liars.

Un-liars can lie to communicate truth.

Using words you will find are strange
And mesmerized as they light the flame
Feel the new wind of change
On the wings of the night -Pink Floyd

newtboy said:

Bob, I hate for knowingly supporting lies and the liars that tell them. That, the Newt cannot abide.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

BSR says...

Congratulations Jigga!

Level up for you! I never knew that about you. If you've mentioned it in the past, I missed it. You should speak about that more often. It gives more answers about how to not be a racist rather than convincing someone they are.

I'm glad were joined in the conversation together.

I'm not asking you to keep your mouth shut. I'm saying you're not being heard. Racism is symptom of a much deeper problem. If you don't get to the root you will always be pulling weeds.

Yes, you can act alone.

All alone, or in two's
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall

Isn't this where -Pink Floyd


There is magic at your fingers
For the spirit ever lingers -Rush

JiggaJonson said:


I already donate regularly to my local children's hospital, give any spare change I have to people you describe, and work at an inner city school where I keep boxes of cereal (it's cheap and vitamin packed and the kids like it) because my students come up to me on a somewhat regular basis hungry.

But as an individual, it's easy to act alone. To combat what one considers bad-public-policy, one must join the conversation.

What are you really asking me to do here? Someone posts some racist memes and I'm to keep my mouth shut because it won't do anything. I do not agree.

I can act alone, but to change policy it starts by having conversations about perceived ills in society. Forgive me but keep your stoic silence to yourself and I'll keep talking if the spirit moves me.

Picking Up Little Sister Bumping 2000's Hits

President Carter on Trump, Russia, and the Election

BSR says...


The blacksmith and the artist
Reflect it in their art
They forge their creativity
Closer to the heart
Yes closer to the heart

Philosophers and plowmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the heart
Yes closer to the heart, yeah, oh -Rush


All this machinery
Making modern music
Can still be open-hearted
Not so coldly charted
It's really just a question
Of your honesty, yeah your honesty

One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity, yeah -Rush

You are as selfish with your love as Trump is with his money.
The difference is, you create love on demand. Trump can only lie, cheat and steal for his money. Trump doesn't love his followers. He loves their vote. Imagine how many votes he could get if he just changed his mind. His heart.


What we don’t understand, we fear. What we fear, we judge as evil. What we judge as evil, we attempt to control. And what we cannot control…we attack. -source is proving elusive.

The bleeding hearts and artists make their stand. -Pink Floyd

EPILOGUE: Trump is outnumbered. We have his Trump card and he's pissed.

The Spirit Of Radio

newtboy said:

1) What about me? I do all those things and more. I didn't just change my own brakes, I swapped my own motor. I don't just plow my field, I sow, weed, and harvest that field. I've not only repaired a roof, I've built a few. I know hard work, I was a one man desert racing crew. Now that's hard work, being mechanic, transporter, driver, and pit crew....all at 112 degrees.

2) So, why don't I love Trump? Because I'm a real conservative....ecologically conservative, fiscally conservative, fact based, socially liberal (the government has no place in my bedroom or my body), and insistent on honesty.

Republicans abandoned conservatism before I could vote.

3) THEY fear us now like one fears the 100lb ranting sore ridden meth head at the bus stop, not for our strength and resolve, but our dangerous unpredictability and diseases.

Jim Says Christian Leaders Will Be Murdered If Trump Loses

BSR says...

Considering that religion is a spinoff from the bible and the bible was created by artists, then their remains a puzzle.

Simply: God is love
God would be the character name of the person reading the book.

You are the creator of your world. Believe in yourself.

All you need is love. -Beatles

Love: Ingredients - Brain. Heart. Courage. -Wizard of Oz

Love with purpose.

So, instead of calling yourself, "GOD", I think "newt" would be perfect! After all you created it.

Be the star that others wish upon.

All that you touch
And all that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
And all that you love
And all that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
And all that you give
And all that you deal
And all that you buy
Beg, borrow or steal
And all you create
And all you destroy
And all that you do
And all that you say
And all that you eat
And everyone you meet (everyone you meet)
And all that you slight
And everyone you fight
And all that is now
And all that is gone
And all that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon -Pink Floyd

newtboy said:

question: What good has religion done that could not have been done better without it? Be specific please, with examples.

Jim Says Christian Leaders Will Be Murdered If Trump Loses

BSR says...

Religion needs love.
Love doesn't need religion.

God needs love.
Love doesn't need God.





bring (something) into existence.
"he created a thirty-acre lake"

synonyms: generate, produce, design, make, fabricate, fashion, manufacture, build, construct, erect, do, turn out;

Job Description of an Artist. Fine artists use different techniques to create art, such as weaving, painting, glass blowing, or sculpting. They strive to develop new methods or ideas for making art. ... Only the most successful fine artist is able to support themselves from their art work.

"The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand" -Pink Floyd

cloudballoon said:

American church leaders dying left & right? yeah... I'd chalk them up as God smiting them for being false prophets.

I'm a Christian (Canadian), but I see American Christianity as a beast of its own. Nuts cases everywhere that rather get in bed with the NRA and the military complex than practice anything Christ says. Total madness.

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