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Top 10 dumbest Indiana Jones moments

haki says...

commentators like this really piss me off. Everybody knows that these movies are dumb, if you are thinking realistically about the events depicted. They are still fun to watch. This guy sounds like a film snob.

Jake Lloyd: Ten Years After Star Wars Ep One

MaxWilder says...

A chip on his shoulder?????????

WTF are you guys watching!

This is somebody who has built up a wall of defensiveness after being ridiculed for MOST OF HIS LIFE. Everybody knows that movie. Everybody thought he was crappy in it. And he has had to deal with multitudes of assholes for ten of his most formative years! It's amazing he's able to speak about it as rationally as he does in this clip.

Lucas has done severe damage to this guy's life, and you call him ungrateful! Where the hell do you come off saying that!

Yes, deathcow, you deserve that negative comment for being an amazingly insensitive ass.

Some Grey Blokes Delayed 2 Girls 1 Cup Reaction

Bleeding Billboard In Rain

Confucius says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

Just a guess but I would bet you could get maybe 1 out of 1000 people to admit that driving conditions ARENT worse in the rain. Everybody knows this. I'm not dissing your knowledge of the cracks and the rain and the oil and the what not but its all knowledge that is superflous to the problem.

Just as you burn yourself on an iron or trip on a flat sidewalk or ram your head for the 100th time on a low lying chandelier, people neglect to be vigilant in situations they get used to or when they are distracted. Rain conditions require 100% concentration from everyone on the road not just you as well as up to date maintenace on your car. A sign like that, aside from possibly distracting you in a crucial moment, may stop you from daydreaming or remind you what you need to be doing.

Rescue Of Puppy Flushed Down Toilet

Gov. Schwarzenegger Describes Rush Limbaugh, Accurately

quantumushroom says...

Your ideas are stupid.

What about the facts? When do liberals ever own up to anything or claim credit for the results of THEIR policies? Constantly whining about being backstabbed by 'the system'? You're the ones holding the knife!

The border is just as open as it ever was (especially when we were the 7th largest economy in the world), taxation has just been increased because of our debt, and the government spending? Well, just like your friend George W. Bush, just because Arnold wears the label "Republican" it doesn't make him fiscally responsible.

You're just repeating what I wrote (minus the part about who ran California all those years). And how long is the Bush Blame Game going to continue? I've said plenty of times Bush failed to make the right decisions. He spent like a half-liberal over 8 years and now Obama's almost caught up to him in 100 days. Fiscally, Bush set fire to the house, and now Obama's spread that fire to the whole neighborhood, with not a peep from the media.

you should shut the fuck up about border issues. Everybody knows it's thinly veiled racism.

It's "racist" to demand laws are obeyed and borders respected? Tell that to the Mexican soldiers guarding their southern border.

To the leftist everything outside the vision of a statist utopia is "racism". The President is Black as well as Red. Welcome to post-racial America!

We're all entitled to our opinions but not our own facts. The libs ran (and still run) California. If they had any balls, they'd own up to their failures. They won't, and should The One gift them more money, they'll keep doing the exact same things that caused them to fail in the first place.

Gov. Schwarzenegger Describes Rush Limbaugh, Accurately

rottenseed says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
There's no way the failures of California can be blamed on conservatives, since they have no power there and Schwarzy isn't one.
Schwarzy is a Republican in Name Only (RINO) who, with the aid of the decades-old Californian Democratic majority, has run that state straight into the ground. CA has (had?) the sixth largest economy in the world; now it lies in tatters due to high taxation, open borders and bottomless government spending.
CA is 21 billion in debt and awaiting (surprise) a bailout from King Obama, much like Castro awaited money from the USSR every year to keep his failed utopia afloat.
CA liberals, supplicate the King that he might send the money to enable more of the same irresponsibility and insanity.

Your ideas are stupid. The border is just as open as it ever was (especially when we were the 7th largest economy in the world), taxation has just been increased because of our debt, and the government spending? Well, just like your friend George W. Bush, just because Arnold wears the label "Republican" it doesn't make him fiscally responsible.

Besides, why would you be picking on our shortcomings here in California with Arnold being our Governor when you've got your work cut out for you explaining what the fuck Bush did to our entire country.

Oh and another thing, where do you live? If it's not in Southern California, or Southern Texas, you should shut the fuck up about border issues. Everybody knows it's thinly veiled racism. If you're worried about paying for the welfare of others you should head over to the bible belt and punch every welfare receiving southern baptist in her pregnant uterus.

Car Chase Criminal Gets a Boot to the "Shoulder"

Well, some of the dust has settled (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

JAPR says...

>> ^rottenseed:
Nothing says bad-ass like bypassing all the fancy-shmancy pansy weapons with scopes or metal-piercing bullets and heading straight for the hunting knife.

Definitely need one of those. Everybody knows you run faster with a knife.

Biz Markie - What Comes Around Goes Around

MrFisk says...

Sittin here reminiscin back to high school
When everytime I see you, girl, you know that I drool
Day-dreamin in class thinkin what would I say
When I saw you, but you never looked my way
It started freshman year and lasted straight to the 12th grade
I have to give it to you, though, you was top-shelf, babe
I asked myself time and time again: what was it
About me that made me treat me like a buzzard
I speak to you in the hall and you ignore me
You keep walkin and talkin like you never saw me
You didn't have to conversate with me, I can say that
It woulda made my day if you just had waved back
I used to buy you candy, lollypops and gum drops
I even pack a extra-sandwich in my lunch box
You're treatin me like dirt and everyone in the school knows
You call me out my name and crack jokes on my school clothes
If anyone could make you feel good, girl, I could
But you give me that look like you don't wanna be bothered
But that's okay, just keep on frontin, see
Cause one day I'ma make it, and you'll be wantin me
Been tryin hard ever since I graduated
To make it big, and yes, I finally made it
Been doin shows, videos and tv
Now everywhere you go everybody knows me
Now the tables have turned and now it's me you're hawkin
Now I turn up my nose, and keep on walkin
You see, ladies marvel me in clubs frequently
And you make it your duty to come and speak to me
Rememberin how she played me in the past
Yeah, we can talk, I'm in a rush, please make it fast
And we can start off with all the men you been with
And don't come poppin that just-a-friend bit
Remember how you used to diss me and play me out, how
Come you got so much stuff to talk about now?
The word's around town that you're on the money tip
But sorry, I can't do nothin for ya, honey dip
So pardon me as I make my way to the dancefloor
And over to the bar because that's what I came for
Cuties pamperin me with champagne and roses
As I think to myself: thank God for showbiz!
Everywhere I turn girlies throwin me rhythm
Drinkin and thinkin who will be my victim
Here comes that girl that used to diss me
She whispers in my ear could she come home with me
Yup, get your coat and we could shoot north
Took her to the crib, and cold knocked her boots off
After i got it, yo, I never did call back
Thinkin how she used to front like she was all that
It's a new game, and the odds are in my favor
She caught the vapors and nothin could save her

Del tha Funky Homosapien - Wrong Place

MrFisk says...

I writes rhymes for rehearsal
but first chill
I gotta little story to tell ya
how I almost caught a
bad one
add one to the list of 2,000 and 1
stupid things to do
I had crew when they stepped at a party
hardly even known I own a Smith & Wesson
but it's resting at home
in a shoe box
they see crews jock
so they wanna step and test the rep I got
I said 'Wait a second,
check inside my coat for a shank'
they must be imagining that I'm money in the bank
they'll get spanked
cause I'm not the nigga
I got bigga brothers waiting in the bushes
to mush kids
I talk when I wanna talk
never silence
violence erupts when I clown ya
catch a beat down ya
cause I never back away from niggas
even if you gotta pistol
I dare ya pull the trigga
but that's suicide
either you must die
or I must
so why bust me
cause I'm guilty
of being in the wrong place
at the wrong time
comin' at ya in the wrong state of mind
I'm now in a hurry
a pow when a flurry
of bullets come speeding by
I needn't die
I gotta make tracks & take back my words
I eat 'em
cause everybody knows I didn't beat 'em...

I'm out on the town
I don't frown at people
cause they tend to get offended
and then the heat will
be on my ass
I got class
never out of line, cause
I'm standing here without a nine
pistols I wish will not blast me
TAZ be circlin' corners
lookin' for Warners
you know the Brothers
me & you
we didn't do shit
but we get hassled
because we crew & we rollin'
this is my car
it isn't stollen
I hope you catch a slug
straight in your colon
when ya walkin' the beat
I bet ya gotta sheet hangin' up in ya closet
phuck this law shit
but there is two laws to follow, you know
there is laws of the city
and there's laws of the ghetto
I go to clubs with a smile on my face
just in case niggas look & wanna whyle in the place
cause of jealousy
Del is me
only me
niggas walkin' in poppin' shit
that's who the phonies be
peep it one night
and you'll see it it's quite clear
since we all know now
that's why we're
never in the wrong place @ the wrong time!

Damn, I hate cops!
I need to bust they chops
always gettin' props for the niggas they pop

I smoke weed
get weeded
cause I need it to calm my nerves before a pig get bleeded
I got busted for less than a gram of hash
they wanna cram my ass
in the slammer
that punk po-po
bringin' back hash from Amsterdam is a no-no
I didn't know they would catch me
punk mutt fetch me
stretched me out at Customs
gotta bust 'em
I can't call it
they found it in my wallet
now Customs got me
and I just can't stall it
I wish they would leave me alone
dog lookin' at me like
feed me a bone
he might bite me
very likely
they had to strike me with a fine or time
I said fine
mines was 500 bones
for a gram of hash
my mind was blown
come back to Michigan
so we can pitch again
federal offense
now I better go & convince the judge...

Why Is Blankfist Not on Siftquisition, or Hobbitted? (Wtf Talk Post)

ObsidianStorm says...

Isn't it funny? Online communities really are little microcosms into which we drag a lot of the same shit that gets us into trouble in the real world...

In this case we have the illustration of rule enforcement being bent/disregarded when the punishment would fall upon someone we like (well, most of us) and know. The reality of it is that this same thing happens all the time in the real world - everybody knows that asshole that gets away with everything (stinkeye at Blanky).

Now, I'm not sure this is such a bad thing - new members or unknown quantities are not going to get the same treatment - you have to be around for a while, build some capital and then see what you can get away with.

For myself - no skin off my ass (or anyone else's unless self-inflicted) that I can see, so what's the big deal? The community (or admins) withhold the right to lower the hammer if they see fit. It doesn't have to fall every time. I sure as hell know that I wouldn't get away with that shit - and I don't really care - I'm just not going to take the chance.

Oh, but I do like the idea of deleting the high ranking account and keeping the puppet...

Why Is Blankfist Not on Siftquisition, or Hobbitted? (Wtf Talk Post)

kulpims says...

everybody knows it's impossible to ban blankfist. here's why:
banning blankfist = blank sift
see my point? now, most of us agree blankfist can be a total prick sometimes, but I'll vote against banning him if it comes to that.

Sparrow landing in UltraSlo motion

They See Money

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