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Ralph Nader: Only the Super Rich Can Save Us

rougy says...

"Pushing down the rich?"

Yeah...they've had such a hard time of it lately.

Why, the top 5% only doubled their wealth in the last ten years.

Poor babies.

And just look at all of the prosperity they've brought us as a result!

Because everybody knows how much the rich love creating jobs....

4 year old drummer is feeling it!

John Cleese about the difference between football and soccer

TLC - Unpretty

Parting Words from Choggie (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

schmawy says...

It's not just about race issues, it's about one-sidedness, and the deomnizing of any thought that's divergent from modern liberalism. Eventually it gets to the point that I can't tell the difference between the radicals on either end. Choggie was right at times, that there are those here that are as blindered as a Fox news fan, that the level of critical thinking can as weak here as it is at a tea bagger rally.

If someone is divergent enough to be a thorn in everyone's side for long enough, to challenge the popular VS thinking, that member will almost always ultimately be banned. Either he will be forced out or provoked to the point that they hang themselves. This "road" I'm going down and what I'm railing against, which may ultimately end in my own demise, is the single-mindedness of this certain retinue. You don't have the universal support you think you have.

[e:]"The small contingency of self-satisfied and judgmental members..."

"You and your crew..."

You want names? I can provide them, I can point fingers. No. Everybody knows who I'm talking about.

Americans - Where to live when the USA economy collapses

Americans - Where to live when the USA economy collapses

highdileeho says...

I love how these apocolypse nuts are getting so delusional. Frost line, Go right ahead, you betcha, i'll be defendin' my patch of apocolypse corn so be careful where your wanderin' the t2000 will own everything below the frostline..everybody knows that.

Why bother posting vids to the video sift (Wtf Talk Post)

Food That Kills

rottenseed says...

I'm almost done watching this, but I wanna know, does he say ANYTHING that isn't old news? We know, eating fatty is bad. Maybe in 1985 this was news, but this is nutrition 101 these days. I learned it in f*cking high school. Yes, public school even. Everybody knows HOW to eat right. You know that feeling you get after eating a bacon cheese burger, fries and a soda? That's your body telling you what you just ate was shit.

Why nobody can listen to their bodies is remarkable. And I've been through phases where I eat bullshit for a period of time. I get a belly, I slow down, I feel like shit. But I never, once, during the whole time I was doing that to myself, think it was ok. And just as quick as it starts I made the decision to get back on track and eat what I should be eating. The sacrifice isn't even much. Throw in some veggies, buy lean ham, if you're gonna eat red meat. Buy turkey and skinless chicken. Bake, don't fry. Real fucking easy.

Animated Ass

Lawmaker shares hot tub w/naked 13 yr old..gets ovation/hugs

MaxWilder says...

Forgive me if somebody has already made this point, but I couldn't wade through all the comments implying this man was sick for his attraction to an underage girl.

Let us speak for a moment about nature. In the wild, female mammals will often mate and bear children the very first season they are able to do so. The fact that they have grown old enough to bear children is good enough for nature. If an 8 year old male animal was to mate with a 2 year old female, we would not call that male sick, depraved, and in need of treatment. We consider it natural, even though the male in this case is four times the female's age.

Human beings are animals. Granted, society has established extra terms of proper behavior that we have superimposed upon our animal nature, but the animal is there regardless. People tend to forget this. In regards to this discussion, it is perfectly natural for a male human to begin finding a female human attractive sexually when she begins to show secondary sexual characteristics. These include a widening of the hips, and enlargement of the breasts. The starts normally between age 8 and 13, usually around 10.

We can assume that this young woman had for five years been developing the traits that are specifically designed by evolution to arouse males' sexual interest.

Historically speaking, most of human history has seen young women married and starting families by their mid teens, the exact same age as the woman in this story. It is only for the past few decades that anybody has started seeing this practice as unconscionable or depraved. Remember the 1957 "scandal" when Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old third cousin. That was a scandal in the cities, but still fairly common in the country where the two were raised. If that had happened a few decades earlier, it wouldn't even have been a scandal in the cities.

Now our standards are different. For better or worse, we have decided that girls should have a few more years to mature before getting married. Of course everybody knows they are still having sex for the first time around 14-16 on average; but now they are not married, they are experimenting. And it is only appropriate, for some reason, for them to experiment with other kids near their own age.

I would heartily agree that Representative Garn may have broken laws here, and may be prosecuted for that without objection. However, I object to anyone who would imply that he needs psychological treatment, or that we can assume he has had other encounters with underage women. I would submit that any healthy male would be attracted to a pretty 15 year old girl, and that a little alcohol and some persuasion by the girl would easily get any man into this situation. And if you are going to use the word pedophile to describe a man who might be aroused by any female under the legal age of consent, then every heterosexual male on the planet is a pedophile.

But that is simply not the case. Pedophilia is defined as the persistent intense attraction to pre-pubescent children, or early pubescent children. And while we as a society have decided over the last hundred years or so to give women a few more years to mature before being "legal", nature takes a little longer to adapt.

Sorry for the length of this comment, but this is a pet peeve. Even though I would never touch a woman under 18 for a variety of legal and moral reasons, I find no purpose to denying the fact that some women under 18 are hella sexy. And dress and makeup styles are becoming more and more enticing at younger ages. It actually scares me a bit that one day I might theoretically be seduced by an underage girl and have my life ruined. A couple years ago I met a 16 year old girl who looked 22, and that was a shock. Men have been put on the sexual predator list for lesser offenses, and that pisses me off.

Animated Ass

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

choggie says...

yer right man, yer never wrong-lifes' a hard lesson to learn, most folks don't survive their own included-I am only suffering myself and others because I love them-you'll make it
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Say it to him. He started the shit storm, I escalated it. I tried to end it, he prodded again. He is the one that is outrageously in the wrong here, not I.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
and the douchebag rears it's ugly head.Try putting a lid onnit, man-yer batting a thousand as it is-Just a friendly suggestion...Qualm and I have a few bumps and curves here, he's a decent are you when you aren't brown-nosing or showing your ass-work on yer people skills maybe??.. I did, and like most of life, it's a work in progress.
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Go rape your step-dad and repay the favor of taking your virginity at age 6. And the run along.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
So you give up then. OK. Run along...

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:

In reply to this comment by qualm:
Well, I'm sort of enjoying your grudge, so... can you keep hating me please, and just refrain from posting your violent rape fantasies and bizarre jibberish onto my profile page from now on?

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Oh whatever, you self-righteous, hypersensitive dingbat. I suggest that you don't bring anything up about me on this site again then, then I'll lay my grudge to rest.

You brought up a topic that I really don't like, completely unrelated to anything, which is why I got pissed at you and I still am, but if you just keep your damn nose to yourself, I see no reason why I can't just ignore you and live happily ever after.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
They were not simply "immature comments" that you left on my profile page, gwizz. They were bizarre, violent and of a sexual nature. I just glanced at them, but I saw the word "rape". There is nothing funny about rape, gwizz. Nothing whatsoever. I know that your very special Blankfist used to often casually joke about raping children here on Videosift - he finds that evil topic amusing, apparently - and it's starting to become obvious here that you sort of emulate him. Perhaps that is why you had such a strange outburst.

I see you'd like to just drop the whole matter. In that case I suggest that you stop writing on my profile page, and then my "differing opinions" will just disappear -- once you've deleted them, I mean.

Best of luck to you.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I left two immature comments in response to you bringing up that whole thing. I remember them well and they were quite considered. You took a shit on an exposed nerve, so I reacted. It wasn't particularly grown up, but there we go.

I've never posted stuff like that to her - my innuendo is rarely angry - and the stuff I did post to her were quite reciprocated. Hell, in the beginning she was as bad as I. I doubt you know that if you only heard the other side of the story. I liked AC, I really did, but she changed, and that's what drove her away. I want the old AC back, the cool one, not the one that rage-quit. But we can't all have what we want.

I deleted your comments, because I'd rather just move on. I think you acted bad and I responded with more bad actions, so I'm putting a stop to it from my end.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
Hey, you deleted my differing opinions!

No, you drove Alien Concept away. She was awesome, btw. Probably you posted comments to her profile page similar to the twisted stuff you recently posted to mine. Is this what you do when you don't agree with people? Do you even remember the atrocious comments regarding sexual violence you left on my page? Or were you blind drunk when you wrote them?

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
You started this attack, I only followed through. Bah, it's a waste of my time and energy to put any more effort into this.

I may have grown up, but you still have some to do since you only have name-calling left in you. I've not driven people away from this site, she drove herself away. If she must pin it on me, then bah.

If I had the ability to actually drive people away, there are a choice few who would be long, long gone.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
If leaving behind on my profile page a foul string of violent, threatening and insane sexual commentary, as you did, is what you call "differing opinions," then I can see why you worship that fool Blankfist. He used to do that too, when he'd get mad at me for disagreeing with him. Obviously I got under your skin, and that wasn't my intention. I was being quite sincere when I made note of the fact that you've seemed a little more mature lately, from the time, not too long ago, when one could rely on you, with 100% certainty, to post a dozen or more totally inane and puerile sexist comments per day.

As for my leaving, everybody knows you have a habit of driving people away from this site, creepy stalker guy:

Hannah Montana goes deathcore!!!

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