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Boy Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt

imstellar28 says...

^volumptuous, freedom of speech refers only to your freedom with respect to the government. colbert and stewart could have been kicked out of the emmys at any point. hell, they could have been forbidden to come because they are white--if that is what the emmys dictated. same thing goes for your house, or any other private property. you could be kicked out of the supermarket and permanently banned for asking "where are the prunes?" if they had some kind of anti-prunes policy.

Josh Groban 2008 Emmys TV Show Theme Songs Television

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart present at the Emmys 2008

Olbermann Apologizes For Airing Republican 911 Video

U.S caught lying about Iran (1.30 mins)

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^dead_tofu:
hamas fights for the palestinians, they are extreme, but so would some hillibillies in texas be after 60 years of chinese-occupation, trust me. Iran takes their side, there is no need to explain that to anyone, even i almost take their side. i´ve known palestinians thru my life, i can tell you if someone mistreated my people as the isrealis have treated them, i would fxxking ?`Ü#+´?§/%$%&/$$%§$§$6..........hamas says one thing, the president of iran has a solution
about the rants, they need an enemy to stay in power, just like the leaders of the u.s and the u.s.s.r during the cold war, were they gonna bomb each other,no! but it sure made it easier for them to stay in power when the had foreign enemies. leave the middle east alone and they leave you alone. look and holland, whores legally on every corner and even drugs legal,oh, and women gained equal rights there earlier than in the u.s why are the not under siege from the wrath of the middle east?
the holocaust with a capital h, i think he is just playing around technial stuff. hitler did give jews the chance to leave germany before they shipped them to camps, until ´41 or ´42 i think, not sure, but therefore it can not be called a genocide, or a holocaust,technically, some professor once said or something,im getting tired........ hey, the holocaust thing, does that just include the jews, like the 100s of grey stones in downtown berlin today? what about the all the politacal prisoners,mental-folks,gays......thats it , i´ve lost it finally....... gone to bed.

He planed to take over the world, isn't them leaving a moot point when you have taken over the world? His ideas of genocide, like you point out, wasn't only jew but anyone that didn't fit in with his idea of the uberman. Genocide was his calling card really; fit in or die. And once again, his plan was for world domination, so it was fit in world or die; I think both the terms Holocaust and genocide apply as did the world at the time.

U.S caught lying about Iran (1.30 mins)

dead_tofu says...

hamas fights for the palestinians, they are extreme, but so would some hillibillies in texas be after 60 years of chinese-occupation, trust me. Iran takes their side, there is no need to explain that to anyone, even i almost take their side. i´ve known palestinians thru my life, i can tell you if someone mistreated my people as the isrealis have treated them, i would fxxking *?`Ü#+´?§/%$%&/$$%§$§$6..........hamas says one thing, the president of iran has a solution

about the rants, they need an enemy to stay in power, just like the leaders of the u.s and the u.s.s.r during the cold war, were they gonna bomb each other,no! but it sure made it easier for them to stay in power when the had foreign enemies. leave the middle east alone and they leave you alone. look and holland, whores legally on every corner and even drugs legal,oh, and women gained equal rights there earlier than in the u.s why are the not under siege from the wrath of the middle east?

the holocaust with a capital h, i think he is just playing around technial stuff. hitler did give jews the chance to leave germany before they shipped them to camps, until ´41 or ´42 i think, not sure, but therefore it can not be called a genocide, or a holocaust,technically, some professor once said or something,im getting tired........ hey, the holocaust thing, does that just include the jews, like the 100s of grey stones in downtown berlin today? what about the all the politacal prisoners,mental-folks,gays......thats it , i´ve lost it finally....... gone to bed.

American propaganda at its best....and wins an Emmy!

Payback says...

>> ^campionidelmondo:
My god people, can't you see QM is just saying ridiculous things to get your attention? That's what trolls do, don't waste your time trying to debate his cries for attention.

The intelligent tear down misconceptions with fact and logic, others scream at the top of their lungs, with insults and innuendo, trying to hide their own inadequacies and insecurities. I upvoted Farhad's reply, I'm not going to bother doing anything with yours.

I don't agree on almost everything with Teh Mushroom, but I won't try to block his right to speak his mind.

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

bamdrew says...

... you'd think so, but, no, he's actually an arch conservative and a long time member of the sift. We've had a few conversations, as I'm a former conservative.

In reply to this comment by campionidelmondo:
My god people, can't you see QM is just saying ridiculous things to get your attention? That's what trolls do, don't waste your time trying to debate his cries for attention.

American propaganda at its best....and wins an Emmy!

American propaganda at its best....and wins an Emmy!

American propaganda at its best....and wins an Emmy!

American propaganda at its best....and wins an Emmy!

jwray says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
CBS is part and parcel of the left-wing media and no fan of the Iraq war or Israel. If anything, they have a repsonsibility to their cocooned audience to make Amadinnawackjob seem as puppylike and friendly (and sane) as possible.
If Wallace was doing this to make Wackjob look bad it was a redundant move...the Iranian doofus gained more credibility then he'll ever deserve simply by being interviewed.

How do you know he's such a villain if you plug your ears and scream "lalalalalala" every time he speaks?

Arrested Development - Tobias the analyst - therapist

Alternate Dynasty Intro

John Legend and Stephen Colbert sing "The Girl is Mine"

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I actually read on some other webernet board that Colbert was singing off-key, but I think he's pretty on-key and even manages a tricky key change. I'm impressed. Especially to hold his own with John legend - who to my ears is a very talented musician - and plays piano in that effortless, beautiful way.

They should win an Emmy for this one.

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