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How to make a Hamas Hero

bluecliff says...

while some of this video is true, it's really pathetic that the west has to resort to this sort of stupid propaganda. Islamic terrorism is the other face of western capitalism, and far from destroying western values has given them new wind. LOL to the terrorist.

But this also means that western secular democracy is so dead inside that it has to create its own ghouls to keep it alive, by fear if necessary, kind of like shock therapy. LOL

Hannity has a Meltdown on the Economy

dystopianfuturetoday says...

He makes O'Reilly seem like a nice guy.. almost.

Hannity makes me feel the same way. Setting aside O'Reilly's partisan BS, he's actually a pretty entertaining character and no one throws a better tantrum. Hannity, on the other hand, comes of as a man who is dead inside, forced to blindly pimp an ideology that he doesn't fully understand. An unremarkable drone, regurgitating talking points verbatim without a hint of individuality or personality. Even his breakdowns are unremarkable. I feel sorry for him and his family.

Where the hell is matt? (2008)

Vintage Scopitones Go Go dancers set to a Funky Track

Birth and death of the day

Top 10 Mike-Era MST3K "WTF?!?" Moments

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