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Police officer deals with open carry activist

Buck says...

I copied my response from another discussion, some reasons to own firearms.

Yes firearms were designed for military use, but for us to cover everything we use in our lives that started out or were improved by the military (essentially to make it easier to kill the enemy) would require more effort and space than is practical in an Internet disscussion.

J) The legitimate use of firearms.
The big Taboo, Killing:
The military uses firearms, and other tools to kill the enemy. This enemy is defined by the state who are elected officials. I won't go into depth as to why, as that is best served by a political debate. Suffice it to say that guns could be perceived to actually combat evil.

Hunting: another form of killing, however for most, the game is hunted as a food source. The only distinction I make between wild game, and beef in the store is who does the killing ( and I could use a uphenism for the word kill, but let's call a a spade a spade )(also keep in mind hunters are the leaders in protecting the ecology, ducks unlimmited was and is a group of hunters)

Defense: when another human desires you harm what recourse do you have? You can try to run, try to hide, hope you don't get caught. Call the athorities (provided it is not them who desire you harm) and hope they arrive in time, or fight back. Should you fight back, hopefully you are more powerfull than your attacker, or that they do not have a weapon of some kind.

Simply the presence of a firearm in a potential victims hands, can dissuade an nefarious individual from attempting an attack. Should that fail, and you need to shoot, I would much rather the criminal be injured or killed than myself or a loved one.

Sporting use: primarily enjoyment, competitions, black powder heritage days and cowboy action shoots promote an awareness of history and promote thought on how life was in days gone by.

Bonding: the passing of knowledge between two individuals engaged in an activity both find enjoyable. In the case of parent/child, or mentor/student, the teaching of the responsibilities of firearm use and the skills involved is important. If more people knew how to safely handle/store firearms, accidental deaths would be greatly reduced.

In closing, while I applaud the idealistic and utopic view that any form of killing is wrong and can/should be prevented, this is simply not the way life works.

Trying to persuade others to view the world as you do is the essence of debating, however, forcing your ideals upon another human being is the essence of tyranny. Irregardless of how honorable the intentions

2 million legal Canadian gun owners DID NOT kill anyone today, or yesterday or the day before...we have about 7 million guns...

You are a troll who has no idea of what you are talking about.

from ChaosEngine

You're right. Clearly the solution is to legalise rape, kidnapping, theft, assault and murder since people are doing it anyway.

MycroftHomlz (Member Profile)

Buck (Member Profile)

Buck says...

Just noticed your postes wern't private, thought I'd post my reply.

LOL I concede I am an ape!

This is long but addresses many of your questions I think. Also your assumption on my thinking was correct...can't remember what it was but I agree.

now on to the LONG post.

A) Willpower while it has limitations, it is not Limited to a finite value. Just ask any smoker who has quit. Or, a recovering alcoholic.

B) Repeat criminals do not appear to have willpower issues, they make conscious decisions to defy the law, and ether justify it to themselves or simply have contempt for the law. Some may feel the law is wrong or simply does not apply to them.

C) If all it took for a human being to lose their humanity, self respect, morality and honor was to be at the losing end of life why have we not seen a violent uprising of the homeless and downtrodden. The addicts who HAVE lost everything and wander the streets trying to survive would therefore be the most justified to go on a rampage would they not?

D) As for American laws relating to firearms, I am a Canadian and therefore will not argue those laws, as I have little knowledge in that area.
As for Canada, the process of licensing requires a full background check, questioning of witnesses towards your character and ultimately is up to the discression of the license issuer, as I mentioned before.

Are there flaws? Yes. But that is a result of the system. Ideally the system would prevent or remove firearms from any individual before violence occurs. However in order for that system to function flawlessly one must live in a system similar to Communist Russia during Stalins reign. Where every action or spoken word is monitored and reported to the government, by agents, or even by family.

Canadian restrictions to licensing are as stringent as the LAW curently allows them to be without infringing ( too much) on an individual's rights.

E) A piece of plastic does not guarantee the holder to be law abiding. However, the process involved to acquire said item does involve scrutiny. And the desire to legally go through that process as opposed to acquiring firearms illegally and with much less effort does say something towards the individuals intentions.

F) Firearms training and safety cources do indeed instill responsibility, confidence in the use, and the safe possession of firearms. Personally I believe everyone eligible should be trained in the safe responsible use of firearms. Whether they choose to own or not. ( we have sex Ed in school, why not gun Ed )

G) As for F*** heads, they will always be F**** heads. One purpose of licensing is to prevent them from acquiring firearms legaly. Thankfully most of humanity does not fit into this category. ( however they do seem to be breeding at an alarming rate)

H) As for the Katana, not only was it a weapon, it was a symbol of honor for samurai and was passed down through generations with a reverence bordering on a relic. Spend time and look up the 7 virtues of the Bushido code.

Regarding Nukes, while their application is abhorrent to any rational human, think about how many were actually used for their intended purpose. TWO!, out of how many thousands. And both were released by human hands. Possession does not equate to application.

I) Yes firearms were designed for military use, but for us to cover everything we use in our lives that started out or were improved by the military (essentially to make it easier to kill the enemy) would require more effort and space than is practical in an Internet disscussion.

J) The legitimate use of firearms.
The big Taboo, Killing:
The military uses firearms, and other tools to kill the enemy. This enemy is defined by the state who are elected officials. I won't go into depth as to why, as that is best served by a political debate. Suffice it to say that guns could be perceived to actually combat evil.

Hunting: another form of killing, however for most, the game is hunted as a food source. The only distinction I make between wild game, and beef in the store is who does the killing ( and I could use a uphenism for the word kill, but let's call a a spade a spade )(also keep in mind hunters are the leaders in protecting the ecology, ducks unlimmited was and is a group of hunters)

Defense: when another human desires you harm what recourse do you have? You can try to run, try to hide, hope you don't get caught. Call the athorities (provided it is not them who desire you harm) and hope they arrive in time, or fight back. Should you fight back, hopefully you are more powerfull than your attacker, or that they do not have a weapon of some kind.

Simply the presence of a firearm in a potential victims hands, can dissuade an nefarious individual from attempting an attack. Should that fail, and you need to shoot, I would much rather the criminal be injured or killed than myself or a loved one.

Sporting use: primarily enjoyment, competitions, black powder heritage days and cowboy action shoots promote an awareness of history and promote thought on how life was in days gone by.

Bonding: the passing of knowledge between two individuals engaged in an activity both find enjoyable. In the case of parent/child, or mentor/student, the teaching of the responsibilities of firearm use and the skills involved is important. If more people knew how to safely handle/store firearms, accidental deaths would be greatly reduced.

In closing, while I applaud the idealistic and utopic view that any form of killing is wrong and can/should be prevented, this is simply not the way life works.

Trying to persuade others to view the world as you do is the essence of debating, however, forcing your ideals upon another human being is the essence of tyranny. Irregardless of how honorable the intentions

So if you read all that I thank you! I'm prepared to say we agree to dissagree and leave it at that but I'm open to more dialog if you wish.

I wish you lived in my area so I could take you to the range to see first hand what it's all about.

Big Ape signing off

Armed Gunmen Gunned Down by 71-Year-Old Man Packing Heat

VoodooV says...

While I commend him for doing something to stop the crime, The way he waves the gun around, you can see he how he treats the gun like a toy and fires indiscriminately and where he could easily hit a bystander. PEW PEW PEW!

I'm glad he got a chance to relive his childhood cowboy fantasies, but he just as easily could have harmed an innocent.

At least six shots and he only hits twice and at one point he even shoots out the door into the public street. It's all well and good that he stopped the crime, but it's just as likely, if not more so, that he himself could have gotten someone killed. Or worse, the criminals could have taken the weapon from him and they'd have another weapon in their hands. If this truly was the best way to stop crime. Stuff like this wouldn't be the exception, it would be the rule.

The geezer got lucky..pure and simple. I'd rather let these guys take my stuff than to risk some asshole with delusions of grandeur making the situation worse.

Stuff can be replaced, lives cannot.

If we could put as much money and effort into social issues as we do on guns, we wouldn't have to worry about this stuff in the first place. These guys wouldn't have to commit a crime in the first place. Stop the problem at the source instead of dealing with the symptoms.

The Myth of "Gun control"

VoodooV says...

punditry aside, Stossel is right about one thing. criminals, by definition, don't care about gun laws.

I have no problem with gun ownership. I have a problem with the cowboy mentality that infects the zealots. It's the cowboy mentality that is what get people killed when you have a gun to compensate for other inadequacies.

It's a gun, not a codpiece.

star trek II-teaser trailer 2013

Fusionaut says...

Exactly!>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

>> ^Fusionaut:
Damon Lindelof wrote the script?!?!?! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!! Damon Lindelof sucks giant donkey penis... There, I said it.

Prometheus, Cowboys & Aliens

But also: Avatar: The Last Airbender (TV series)....Imma be cautiously optimistic.

star trek II-teaser trailer 2013

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Fusionaut:

Damon Lindelof wrote the script?!?!?! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!! Damon Lindelof sucks giant donkey penis... There, I said it.

Prometheus, Cowboys & Aliens

But also: Avatar: The Last Airbender (TV series)....Imma be cautiously optimistic.

Diane Tran - Honor Student Jailed for Missing School

Give Us A Sexy Pose

Shepppard says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

exactly -- that NEVER happens in Disney World.. This must be EuroDisney or some shit.>> ^Shepppard:
Where is this that the mickey mouse is allowed to just take his head off and sit there?

Fun fact: Walt Disney was walking through tomorrowland in Disneyland, when he saw a cowboy walk past him. He asked "Why is this man here?" to which someone replied "The break rooms are in tomorrowland, he has to go through it to get there". Walt was incredibly unhappy with this, because it broke the illusion.

When Disney World was being conceived, he made sure that a system of tunnels was built underneath the park so that this situation would never happen again.

The Colbert Report - Don McLeroy on Texas Textbooks

kceaton1 says...

The stupid is mindblowing.

As for the little documentary, looks promising to get a slightly larger picture of the inside "mechanics" in the machine, which I think boils down to: ...sketches of plans made in the dirt out back of their meeting building, with a dead tree branch with a sharp point while wearing their "Vestments of the Lord": Cowboy boots and thongs. They will decide what wisdom to impart upon the next generation of children.

Seriously, the guy in the documentary trailer, the board member (and I believe the head or chairman) is ridiculously-stereotypical-Christian-"dumb" that it's amazing. It's like he read a series of books that taught him how to become this type of person, he is so stereotypical that he in fact may be the birthplace for that word! When all you are concerned about is the "other" you are in fact a bigot--in so much you are not only bigoted as you must only see things as 1 or 0, us or them, left or right, white or black, etc... I can almost guarantee that you are homophobic and hate gays or highly disagree with them and also racist. It's the mindset. I'd link the studies, but instead get a modern psychology book looking at that issue specifically--they'll say the same thing. It's a type of mindset, much like being sad or happy.

Crazy. This world is crazy.

Well, maybe just the American Christian scene is. So much hate, vitriol, bigotry, misogyny, sexism, fear, hypocrisy, lying, ignorance, group-delusions, "conservative", pro-"business", greedy, pro-"rich", pro-military, and this amounts to what we call mass-insanity!

I'm nauseous...

George Zimmerman Makes First Court Appearance

longde says...

History has proven that the law is NOT sacrosanct, especially with regards to certain groups. You talk about slavery; well for decades after slavery it was against the law to kill black men, yet they were murdered often, with the killers not serving a day. In Florida, it is this history that people remember when they think of Martin.

It's already Mad Max time with people like Zimmerman walking around, and those two characters in Tulsa that killed several random black men just because they were black. The question is, can the so called justice system in our country get things back to law and order.>> ^cosmovitelli:

>> ^longde:
I don't think he will walk due to that law unless you have a cowboy of a judge. It's simply the easy path to send the case to a jury. And Zimmy has told so many lies to the police and to the public, he will be he will look very bad in front of a jury.>> ^cosmovitelli:
He's going to walk. It's the law in Florida that if you're frightened you can kill someone. He only has to say he was, and they can't touch him for it.

Yeah but this is my point.. Even a jury trial can't just decide to punish someone, the judge has to rule that they have broken the law first. You might not like the guy in the dock and have numerous reasons for wanting to lock him up but THE LAW IS SACROSANCT. You have to demonstrate that he broke it. During slavery, it was in some places and at some times not against the law to kill a black person. Therefore, no matter how outraged the jury, they COULDN'T TOUCH HIM.
So this is the problem - if they go against the law to send him to jail they've destroyed the sanctity of the law that 300 years of liberal intellectuals have created and protected, sometimes with their lives.
If they let him go it's Mad Max time and there'll be a hundred more of these in the next few years.
This is what happens when men of low character get to write laws. It's happened many times before. And it's never led to anything that lasted long afterwards.
Here's hoping they can figure it out.

George Zimmerman Makes First Court Appearance

cosmovitelli says...

>> ^longde:

I don't think he will walk due to that law unless you have a cowboy of a judge. It's simply the easy path to send the case to a jury. And Zimmy has told so many lies to the police and to the public, he will be he will look very bad in front of a jury.>> ^cosmovitelli:
He's going to walk. It's the law in Florida that if you're frightened you can kill someone. He only has to say he was, and they can't touch him for it.

Yeah but this is my point.. Even a jury trial can't just decide to punish someone, the judge has to rule that they have broken the law first. You might not like the guy in the dock and have numerous reasons for wanting to lock him up but THE LAW IS SACROSANCT. You have to demonstrate that he broke it. During slavery, it was in some places and at some times not against the law to kill a black person. Therefore, no matter how outraged the jury, they COULDN'T TOUCH HIM.

So this is the problem - if they go against the law to send him to jail they've destroyed the sanctity of the law that 300 years of liberal intellectuals have created and protected, sometimes with their lives.
If they let him go it's Mad Max time and there'll be a hundred more of these in the next few years.
This is what happens when men of low character get to write laws. It's happened many times before. And it's never led to anything that lasted long afterwards.

Here's hoping they can figure it out.

George Zimmerman Makes First Court Appearance

longde says...

I don't think he will walk due to that law unless you have a cowboy of a judge. It's simply the easy path to send the case to a jury. And Zimmy has told so many lies to the police and to the public, he will be he will look very bad in front of a jury.>> ^cosmovitelli:

He's going to walk. It's the law in Florida that if you're frightened you can kill someone. He only has to say he was, and they can't touch him for it.

Radiohead - Rhinestone Cowboy (Glen Campbell cover)

Radiohead - Rhinestone Cowboy (Glen Campbell cover)

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