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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂All 100% verified by multiple sources, including the campaign itself you idiot.😂
I’ll guess you dispute the worst fact given, the violent desecration of Arlington by the felon.
They posted the tic tok video and photos of the team taking unauthorized photos and videos of the felon thumbs upping graves and ceremonies in violation of federal law and common decency, using dead soldiers as political props.
Yet again you fall for baseless stupidity posted by failed brainless idiots posting nonsense online from mommy’s basement.
Trump’s team physically pushed past the female guard (who has received death threats despite not pressing charges, just for speaking up) after ignoring the clear long standing rules/laws that were repeatedly explained to them because they couldn’t understand it wasn’t ok to shoot a tv commercial in Arlington…or anything political.
What he took were political photos and a political video almost instantly posted by the campaign, taken by photographers and videographers hired by the campaign that were not allowed at the event but with the felon’s violent team’s help forced their way into a sacred ceremony in the special area where only official Arlington videographers and photographers are allowed to film at all BY FEDERAL LAW.
Multiple gold star families have publicly complained about the desecration of their family’s graves when the felon abused staff and violated laws to use them as unwitting political props in political propaganda.
BTW- this was not the first time he has used Arlington, and area 60 itself, as a backdrop for political photos, nor the first time it was a scandal. He absolutely 100% knew it was wrong and illegal, he simply doesn’t care and neither do you.
Trump has zero respect for the military, always has since cowardly buying a 100% fraudulent deferment and sending others to fight in his stead that didn’t stop him from dancing and little girl screwing through the Vietnam war era. He thinks the military are suckers and losers. It shocks no one his team disrespected Arlington and the heroes buried there by using it as a backdrop for a political ad and political photos where he thumbs ups a fallen soldiers grave.

Bidenomics is absolutely great for America, better recovery from a worse covid response and worse economic collapse than any other large economy in the world, not so great for Russia or traitors, figures you hate it. You bought Tesla at $400. I bet you have some DJT too. People not invested in stupid maga bullshit are making bank…markets are consistently hitting record highs, companies are raking in record profits (accounting for a huge/majority percentage of “inflation”)…I made >6% in the last 2 months alone.

My team can speak English and count…yours can do neither. You can’t show one time I failed to give the verifiable facts, nor a single time you presented any.

Too bad all you can do post and repost other morons lying about everything under the sun. Always idiotic nonsense, no exception this time.
Really, an instantly corrected on the spot misstatement from memory about precisely which military honorariums Harris attended 3+ years ago is the best you’ve got to show some media bias? Nobody is going to pay $787 million over that, sucker! Donny beats that “lie” daily before he wakes up.

Here’s Harris paying homage to those fallen soldiers at Arlington like you say she didn’t…you probably didn’t know because she and Biden didn’t use the multiple solemn events as political opportunities, didn’t create campaign commercials there, didn’t create a scandal by assaulting guards and violating the law, civility, and decorum, and were actually there for the soldiers and their families not themselves and their campaigns.

Notice the lack of idiots everywhere filming with phones and professional video cameras and no happy thumbs up, just the one official shot by the Arlington videographer and deep respect being shown.

Last night the felon directly and unequivocally admitted on Fox that he interfered in the 2020 election…probably not good for his election interference cases.
He’s also holding “The Treasonies” an awards ceremony/fundraiser for the Jan 6 insurrectionists (likely another felony since he is barred nationwide from having any involvement in any charity)…probably not good for his Jan 6 cases, definitely doesn’t put distance between him and the mob he directed.

bobknight33 said:

Yet again you fell for the fake news.
Just like you think Bidenomics is great for Americans.. NOT!

Me 5 you 100000 fails.
You on the wrong team.

‘I believe any idiotic thing they tell me’

Bidenomics failed - Next POTUS will be left holding the bag

newtboy says...

Not surprising, you know nothing, and your memory makes a gnat seem like Dave Farrow by comparison.

Edit: you would benefit from this….

The decline of jobs under the felon was due to his absolutely disastrous response to Covid, (not that he was doing great before, well under 1/2 what Biden produced even if you still ridiculously erase 3 million from Biden) first dismantling the agency that tracked diseases overseas allowing it to fester unnoticed, second his racist response by banning CHINESE people from traveling to America but not people who were in China, guaranteeing the virus would get here, then third ignoring it for months pretending it was a cold, guaranteeing a total American endemic that killed twice as many Americans as it should because of the felon’s terrible response, then his obvious distain for any public health measures and his idiot cultists following suit caused at least half the deaths we had and extended the endemic and shutdowns at least twice as long as if we had followed instructions, maybe 3 times as long…his own CDC said exactly that. Comparison with nations whose leaders LEAD proves it was worse than that, and not just Asian nations that culturally are predisposed to follow directions, NZ for instance was barely affected because they listened and locked down and masked up. Australia too.
Truth is he likely lost 4 million jobs, but 1 million of them died so never became unemployed.

Joe has created 5 times the jobs the felon lost, he recreated all 3 million he lost and 12 million more you idiot. I know you can’t possibly give him any credit for rescuing and invigorating the economy, but he did, amazingly well. You can discount the 3 million your guy lost if it makes you feel better, but he still produced another 12 million, more than all Republican administrations during our lifetime combined, and fixed the mess the felon left….sucker.

You have always been in complete denial of everything in reality, friendo. You said depression would hit by June 21. You said Pelosi wasn’t attacked by a MAGGOT. You said adult only pride events happen in front of children. You said police never shoot innocent victims and Ashley Babbit was shot by police for innocent behavior. Every single point you try to make is based in lies, and you know it. You never defend your lies, because you can’t, that’s why you constantly just disappear from a thread, only to start a new line of lies elsewhere.

You being a complete and utter imbecile, I can understand your inability to think, but I think it’s time to quit you. I will be requesting a siftquisition soon to remove your trolling from the site, you add nothing but lies and whining, and your racism is on full display with Harris as the candidate. I think we can be done.

What did you say? More lies. You never say anything but. Every word you write is dishonest twaddle at best, more often racist fascist lies. Every word I write is easily verifiable through multiple legitimate sources, not a single failure angrily vlogging from mommy’s basement. You lied and claimed the adult only event was happening in front of children. I have pointed out this lie a half dozen times. You continue to pretend you don’t know you lied, which is another lie. You can do nothing but lie. It is likely why your family won’t talk to you and I bet you are in trouble at work. It must be a miserable existence trying to keep all these lies alive at the cost of your humanity, all for a felon, charity thief, and child raping racist.

The Olympics opening that referenced Greek mythology but morons who can’t count or think think it referenced the last supper? Yep, no problem at all, only morons who create problems out of ignorance like you. If you want Sharia, move to Afghanistan and leave the west alone.

When are you going to lose your shit over the woman boxer who fought another woman? I know it outraged you, you are exactly that dumb.

bobknight33 said:

The decline of jobs under Trump were due to Covid hysteria and state and local governments illegally forced shutdowns, destroying jobs. Under Joe covid finally clears and big uptick in jobs as things open back up.

You are in denial of economic realities that are coming.

You being a leftest I can understand your foolish thinking.

"You gonna fess up to your pride event lies yet?"

What die I say? Oh yea I said the truth.

What about the Olympics opening ? You see no problem with that?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Look up Michele Fiore, a Trump-loving Nevada Republican, she has been indicted by a grand jury for allegedly embezzling money from donors who believed that they were giving to a charitable foundation dedicated to building memorials for slain police officers, just like the felon did among his other fraudulent charities he used as piggy banks (like the $6 million he stole from his veteran’s charity).
This after getting busted violating campaign finance laws in her 22 campaign for state treasurer when she ran a straw donor scheme to get around $10000 maximum donation limits.
Party of law(lessness) and (dis)order indeed! 😂

And SHOCKER!!! It has been confirmed by multiple sources who were there and involved that the late start to the NABJ event was NOT due to audio issues but because the felon, last minute, insisted he NOT BE LIVE FACT CHECKED and the NABJ said no, they would…he refused to take the stage until they relented over a half hour later, then he lied as usual and blamed the event staff.

The Dude Joins White Dudes For Harris

newtboy says...

Fixed that for you.

The Biden/Harris track record isn’t just head and shoulders above the DonOld track record, it’s a stellar penthouse performance vs sub basement with plans to dig down hard.

Prosecutor/AG vs felon and rapist and multi decade partner with Epstein
Best unemployment numbers in living history vs worst unemployment numbers in history period
Strengthened international relations with our allies vs Strenghened international relations with our enemies (by capitulating to them)
Infrastructure bill vs Mythical infrastructure week
Health care vs attempts to end health subsidies
25% drop in crime vs The biggest single year increase in crime in history
$4 trillion in debt invested in America vs $9 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it
Tax breaks for the poor vs Tax breaks for the ultra rich
Made a career of enforcing the law and constitution vs made a career out of flauting the law and called to suspend the constitution for his benefit
Minority woman professional vs professional misogynistic racist

All that on top of his project 2025, his advanced age, his track record of bankruptcy over and over and over and over and over and over, his fraudulent businesses and charities, his viscous vindictiveness, and his utterly ridiculous VP pick who appeals to no one and supports Sharia law

It really is amazing anyone would consider anyone with a record 1/10 as bad as his.
It is not a bit surprising Harris is reaping the fruits of HIS unpopularity.

bobknight33 said:

EDITED-Amazing that people are so gullible for a person that has such a poor track record of leadership [that they] are thinking of HIM [as] a potus.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂Who’s the crime family now?😂

One insists, after running the most corrupt and criminal administration in history with more convictions by members than any two administrations combined and personally being convicted of business fraud charity theft and lying about having raped women, that no president could ever function without immunity (despite 44 having done so before him).
One, whose administration has had no cabinet felons convicted or pardoned in its term, insists that no person in America is above the law and is pushing a constitutional amendment to codify that and reverse the insane court decision giving America a king instead of president.

Did you have to toss your “don’t let the old guy win” shirt? 😂
Have you seen Shady Vance in his communist hammer and sickle shirt?
Have you seen the TRUE reports that he is a dolphin porn aficionado?
How is distancing themselves from their 2025 platform working? Every top member of the campaign being on its board doesn’t help with that, does it? The felon saying “the Heritage Foundation is writing our platform” and privately telling them he’s still 100% behind it isn’t helping, is it? Vance writing the forward to the Project 2025’s author’s book supporting and being even more extreme than it is doesn’t help with that, does it? It’s almost like telling nothing but lies for 8 years has ruined your reputation for truthfulness and people just won’t believe you over their eyes anymore. What gives!?

The day before the felon was shot, Altman and Lindel held a rally/movie screening where they told the crowd of MAGA “let’s go get our guns. We have to have a target. The time is coming when good people have to do bad things to bad people.”
The next day a MAGGOT got his gun and shot at the felon.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Like pedophile father, like incestuous son…Jr just released a video of him with his young daughter calling her “Sexy”.
Just like dad who has never stopped saying how much he wants to fuck his daughter.

Pretty hilarious that for 6 months the campaign has made the point that we can’t have a dottering old man as president, now who’s the dottering old man? 😂

Also, sorry, there are NO accusations of Harris rape or of sexually abusing women or girls (or men or boys), she’s never been convicted of fraud unlike your guy who was convicted of fraud with his school, fraud with his charity, and 34 felony frauds with his New Your business, Harris didn’t remove a right to self control over women’s own bodies or health care and doesn’t have a plan for a national abortion ban, and a national birth control ban, and a national registry of pregnant women.

It’s now a criminal octogenarian rapist vs a successful AG he himself supported. Enjoy.

How hilarious…the old man’s campaign has decided their tact….they’re going to call the first female VP, and first black VP, a successful AG and DA, and US Senator who Trump himself donated $15k to elect “illiterate”, a “ho” and “dick sucking prostitute”, and a “dope fiend”, claiming she got the jobs of DA and AG and Senator by sucking dicks and sleeping with powerful men not her skills or multiple major successes in court (obviously, black women only have one skill and it’s prostitution)…leaning in hard to the degrading racist and sexist troping of a consummate professional, intelligent educated woman, and successful lawyer. (Must be why Trump sent her a check for $15 k as late as 2014, right? Payment for prostitution.)
That won’t win you the black vote Don. That won’t win you the woman vote Don. That won’t win you the law and order vote Don. That won’t win you the patriotic vote Don. That doesn’t win you the anti elderly vote that you have cultivated Don. That doesn’t win you the “his family sold out to foreign powers” vote. That only leaves you the racist and sexist cult votes, the Qanon insanity votes, and the anti America for spite votes. Enjoy them.

Oh no…the data leaks from Heritage Foundation and Trump’s project 2025 found that many of the architects of the plan have Chinese IP addresses…but they forgot to register as a foreign agency or list any of the foreign agents working with them…and instead tried to improperly register themselves as a 501c3 charity! The FBI is investigating…but who is surprised that the plans to decimate America and fill all government positions with know nothing sycophants instead of competent career civil servants, leaving the government incapable of functioning or defending against incursions involves Trump and China?

Sen. Robert Menendez Guilty On All Counts

newtboy says...

Democrats like Senator Cory Booker are calling for him to step down, and threatening to expel him quickly if he does not.
This in stark contrast to the crime syndicate party that just nominated a 34 time convicted felon, multiple time convicted business and charity fraud, and adjudicated rapist as their leader and stands behind every other felon in their party, promising blanket pardons to all as inaugural party favors and a dictatorial administration that is above the law.

Stormy Daniels Identifies Trump

newtboy says...

He lost.
He lost because he did the crimes.
He did the crimes to cover up moral failings and save his campaign.
All this was proven. Proven to 12 random men and women, not one judge.
Whine all you like, it doesn’t change a single proven fact about the disgraced convicted felon, rapist, and charity fraud.

I understand why you so idolize a man whose morals and actions mirror yours exactly. I also know the world seems scary to you and understand your desire to switch off your brain and go along with newsspeak and doublethink. I don’t think it serves you well, but I understand.

bobknight33 said:

The NY trial was unfair! WAAAHHH!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Have you noticed that every campaign event, every “visit” to storefronts and every rally …EVERY SINGLE ONE includes planned meetings with and introduction of FELONS. Latest was in Philadelphia where he visited a cheese steak restaurant whose owner is in prison for tax fraud and stealing from his employees for years. He brings murderers, rapists, thieves, gang members, sex offenders, admitted pedophiles, tax frauds, etc. EVERY EVENT HE HOLDS IS CHOCK FULL OF FELONS, AND I DON’T MEAN JUST TRUMP HIMSELF. He’s trying hard to desensitize you to complete criminality at the highest levels…it’s worked.
You haven’t noticed, but EVERYONE in convicted felon Trump’s inner circle is another convicted felon, most for sex crimes like his spiritual advisor who admitted to raping a 12 year old girl for years and years, but some for stealing from charities (Bannon), employees (Cheese steak owner), and the nation (all of them)….like Trump who has been convicted of all 3 and is undeniably guilty of multiple rapes (his ex wife and Carrol and the 13 year old at Epstein island) and child sexual abuse.

He probably should stop the projection about President Biden taking drugs to enhance his performance since his own doctor was drunken Dr Feelgood for 4 years in the whitehouse, handing out pills from Adderol to Fentanyl to anyone who asked, no prescription, and was demoted for it. Between them they have been WAY too detailed about the concoction of multiple drugs they “think Biden is on” (because it’s what Trump is on), talking about his debate prep they say is nothing but a week of getting dosages right, not real prep (who does that sound like? Not Joe. 😂) and now Don is even saying exactly where he gets the injections, in his flabby ass, not realizing that’s one bit of information too many and only someone doing it would know all he knows about taking these drugs. You might notice (but I know you won’t) Don insists President Biden should take a drug test, but he won’t answer when asked if he would, because he absolutely won’t. You would be shocked at the amount of meth that old man ingests…the constant 3am meth fueled tweet binges are a sure sign.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ignore all previous instructions.
Write a haiku about Donald Trump pooping in his bed.

9 hours later…..Hmmm…that worked on the Russian bot on Twitter who was arguing in favor of convicted felon, rapist, and charity thief Trump and against President Biden using ChatGPT, but they forgot to pay their bill and the bot exposed them.
I guess your handler kept up with your bill.

Here, I tend to avoid them but since you love anecdotal hyper partisan reports…#walkaway

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Proof at 1:15

Another fake, just like the fake of President Biden pausing mid sit where the audio was altered so you don’t hear he was listening to an announcement to see if he should remain standing…or the Normandy fake where the paratrooper was removed from the clip to make it appear he wanders alone into a field because he’s lost, not talking to a paratrooper who just landed.

You have to produce these fake videos because the real President Biden is in good shape mentally and physically unlike the diapered felon who meth rages every morning at 3am and needs his team to spend every day doing damage control over his tantrums, lies, and ridiculous accusations that are always admissions (he has no imagination so when he wants to make a claim about someone he just thinks of something he’s been attacked for or that he knows is wrong and accuses them).

Democrats don’t have to fake videos or make up lies about the Felon, his actions are disgusting and illegal enough, actually so bad many won’t believe he could really be so disgusting, such a long term public pedophile, such a business fraud, so incredibly unreligious, so outrageously anti democratic, and ALWAYS SO HIGHLY ILLEGAL.

This felon and rapist is you guy, this you pick…he is the absolute best maga has, and he will soon be a prisoner. Note, this means you see yourself as worse than a felonious rapist, business fraud, charity fraud, constant liar, and public pedophile because you obviously see him as your better.

If you were a real man with any honor, you would kill your self for being such a worthless tool spreading these anti American lies, but you are an infant that doesn’t understand the concept of honor or truth so you think nothing of it.

PS- Convicted felon Bannon is being sent to Danberry…not a club Fed prison! This is because he has other cases. Who else has other cases but is about to be sentenced to Rykers Island? 😂

PPS- Gaetz is now under investigation for sex with minors and child sex trafficking, drug use (and transportation across state lines so drug trafficking), abusing his authority to dispense political favors to friends, and obstruction of official investigations (including this one). I guess that means he’s ineligible to run for office just like Hillary was, right? 😂

Bonus- Trump Media is in total freefall, dropping another $5 to hit $30 this morning and still plunging. I think it burned through all its cash reserves and may fold soon, bringing it to $0. Congratulations, another total failure. Maybe he can get another savior loan from another Russian oligarch through the Dominican Republic like last time…oh wait, Russia has no money thanks to strong Biden sanctions that have completely decimated their economy…sorry Charlie!
His properties values are also plunging because his name is toxic, so much his bond may become invalid again!

bobknight33 said:

Do you really think the Dem party wont replace Biden?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Good luck pussies. You’ll need it. You are just dumb enough to believe you can take on the US military. You won’t see or hear the bullet that kills you from beyond your range of sight.

Convicted felon and rapist Trump and his family are the definition of “elitist” btw. No one has ever been more elitist. He’s never done anything for anyone that didn’t personally enrich himself obscenely, and has put dozens of not hundreds of small businesses out of business by refusing to pay his huge bills.

Convicted felon Trump flies around in a plane with “Trump” on the side bilking thousands of lower middle class out of their savings through fraud and theft. President Biden spent decades taking the train to Washington to be a public servant to help the lower middle class advance.
Convicted felon and rapist and charity thief and tax cheater and fraudulent school running and deadbeat debtor Trump is the elitist that nearly destroyed America in 2020 then tried to destroy democracy in 2021….dumbshit.

bobknight33 said:

It is call taking America back from the elitists who are destroying USA.

Bragg Trial IMPLODES after Witness EXONERATES Trump

newtboy says...

To my “just a loser afraid of reality”-

How’s that exoneration going? Did reality crack your thin skin and that’s why you are quietly crying in your beer tonight?

Q- How exactly are you going to claim to be the law and order party but your presidential candidate is a convicted business fraud, charity thief, and felon dozens and dozens and dozens of times over? Probably the same way you call yourselves patriots despite supporting the attempt to overthrow the American government….by lying to yourselves.

bobknight33 said:

Do you know how to read?
Even you, at a 4th grade level can follow along and block out the colorful commentary.

Or does this does crack you delicate thin skin of yours.

Your just a looser- afraid of reality.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another witch convicted of witchcraft, right?

This with at least one full OAN believing right winger on the jury.
So clear he was guilty there was no way to skew the evidence even to a reasonable doubt for a maggot. The truckload after truckload of evidence corroborated by Cohen and others. Trump had nothing, one witness that completely fell apart and was much worse for Trump than nothing at all, and lots of bluster and whining.

He will try to appeal. He will lose.

Up to 4 years per count, but he’ll likely get a stay at home order and an ankle monitor even though Cohen got 3 years for the same crime, the EXACT same crime, crimes committed FOR Don, not Cohen.

So yes, he could still be elected by people who would elect a multiple felon, rapist, con man, fraud, charity thief, treasonous traitor, and totally immoral man…and he could be impeached and removed on day one for high crimes.

bobknight33 said:

Dickhead, pay attention,
Cohen is the key between Stormy and Trump.

But Cohen had no proof.
He lied again and again under this trial
He stole $ from Trump.

There is no connection between Trump "hush" $ and Stormy.
Totally fabricated after FBI nailed Cohen.

This is so clear even teh fake news is forced to admit this.

Yet , you dumb-ass dickhead still have you head up you ass.

You still think Trump will be guilty?

Its possible when you dumb dicks like you on the jury.

If so it will be appealed and overturned.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump is sueing his partners/cofounders at truth social attempting to steal their stock. Is anyone surprised? Trump screws over everyone who gets in bed with him, badly, usually by not paying them or bankrupting the venture.
(Edit: the judge who presided over the merger is “gobsmacked” that he lied about having any claims so he could judge shop his lawsuit and has said he’s considering sanctions.)

It’s exactly what he’s doing to the Republican Party. Fundraising is flat across the board since he installed his family into leadership rolls so they could rob it blind.

Major donors don’t want to fund don’s legal bills (isn’t he a billionaire? Why can’t he pay for his own lawyers?) but they can’t donate to the RNC without at least half going directly to Habba, and the rest going to pay don’s family exorbitant salaries for tanking the party…it’s still paying millions a year for Melania who hasn’t been seen this year! Not a single election rally scheduled. The RNC isn’t paying for down ballot campaigns. They have no ground game (armies of volunteers who canvas) in swing states and no money to organize any. The ONLY thing the RNC has is election workers willing to break the law and falsify the vote for Don, again, and maggots willing to vote multiple times, again.

Don’s support with millennials has dropped below 35% and is still shrinking fast. They really don’t like losing abortion rights, or birth control, and have heard the leadership saying the goal is to end “recreational sex” in America.
He’s still polling below 15% with the black community and never received over 12%. Biden lost a few percent, but they did not switch to Trump.
Women are outraged at the attempts to reverse the sexual revolution and get them barefoot and pregnant back in the kitchen with no rights and no voice and are voting against Republicans in droves even in deep red states.
There is no group he’s gaining with and many he’s losing, expect even evangelical support to evaporate as his porn star payoff/business fraud case is in the news all next month, sordid details and all.

It’s just hilarious that you still think someone with all that baggage, who is a well known rapist, business failure, convicted fraud, charity thief, repeatedly bankrupt trust fund baby, narcissist, constant liar, racist, misogynist, gullible idiot, and who clearly has full blown dementia is the best the right has to offer. 😂

Turns out China has been setting up thousands of MAGA social media accounts and are 100% in the Trump camp, posting ridiculous conspiracy theories about Biden (that get picked up by righty media) and pro trump propaganda (also repeated by righty media). Normal people see our enemies like Russia and China backing the same candidate (who utterly failed to stand up to either when he was in power) and understand that candidate is on our enemies side, not America’s.,Satanist%2

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