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Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Fairbs (Member Profile)

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Senator Warren Destroys Wells Fargo CEO Over Cross Selling

StukaFox says...

When do we get our "Let them eat cake" moment? These guys are fucking us in the ass and laughing while they do it. You can go to prison for life if you steal $35 from a gas station, but if you're a CEO who hands out bonuses to your crooked friends, you don't get so much as a dirty look.

The French knew how to solve this problem -- one head at a time.

Sagemind (Member Profile)

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Vox: Sexist coverage steals the show at 2016 Olympics

bareboards2 says...

Sigh. Way to cherry pick data.

Having said that, women are among the worst at calling themselves "girl." I hate it. They infantalize themselves.

I was watching a stupid movie the other day, and the main female character, who was CEO of a small internet startup that was going viral, said -- things are different now. We are called women now.

And for the rest of the fricking fracking movie, she used the word "girl" 99% of the time.

Maybe someday we will knock this shit off. I have hope.

Gravity Payments Team Surprises CEO, Dan Price, With A Tesla

Asmo says...

Seriously though, I watched some of the shit that went down after the 70k announcement, and it was pretty freaking awful just how quickly the media moved to demonise him...

You look at CEO's who take huge payments for running companies in to the ground and it doesn't cause much of a reaction. One guy decides to give back to his staff, obviously he's pure evil.

I wish I had a boss like that to work for.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Gravity Payments Team Surprises CEO, Dan Price, With A Tesla

CEO cut's salary so he can raise workers pay to 70,000/yr

Gravity Payments Team Surprises CEO, Dan Price, With A Tesla

No, Pokémon Go Can't Read Your Email

Babymech says...

I love the fact that Pokemon Go was literally created by Niantic whose CEO (John Hanke) is a CIA agent, whose funding comes from CIA's venture capital arm (In-Q-Tel), and is linked to the CIA-funded Keyhole program (now Google Earth) which dealt with mass satellite surveillance, and which accidentally turned on all kinds of surveillance permissions in its app.

I don't believe that this is any kind of surveillance conspiracy, but it's a beautiful conspiracy theory foundation. So much better than chemtrails.

Did Google Manipulate Search for Hillary?

TheFreak says...

Try "Donald Trump crim "

Bing autocomplete has "criminal charges" and "criminal record" second and third in the search.
Google doesn't return any of those results.

Try "Donald Trump moro " or "idio "
Bing and Yahoo have predictable autocomplete hits.
Google won't complete those words at all.

This doesn't look like a scandal.

Or let me put it in terms that some people will understand better:

OMG! Marissa Mayer is the CEO of Yahoo! Yahoo backs ALEC which is a right wing public policy organization that's also backed by the Koch Brothers and Walmart.

Yahoo! autocomplete returns disparaging results when you search Hillary Clinton. Now Marissa Mayer, due to her political associations, has to prove that she has not used her influence at Yahoo to manipulate autocomplete results to negatively bias against Hillary Clinton.

Burger King Employee Pranked To Break Windows

newtboy says...

What insulting ignorance you display with that first statement.
Let's discuss the bay area, where a studio apartment might cost you $1500 a month + utilities. There, even at $15 an hour, you are working 2 1/2 weeks just to put a roof over your head, then there's utilities, food, gas and insurance because you can't live where you work and don't have 4 hours a day to take public transportation, medical expenses, well, you're already FAR over what you make, and living like a monk. Now think about trying to raise a family of 4, even with 2 incomes it can't be done on $15 an really is an unwinnable struggle even if both parents have 2 full time jobs each.

You make the typical mistake of thinking that minimum wage jobs are all held by people who don't even really need jobs. That's simply 100% wrong. Most are held by adults that can not support themselves, much less have a family on $15 an hour. The amount of minimum wage jobs held by teenagers is only 20%...and that includes those not living at home. The group you describe as the norm is likely far less than 10% of the minimum wage work force.
Also, you ignore the idea that teens that work and live at home should be able to save money to move out, or for school...but even living at home isn't free (just cheaper, usually) and paying them a wage that leaves nothing for the bank means they can NEVER move out and are only going backwards financially. That's a terrible financial trap to design for our youth, and is a direct cause of people turning to crime as a last resort. EDIT:You also ignore the fact that many if not most teens living at home and working work to support the family, not for their own money, and their income is imperative in keeping the family financially viable.

Yes, it wasn't 'that long ago' that $15 an hour was a decent wage...but it was even more recent when <$.79 gas was the norm, or even high, $.99 cigarettes were expensive, $200 a month rent was average or even high, $25 a month water bill was considered excessive, milk was <$1 a gallon at 7/11, health insurance was well under $100 per month (often <$50 per month)....etc. Inflation has raised the price of most 'necessities' by at least a factor of 5 in the last 25 years, but not wages. Luxury items are just out of the picture for those living on minimum wage, so there's no point mentioning their costs.
Those making $15 an hour ARE ALREADY AT THE BOTTOM TODAY. [ EDIT: As I mentioned above, anyone making less than $22 an hour is making less (in purchase power) than minimum wage as it was originally set, they are all at the 'bottom'.] Yes, they should all get a 'boost' as well if life was fair. Clearly it's not, so it's good to prioritize and focus on those below the bottom first, then work upwards. It's also imperative to work from the top down at the same time, as the outrageous compensation at the top is a big part of how/why companies pay those at the bottom so poorly and claim it's all they can afford. If the CEOs keep taking 95% of the profits, the employees can never be paid 'fairly' or even humanely.

ForgedReality said:

So you can't possibly live on less than $15/hr? I feel like maybe that's more an issue of your money management skills then.

Sure, $6/hr is probably not enough. But it wasn't too long ago when 15 was a pretty decent wage. And kids living with mommy don't exactly require the same kind of "living wage" as they don't have any real expenses. So now, you raise the bottom to 15, and these kids now make more money. What about those who were making 15 before? Suddenly they're making minimum wage. I'm sure that makes them feel swell! Everyone should get a boost, not just those at the bottom. Probably a combination of that and a bit of a sliding scale to a certain maximum, along with tax reforms to close loop holes for those gaming the system.

The Blackface Democrat

enoch says...

this is offensive on so many levels.
let me guess bob,because a black man posted this,it must,therefore NOT be racist?

this is incredibly racist,because this man is basically saying that black folk are too stupid to make up their own minds.that they are chumps and sell-outs for simply always voting democrat.

because republicans have ALWAYS been a voice of reason and championed the underclass! right bob?

we could use the same logic and apply it to the mind-numbing meth-head hillbillies who get cock hard at the voice of trump.who are convinced that the republicans represent freedom,liberty and the constitution.

while those very same republicans consistently rob these people,of modest means mind you,to pay their buddies in wall street.who pass legislation to poison their water,dumb down their kids,create food deserts,incarcerate them (while giving their CEO buddies a pass and a slap on the wrist).continue to allow tax breaks and subsidies for their donors.passing laws allowing big corporations to send jobs to china and utilizing prison labor (slaves) and then BLAMING the people!

yeah bob,that coin turns both ways.

so the black man who blindly votes democrat can be criticized for his lack of foresight,but so can the aging white racist who consistently votes republican.

because neither the republican nor the democratic party give a flying fuck about either of you.

you both are sell-outs,chumps and uncle toms to a system that threw you both overboard 40 years ago.

fuck this video,and fuck you bob.

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