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Little girls dancing hard to Single Ladies

MarineGunrock says...

How about beating the fuck out of the parents? I saw an interview with one dad and he didn't see a single problem with it. I heard someone give the excuse of "oh, well the costume is designed so that the judges can more clearly see the lines of movement blah blah blah" So why the fuck can these girls NOT wear a fucking leotard instead? something a little less sexually charged than a two piece that looks like it came off the design table of Victoria's secret? At the VERY least, why isn't the top piece more covering? that thing is barely thicker than duct tape. Might as well have used pasties. Not to mention the knee-high fuck-me boots.

And that doesn't even cover the dance moves. Any instant you have booty-popping in a dance routine, an 8 year old should NOT be doing it.


Farhad2000 (Member Profile)


Chatroulette JACKPOT!!!

Shepppard says...

>> ^raverman:

Lets check out your freak level:
So you're fapping away to the free booty dance, then it skips and suddenly, you're still fapping, but it's Osama...
Does it kill your buzz? or do you finish?


That depends, do you love freedom, or are you in love with freedom?

Chatroulette JACKPOT!!!

raverman says...

Lets check out your freak level:

So you're fapping away to the free booty dance, then it skips and suddenly, you're still fapping, but it's Osama...

Does it kill your buzz? or do you finish?

Robot Girlfriend - Texas Cheerleaders Try-outs 2010

Djevel says...

I like hot chicks dancing about as much as the next guy...but adults and cheer just seems like a practice that should have died at out soon after it's peak...say in high school.

From what I recall (fyi, I'm an old fart), cheerleaders were there to pump up the crowd and get some school/team spirit flowing. Cheer leading in professional sports seems like an waste effort since the group tends to be huddled away at the far ends of the sidelines and the only reason you know they are there is when the camera pans to them occasionally to show off some cleavage or booty shots.

Though this isn't a rant for folks making a living, however. I just skimmed through the video wondering what the point of all that was (besides the electronica!).

Do we really need a channel devoted to what is essentially a movie inside joke? (User Poll by reiwan)

choggie says...

BF? I would like to rescind my vote for voting for channels. The admins obviously can't do it, and the members have sticks shoved side-ways up in they booty-holes most of the time.

Let the channels come as they will...already hard enough for members since 2008 to even get enough bling to be able to do it....By "it" we suggest, get creative.

60 Minutes: Inside the Collapse, Part 2

rougy says...

^ So am I!

I mean, you ask a pirate "Hey, do you think you really deserve all that booty?"

And he'll say "What the hell are you talking about? It's mine now, isn't it?"

The problem with our financial markets, and the bond scams in particular, is that it doesn't create a damn thing. All it does is push money around, and according to some invented mathematical hocus-pocus, people either make money or they lose money.

And that pretty much sums it up.

It's not good for our country and it's not good for our world.

A common ditch-digger is more deserving of his paycheck than those bastards at Goldman Sachs et al., and a hooker in Las Vegas is deserving of more respect.

How you get to prison affects how you're treated inside

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'prison, victim, rape, booty wrestle, xp, prisoner' to 'prison, prisoner, jail, victim, rape, sexual assault, booty wrestle, xp' - edited by calvados

eric3579 (Member Profile)

demon_ix says...

Hehe. I was talking to the people with a little self control, back then The ones with the uncontrollable curiosity would be looking up that photo no matter what.

In reply to this comment by eric3579:
You had to pique my curiosity with your little FYI comment, didn't you? You knew what you were doing.

In reply to this comment by demon_ix:
FYI - If you don't know what gwiz665 means by Tubgirl, be happy and don't try to look it up. Trust me.

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Unreported World: The Battle for Israel's Soul

dgandhi says...

>> ^shimfish: So "huge portion" == 16% and the fifth largest party.

16% is way more than enough to swing a parliamentary government. You can rest assured that they will get what they want, as long as they form a coalition government with whichever party is willing to hand them the best booty.

Ms. Peaches in the tub...washin her booty...?dotdotdot

Old School Hip Hop Mega Mix Video

rottenseed says...

>> ^floridastyle:
Thank you. I actually like how this moderation is passionate about the submissions. I have never seen this before on other video sites. That is probably why I do not attend most of them due to all of the "booty shaking" crap I always see, or videos with people uploading "last nights party - see tom get wasted."
Your community shrewdness is a flattering form of passion indeed. Good site.

ooooh you know how to butter us up don't you

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